MORE KOBOLDS IS MORE BETTER. Introducing our latest champion, arriving with Grand Revel, Hew Maan, a definitely human champion and not at all three kobolds in a trench coat.
I. Hew Maan

- Zrang, his twin brother Kleeb, and their brood-sister Yassa began their Icewind Dale existence stealing gems and dreaming of being respected by the locals. Inspired by their mentor, Jarlaxle, they stand tall to form Hew Maan - who is totally a human and not on a nefarious mission to steal all the Champions' stuff.
Hew Maan's origin story is ongoing in our Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign, and cameoed in two of our Idle Champions Comics. They hold a special place in our hearts, and we were excited and inspired by the community reaction to bring them to Idle Champions as a champion, for deep down, aren't we all just three kobolds in a trench coat?
Zrang, Kleeb, and Yassa team up and stack up to form Hew Maan, providing different buffs based on who's on top of the stack. Hew Maan is a Support champion, when you want to add them to your formation, you can swap them with Delina (Slot 8).
II. Hew Maan's Stats
Race: Kobold & "Human" | Alignment: Lawful Evil |
Class: Rogue/Bard | Gender: Male & Female |
Age: 67 | Affiliation: none |
STR: 11 | DEX: 12 | CON: 16 |
INT: 12 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 16 |
Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr
Slot: 8, (Delina)

III. Hew Maan's Design
Hew Maan is a multifaceted and dynamic individual. Well actually, they aren't an individual at all, but three kobolds, Zrang, his twin brother Kleeb, and their brood sister Yassa, each with their own distinct personalities!Zrang is surprisingly insightful, but definitely still a kobold, and is working on the difference between kobold and human vocabularies.
Rough and tumble and ready to tussle; Kleeb is the kobold you want in control when you're gearing to fight.
Yassa was charmed by Trex's complimentary nature. She cheers on her fellow kobolds & Champions. She's a glass-half-full sort of kobold, and a bit of a fast talker.
Zrang and his siblings hide inside a trench coat and masquerade as a human, and their teamwork makes their dream work! Their buffs change based on where they are located in the formation. With Teamwork, they provide three different buffs that are useful in different situations. Place them near the front of the formation and they increase your rate of progression, place them in the center of the formation and they assist with killing bosses. Place them near the back of the formation and they greatly increase your damage against non-boss monsters. Hello, Fellow Humans, allows them to buff their fellow human Champions, but they can masquerade and buff another race through their specialization ability Did We Say Humans? We Meant....
IV. Hew Maan's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Crossbow — The middle kobold shoots a random enemy with a small crossbow.
Formation Abilities
- Teamwork — Depending on where they are placed in the formation, a different kobold takes the top slot in the trench coat and provides a different buff:
- Zrang: Front X columns — Enemies have a 25% chance to drop double quest items or count for double quest progress.
- Kleeb: Middle columns — Increase the damage of Champions against boss enemies by 400%; if the boss has hits-based or armor-based health, successful attacks destroy twice as many segments as they normally would
- Yassa: Back X columns — Increase the damage of Champions in the two columns in front of Hew Maan by 100%.
- Zrang: Front X columns — Enemies have a 25% chance to drop double quest items or count for double quest progress.
- Hello, Fellow Humans — Increase the effect of Kleeb and Yassa's Teamwork abilities based on the number of human Champions in the formation:
- 1-3 "other" humans: +100%
- 4-5 "other" humans: +700%
- 6-7 "other" humans: +3100%
- 8-9 "other" humans: +12700%
- Carefully Balanced — Increase the effect of Zrang's Teamwork ability by 10% for each Champion adjacent to the kobolds (stacks additively and then applied to Teamwork multiplicatively).
- Please Stand By — The two kobolds that are not on top provide lesser buffs passively. These abilities are not buffed by Hello, Fellow Humans.
- Zrang: Boss enemies move 25% slower.
- Kleeb: Hits-based and armor-based enemies and blockers have a 50% chance of spawning with 25% of their hits already gone.
- Yassa: Reduce the base attack cooldown of Champions adjacent to the kobolds by 0.5s.
- Zrang: Boss enemies move 25% slower.
- Did We Say Humans? We Meant... — The Hello, Fellow Humans ability now uses the most populous race in your formation instead of Human. Ties do not matter as only the count is important.
- Impressive Coatwork — The effect of all Teamwork abilities are increased by 100%.
Ultimate Ability
Each kobold in the stack attacks repeatedly with their own crossbow, peppering a random target with 12 bolts in total. An additional effect then occurs based on whichever kobold is on the top of the stack. Moving the kobolds while the effect is active does not update it.- Zrang: Roll Out! — The effect of Zrang's Teamwork is doubled for 30 seconds.
- Kleeb: Stop! — Non-boss enemies are stunned and no additional enemies will spawn for 15 seconds.
- Yassa: Faster! — Reduce any active ultimate cooldowns of all Champions in the formation by 25%.
V. Hew Maan's Legendary Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: Global DPS |
Slot 3: Hello, Fellow Humans |
Slot 4: Carefully Balanced |
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |