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January 29th, 2020
Dev Blog: Offline Progress 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This morning we were working so hard to wrap up everything related to Grand Revel and trying to make sure that we could simultaneously activate Offline Progress for players with the latest update, and we forgot one key, crucial, important thing: an Offline Progress Dev Blog!

Our deepest apologies. Would you like to know more about how this latest system introduced to Idle Champions works? Read on...

Offline Progress FAQ

This week's update (v284) introduced the Grand Revel event along with another major feature, Offline Progress, for all players. This system simulates the time you spend offline; the idea is that Offline Progress will simulate similar behavior to if you had left your game unattended for the same period of time. Specifically, Offline Progress allows:

  • Area Progression — While offline, your Formation will continue to progress at approximately one area per minute, assuming they could make that progress while online. This is based on players' average area completion time. This may be considered a bit slow for early areas, but works out when comparing to areas closer to your wall. If the enemies are able to kill your champions, progress stops in that area.

    Note: progress may be slower if your Champions are not able to kill enemies at the expected rate during simulation.

  • Boss Loot Drops — Bosses drop exactly the same loot if killed during Offline Progress as they would if they were beaten with the game open and running. A total number of event tokens, chests, and gems earned in this way will be displayed when you log back in.

  • Champion Leveling — If you are using Familiars to level up your Champions, they will continue to level your Champions while you are offline.

    Note: this will stop at Specializations, so you will want to level up your Champions and unlock your preferred Specializations before going offline.

  • Challenge Progress — Progress in active challenges is simulated during offline progress whether for a special event or Patron Challenge.

  • Farming Support — "Zorbu Farming" is simulated during Offline Progress, whether you stay in a single area or if you progress through multiple areas. An approximation of monster type kills is added to your progress. Other types of "farming" may not work as expected.

Thank You to our Beta Testers

We've been working on this feature since November 2019 and are excited to see it go live earlier today. We'd like to give a huge thanks to our Beta Testers who helped us through this process:
  • Gaarawarr
  • inmediasrays
  • Jadisero
  • KLED
  • Mars
  • Pokota
  • Psylisa
  • QuickMythril
  • Ronin
  • Sorce
  • Thunder
  • zeke640


We will be keeping an eye on how Offline Progress performs now that it is live across all platforms. As always, if you have feedback or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out on the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!
January 29th, 2020
Idle Champions: Grand Revel 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

As Camp Vengeance gets ready to celebrate Grand Revel, a lone Templar approaches the Champions. Her merchant friend's caravan is missing.

The investigation found only scattered supplies and wreckage along the trail. If there are any survivors, they seem to have been taken into the jungles of Chult...

Grand Revel 3 introduces Havilar, the Tiefling Fighter (Battlemaster) sister of Farideh, and brings back Paultin Seppa, the Vistani Bard, and Birdsong, the Tabaxi Bard. Players have until Monday, February 10th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Grand Revel unlocks and objectives.

In addition to Grand Revel 3, our new Offline Progress feature discussed in the Idle Champions in 2020 Dev Blog goes live with this update!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Offline Progress

Offline Progress

Offline Progress has arrived for all players! This new system simulates the time you spend offline, and will allow you to progress even while Idle Champions is closed. Supported mechanisms includes: area progress, Champion level-ups (if you have Familiars placed on them), and some minor farming support (ie. Zorbu farming). Overall, Offline Progress should dramatically enhance mobile and console play, as you will no longer need to leave the game open to make progress!

Note: We will be actively monitoring the results of Offline Progress throughout the next few days, and we may make tweaks to the adventures and/or Champions it will function with in the event that we discover harmful bugs or glitches.

Dungeons & Dragons

Year 3 Champion: Havilar

    Havilar's twin sister Farideh has always been 'the smart one' and 'the responsible one'—but that's all right, Havilar is definitely 'the tough one,' 'the funny one' and the 'pretty one' (despite being identical twins). Plus, Havilar has a hellhound! Even if it means she's a sort-of-but-not-quite Chosen of Asmodeus, too, not that anyone asked Havi about that. But he should know her glaive is as good as her right hand, and she can slice a devil just as well as an orc, a zombie, or any other villain!

Havilar is a Tank and Support Champion. She summons four different Imps to buff Champions in different ways. When battling fiends, her buffs grow stronger. When you want to add Havilar to your formation, you can swap her with Tyril (Slot 10).

For more information about Havilar, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Havilar dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Paultin Seppa

Year 2 Champion: Paultin Seppa

    Paultin and his "son" Simon (AKA Murderbot) have been adventuring as part of the Waffle Crew for many years. Paultin is a wise-cracking adventurer who is more at home at a tavern than anywhere else. He cares deeply for those he considers his friends and will leap into action if anyone hurts them.
Paultin Seppa is a Support Champion whose Muderbot son, Simon, rides atop his shoulders. Paultin increases Gold Find through his Lucky ability and increases the DPS of Champions who are not adjacent to him based upon the number of Champions who are with his Magical Secrets ability. Paultin doesn't always attack, choosing instead to drink from his wineskin or play his bagpipes while Simon shoots poison darts at enemies.

When you want to add Paultin to your formation, you can swap him with Jarlaxle (Slot 4). For more information, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Paultin dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Birdsong

Year 1 Champion: Birdsong

    Birdsong, a cunning young Tabaxi bard, learned to defend herself while enslaved by the Yuan-Ti. Proficient in playing the lute, Birdsong discovered her potential as a bard when witnessing the effect of her songs had on other slaves. After her escape, she became one of the greatest minstels of Chult. She promised herself to, one day, get the revenge on the Yuan-Ti who destroyed her village.

Birdsong is a Support and DPS Champion. She buffs Champions within two spaces with her Song of Battle ability, and can greatly increasing the potency of Good, Evil, or Neutral Champions depending on which specialization she uses. When you want to add Birdsong to your party, you can swap her with Makos (Slot 9).

Year Three Variants

  • Odd Ones Out — Only every second bench slot can be used.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Diamonds Are Forever — Diamond Golems attack the formation at random in non-boss areas. They cannot be damaged and therefore must be tanked until the area is beaten.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Nightmare Scenario — Havilar starts in the formation and cannot be swapped out, moved, or removed from the formation. Half of the non-boss monsters that spawn are replaced with random fiends that have 4x normal health and 2x move speed.
    Reach Area 175.

Year Two Variants

  • Flower for Nanny Pu-pu — Magical floating crates of flowers take up four slots in the formation.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Grand Revel Rock Band — Paultin begins the adventure in the formation. Only Bards with a Charisma (CHA) score of 15 or higher may be used.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Love Hurts — Hordes of adoring fans attack the formation! Superfans, Infatuated Fans, Burly Fans, and Persistent Fans, spawn in each area and attack the formation, each with different abilities.
    Reach Area 175.

Year One Variants

  • Three's a Crowd — Any Champion that is adjacent to more than 1 other Champion has their damage reduced to 0.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Pair Up — Your ratio of women to men in your formation cannot be off by more than one (at all times you must have an equal number of men and women, or 1 more man than woman or vise-versa).
    Reach Area 125.

  • Love Potion — Every 25 areas, two Champions drink a love potion and fall deeply in love. For those 25 areas, if those Champions are adjacent to each other in the formation they do bonus damage themselves (x4), and buff global damage as well (x3). The chosen Champion combos are fixed rather than random.
    Reach Area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

January 28th, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Havilar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Ever since we introduced Farideh during Highharvestide 2, players have been asking us the same question: where is Havilar?

Not just because Havi is Farideh's twin sister, but because Farideh's damage relies heavily on having additional Tieflings in the formation, and we haven't added another one to the game since.

...until now. It's time for the Havilar Champion Spotlight!

I. Twin Tiefling Sisters

    Havilar's twin sister Farideh has always been 'the smart one' and 'the responsible one'—but that's all right, Havilar is definitely 'the tough one,' 'the funny one' and the 'pretty one' (despite being identical twins). Plus, Havilar has a hellhound! Even if it means she's a sort-of-but-not-quite Chosen of Asmodeus, too, not that anyone asked Havi about that. But he should know her glaive is as good as her right hand, and she can slice a devil just as well as an orc, a zombie, or any other villain!

Havilar is a Tank and Support Champion. She summons four different Imps to buff Champions in different ways. When battling fiends, she gets slower but her buffs grow stronger. When you want to add Havilar to your formation, you can swap her with Tyril (Slot 10).

II. Havilar's Stats

Race: Tiefling Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Fighter (Battlemaster) Gender: Female
Age: 19 Affiliation: none

STR: 18 DEX: 15 CON: 13
INT: 9 WIS: 12 CHA: 12

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt

III. Havilar's Design

The design of Havilar was a fun conversation with Erin M Evans, who gave us a few criteria to describe Havi in a nutshell:
  • Farideh's sister.
  • More athletic and funny than Farideh.
  • 'The Pretty One'
  • Confident in her physical abilities.
  • Not the highest INT score.
  • Havi gains a pair of imps that she can summon (Mot, Dembo, Olla, and Bosh).
  • She has a Hellhound that she rides.
  • She is athletic and acrobatic.
  • Her glaive is part of her identity.
In addition to these bullet points (and the books) we also had another reference: Erin played as Havilar during the High Rollers show at PAX West last year:

Havi's intro starts at 4:03!

We opted for a design around Havi's Imps, Mot, Dembo, Olla, and Bosh, who are summoned using her ultimate, Summon Imps/Heroic Sacrifice, as well as her savant-like skill as a Battlemaster Fighter. Depending on which of these Imps are present, Havi's skills are augmented. She has some similarities with Spurt in this respect, because her effectiveness is changed depending on her ultimate usage.

First, while Havi tanks at the front of a formation, she will buff the two rows behind her with Leadership Summit, with the effect of the buff augmented by which Imps are present.

Mot is always summoned when Havilar casts her ultimate, but the second Imp cycles through a preset list in order: Dembo, then Olla, then Bosh; rinse and repeat. These imps have abilities that make sense to be activated in a specific order: clearing trash/farming, fighting at your wall or fighting boss mobs, and then fighting against a boss itself.

IV. Havilar's Abilities

Base Attacks

Havilar has her base attack, and her summoned Imps also have their own base attack!
  • Glaive Thrust — Havilar attacks with her glaive, hitting all enemies in a small radius.
  • Fire of Asmodeus — Each summoned Imp attacks a random enemy with a fireball, dealing a large amount of AOE damage.

Ultimate Ability

Havilar's ultimate attack changes depending on whether or not her Imps are summoned.
  • Summon Imps — Mot and another imp (Dembo, Olla, or Bosh, in that order) are summoned. The Imps attack with Fire of Asmodeus. As soon as the Imps appear, Havilar's ultimate attack is replaced with Heroic Sacrifice (with a 10 second cooldown before it can be used). The Imps stay active until Heroic Sacrifice is used.
  • Heroic Sacrifice — The Summoned Imp that isn't Mot flings itself at the nearest enemy and explodes, dealing massive damage in a large area and slowing all affected enemies. As soon as not-Mot sacrifices itself, Havilar's ultimate attack reverts to Summon Imps with a 20 second cooldown before it can be used, and halfway through that cooldown Mot despawns.

Formation Abilities

  • Leadership Summit — Havilar increases the damage of all Champions in the two columns behind her by 100%. This ability is augmented by which imps are currently assisting her.

    • Mot: Increases the effect of Leadership Summit by 400% on Tiefling Champions.
    • Dembo: Increases the effect of Leadership Summit by 200%.
    • Olla: Increases the effect of Leadership Summit by 50% for each enemy Havilar is tanking.
    • Bosh: Increases the effect of Leadership Summit by 400% if there are enemy or boss enrage stacks active.
  • Fiendish Resolve — When any Fiend enemies are on-screen, Havilar focuses less on her own attacks and more on buffing the party. Her base attack cooldown is doubled, but the effect of Leadership Summit is increased by 100%. The base attack cooldown increase does not affect her imps if they are summoned. This ability is augmented by which imps are currently assisting her.

    • Mot: Increases the effect of Leadership Summit by 25% per Fiend enemy on-screen (stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively).
    • Dembo: Fiends have a 50% chance of dropping two quest items or counting for two kills when killed.
    • Olla: Fiends take 100% additional damage from ultimate attacks.
    • Bosh: Halve the damage Havilar takes from all attacks and triples the damage of Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Infernal Fortitude — Increase the max health of other Champions in the formation by 25% of her own.
  • Battlemaster — Each time Havilar attacks she increases the damage of all Champions by 10% for each enemy she hit with her attack (stacking additively), up to a max of 20 stacks. This effect lasts for half of Havilar's base attack cooldown, NOT counting the increase from Fiendish Resolve.


  • Speedy Sacrifice — Decrease the amount of time after you sacrifice a summoned imp until you can summon them again.
  • Mastery of Battle — Increase the duration of Battlemaster's effect by 100%.

Champion Rebalance

Havilar received the following changes as part of an update on October 8th 2021:
  • We've added a new ability - Sister Sister (Havilar)
    • Increase the effect of Leadership Summit by 200% when Farideh is in the formation.

V. Havilar's Equipment

Dungeons & Dragons Brimstone Angels Havilar

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Increases Max Health
Slot 4: Leadership Summit
Slot 5: Battlemaster
Slot 6: Ultimate Damage

VI. Conclusion

We're really excited to see the Tiefling sisters together in-game, and can't wait to see what kind of new formation options are introduced along with Havi. As always, feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!
January 22nd, 2020
Idle Champions: Dragon Heist, Part 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

After surviving an excursion into Undermountain with a brief trip to Skullport, the Champions have found the Stone of Golor and the secret it contains: the location of the Vault of Dragons!

But the Champions are not the only ones in pursuit of Neverember's lost treasure hoard, and their enemies are in hot pursuit...

Today's update introduces two new adventures and two new challenging variants to the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, as well as the first of the updates described in our Idle Champions in 2020 Dev Blog: Updated Time Gates!

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Dragon Heist Adventures, The Lair of The Xanathar and Waterdeep Under Siege, in order to access these new Adventures.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Time Gate

Updated Time Gates

With this update, we have updated the Time Gate system. Players can now open Time Gates for any Champion they choose, and the rewards for Time Gate adventures have been updated. We have also removed the Time Gate Pieces premium pack from the in-game Shop. See the in-game Time Gate FAQ for more information about what rewards you can earn and how you can earn them.

Dungeons & Dragons Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Vault of Dragons

The Vault of Dragons has been discovered, and it's a race against time to get inside first!
  • Variant: Vault of Pixies — Vajra has sent some of her Pixie 'friends' to assist your efforts in the vault of dragons. Unfortunately, they misunderstood who their allies are supposed to be! Pixie enemies arrive in each area. Instead of dealing damage, they will cause the Champion they attack to sleep for five seconds. Each hit resets the counter. Only Champions with CHA of 14 or lower can be used.
    Reach Area 250.

Champions of Waterdeep

Enemies you've made on your journey catch up with you at Trollskull Manor.
  • Variant: On the Job Learning — Chadwick accompanies the Champions. He doesn't like working with other spellcasters though. Only Champions with a melee or ranged base attack can be used.
    Reach Area 250.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
January 8th, 2020
Idle Champions: Midwinter 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Deadwinter Day has arrived once again in Longsaddle. While most citizens keep warm in their homes and exchange gifts to celebrate the midpoint of winter with friends and family, the Champions have been hired by the infamous Harpells to patrol the outskirts of town...

Midwinter 3 introduces Môrgæn, the High Elf Ranger (Hunter) played by Morgan Webb on Acquisitions Incorporated. The event also brings back K'thriss Drow'b, the Drow Warlock played by Kris Straub on Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team, and Regis, Halfling Rogue of the Companions of the Hall. Players have until Monday, January 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Midwinter 3 unlocks and objectives.

Dungeons & Dragons Môrgæn Morgaen Acquisitions Incorporated

New Champion: Môrgæn

    The ranger Môrgæn is a renowned tracker and hunter, able to pinpoint-target foes at any range, then vanish into the woods with no one the wiser. Her legendary ability with the longbow and the custom arrows she crafts instills fear into the hearts of her many enemies -- and more than a few of her coworkers. Famously, she is the only member of Acquisitions Incorporated known to be paid in advance, lest a missed invoice lead to dire repercussions.

Môrgæn is a Support Champion who takes a percentage of your gold find in exchange for a powerful DPS buff with her Paid Up-Front ability. The more gold Môrgæn takes, the greater the power of the buff, which persists through resets. When you wish to add Môrgæn to the formation, you can swap her with Makos (Slot 9).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Môrgæn dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons K'thriss Acquisitions Inc C Team

Year 2 Champion: K'thriss Drow'b

    Curious, affable, and morbid, the Drow heretic K'thriss Drow'b seeks the insane god-truth behind the veil of reality. As the "C" Team's hoardsperson, he keeps an eye out for occult relics that could aid him in his unearthly quest.
K'thriss is an unusual Support Champion. He reduces Gold Find to increase Global DPS, summons Shadow Demons to assist the party, and buffs distant allies. When you want to add K'thriss to your party, you can swap him with Bruenor (Slot 1).

For more information, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: K'thriss dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Regis

Year 1 Champion: Regis

    As a poor urchin on the streets of Calimport, Regis quickly learned that survival often requires bending the rules in your favor. He fled to the north to avoid capture after stealing his former master’s magical ruby pendant. Eventually, he found companionship amongst the Companions of the Hall, becoming one of Bruenor Battlehammer’s most trusted confidants. Bruenor was the one who gifted Regis with the nickname “Rumblebelly” due to the halfling’s insatiable appetite.

    Regis would prefer nothing more than to relax in the sun with a full belly near his home in Ten-Towns and fish for knucklead trout, the source of all of his scrimshaw carvings. But when his friends need help, Regis is always there for them. He never sees himself as the hero, even though his true friends know better.

Regis is a Support Champion. He uses a magical ruby amulet to buff Champions in front of or behind him, and to make enemies weak to different types of damage. When you want to add Regis to your party, you can swap him with Celeste (Slot 2).

Year Three Variants

  • Utterly Devoured — Anyone the Devourer completely devours is now devoured for the entire adventure and can't be used again until you reset the adventure. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
    Reach Area 75.
  • Limited Resources — Only Champions in the first bench seat are initially available. Every 10 areas, another bench slot unlocks, allowing Champions from that slot to be used.
    Reach Area 125.
  • Careful Positioning — Môrgæn starts in the formation in slot 3 and can be moved, but not swapped out or removed from the formation. Only Môrgæn and Champions buffed by Paid Up-Front can deal damage; other Champions' attacks will still proc stuns/slows/etc., but will deal 0 damage.
    Reach Area 175.

Year Two Variants

  • Velvet's Midwinter Adventure — K'thriss summons his unseen servant, Velvet, to help with party. Unfortunately, Velvet has been tasked with collecting gold for K'thriss, causing enemies to drop 50% less gold. K'thriss and Velvet both start in the formation, and once unlocked, K'thriss' Unseen Encouragement ability extends from both K'thriss normally, but also extends to those adjacent to Velvet.
    Reach Area 125.
  • Truth Beyond Knowing — K'thriss desires more knowledge of his unknowable god. Every area, a Drow Cultist empowered by the sign of the Ur appears, attacking with Chain Lightning. The Drow Cultist drops no gold upon death, but does drop a glyph (book). Every time you collect a glyph, Champions with an Intelligence (INT) score of 13 or higher have their damage increased by 5%, while Champions with below 13 INT have their damage go down by 5% for the remainder of the adventure.
    Reach Area 125.
  • More Like the Scream Team — The Devourer now arrives as a second boss in Area 25, and if that wasn't scary enough, the Devourer now devours Champions every 8 seconds instead of every 10 seconds!
    Reach Area 175.

Year One Variants

  • Deadwinter Date — You've been tasked with escorting two young Harpell wards on a date during your adventure. They take up slots and are otherwise pretty useless.
    Reach Area 125.
  • Deadwinter Fey — A large number of sprites and pixies spawn with each wave of enemies (not during boss areas). These extra monsters do not drop gold, and when killed they sprinkle a random Champion with pixie dust. Any champion that is sprinkled with 10 Pixie dust has their DPS and Formation Abilities disabled. Pixie dust stacks reset when you change areas.
    Reach Area 125.
  • Deadwinter Pay (-back) — Every time you defeat an enemy (in a non-boss area) your Champions take 10% unavoidable damage. Champions adjacent to Regis take one third of that damage while Regis himself is immune.
    Reach Area 175.
See the in-game FAQ for more information!

January 7th, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Môrgæn 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Môrgæn is a solver of problems, at great range and with terrible efficiency. I don’t mean terrible like: “she can’t do it;” I mean terrible like: “scary.” With Jim, I pay when I get around to it. I don’t know the last time I paid Viari. But Môrgæn? She’s an elf from the Elsewynn and she shoots arrows she makes herself. Some of these arrows are made with some kind of evil tooth on the front. So, she gets paid a month in advance. It’s not in the contract! I just like how my head is all in one piece right now and that seems like a good investment.

    ~Omin Dran

If you're in the market for a High Elf Hunter who specializes in killing enemies and making you money, look no further than Môrgæn, the ruthless and efficient Ranger played by Morgan Webb on Acquisitions Incorporated!

Would you like to know more?

I. A solver of problems...

Dungeons & Dragons Môrgæn Morgaen Acquisitions Incorporated

    The ranger Môrgæn is a renowned tracker and hunter, able to pinpoint-target foes at any range, then vanish into the woods with no one the wiser. Her legendary ability with the longbow and the custom arrows she crafts instills fear into the hearts of her many enemies -- and more than a few of her coworkers. Famously, she is the only member of Acquisitions Incorporated known to be paid in advance, lest a missed invoice lead to dire repercussions.

Môrgæn is a Support Champion who takes a percentage of your gold find in exchange for a powerful DPS buff with her Paid Up-Front ability. The more gold Môrgæn takes, the greater the power of the buff, which persists through resets. When you wish to add Môrgæn to the formation, you can swap her with Makos (Slot 9).

II. Môrgæn's Stats

Race: High Elf Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Ranger (Hunter) Gender: Female
Age: 150 Affiliation: Acquisitions Incorporated

STR: 12 DEX: 20 CON: 12
INT: 14 WIS: 15 CHA: 10

Dungeons & Dragons Môrgæn Morgaen Acquisitions Incorporated

III. Môrgæn's Design

Since Môrgæn is in many ways a highly skilled mercenary, we wanted to make sure that she took her 'cut' of the profits, so Môrgæn will take a percentage of your Gold Find with her Paid Up-Front ability, and in exchange she will increase the damage of other Champions and help you kill enemies. She has multiple sets of specializations that allow you to customize Paid Up-Front further, so you can make sure that she's helping your favorite DPS Champions. And did we mention that this buff is boosted by all the gold Môrgæn collects, persisting through all her adventures? We probably should have mentioned that :)

Môrgæn's second ability is Friends in Wealth, which increases the formation's damage with the aid of Gold Find Champions (and stacks multiplicatively for each one you field), giving her some extra oomph when grouped with Champions like the dashing and debonair Jarlaxle, who may have poisoned a certain roguish AI employee once.

Finally, Môrgæn's last formation ability is Double Tap: whenever Môrgæn's first arrow kills a target, the second arrow fired through her Rapid Shot basic attack not only makes sure the enemy is dead, but miraculously doubles the amount of gold dropped. How does she do it? We don't know*, and we certainly aren't complaining!

When you really feel like messing up some enemies, use Môrgæn's ultimate ability, Customized Arrow, can kill groups of enemies together, in a line, or even cause significant damage over time to an enemy.

(*Note: we definitely 'know')

IV. Môrgæn's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Rapid Shot — Môrgæn shoots an arrow at a random target, then quickly follows up with a second arrow.

Formation Abilities

  • Paid Up-Front — Môrgæn collects 25% of the gold dropped by enemies, but in turn increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by 100%. This buff is increased by 5% for each order of magnitude of gold that she collects (stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively), with the sum persisting through resets.
  • Friends In Wealth — Môrgæn increases the damage of all Champions by 100% for each Champion with the Gold Find role (stacking multiplicatively).
  • Double Tap — If Môrgæn's first arrow kills her target, the second arrow hits the now-dead(?) target again, causing it to drop a second set of gold.


  • Buff Targets — The first Specialization determines which other Champions Paid Up-Front applies to:

    • Fine As Is — Paid Up-Front continues to only apply to adjacent Champions.

    • Keep Your Distance — Paid Up-Front now only applies to all non-adjacent Champions.

    • Monster Fodder — Paid Up-Front now only applies to all Champions in front of Môrgæn.

    • Stay Out Of My Way — Paid Up-Front now only applies to all Champions behind Môrgæn.
  • Buff Modifiers — The second Specialization determines what additional factor modifies Paid Up-Front's magnitude:

    • Keep It Simple — Paid Up-Front's buff is increased by 300%.

    • Tight Formation — Paid Up-Front is increased by 75% for each Champion adjacent to Môrgæn (stacking additively, then applying multiplication; 6 adjacent = 450%).

    • Calm Under Pressure — Paid Up-Front is increased by 20% for each enemy attacking a Champion within 2 slots of herself (additively), up to a max of 20 enemies (max 400%); each enemy can only count once, even if it's attacking multiple Champions.

    • The Long Game — Paid Up-Front is increased by 10% each second an enemy is not killed (additively), stacking up to 60 times (max 600%); any enemy dying resets the stack amount to 0.
  • Buff Modifiers 2 — Choose a second Specialization choice from Buff Modifiers.

Ultimate Ability

  • Customized Arrow — Môrgæn pulls a customized arrow from her quiver at random and fires this more powerful arrow towards her enemies. This ultimate can have one of three effects at random:

    • Skull-carved Arrow — Môrgæn's arrow rips through all enemies it hits, continuing in a straight line until it leaves the screen.

    • Smokepowder Arrow — Môrgæn's arrow explodes on the enemy it hits, dealing damage to all other enemies nearby.

    • Green-leaf Arrow — Môrgæn's arrow causes the enemy it hits to take damage over time.

V. Môrgæn's Equipment

Dungeons & Dragons Môrgæn Morgaen Acquisitions Incorporated Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Paid Up-Front
Slot 4: Friends In Wealth
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

What do you think of Môrgæn? Have we done justice to Acquisitions Incorporated's most dangerous employee? Let us know!

Feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!
January 1st, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Dragonbait 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Happy new year! Would you like to learn about your first new Champion of 2020?

It's time to dive in to the wondrous world of Saurial scents and see what we can find...

A truly rare creature...

    Dragonbait is a champion of good and a saurial—a race that originated on a distant world and whose members have long lives. Very few saurials dwell in the Forgotten Realms, and no saurial communities are believed to exist anywhere in the world. The saurial's language is a combination of clicks and whistles beyond the human range of hearing, so Dragonbait relies on 'shouting' scents to communicate emotions. Dragonbait's known scents include: brimstone (confusion), roses (sadness), lemon (pleasure or joy), baked bread (anger), violets (danger or fear), honeysuckle (tenderness or concern), wood smoke (devotion or piety), tar (victory or celebration), and ham (nervousness or worry).

Dragonbait is a Tank and Support Champion. His Shen-state formation ability offers a variety of scent-based positional formation buffs. When you wish to add Dragonbait to the formation, you can swap him with Jamilah (Slot 11).

II. Dragonbait's Stats

Race: Saurial Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Paladin Gender: Male
Age: 242 Affiliation: none

STR: 15 DEX: 13 CON: 17
INT: 14 WIS: 16 CHA: 18

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra

III. Dragonbait's Design

Bringing an old character with a lot of history to life is always a unique challenge -- even more so when said character is as unique and quirky as Dragonbait. Saurials are rare, after all, and not originally native to Toril. Yet here is Dragonbait, co-starring in The Finder's Stone Trilogy of novels by Kate Novak and Jeff Grub, starting with Azure Bonds in 1988, and then popping up again decades later in 2017's Tomb of Annihilation where he has since become the traveling companion of Artus Cimber. This little sauriel gets around!

Luckily for us, Dragonbait's unique quirks made for a rich opportunity with his design. Since Dragonbait is unable to speak common, he communicates his emotions primarily with scents, so we used those scents as the base for his design with Shen-state. Everything builds off Shen-state, from the range of Dragonbait's formation buff with Scent: Pie Crust to the effective power of the buff with Scent: Roasted Vegetables and Scent: Meat Sauce.

We hope you like him!

IV. Dragonbait's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Slice Through — Dragonbait attacks the closest enemy with his sword, hitting all nearby enemies with a small cleave.

Formation Abilities

  • Shen-state — Dragonbait increases the damage of Champions within one slot of himself by 100%. This ability is buffed by Dragonbait's various Scents.
  • Scent: Pie Crust — The range of Shen-state is increased by 1 for each Healer Champion in the formation, stacking additively.
  • Scent: Roasted Vegetables — The effect of Shen-state is increased by 100% for each enemy attacking Dragonbait and each enemy enrage stack, stacking additively. This effect is increased by 100% for each other Tanking Champion in the formation (multiplicatively).
  • Scent: Meat Sauce — The effect of Shen-state is increased for each Support Champion in the formation. The increase amount is based on how close the Support Champion is to Dragonbait. The following values are used:
    • 1 slot away: 50%
    • 2 slots away: 150%
    • 3 slots away: 100%
    • 4 slots away: 50%
    • 5+ slots away: 25%
  • Fast Friends — Dragonbait increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health.


  • Scent: Roasted Chicken — The effect of Scent: Meat Sauce now uses the following values for each Support Champion in the formation:
    • 1 slot away: 75%
    • 2 slots away: 100%
    • 3 slots away: 125%
    • 4 slots away: 150%
    • 5+ slots away: 200%
  • Scent: Herbs and Spices — The effect of Scent: Roasted Vegetables is increased by an additional 50% for each Tanking Champion in the formation (multiplicatively).

Ultimate Ability

  • Holy Avenger — Dragonbait jumps out and strikes with his Holy Avenger, dealing damage to all enemies on screen and immediately clearing any stun/charm effects on Champions. Any Fiends or Undead left alive are marked with an overlay of the Holy Avenger, causing Champions who attack them to take 400% additional damage.

V. Dragonbait's Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Max Health
Slot 3: Roasted Vegetables
Slot 4: Meat Sauce
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Your latest Evergreen Champion has arrived — complete those Tomb of Annihilation variants, unlock Dragonbait, and then let us know what you think!

Feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!