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June 24th
Idle Champions: Peril at the Greenhow, Part One 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Peril at the Greenhow, Part One


Umberto Thornheart had picked the perfect spot for his picnic for one. He had heard stories around the village of the dangers that lurked within the forest, but the druid had found a calming peace just within its tree line. There, squirrels harvested nuts, deer grazed, and birds chirped in the early morning light. It was the sort of place that always calmed his mind.

It didn’t calm it as much as a case, but he wasn’t taking on any of those right now.

Umberto sat on a freshly cleaned blanket, his pack and staff, beehive hanging from the crook of the staff, resting against a nearby tree. He opened the overly-stuffed basket, salivating as the mixture of tantalizing aromas filled his nostrils - a few hairs of his impressive mustache rising as he breathed them in. This is what I needed, he thought as he began taking out the various dishes. He placed bags of nuts and berries on the edge of the blanket. While he intended to enjoy this picnic by himself, it didn’t mean he was opposed to any of the animals joining.

After all, none of them would ask him when he was getting back to work; they were sure to not break his peace.

“There you are,” came a voice, breaking his peace.

Umberto turned to find his mentor and teacher, Brenton Lonefire, silently walking along the tree line. Brenton was an old dwarf, but his years as a ranger and detective stayed with him - no matter how much gray was in his beard. Shadows made more noise than Brenton in the forest.

“Walsh said he’d seen you heading out early this morning. Mind if I join you?”

Umberto opened his mouth, but decided that saying he did in fact mind was too rude. “Errr, please, have a seat. Would you like one of the pies?”

“You know me too well,” Brenton said as he flopped onto the blanket and picked up the blackberry pie.

“Forgive my confusion,” Umberto said as he watched his mentor dig into the pie he had been looking forward to. “But, I thought you were leaving for Waterdeep today?”

Brenton wiped some blackberry juice out of his beard. “I was, but then I had a thought.” He dug into the pie again instead of continuing.

“Errr, which was?”

Brenton finished the first half of the pie, wiped his face, and smiled. “You should go in my place.”

“Oh, I’m not up for-“

“Umberto,” Brenton cut him off, leveling a stern look at him. Umberto knew that look well. “It’s been six months. You’re wasting your precious gray matter hiding away out here.”

“I am not hid-“ Umberto started, but stopped with another look. He held his mentor’s gaze for a moment, then let his shoulders drop and sighed. “I still feel the loss like a thorny vine around my heart.”

In his mind, Umberto was back on that cliff, the sky dark, the sea roaring. He could still remember every stitch in the skin of the massive undead ogre, that clutched his sister, Sliver, in its massive hand. She locked eyes with Umberto and for the first time since they were children he really saw the sister he loved - not the master thief of the Zhentarim. A moment later, the ogre threw Sliver like a rag doll over the cliff’s edge and into the dark, crashing waves of the ocean below.

Umberto felt Brenton’s hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to the present.

“And you always will,” his mentor said. “But you can’t let that prevent you from doing what the world needs you to do.”

Every excuse ran through Umberto’s mind. But as he looked into his mentor’s eyes, he knew none of them would suffice for the old dwarf. He drew in a deep breath.

“What is the problem in Waterdeep and how can I help?”

A wide smile of teeth cut through Brenton’s thick beard. “That’s my boy!” He set what was left of the pie down and straightened up. “An old friend of mine, Rickard Harlow - formerly the aumarr of the Waterdhavian Guard - wants someone to help his son, the current aumarr, with a string of murders in the city. Rickard doesn’t think his son will be able to solve the case.”

“He does not believe in his own son?”

“It’s a long story, but let’s just say his son, Alister, didn’t reach that rank on his own merits. Though, I should tell you, his one claim to fame was apprehending your sister years ago.” The thorny vine tightened, but Umberto did his best not to show it. Brenton seemed to acknowledge this and continued. “Rickard has already told Alister to expect me, which he begrudgingly accepted.”

Umberto shifted, trying to get away from the pain in his heart. “And this Alister Harlow is expecting you today?”

“Indeed! There was another murder just last night. Which is why you must be on your way.”


“Yes, now - there’s a wagon down the road waiting to take you to New Velar where I’ve arranged for teleportation to one of Waterdeep’s circles.”

Umberto looked solemnly at the spread of food. “Very well,” he said with a sigh and got up. He retrieved his pack and staff. The beehive that hung from the staff swayed softly. A few bees hurriedly flew back the hive, knowing it was time to leave.

He moved to head towards the road but found his feet unresponsive. As if stuck in the thickest of mud. He looked out into the distance. “Errr, and what if I get there and find I cannot properly solve this case? What if I cannot function?”

Brenton walked over and held out the other pie - this one apple. “You won’t.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because this is what you do.” The dwarf smiled. “Have fun. Enjoy it!”

Umberto took the pie. It was cold now, but at least it would be something on his way to Waterdeep. He felt the excuses piling up again. The mud tightened around his feet. He saw his sister’s face as she vanished over the cliff.

And then Brenton gave him a pat on the back and he was walking. Walking towards a road of uncertainty, a city of murder, and away from the comfort of hiding.


Aeon, spymaster of Waterdeep, was beginning her day in the way she most enjoyed; scrubbing the bar of the Greenhow tavern. Sure, she could command any one of the service automatons she’d made to work the bar do it. In fact, there were so many things she had them do she could barely remember the list. But, scrubbing the bar each morning grounded her. It, for the small bit of time it took, brought her back to days long gone by. Before she was a spymaster. Before she came to Waterdeep. When her name was -

A mechanical monkey dropped from the ceiling, crashing into a bucket of soapy water, which spilled down the bar she had just wiped down.

Luckily, none of it had gotten on her gown. It was a custom piece - made of black and red fabrics with hints of gold trim. She’d fashioned a leather corset with gold gears that glowed with magic blue light to tie the whole look together with her enchanted top hat. But just because she was wearing all that while scrubbing the bar didn’t mean she wanted any of it to get ruined.

Aeon drew in a breath and narrowed her eyes at her steel defender. “Deuce. Really?”

Deuce’s gold face peeked up from behind the overturned bucket, the blue orbs of magical energy he had for eyes looking it over. He gave a shrug that said, “I didn’t mean to.”

Aeon rolled her eyes. “Well, you’re cleaning it up.” She tossed a towel on Deuce’s head and moved to the other end of the bar that wasn’t covered with soapy water. She watched the other automatons move throughout the tavern. Some of the smaller ones popped in and out of small brass doors set into the walls and ceiling - cleaning up messes, then taking the waste back to their tunnels to dispose of outside. The larger ones - these the size of an average human - rolled around on wheels and set things up for opening later that day. Some of them set up tables and positioned chairs, others cleaned the various lights, while some in the back got the kitchen ready.

Things were going pretty well. Which could only mean -

Three heavy knocks came from the front door.

Aeon smirked. “Like clockwork,” she said under her breath. “We’re closed!”

“City Guard business,” came a stern voice from the other side. “Open up.”

“Lovely.” She hit a button under the bar and the lock on the door clicked. A moment later the door swung open revealing Alister Harlow, Aumarr of the Waterdhavian Guard, his fist still up and ready to knock.

He furrowed his brow at Aeon as he lowered his hand. “Thank you.” He stepped inside, but not alone.

An older, human man with a short white beard followed Harlow. He was dressed in black robes with a high collar. The collar was trimmed with gold and had a matching design worked around it, marking him as a magister - the walking judges of Waterdeep.

Intimidation, Aeon noted. Harlow wants to make a statement.

She ignored the magister and put on her the-fool-with-the-coin-knows-best smile. “Aumarr Harlow, what can I do for you at this early hour?”

Harlow raised a brow as he approached the bar. “It’s nearly highsun.”

“And highsun is early for a tavern.”

“Only your tavern.” He gave a look over his shoulder to the magister who did not make any visible movement to respond. Subtle, but Aeon knew this meant the magister was fully paying attention. What did Harlow think he had on her?

Harlow glanced around the Greenhow. “Busy night last night?”

“Every night is a busy night at the Greenhow.”

He let out a chuckle that was more of a scoff. “I’m sure. Any problems with any of the patrons?”

Aeon held his gaze for a moment, taking in his tone, his posture, his expression - everything she could about him. His confidence was a mask. He was not holding all of the cards, but he might think he could change that if he was brash enough. Was he after someone that was in the tavern last night? No - his tone was an accusation. What was he playing at?

“No more than usual,” she said after a moment. “Why, should I have been watching out for someone? Are the Bregan D'aerthe back or something? Because I told you last time - they just liked my tavern, they weren’t-“

Harlow set a music box down on the bar. It was ornate enough. Polished dark wood, brass clasps and adornments. It was obviously made by someone with refined taste and skill.

The captain gestured to the music box. “You make these, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said, picking it up. It had seen better days. She sold several of these every night - either to folks looking for a cute gift for their partner or patrons too drunk to realize they’re buying something. She always made sure they shined in just the right way that made you want to buy one. This one, however, looked like it had been kicked down the street. Some loose gears and springs rattled around inside when she shifted it.

It was also much lighter than it was supposed to be.

“One might assume,” Harlow continued, “that if someone were walking around with one of these they most likely had visited your tavern recently.”

Aeon stole a glance at the magister. His expression had not changed. “I would agree that most folks don’t walk around the city with a music box on them, yes. Who did you find this one on?”

“A murder victim,” Harlow said, raising his chin.

Aeon set the music box back on the bar. “That’s dreadful. Who did it?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

“Well,” she said, eyeing the magister again. “Why don’t you just have a cleric bring the poor soul back and ask them who killed them?”

“That’s hard to do when the victim’s soul was destroyed.”

Now that was interesting. It meant the killer didn’t have to be careful. They could have come face to face with their victim, talked to them even, and it wouldn’t have mattered. It was hard to get away with looking someone in the eye when you killed them in a world where they could easily be brought back to accuse you.

“Are you going to accuse me of the murder?”

Harlow’s eyes went wide, and his mouth hung open a moment before speaking. “What? No.”

“Then I think we’re done here.” She started to walk away.

Harlow slammed a fist on the bar, bringing Aeon to a halt. “I want a list of every person that was in here last night. And don’t pretend that you have no way of knowing that. You may think you’re clever with your little machines and trinkets - but we know what you really are, Aeon.”

She let a moment pass. Then another. Finally, she turned around and walked back, standing directly across from Harlow. She put on a mocking smile, looking him in the eye.

“Darling, I don’t know what taverns you frequent - but I couldn’t possibly keep track of the number of people who come through here each night.” She paused and let her smile widen. “Even with all my little machines and trinkets.”

Harlow held her gaze, fire burning in his eyes. “I will return tonight. I will be expecting that list when I arrive. Is that understood?”

She didn’t make a move to confirm or deny. She just held her smile.

“I will bring every guard in the North Ward here if I have to. They’ll search every corner of this-“

“Understood,” she said. She maintained the cocky demeanor, but knew he could do it. This man may have been a buffoon, but he was aumarr of the City Guard. A deadly and unpredictable combination.

A heartbeat passed. Harlow swiped the music box off the bar and marched out the way he had come in. The magister hung back for a moment, looking Aeon over. Then, without a word or sound, he turned and followed Harlow out and into the streets of Waterdeep.

Aeon pressed the button under the bar again and the door slammed shut, locking with a click.

The magister hadn’t been here to pass judgment. Harlow came expecting to threaten her and brought the magister to prove it wasn’t a bluff. If Harlow had said anything out of turn the magister would have done something. Which meant the aumarr was well within his power to flood the Greenhow with as many guards as he wanted if she gave him the chance.

Her eyes fell to where the music box had been. “I’d say today couldn’t get any worse,” she said to Deuce. “But I think it already has.”


The city of Waterdeep materialized around Umberto. The smell hit him first - a combination of all the things that come with city life that most people eventually stop noticing. This was quickly followed by the noise. Even on a quiet day, any city street was deafening compared to the forest, or even Brenton’s small village in Harrowdale. Anxiety rose in Umberto as the sights, smells, and sounds of the city washed over him.

You’ve been away for a while, he told himself. This will pass. That last part was more of a hope than a promise.

The teleportation circle was on the corner of a non-main street. A few stone stairs led down from the dais that Umberto now found himself standing on. Nearby were two cloaked members of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors - people with the ability to use arcane magic who watched over the teleportation circle and made sure it was functioning properly. One of them, an aarakocra with brown feathers, nodded to him.

“Welcome to Waterdeep,” they said in a friendly tone. “Please descend the steps so the next transport can arrive.”

“Errr, apologies, of course.” Umberto hefted his pack and made his way down the stairs.

The buildings of the North Ward district of the city were taller than he remembered. They loomed over him, the dark windows feeling like eyes of predators watching his every move. Between that, the worked stone under his feet, and not being able to see one hint of trees or bushes - Umberto found himself wondering how he had ever managed to live in a city for any length of time.

“Are you Brenton Lonefire?”

The voice snapped Umberto out of his drifting thoughts. “Errr, no,” he said, turning to face the man that had spoken. “I am here in his place.”

The man must have been Alister Harlow. He was dressed in shining armor that looked as if it had never seen battle. A red cape with gold trim was fastened to the pauldrons and draped behind him. This marked him as a captain, or aumarr as they were referred to in Waterdeep. He was human, like Umberto, and the two men came to about the same height. He had slicked back brown hair, which wasn’t what Umberto would have suggested, but the style fit him well enough.

With a cocky smile, sharp jawline, and sparkling blue eyes it was no wonder Alister Harlow had charmed his way up the ranks. He was an attractive man, but not Umberto’s type.

“Ah,” Alister said. “Well, I’m Alister Harlow, aumarr of the City Guard. Brenton Lonefire came highly recommended by my father. I’m sure if Brenton thinks highly enough of you to send in his place, then we are in good hands.” He held out a hand. “You are?”

Umberto shook the outstretched hand. “Umberto Thornheart.”

Alister’s grip tightened and a paleness ran through his face.

Umberto raised a brow. “Is something wrong, Aumarr? You look like a deer that has spotted a bear.”

Alister released his hand. “Apologies. It’s just… Stlarn - forgive my language. It’s just, I once put your sister behind bars.” Umberto felt that vine tighten. “We tracked her for months, but I was the one that finally caught her.”

Umberto did his best to put on a smile, though it was still hidden behind his mustache. “Yes, Brenton told me about that. You must be quite an opponent.”

The aumarr smiled back. “Well, I don’t know about that. But thank you for the compliment.” He shifted, as if putting back on the role of aumarr. “You must be tired from your trip, I-“

Umberto swung his pack around, and Alister caught it with a small gasp. “Indeed. The wagon broke down outside of New Velar. I would appreciate the reprieve from the weight of my pack. Don’t mind the salmon. It’s fresh, but dead. I couldn’t say no to the fisherman in the New Velar market.”

“Uh,” Alister said, putting one strap over his shoulder. “Of course. Well, I’ve arranged for a nice room for you while you’re here. If you’ll follow me I’ll take you there and-”

“Are we not going to the scene of last night’s murder?”

Alister was still getting the burdensome pack situated on his back. “I’ve made plans for that tomorrow. As well as a visit with the clerics who are seeing to the body. The alleyway has been blocked off and will not be tampered with I can assure-”

“That is a waste of time,” Umberto said, feeling the irritation on his words. “If I am not allowed to see the crime scene as soon as possible there was no point in having myself or Brenton make the trip here. Evidence can be lost, weather could hide a trail, and our murderer could be choosing their next victim.”

The aumarr’s brow furrowed. “I promise you, the guards of this city would not let-“

Umberto scoffed. “It is a wonder you were able to catch my sister.”

“That is not-“

Umberto, for the first time, looked the aumarr in the eye. “I appreciate and understand the rank you hold and that this is your investigation. But, I have solved more cases than you have years in this world, I have faced more villains than you could dream of, and I am here to find this murderer and stop them before they kill again.”

Alister held his gaze for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself. Hefting the pack, he gave a nod. “Very well.”

“Thank you,” Umberto said, then added, ”apologies for being terse. I.. Errr, don’t like to waste time with an investigation.” This isn’t like you, he said to himself. That time hiding away changed you more than you thought. He tried to put on a smile. “I won’t let it happen again.”

“Apology accepted,” Harlow said. “Follow me to the crime scene.”

Umberto followed the aumarr. It finally registered with him that he was on a case again. The thrill of an investigation lit a fire in his chest that hadn’t been there for a long time. He just hoped his skills hadn’t dimmed enough to snuff that flame out.


Aeon didn’t become one of Waterdeep’s greatest spymasters overnight. It took her years to get where she was now, and a few decades before that to even get to Waterdeep. Mastery required skill, and skill required patience and training. Whenever she would spend time working on an invention or deceiving folks in the local tavern, she thought of it as praying at the Temple of Knowledge. And she was a frequent attendant.

Now, so many years after honing this mastery, Aeon gazed at a wall of over one hundred sending stones set into small shelves, looking for the one that heard a man being murdered. Each shelf had a small brass plate with a number on it and the sending stones had a matching number carved into them. Each box that was sold was recorded with that number.

She had sold a few music boxes that night before, but luckily enough, only one that contained a sending stone. Not everyone that was interested in a music box was going to have information she could sell. They all had the compartment, however, so if she later learned someone did have some lucrative knowledge she could send Deuce to install one. However, there was a small, barely noticeable difference between boxes that had stones and those that didn’t.

The one that Harlow had foolishly let her hold was one that was supposed to have a sending stone in it. She had made sure that an agent of the Xanathar Guild, a tiefling named Xev Karshar, went home with it. He had been more drunk than he’d meant to be, which Aeon had also made sure of, and was therefore easily convinced into buying one. And apparently, sometime after he left with a friend, he was killed in an alleyway with a weapon that destroyed his soul.

Usually, that’s not really something she would care about. The Xanathar Guild and Zhentarim had been fighting for years and offed each other regularly. There wasn’t really anything in it for her to hear what happened, save for one small problem.

The music box was lighter than it should have been. Which meant the sending stone had not only been found, but taken.

“There,” she said to Deuce. The little gold monkey scurried up the shelves and retrieved the stone. He landed on her shoulder just before she passed through the doorway to the next room.

It hadn’t been easy constructing an entire spy network headquarters under the Greenhow. Several different contractors had to be used, some of which were just to confuse anyone looking into what she was doing. It had started as just a small hidden room below the basement, but now spread out like a spiderweb under the streets of the North Ward.

After a few rooms and hallways she stepped into a dimly lit den with carved stone walls. Lanterns hung from sconces giving off enough light to read and write, but not disturb the kenku who were trying to focus. There were six of them, five of whom sat in stations with comfortable armchairs. Around each of their heads was a contraption that dangled up to six sending stones a few inches from them. Each station also had an unseen barrier of a modified Silence spell. No sound passed beyond a few feet from them and nothing from the outside came in.

The kenku who worked for Aeon had near perfect memory. This wasn’t a unique skill to these kenku - plenty of other people in the world could recall conversations and things they have seen with crystal clarity. What was unique for kenku, however, was that they could perfectly mimic sounds and voices they heard with their raven-like ability.

Aeon approached the sixth kenku, Cricket, who was sitting behind a desk nearby and kept track of the kenku and the sending stones. Deuce handed her the sending stone and she in turn showed it to Cricket. “I need to speak with the one that was listening to this stone last night.”

Cricket checked the number against his notes, nodded, then hopped off his chair and led her into the next room. It was full of small beds, which the kenku slept in between shifts. Several of these were taken and Cricket led her to one which was occupied by a kenku with stark white feathers.

“Beaky,” Cricket mimicked in one voice. “Boss wants to talk to you,” he said in another.

Beaky opened his red eyes with a start and shot up in the bed. He looked as if he were going to run at first, but then seemed to realize where he was and calmed down. He nodded to Cricket, then to Aeon.

“Uh,” he said. “What can I do for you, boss?” He moved between three or four voices as he spoke.

Aeon handed him the sending stone. “You heard a murder last night.”

Beaky looked at the sending stone number, then nodded.

“I want to hear what happened just leading up to and then all the way through what transpired.”

Beaky thought for a moment, pulling up the memory, then started moving his beak.

“I’m telling you,” said a very drunk man, the sounds of his feet shuffling on the pavement somehow coming from the kenku. “Sylgar is really the brains of this operation.”

Another voice laughed. “I think you’ve had one too many. Maybe even four too many.”

“I’m telling you,” the first voice repeated. Aeon recognized Xev’s voice. “Sylgar is a fiend in disguise and its running this entire city!”

“Gods,” the other voice said. This must have been the halfling that had been with Xev. “You really need to stop saying that before we get back to-”

The halfling cutoff followed by the sound of boots shuffling to a stop.

“Who the hells is that?” Xev said.

“I don’t know,” the halfling said. “But, I don’t think people that stand ominously at the end of alleyways mean well.”

“Hrast,” Xev swore with a sobering tone. “They’re probably after the delivery. Here, take it.” There was a sound of rummaging in a bag.

“I thought you said you’d already taken care of that!”

“Well, I lied!” By the sound of his voice, Xev was sobering up with every passing second. “Just take it and run. Get to the hideout. I’ll hold them off and meet up with you later.”



There was a pause, then the sound of boots on pavement quickly moving away.

“All right,” Xev said. “It’s just you and me you tluining-”

Boots on pavement again, but this time much faster and growing louder. Xev roared just before the sound of weapons clanging flooded from Beaky. Aeon couldn’t be sure, but it sounded to her like daggers.

Xev groaned alongside a scuffling sound like the two opponents were grappling one another. A moment later Xev screamed and a dagger clattered on the pavement. Next came stumbling and a crash. This must have been when the music box fell out of the bag, and possibly the sending stone out of its casing.

“Who,” Xev gasped. “Who the hells are-“ he cut off with another scream. He panted through whatever pain he was in. “That can’t be. You’re Sliver Thornheart - that’s impossible! You’re-“

The distinct sound of a dagger plunging into Xev’s chest was barely covered up by the air escaping the tiefling’s lungs. This was quickly followed by a sparking, swirling sound that lasted a few seconds. Aeon assumed this was the sound of the man’s soul being destroyed.

After a few moments there was soft shuffling - the murderer getting to their feet. They sheathed their weapon, then paused.

“Stlarn,” cursed a feminine voice. Next came shuffling sounds as the stone was picked up. “You’re next.”

Beaky mimicked the sound of what Aeon assumed was the stone being broken. “That was where it ended.”

Aeon sat unblinking for several moments, then let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Well, I didn’t have catching a murderer on my to-do list today, but I guess I can make room.”

Will the killer be found before they can strike again?
Tune in tomorrow for Peril at the Greenhow Part Two!

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June 7th
BW2: Summer Sports Event 2024 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Summer Sport Fun in the Sun

It's time to help the Bushwhackia Pee-Wee league coaches! They need supplies to help whip their various teams into shape and take home the AAA championship trophies! Whack them up in the bushes, starting with soccer balls and water bottles! Plus, the first coach needs some Jerseys!


Claire, the clerk from the Town Hall, needs your help to discover information about a local sports Legend! The stages of this quest will unlock throughout the event. If you completed this quest last year or the year before, different quests will replace the original ones, sending you out in the world to find more sporting memorabilia.

It's not just about supplies to keep the kids going: the parents and coaches have quests for you to embark on as well! Look for those interspersed with Claire's quest!

Plus there are Gnomes! Gnomes everywhere! Make a custom sports gnome for your ranch! You can make a Codename Entertainment logo jersey for your avatar to wear! And later on in the event, find some noisemakers to help cheer on those kiddies!

Also, one of the soccer parents needs help reclaiming a whack-ton of special soccer balls from all over Bushwhackia, and Gilmore the golfer has a quest asking you to play a round of mini golf on anyone's course!

Check back daily for all the fun!

New for 2024

This year's update includes:

- added 6 tiers of VIP event rewards
- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new holiday 100% reward!
- new year 10 AAA trophies
- new jersey sequel quest after collecting all jerseys
- new trophy sequel dailies

Holiday Trees

If you can complete the event with 100%, you'll earn the Summer Sports Tree!

AAA Trophies

Plus, there are new year 10 AAA trophies to collect! They become available after you've bought all the store items and helped the corresponding teams play a AAA game, and are available for Sports Tokens. The old trophies can be bought from the prior store for Bush Bucks.

Number One Jersey

If you've collected all 9 jerseys in past years, Jesse the Jersey Maker will craft you a special jersey this year!

Bushwhackia Cup Trophy

If you helped Rimet make a new Bushwhackia Cup Trophy last year, he'll need your help with some daily quests this year. The trophy must be kept shiny and immaculate!



There are a total of 22 possible achievements to earn in the Summer Sports 2024 event.

Returning Achievements

Well-Rounded Coach - Help coach all four sports teams
Semi-Pro Coach - Help a teamget into the AAA league
Championship Coach - Help a team with the AAA championship
Greedy Coach - Help all four times win the AAA championship
Onside Play - Help the coaches and parents with their tasks
The Hidden Legend - Unravel the history of the Common's Sports Legend!
Gaming Gnome - You made your own custom sports gnome!
Bushlympics - You learned about other weird Sports!
Mighty Mick - Help Bo become a Pro Boxer
Bad Betting Buster - Help Bookmaker Bailey stop the illegal sports better
Soccer Ball Savior - Reclaim all the hyper-bounce soccer balls
Course Cruiser - Submit a scorecard for a mini golf course

New Achievements

Paraphernalia Purchaser - Purchase all the 2024 Summer Sports items!*

Retired Achievements

We also have 9 achievements from previous years which may be earnable by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

Locker Room Luggage - Purchase all the 2022 Summer Sports items!
Equipped to Entertain - Purchase all the 2020 Summer Sports items!
Geared for the Game - Purchase all the 2019 Summer Sports items!
Team Merchandise - Purchase all the 2018 Summer Sports items!
Athletic Acquisitions - Purchase all the 2017 Sport Event items!
Memorabilia - Purchase all the 2016 Sport Event items!
Sporty Shopper - Purchase all the 2015 Sport Event items!
Sports Lover - Purchase all the 2014 Sport Event items!
Sports Fan - Purchase all the 2013 Sport Event items!

*The mini-golf piece is not required for the Paraphernalia Purchaser achievement.

Mount Packs

All new Sulky Cart mounts are available this weekend, from June 7th to 10th!

The Sulky Cart mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Zebra Sulky Cart and Unisus Sulky Cart are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts leave sparkle particles behind when you ride them!

Pet Packs

Three new pets can be picked up June 14th to 17th in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle! From left-to-right they are the Bingo the Wyvern, Soccer Dog, and Referee Triceratops

Get Ready!

Post your summer sport plans on the forums!

The event will run until Friday June 21th at Noon PDT!
June 5th
Idle Champions: Dragondown 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

North of Neverwinter is the city of Luskan - a den of scum and villainy from all across the Sword Coast. It is not place for Champion, but Jarlaxle and the Bregan D'aerthe need your help! The Dragondown celebrations are in full swing, but you'll need to defend the city from the teeth and claws of a fearsome bronze dragon!

Dragondown 7 has arrived! It introduces Duke Ravengard, the Human Fighter from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus! This Support Champion is ready to bolster your formations and carve a path through adventures! It also reintroduces Ezmerelda d'Avenir, the Human Fighter/Wizard, from the mists of Curse of Strahd. You can learn more about Ravengard and the rework to Ezmerelda below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Dragondown 7!

Table of Contents

Duke Ravengard

    Ulder Ravengard is the leader of the Flaming Fist and the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate. His primary concerns are the stability and prosperity of Baldur’s Gate, and he's been a voice of reason and common sense among the ruling council. In recent years, he has been a target of fiendish plots in unsuccessful attempts to take over the city.

Duke Ravengard is a Support Champion who bolsters those who also use Melee base attacks. The more melee attacks, the stronger his buffs become! His buffs are further increased in an area when any Melee Champion scores a critical hit. Once unlocked, he will bring his sword to your battle from Seat 8 opposite Delina.

Learn more about Duke Ravengard in our Champion Spotlight!


Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

    A prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia. Ezmerelda has joined the Champions to try and rid this new realm from evil. She brings a wealth of knowledge from Barovia to assist the Champions.

Ezmerelda is a Support Champion who teaches other Champions how to spot the vulnerable points of their enemies. She increases her debuffs as the Champions defeat more undead, which are her favored foe. Once unlocked she'll be in Seat 1 opposite Bruenor, ready to jump into the formation and start training!

Learn more about the changes coming to Ezmerelda in our Champion Spotlight!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

  • Korth (Seat 2)
  • Merilwen (Seat 2)
  • BBEG (Seat 3)
  • Binwin (Seat 3)

  • Dungeon Master (Seat 6)
  • Shaka (Seat 9)
  • Nova (Seat 11)
  • Selise (Seat 12)

Event Theme: Wyrm Slayers

Throughout the event, we release new Packs for the featured & flex Champions everyone is unlocking & gearing up. Starting with Dragondown, the skins included in these packs will now share a theme!

For this first themed DLC event, we are drawing on the event itself for the theme! Dragondown is celebrated in-world with bonfires and rituals to "tame" or "drive down" dragons. As such, our theme for Dragondown 7 is Wyrm Slayers! These are Champions decked out in dragon-themed outfits (leaning into red dragon/dracolich looks)

Dungeons & Dragons Wyrm Slayers

Starting today you can find the Duke Ravengard Wyrm Slayer Theme Pack and the Ezmerelda Wyrm Slayer Theme Pack in the in-game store. More Wyrm Slayers are coming on June 12th and June 19th.

We also have a Wyrm Slayer Celebration lined up to launch on Thursday, June 13th! From the 13th to the 20th, players will be able to log in and collect a free daily chest full of goodies - and if you claim four out of the seven daily chests, you'll also unlock Warduke and collect his Wyrm Slayer Skin for free!

Dungeons & Dragons Wyrm Slayers

To learn more about Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post!

Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
June 4th
BW2: Gorgeous Garden Contest Winners 2024! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

We've finally chosen our 2024 Spring Garden Decoration Contest Winners! If you weren't aware, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners are picked by the whole Codename Entertainment studio, while the four Community Choices were voted on by you, the wise whacker community!

Our top three choices earn 250, 200, and 150 Bush Bucks respectively, while the Community Choices take home a cool 50 Bush Bucks. If you want to know more about how the contest worked, click here!

And without further ado here are your winners!


1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Community Choice

Community Choice 1

Community Choice 2

Community Choice 3

Community Choice 4

Congratulations again to all our winners, your Bush Buck prizes have been sent to your accounts via a gift!
May 31st
Idle Champion Spotlight: Duke Ravengard 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"My duty is first and foremost to the city and its people."

As a lifelong soldier of the Flaming Fist and now the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, Ulder Ravengard has spent his whole life serving and protecting the city. He struggles to remain committed to his ideals, even as devilish creatures seek to undermine all that he has achieved.

I. Duke Ravengard

    Ulder Ravengard is the leader of the Flaming Fist and the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate. His primary concerns are the stability and prosperity of Baldur’s Gate, and he's been a voice of reason and common sense among the ruling council. In recent years, he has been a target of fiendish plots in unsuccessful attempts to take over the city.

Duke Ravengard is a Support Champion who bolsters those who also use Melee base attacks. The more melee attacks, the stronger his buffs become! His buffs are further increased in an area when any Melee Champion scores a critical hit. Once unlocked, he will bring his sword to your battle from seat 8 opposite Delina.

II. Duke Ravengard's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 53 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter

STR: 17 DEX: 14 CON: 16
INT: 11 WIS: 10 CHA: 17

Role: Support

Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (available until June 5th, 2027)

Seat: 8 (Delina)

III. Duke Ravengard's Abilities

Basic Attack

Duke Ravengard has two basic attacks, the first is his normal attack and the second is when he chooses the Lead The Charge specialization.

  • Duke's Longsword - Duke Ravengard attacks the closest enemy for one hit with his longsword.
  • Duke's Longsword (after picking the Lead the Charge specialization) - Duke Ravengard attacks the closest enemy for one hit with his longsword. If he scores a critical hit, he follows-up by smashing the enemy with his shield, knocking them back a short distance.

Passive Abilities

  • Critical Hit - Duke Ravengard's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.

Formation Abilities

  • Marshal of the Flaming Fist - Duke Ravengard gains a Command stack for each Champion with a melee base attack in the formation (including himself). Each stack increases the damage of these Champions by 400%, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Position of Power - Duke Ravengard increases the effect of the outgoing positional formation abilities of all Champions with a melee base attack by 25% for each Command stack he has, stacking additively.
  • Critical Teamwork - Whenever a Champion with a melee base attack gets a critical hit, increase the effect of Marshal of the Flaming Fist by 50% and additively increase the odds of all Champions in the formation getting critical hits by 1%. Both effects stack up to 50 times and reset when changing areas.


  • Lead The Charge - When Duke Ravengard gets a critical hit, he follows up by bashing the enemy with his shield, knocking it back a short distance. When this occurs, all melee Champions adjacent to Duke Ravengard have their base attack cooldowns immediately reset.
  • Strength of Baldur's Gate - Champions with a melee base attack have their crit chance additively increased by 20% and crit damage increased by 1000%.
  • Legacy of Ravengard - If Wyll is in the formation, anyone affected by Wyll's Folk Hero benefit gains an additional stack, but the maximum remains at 4 stacks.

Ultimate Ability

  • Fire Shield - Duke Ravengard's magical armor ignites in flames, surrounding him in a flickering aura of magical hot flame for 20 seconds. For the duration, his attacks deal an additional 25 seconds of BUD-based damage and any enemy that makes a melee attack against the formation suffers 25 seconds of BUD-based damage as well.

IV. Duke Ravengard's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Marshal of the Flaming Fist
Slot 4: Critical Teamwork
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

V. Duke Ravengard's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • A Critical Task - Score 10,000 Critical Hits while Duke Ravengard is in the formation.

Adventure Variants:

Might of Melee - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with the Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard!
  • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: As an experienced Soldier, Duke Ravengard understands melee combat. Use Champions with Melee attacks to make the most of his buffs!
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Critical Combat - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon while optimizing your chance to score a critical hit!
  • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • At the start of each area, all Champions have their damage reduced to 1 until someone in the formation scores a critical hit. Every 200 areas, the number of critical hits required to remove this damage reduction debuff is increased by 1.
  • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: Duke Ravengard's buffs grow more potent as your Champions score critical hits. Use Champions with improved critical hit chances to make the most of this!
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

That's a Whole Lot of Goblins - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon while facing down hordes of goblins!
  • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • Duke Ravengard's Ultimate starts unlocked and the cooldown is reduced by 75%.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • In the first wave of each non-boss area, there is a 20% chance that 30 goblins immediately spawn. These goblins do not drop gold or count toward quest progress.
  • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: When facing a lot of enemies at one time, Duke Ravengard's Fire Shield ultimate can help even the score!
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

VI. Conclusion

Have you enjoyed how much Duke Ravengard supports a formation filled with melee masters? Let us know about your epic adventures:
May 30th
Idle Champions: Ms. Squiggles Charity Familiar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This Pride Month, we at Codename Entertainment are delighted to announce a collaboration with Deven Rue to create a unique familiar for our Lambert House charity drive - Ms. Squiggles the Octopus! Codename Entertainment will be donating the net proceeds of all Ms. Squiggles sales from the first week of launch to Lambert House.

Ms. Squiggles

Dungeons & Dragons Ms. Squiggles Key Art

We are incredibly excited to work with Deven Rue on the creation of Ms. Squiggles. Deven is one of the most recognizable names in fantasy maps for Table Top Roleplaying Games. She has made incredible maps for Dungeons & Dragons, Critical Role, Beadle & Grimm's, and The Lord of the Rings: Tales of the Middle Earth set for Magic: The Gathering. They also have a podcast, Quip & Quill, where she chats with incredible people from all across the TTRPG community about a wide range of topics. You can learn more about everything Deven does, including getting some awesome maps, on their website.

Lambert House

Lambert House empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth through the development of leadership, social, and life skills. We at Codename Entertainment are thrilled to be supporting Lambert House, again, for a fantastic cause we truly believe in.

Ms. Squiggles will be available on June 3rd, 2024, at Noon PT in the in-game shop. Net proceeds from all the Ms. Squiggles Familiar sales through June 9th, 2024, will be donated to Lambert House! Check out the in-game store for more details!


Familiars are NPCs that players can assign to specific tasks, such as clicking enemies, leveling up Champions, or using ultimate abilities. Familiars will click at different rates depending on the task they are assigned to. For more information, check out our How To Play Idle Champions video!

Join our community and start a conversation!
May 30th
Idle Champion Spotlight: Ezmerelda d'Avenir  
Posted in Idle Champions.

Those that have played through the Grand Tour adventures based in Barovia have already been introduced to Ezmerelda d'Avenir. This renowned monster hunter has been helping battle the creatures of the night since Year 4, and after a few more years of experience she's learned some new tactics. She is ready to show off her improved skillset in this reintroduction, as well as bring the new Debuff role to the formation!

I. Ezmerelda

Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

    A prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia. Ezmerelda has joined the Champions to try and rid this new realm from evil. She brings a wealth of knowledge from Barovia to assist the Champions.

Ezmerelda is a Support Champion who teaches other Champions how to spot the vulnerable points of their enemies. She increases her debuffs as the Champions defeat more undead, which are her favored foe. Once unlocked she'll be in Seat 1 opposite Bruenor, ready to jump into the formation and start training!

II. Ezmerelda's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter/Wizard

STR: 14 DEX: 19 CON: 16
INT: 16 WIS: 11 CHA: 17

Role: Support, Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until June 5th 2027)

Seat: 1 (Bruenor)

Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

III. Ezmerelda's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Fire Bolt - Ezmerelda hurls a mote of fire at a random enemy.

Formation Abilities

  • Training Montage - Ezmerelda marks enemies that she attacks, training other Champions to spot their vulnerable points. Marked enemies take 50% more damage from all Champions for each Debuff Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Preparation - Every time a debuff is applied to an enemy, the effect of Training Montage is increased by 10%, stacking multiplicatively, up to 100 times and resetting when changing areas.
  • Threat Tracking - Undead are Ezmerelda's favored foes. Ezmerelda tracks the favored foes that any Champion kills while she is in the formation, increasing the base effect of Training Montage by 0.025% for each favored foe killed (additively then multiplicatively). These stacks persist for the entire adventure, resetting when you complete it. Caps at 100,000 favored foe kills.
  • Enemies In The Mist - While Ezmerelda is in the formation, 0-2 "Mist" enemies can spawn with each wave. When a "Mist" enemy is defeated, an enemy whose type matches one of Ezmerelda's favored foe appears from the mist, and all nearby enemies gain the Training Montage debuff.


  • We've Trained For This - All champions deal 100% more damage against enemies with armor-based health, increasing their chance of breaking an armor piece. Additionally, if a hits-based or armor-based enemy is affected by Training Montage, successful hits against them remove an additional hit or armor piece.
  • Vampire Hunter - The effect of Training Montage is increased by 400% on enemies who are one of Ezmerelda's favored foes, and Threat Tracking counts each favored foe killed twice.
  • The Devil You Know - Increase the effect of Training Montage by 100%. The effect is doubled during Strahd patron variants.

Ultimate Ability

  • My Signal - Ezmerelda reveals a magical sun dagger and launches it at the enemy with the highest health (randomly if tied). The dagger lands in the target dealing ultimate damage, and then remains there as it begins to glow with a burst of radiant energy, creating a new debuff that lasts 10 seconds. The debuff increases the damage done to the enemy by 25% for each stack of Preparation currently active, stacking multiplicatively.

IV. Ezmerelda's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Training Montage
Slot 4: Preparation
Slot 5: Specializations
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Ezmerelda's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • You Are Adequately Prepared - Use Ezmerelda's ultimate ability with a cumulative total of 2,500 active Preparation stacks. This count persists through adventures.

Adventure Variants:

The Devil's Scourge - Strahd von Zarovich sent his Zombies to follow Ezmerelda from Barovia.
  • Strahd Zombies appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

The Devil Knocks - The mists of Ravenloft encroach upon us, making it harder for the Champions to see.
  • Enemies move 100% faster and drop 99% less gold.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

The Devil You Know - This time Strahd sent his vampire spawn to follow Ezmerelda.
  • Vampire Spawn appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
  • Ezmerelda starts in the formation and cannot be moved. Only Champions in Ezmerelda's column can deal damage. All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

VI. Conclusion

Strahd and his undead don't stand a chance against Ezmerelda's debuffs! Let us know about your triumphs in the mist:
May 29th
Idle Champions: May 29th Adventure Variants 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time again to put your formations to the test! Today we add more Adventure Variants to five of our active campaigns. Read on to learn more about what these adventures are and where to find them!

Adventure Variants

This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants to five of our active campaigns! This week's update also brings Vecnas - or Vecnae - to half of them, with variants of The Whispered One from across the multiverse arriving to fight the Champions. One might even describe this assault as something of a 'Vecna Emergence' event...

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants

  • Vecna Lives! Variant 3: Emperor Vecna Lives!
  • Explore the emergency in Candlekeep and discover an even newer threat to Faerûn.
    • 1-2 Emperor Vecna Cultists, new unique monster from Vecna 1.1 (both melee and ranged), spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • You may only use Champions with a Charisma of 13 or lower.
    • Complete area 375.

  • Vecna Loots! Variant 3: Very Well Equipped
  • Stop the assault on Candlekeep with the very best of your best equipped Champions!
    • Only Champions with at least four Epic equipment or better may be used.
    • Three wizard students join the formation. They just get in the way.
    • Complete area 375.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants

  • Ending the Rime - Part 1 Variant 3: Baldur's Gate Expatriates - Part 1
  • Head off in the nautiloid with a crew experienced with ceremorphosis.
    • 1-2 Emperor Vecna Cultists spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • You may only use Champions from the Heroes of Baldur's Gate or Absolute Adversaries affiliation.
    • Complete area 550.

  • Ending the Rime - Part 2 Variant 3: Baldur's Gate Expatriates - Part 2
  • Continue to hunt for The Codicil of White, while dealing with those tadpoles in your head.
    • Requires Baldur's Gate Expatriates - Part 1 completed.
    • 1-2 Emperor Vecna Cultists spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • You may only use Champions from the Heroes of Baldur's Gate or Absolute Adversaries affiliation.
    • Bosses (including all 3 forms of Auril) deal 500% additional damage.
    • Complete area 575.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Wild Beyond the Witchlight Variants

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants

  • The Fairy Rings of Thither Variant 3: The Magical Rings of Thither
  • Enter the forests of Thither with those well versed in the magical arts.
    • 1-2 Emperor Vecna Cultists spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • You may only use Champions with a Magic base attack.
    • Complete area 650.

  • Will of the Feywild Variant 3: No Damage, None of the Time
  • Face off against the next member of the League of Malevolence without your damage dealers!
    • You may only use Champions with an ability score total of 78 or less.
    • You may not use any Champions with the DPS tag.
    • Complete area 700.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Light of Xaryxis Variants

The Light of Xaryxis Adventure Variants

  • Rocky Reception Variant 2: Con Crud
  • Search for Commodore Krux while your tough Champions are off doing something else.
    • 1-2 Emperor Vecna Cultists spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • In non-boss areas, non-Vecna Cultist monsters are immune from damage until all Emperor Vecna Cultists are defeated.
    • You can only use Champions with a Constitution of 13 or lower.
    • Complete area 600.

  • Rock and Roll Variant 2: Modal Nodes
  • Escape the rock before somebody shoots first.
    • Only Champions with a ranged base attack can deal damage.
    • After area 25, you can't remove Champions from the formation.
    • After every 50 areas, a random non-Bard Champion is removed from the formation and can't be used for the rest of the adventure.
    • Complete area 650.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions The Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

The Turn of Fortune's Wheel Adventure Variants

  • The Beginning is the End Variant 2: Tomb of Champions II: Funky Fandango
  • Return to the Tomb of Annihilation to stop Acererak from assembling a villainous super team with even more speed!
    • You must complete area 300 within 30 minutes of starting the objective.
    • Fire breath potions can't be used during the adventure, and click damage has no effect after area 5.
    • Complete area 300.

  • The End is the Beginning Variant 2: Mixing It Up
    • After area 25, you can't add, move, or remove Champions.
    • After every 50 areas, Champions not in the front column are randomly placed in the formation.
    • Complete area 450.

Champion Search

Get ready to level up your formation building with Champion Search! With Champion Search, you will be able to quickly filter through over 140 Champions in the game to perfectly fit your formation needs. Learn more about Champion Search, coming to the game TODAY in our blog post!

See the in-game Change Log for more information!

We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

May 24th
BW2: Endangered Species Mini Event VII! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Endangered Species - Seventh Encounter

Habitats are changing, and it's endangering many different animal species. Carson Tiva has found that three different endangered species can currently be found in Bushwhackia, as they search for new places to live.

Three Endangered Species

Addax - A critically endangered desert living ungulate

Aye Aye - An engangered long-fingered lemur once thought extinct

Bulmer's Fruit Bat - A critically endangered megabat that dwells in highland forest caves

Collect Conservation Data

Like you did during Carson's last visit, apply your bush whacking skills to help them collect Conservation Data on these unique animals for the limited time they're here. To gather data, you just have to give them a whack with your sword or other whacking implement. With said data, Carson Tiva can use it to try and help what's left of these unique animals.

Which species you encounter in the fields will be random, so if you fall behind in finding one of the three animals, you can start one of Carson Tiva's pursuit quests. You can do one pursuit quest every 20 hours.

Earn Rewards

Your efforts will not go unrewarded! Carson Tiva will trade you for this data in their store, plus you'll earn a unique plaque for your contributions! Like event ribbons, this plaque will increase your maximum energy based on your performance.

Collect data, complete the achievements, and earn rewards!

In addition to a new set of species, Bush Buck Bundle, and energy boosting plaque, you can earn a new Ladybug Terrarium ranch item reward!

Limited Time Only

Go to the event area of the Commons to get started, and gather as much data as you can before noon on Tuesday May 28th, Pacific Time!

May 23rd
Idle Champions: Introducing Champion Search! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Get ready to level up your formation building because we're here to provide a sneak peek at a system update coming to the game on May 29th: Champion Search! With Champion Search, you will be able to quickly filter through over 140 Champions in the game to perfectly fit your formation needs.

Read on to learn more!

Champion Search

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

The Champion Search was designed to help players sort through the Champions available based on a variety of filters. For example, when you encounter a tough Adventure Variant that restricts the use of certain Champions, such as a Variant that allows Only Evil Champions, players have long asked for a quick and easy way to find the right Champions. Currently, this would require clicking through all seats and all available Champions, looking at each Champion's Character Sheet to find out what their alignment is.

With the release of Champion Search, it will be as easy as clicking a check box!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

How It Works

To get to Champion Search, simply go to swap a Champion as you normally would and click the new Search button at the bottom of the pop-up. On the Champion Search screen, you can filter your options and select new Champions to add to your bench. Once you are done, just click Apply in the upper right and when you return to the main game, your bench will have the Champions you selected ready to add to your formation!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Current Adventure

Many Adventure Variants have more than one restriction. Rather than trying to remember all of the restrictions when looking for Champions, there is a handy check box labeled Current Adventure. Selecting that will show you only the Champions that are available for the adventure you are currently on with all restrictions in mind!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Search By Name

Can you remember a Champion's name, but not what seat they are in? Just search for the Champion directly by name! Best of all, this search bar sorts as you type - so you don't even need to remember how to spell Xerophon's full name!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search


You might have a Champion that works well with more of their own class, you want to make a party of all tieflings, or maybe you don't want to see any more Tanks when evaluating who else to add to the formation. There are a whole host of filter options you can choose from to curate the Champions you're seeing in the Champion Search. It could be something as easy as a single alignment, or it could be as complicated as wanting to find all of the Support, Human, Male, Good, Champions that work with Patron Vajra!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Equipment Rarity

Adventure Variants aren't the only time you might want to use Champion Search. If a player is hitting a particularly difficult boss and wants to find Champions with a higher rarity of equipment, there is a slider that will filter through each rarity, showing Champions that have at least that level of rarity across all 6 equipment slots. Champion's portraits in the Champion Search will also be outlined in that rarity's color to make it easier to find the better-geared Champions at a glance!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Ability Scores & Age

Some Adventure Variants and Champion Abilities need specific Ability Scores and/or Ages. Champion Search has sliders for each Ability Score - as well as Total Ability Score (TOT) - and ages 0 to 500+! You'll be able to set each of these to specific numbers and find the perfect Champion for what you need.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search


It may be overwhelming to see so many Champions as a new player and wonder where you need to go to unlock them. Luckily, Champion Search has those players covered. Clicking on a Champion that you do not own will bring up a pop-up that tells you where you can recruit that Champion. For instance, if you were to click on Astarion, the pop-up would tell you that he can be recruited in Brightswords and how many days until that event returns. If that event is actively happening, there will be a button to take you right to the Event screen! It will also show you how he can be purchased in the in-game store or unlocked via a Time Gate, with buttons to take you to each option.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

For Evergreen Champions that are unlocked via Adventure Variants, the pop-up will tell you exactly where you can unlock them. If a player wants to unlock Blooshi, for instance, the pop-up would direct you to the Bully for You! Variant in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search


To make the list of Champions easier to parse as you are looking through them, there are sorting options for each seat at the bottom. One is for Ownership, letting you choose between All, Owned, and Unowned. The other lets you sort Champions by Name (A-Z or Z-A), Item Level (ascending or descending), Equipment Rarity (Common-Legendary or Legendary-Common), and Release Date (2017-Present or Present-2017).

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Mouseover Details

Lastly, we have added a new mouseover feature that appears in both the Champion Search screen, as well as the swap options screen. Mousing over a Champion's portrait in those windows will now show important information about that Champion. These include Ability Scores, Gender, Race, Class, Overwhelm, Alignment, Age, Role(s), and Affiliation(s).

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Champion Search will release in Idle Champions on May 29th, 2024 at Noon PT.

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