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April 3rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Greengrass 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A great cosmic conflict has spilled out upon the prime material plane.

While celebrations to mark the start of spring begin in the quaint Sword Coast town of Triboar, a Githyanki raiding party descents from above, raining destruction.

It's up to the Champions to defend the innocent and figure out what has drawn the attention of the Gith and their Endless War. It's time for Greengrass 7!

Greengrass 7 has arrived! It introduces Gale, the Human Wizard from the 2023 Game of the Year - Baldur's Gate 3. This Support Champion brings the might of Mystra to the Absolute Adversaries and your formations! It also reintroduces Penelope "Half-Pint", the Halfling Druid from the Heroes of the Planes. You can learn more about the rework to Penelope below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Greengrass 7!

As a reminder: Adventure Variant information can now be found in the corresponding Champion's Spotlight. This change is being made so that all information about a Champion and their adventures can be found in one place.

Table of Contents


Dungeons & Dragons Gale

    Gale of Waterdeep was a prodigious archmage, his talents earning him the attention of Mystra, the goddess of magic. At her side, he learned all that mortals might accomplish with the Weave, in time earning his place as her lover, and her Chosen. And yet, he was not satisfied. In an attempt to prove he was ready for even greater power, he accidentally unleashed 'the orb' - a highly volatile fragment of pure Weave, corrupted by Netherese magic, which buried itself in his chest. Cast out by Mystra, humbled by his downfall, he does all he can to prevent the orb's cataclysmic detonation, watching for his chance to get back everything he lost, and more.

Gale is a support champion that buffs Champions in the two columns ahead of him and debuffs monsters the first time he attacks them. Gale will have access to all of Elminster's Patron adventures and variants, and is ready to be unlocked in the first seat opposite Bruenor.

Learn more about Gale in our Champion Spotlight!


Dungeons & Dragons Penelope Half-Pint

    Penelope "Half-Pint" is a halfling who just wants to be everyone's best friend, even if they are evil, or a plant, or a rock. With friends that already include a treant named Neverember and a clan of chwinga that have adopted her, Penelope is ready for anything! She has the heart of a true hero and will always stand by her friends...until she goes into shrub mode of course.

Penelope is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who focuses on crowd control by slowing and debuffing enemies. She'll have her insect friends ready for when you swap her with Arkhan in seat 12.

Learn more about the changes coming to Penelope in our Reintroduction Spotlight!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

  • Orkira (Seat 1)
  • Spurt (Seat 3)
  • Antrius (Seat 4)
  • Gazrick (Seat 7)

  • Catti-brie (Seat 7)
  • Nrakk (Seat 8)
  • Aila (Seat 9)
  • Melf (Seat 12)

New Patron: Elminster

Dungeons & Dragons Elminster

The Sage of Shadowdale himself, Elminster Aumar, is the newest Patron in Idle Champions! Elminster joins Zariel, Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, and Count Strahd von Zarovich as the fifth Patron. To unlock Elminster you'll first need to complete 250 Adventure Variants and unlock 100 Champions. Once you've done that it will cost 100,000 Gems and 10,000 Currency from the first four Patrons.

Elminster has agreed to be the Champion's patron, but only for the newest Champions! A Champion must have been released or reworked in an event in the last 3 years (including evergreens) to be used.

Elminster Patron Shop

With a new Patron, comes a slew of new shop items! In addition to the normal Patron shop items, Elminster's shop will contain feats and skins for the 3 Champions who are always eligible for his variants: Gale, The Dark Urge, and Dungeon Master, a new exclusive familiar, and a GE Potion! Dungeons & Dragons Patron Store

Elminster Feat Details

Dungeon Master:
  • Rare Feat to increase the age of his Patience Young Ones! ability by 5 years.
  • Epic Feat to increase his Disappearing Act ability by 80%

  • The Dark Urge:
  • Rare Feat to increase his Embrace/Resist the Urge specializations by 40%
  • Epic Feat to increase his damage by 120%

  • Gale:
  • Rare Feat to increase his An Experienced Sage ability by 40%
  • Epic Feat to change Gale's alignment to Neutral Good

  • Events 2.0

    Event Changes

    Events 2.0 is a significant update to the events system in Idle Champions. Because players will now be able to unlock more Champions, content, and rewards through Events 2.0, we are increasing the duration of events from 12 days to 21 days. Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month and run for three weeks. Content updates for Idle Champions will occur on the Wednesdays outside events.

    Along with the Event duration change we are reducing the number of annual events, shifting from 17 annual events down to 12. Long term, we plan to retire the Midwinter, Greengrass, The Running, Midsummer, and Brightswords events. However, as we transition over to the new Event 2.0 schedule, there will be a Greengrass event in April 2024.

    Quality of Life Updates

    As part of the Events 2.0 update, we are also making several quality of life updates:
    • Bounty Contracts used outside of events will award Event Tokens for the next event.
    • Event adventures, variants, and free plays no longer cost Event Tokens to start.
    • Event Tokens are now only used to purchase Event Chests directly (free plays no longer need to be grinded to obtain extra chests).
    • Event Tokens left over once an event ends will automatically be converted to Champion chests.
    • Retired Champions may come out of retirement.
    • Event Boons are granted to players who purchase specially marked event-related DLC during an event. There are four tiers of Event Boons that offer buffs to Champion Damage, Gold Find, Champion Health, Click Damage, and Speed. These buffs increase with each tier of Event Boon. Additionally, the first purchase that grants an Event Boon will also unlock the Supporter Slot.

    To learn more about what is changing with Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post! Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
    March 6th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 7 is our first Events 2.0! It introduces The Dark Urge, the Dragonborn Sorcerer from the 2023 Game of the Year - Baldur's Gate 3. This DPS Champion is ready to spread evil across the Forgotten Realms with the rest of the Absolute Adversaries. It also reintroduces Dhadius, the Human Wizard from the Betrayal at Baldur's Gate board game. You can learn more about the rework to Dhadius below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Festival of Fools 7!

    Note: Going forward, Adventure Variants information will now be found in the corresponding Champion's Spotlight. This change is being made so that all information about a Champion and their adventures can be found in one place.

    Table of Contents

    The Dark Urge

      The Dark Urge remembers nothing but a path paved with blood. Unimaginable cruelty whispers from within. Can he escape it? Would he even want to?

    The Dark Urge is a DPS Champion who counts the number of enemies he has slain. Like the other Absolute Adversaries, he has a mind flayer tadpole in his head, and his damage increases as more Champions with tadpoles are added to the formation. Will you choose to embrace his murderous urges, or fight against them? That choice will be made once you unlock them in seat 11 opposite Jamiliah.

    Learn more about The Dark Urge in our Champion Spotlight!


    Dungeons & Dragons Dhadius

      Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and least, in his own mind. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not. Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards, and is determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

    Dhadius has been reworked to modernize his kit and give him some additional formation niches that he may be able to slot into. We've buffed up his abilities and altered his equipment so that his powerful magic is better utilized and encourages more experimentation. This glass cannon can be unlocked in seat 5 opposite Calliope.

    Learn more about the changes coming to Dhadius in our Reintroduction Spotlight!

    Flex Champions

    Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This events Flex Slot pool includes:

    • K'thriss (Seat 1)
    • Regis (Seat 2)
    • Briv (Seat 5)
    • Alyndra (Seat 6)

    • Tatyana (Seat 8)
    • Rosie (Seat 10)
    • Strix (Seat 11)
    • Miria (Seat 12)

    Events 2.0

    Event Changes

    Events 2.0 is a significant update to the events system in Idle Champions. Because players will now be able to unlock more Champions, content, and rewards through Events 2.0, we are increasing the duration of events from 12 days to 21 days. Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month and run for three weeks. Content updates for Idle Champions will occur on the Wednesdays outside events.

    Along with the Event duration change we are reducing the number of annual events, shifting from 17 annual events down to 12. Long term, we plan to retire the Midwinter, Greengrass, The Running, Midsummer, and Brightswords events. However, as we transition over to the new Event 2.0 schedule, there will be a Greengrass event in April 2024.

    Quality of Life Updates

    As part of the Events 2.0 update, we are also making several quality of life updates:
    • Bounty Contracts used outside of events will award Event Tokens for the next event.
    • Event adventures, variants, and free plays no longer cost Event Tokens to start.
    • Event Tokens are now only used to purchase Event Chests directly (free plays no longer need to be grinded to obtain extra chests).
    • Event Tokens left over once an event ends will automatically be converted to Champion chests.
    • Retired Champions may come out of retirement.
    • Event Boons are granted to players who purchase specially marked event-related DLC during an event. There are four tiers of Event Boons that offer buffs to Champion Damage, Gold Find, Champion Health, Click Damage, and Speed. These buffs increase with each tier of Event Boon. Additionally, the first purchase that grants an Event Boon will also unlock the Supporter Slot.

    To learn more about what is changing with Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post! Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
    March 5th, 2024
    Idle Champion Spotlight: The Dark Urge 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Behold the dance of death."

    With a haunted past that he cannot remember, The Dark Urge has been left with only cursed dreams and bloody cravings. This may be an opportunity to write their life anew and craft a brighter future. Or they can carve new memories filled with vicious murder and the cruel glee of slaughter.

    I. The Dark Urge

      The Dark Urge remembers nothing but a path paved with blood. Unimaginable cruelty whispers from within. Can he escape it? Would he even want to?

    The Dark Urge is a DPS Champion who counts the number of enemies he has slain. Like the other Absolute Adversaries, he has a mind flayer tadpole in his head, and his damage increases as more Champions with tadpoles are added to the formation. Will you choose to embrace his murderous urges, or fight against them? That choice will be made once you unlock them in seat 11 opposite Jamiliah.

    Check out our Champion Spotlight embedded below for a quick overview of The Dark Urge's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. The Dark Urge

    Race: Dragonborn Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: Unknown Affiliation: Absolute Adversaries Class: Sorcerer

    STR: 8 DEX: 13 CON: 15
    INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 17

    Role: DPS

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, and Zariel

    Seat: 11 (Jamilah)

    Dungeons & Dragons The Dark Urge

    III. The Dark Urge's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    The Dark Urge has two normal attacks: a melee attack in his regular form, and a melee attack while in his Ultimate Slayer form.
    • Murderous Slash - The Dark Urge moves up to the closest enemy and attacks all nearby enemies with a slash of his dagger.
    • Slay - The Dark Urge (in Slayer form) moves up to the closest enemy and attacks all nearby enemies with vicious swipes of his claws, dealing ultimate damage.

    Passive Abilities

    • Dark Inheritance - The Dark Urge is eligible to start in all adventures, even if the Patron, Variant, or other restrictions would say otherwise. He also does not interact with any Champion abilities or variant effects that are based on age.

    Formation Abilities

    • The Urge - Each time the Dark Urge defeats an enemy, he gains a Murder stack. The Dark Urge increases his damage by 0.1% for each Murder stack he has. Stacks persist between adventures.
    • Ceremorphosis - Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in the Dark Urge's brain. The Dark Urge increases his damage by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Living on the Edge - The Dark Urge has 6 Outcast stacks, minus 1 stack for each adjacent champion that does not have the DPS role. The Dark Urge increases his damage by 100% for each Outcast stack, stacking multiplicatively.


    The Dark Urge's first Specialization picks his subclass.
    • Storm Sorcery - The Dark Urge's Murderous Slash attack is empowered by lightning. This increases the range by 200% and deals up to 800% more damage to enemies based on how close they are to him.
    • Draconic Bloodline - The Dark Urge's damage is increased by 200% for each Dragonborn Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Divine Soul - The Dark Urge increases the number of The Urge's Murder stacks he gains each time he defeats an enemy by 200%.
    The Dark Urge's second Specialization is a choice between embracing or resisting the Urge.
    • Embrace the Urge - The Dark Urge unlocks the Form of the Slayer ultimate, and deals 100% more damage for each Evil Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Resist the Urge - The Dark Urge's alignment becomes Lawful Good, he unlocks the Wither's Resurrection ultimate, and deals 100% more damage for each Good Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    The Dark Urge has two ultimate attacks, depending on if you Embrace or Resist the Urge.
    • Form of the Slayer - The Dark Urge moves to the enemy's side of the screen and transforms into the form of the Slayer for 15 seconds. While in this form, Sceleritas Fel joins the formation in the Dark Urge's spot while the Dark Urge is in the Ultimate form and is immune to damage. The Dark Urge gains a new melee attack that deals Ultimate damage.
    • Withers' Resurrection - Withers appears in the back of the formation and raises his right hand. All enemies take 1 Ultimate hit and are pushed back to their side of the board with a shockwave, all knocked out heroes briefly glow white and are resurrected to full health, and all heroes are immune to damage for 15 seconds. This Ultimate automatically triggers if The Dark Urge is knocked out. After the duration ends, Withers disappears.

    IV. The Dark Urge's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: The Dark Urge DPS
    Slot 2: The Urge
    Slot 3: Ceremorphosis
    Slot 4: Living on the Edge
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. The Dark Urge's Adventure Variants

    How Many Die Today? - Save the village from a foolish prank gone wrong with The Dark Urge!
    • The Dark Urge joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • Only Champions with the DPS role can deal damage. (clicks still deal damage)
    • Each wave spawns an Intellect Devourer. They don't drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • Getting to know the Dark Urge: The Dark Urge's damage is boosted by the number of enemies he has defeated, and this persists after you complete adventures.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Time for Bloody Murder - Save the village with some high damage heroes!
    • The Dark Urge joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with the DPS role and/or members of the Absolute Adversaries or Heroes of Baldur's Gate affiliation.
    • Getting to know the Dark Urge: The Dark Urge deals more damage when he is near the edge of the formation or next to DPS Champions. How will you maximize his damage?
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Rampage or Redemption - Save the village while deciding to fight or embrace murderous urges!
    • The Dark Urge joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may not use Neutral champions unless they are members of the Absolute Adversaries affiliation.
    • Each wave spawns an armored Mind Flayer. They don't drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • Getting to know the Dark Urge: The type of Champions that associate with The Dark Urge depends on if he embraces or fights against his urges. Which one will you choose?
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Did you put The Dark Urge on the path to redemption? Or did you revel in his murderous side? Let us know all about it:
    March 4th, 2024
    Idle Champion Reintroduction Spotlight: Dhadius 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the beginning of the very first year of Idle Champions, Dhadius the Scarlet joined the Champion roster. Originally from the game Betrayal at Baldur's Gate, this arrogant wizard proudly launched his Chromatic orbs from the formation. But over time he has not been taken as seriously as he thinks he should be, so he now becomes our first Champion to be reworked so he can finally get the respect he craves!

    I. Dhadius

      Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and least, in his own mind. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not. Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards, and is determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

    Dhadius has been reworked to modernize his kit and give him some additional formation niches that he may be able to slot into. We've buffed up his abilities and altered his equipment so that his powerful magic is better utilized and encourages more experimentation. This glass cannon can be unlocked in seat 5 opposite Calliope.

    Check out our Champion Spotlight embedded below for a quick overview of Dhadius' abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Dhadius

    Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 57 Affiliation: None Class: Wizard

    STR: 8 DEX: 12 CON: 10
    INT: 18 WIS: 9 CHA: 11

    Role: DPS and Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Strahd

    Seat: 5 (Calliope)

    Dungeons & Dragons Dhadius

    III. Dhadius' Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Chromatic Orb - Dhadius tosses a Chromatic orb with a random element (acid, frost, or fire) at the nearest enemy.

    Formation Abilities

    • Skill Empowerment - Increase Dhadius's damage and the damage of Champions with 14 or more Intelligence within 2 slots of Dhadius by 100% for each Champion in the formation affected by this ability, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Practice Makes Perfect - Enemies hit by a Chromatic Orb are debuffed based on the orb's type (acid, frost, or fire). Each debuff increases the damage of subsequent orbs of the same type by 400%, stacking multiplicatively. Enemies can have up to 5 debuffs of each type; debuffs do not expire.
    • Chromatic Wonder - Dhadius keeps track of the total number of sets of all three orb types he has cast in the current area. Dhadius increases the effect of Skill Empowerment by 100% for each set, stacking multiplicatively and capping at 20 stacks.


    Dhadius' first Specialization determines whether or not he works with Magic users or non-magic users:
    • Together In Magic - The effect of Skill Empowerment is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a Magic base attack, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Apart in Magic - The effect of Skill Empowerment is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation that does not have a Magic base attack, stacking multiplicatively.
    Dhadius' second Specialization determines what he focuses on:
    • Empowered Orbs - Chromatic Orbs now do AOE damage and deal 400% more damage.
    • Empowered Empowerment - Increase the effect of Skill Empowerment by 200%
    • Use Smaller Words - Dhadius reduces the required Intelligence of Skill Empowerment to 12 and higher.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Magic Missile Barrage - Dhadius wildly fires off a large number of magic missiles. The number of magic missiles starts at 10 and increases by 1 for each enemy on the screen. Each missile hits a random enemy, so not necessarily every enemy will be hit.

    IV. Dhadius' Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Together In Magic and Apart in Magic
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Skill Empowerment
    Slot 4: Practice Makes Perfect
    Slot 5: Chromatic Wonder
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. Dhadius' Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • Smart Companions - Complete 100 areas while Dhadius is buffing everyone in the formation with Skill Empowerment.

    Adventure Variants

    Frightful Weather
    • In areas where it is snowing (excluding boss areas), your party will take 1.7% of their max health as unavoidable damage every second.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Light in the Darkness
    • Several slots in the formation are taken up by floating magical torches.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    A Wise Endeavour
    • Only champions with a wisdom score of 13 or more, plus Dhadius, may be used.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Does new and improved Dhadius live up to his own hype? Let us know what you think:
    March 15th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 5 introduces Miria, the Shadar-kai Silvanesti Elf from the world of Krynn played by Mark Hulmes on Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose. Festival of Fools also brings back Tatyana, fierce guardian of her friends and Alyndra Sarrbarand, Divination Wizard and Cleric of Oghma. Players have until Monday, March 27th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Festival of Fools 6 unlocks and objectives.

    Check out Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose below!


    Dungeons & Dragons Miria Key Art
      Miria Elithren is a Shadar-kai Silvanesti Elf from the world of Krynn. Born under an ill-omen of the Dark Moon, Nuitari, she had an unhappy childhood that caused her to flee her homeland and seek tutelage in advanced magical arts beyond Elven lands. After passing the Test of High Sorcery, she briefly allied with Lord Soth until he tried to turn Miria into an undead creature subservient to his will. Miria escaped Soth’s trap at the cost of the flesh and muscle of her right arm. Pursued by Soth for her arcane knowledge, Miria seeks to escape Krynn.

    Miria is a tanking and support Champion that protects the champions with her undead servants. Her necromantic powers captures the souls of defeated enemies, and she's always prepared for the worst with her clone replacements. Once unlocked, you can find this shadar-kai necromancer in Slot 12 (Arkhan).

    Dungeons & Dragons Miria

    For more information on Miria and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    • Adventure Variant 1: Born Under Nuitari - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed. Only champions next to Miria can deal damage.
      Complete Area 75.
    • Getting to know Miria: Miria increases the damage of Champions next to her. Place your damage dealing champions to take advantage of this!

    • Adventure Variant 2: The Knight of the Black Rose - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed.Miria's Zombie Bodyguards ability starts out unlocked.1-2 Skeleton Archers spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress. In Boss areas, Lord Soth spawns and must also be defeated to progress.
      Complete Area 125.
    • Getting to know Miria: Miria summons zombies to protect the front of the formation, causing her to take some of their damage. Use healers to give her more longevity!

    • Adventure Variant 3: Festival of Favorites - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed. You may only use Champions that are Lawful, Unaffiliated, or have INT 15+.
      Complete Area 175.
    • Getting to Know Miria: Miria's specialization determines what types of Champions she works best with. Pick the choice that best fits your formation!

    New DLC

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance Miria

    Also launching with Miria is the Dragonlance Miria Theme Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Miria, the new Dragonlance Miria Skin, the Baby Death Dragon familiar, an Epic Feat for Miria, 1 Epic Potion of the Gem Hunter, and 16 Gold Miria Chests with 2 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Cards.

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Festival of Fools 5 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    March 10th, 2023
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Miria 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Few have the cunning and capacity to resist the overwhelming power of Lord Soth. But this ambitious necromancer managed to break free of his trap, and now is relentlessly hunted across Krynn. Miria Elithren knows there are other realms, and with considerable determination and ruthlessness she seeks to escape to the worlds beyond!

    I. Miria

      Born under an ill-omen of the Dark Moon, Nuitari, Miria had an unhappy childhood that caused her to flee her homeland and seek tutelage in advanced magical arts beyond Elven lands. After passing the Test of High Sorcery, she briefly allied with Lord Soth until he tried to turn Miria into an undead creature subservient to his will. Miria escaped Soth’s trap at the cost of the flesh and muscle of her right arm.

    Miria is a Tanking and Support Champion that protects the formation with her undead servants. Her necromantic powers captures the souls of defeated enemies, and she's always prepared for the worst with her clone replacements. Once unlocked, you can find this shadar-kai necromancer in Slot 12 opposite Arkhan.

    II. Miria's Stats

    Race: Elf (Shadar-kai) Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 347 Class: Wizard (Necromancer)

    STR: 10 DEX: 16 CON: 14
    INT: 20 WIS: 13 CHA: 12

    Role: Support, Tanking

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, and Strahd

    Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

    Dungeons & Dragons Miria Marketing Gif

    III. Miria's Design

    When we bring an affiliation of Champions into our game, it can be difficult to find a way to include the Dungeon Master of that group. Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose offered a unique opportunity to work with the fantastic Mark Hulmes as more than the DM for High Rollers. They created a brand new character crafted specifically for both the livestream and the Idle Champions roster, with a unique backstory connected to the game and an interesting power set for the Champion!

    Miria is a formidable necromancer with training in advanced magical arts, but she knows supporting the formation with her undead powers is the best way to ensure her own safety. Her training as a Mage of High Sorcery helps her increase the damage of all adjacent Champions, and that bonus is increased for every defeated enemy she captures in her Soul Cage. She helps buff the front-most column of the formation by sending her Zombie Bodyguards up to absorb damage, and will use Life Transference to increase the health of all Champions so they can soak up more damage. If none of these protective measures help keep Miria alive, she has one more contingency in place with a stash of clones that she can draw from to regain her health!

    Miria's Specializations determines the type of heroes that she prefers to have in the formation, and will increase the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery for each Champion who fits her requirements. Lawful Champions can be Methodical and she appreciates their predictability. Those that show they have a high intelligence appeal to her Intellectual nature. But she also respects those that are unaffiliated for remaining Independent. When adversaries come close, Miria will fire a Ray of Sickness at the nearest one to weaken them. And when her bodyguards are not enough, she will cast Danse Macabre to summon five skeletons to the battlefield and command them to brutally attack her enemies!

    IV. Miria's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Ray of Sickness - Miria fires an energy ray at the nearest enemy, dealing one hit of magical damage and the target's damage is reduced by 50% for 6 seconds. Does not stack.

    Formation Abilities

    • Mage of High Sorcery - Miria increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by +100%.
    • Soul Cage - When an enemy is defeated, Miria can capture its soul and gain a Soul Cage stack. Her maximum number of Soul Cage stacks is 1 for every 20 areas completed in the current adventure, rounded up. Miria increases the damage bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Soul Cage stack she has, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Zombie Bodyguards - While Miria is alive, a Zombie Bodyguard that shares hit points with Miria appears in front of each Champion in the front-most column of the formation. When a Champion in that column takes damage, the Zombie Bodyguard takes 90% of the damage instead, while the original target takes the remaining 10%.
    • Clone - Miria maintains a stash of clones in her Inner Sanctum with a count equal to her Soul Cage stacks. If Miria is defeated, a clone immediately appears and takes her place at full health. This does not reduce the number of Soul Cage stacks she has. Her stash of clones are regenerated when the party changes areas. For each clone summoned in the current area, the effect of Mage of High Sorcery is increased by 25%, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Life Transference - Miria increases the health of all other Champions by 1% of her max health for each Soul Cage stack she has, stacking additively.


    • Methodical - Miria increases the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Lawful Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Intellectual - Miria increases the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Champion with an INT score of 15+ in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Independent - Miria increases the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Unaffiliated Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Danse Macabre - Miria summons 5 skeletons to the battlefield. The skeletons deal 15 attacks to the enemies before vanishing. All enemies are slowed by 50% for the duration due to the confusion on the battlefield.

    V. Miria's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Mage of High Sorcery
    Slot 3: Soul Cage
    Slot 4: Specializations
    Slot 5: Ultimate Attack
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    As long as you don't have any objections to necromancy, then Miria will be a strong ally to your formation! Watch Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose to watch her in action, and tell us what you think in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    March 9th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 5 introduces Tatyana, the Air Genasi Barbarian Druid played by Becca Scott on The Black Dice Society. Festival of Fools also brings back Alyndra Sarrbarand, Divination Wizard and Cleric of Oghma and Briv Steelmarrow, Half-Orc Paladin (Oath of Heroism). Players have until Monday, March 21st at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Festival of Fools 5 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Tatyana

    Dungeons & Dragons Tatyana Key Art
      This toweringly tall air-genasi barbarian earned her skills and power in the gladiatorial fighting pits of Koshmarr. Tatyana augmented her rage with the might of the bear totem, and the spirits of the mist connected her to the natural druidic world through the power of the moon. Her fearsome and deadly battle prowess is tempered by a respect for anyone who would return that respect. She is curious and bold, and while she's quick to jump into battle she's just as swift with her forgiveness.

    Tatyana is a Tanking, Support, and Speed Champion who is faithful and protective of her friends and allies. When you want to add her to your formation you can swap her with Delina in slot 8.

    II. Tatyana's Stats

    Race: Air Genasi Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Barbarian/Druid Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 30
    Affiliation: Black Dice Society

    STR: 16 DEX: 13 CON: 16
    INT: 8 WIS: 14 CHA: 11

    Role: Tanking, Support, Speed
    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra
    Slot: 8 (Delina)

    Dungeons & Dragons Tatyana

    III. Tatyana's Design

    Most of the Idle Champions community will recognize Becca Scott from her work on The Black Dice Society, Geek & Sundry, Dimension 20, and many other TTRPG shows and streams. But her work also includes a huge library of content as an actor, host, interviewer, podcaster, voice-over artist, and streamer! Plus she is the co-founder of the channel and production company Good Time Society.

    The core of Tatyana's design focuses on how she channels her Fury and Rage into keeping her friends safe. She'll become a Faithful Friend to a random slot in the middle of the formation, encouraging that Champion to do more damage. As she tanks incoming attacks her Rising Fury will grow, gaining stacks of Fury that increase the effect of Faithful Friend. Eventually her Fury turns to Rage, and with bulging muscles and nasty claws she'll stop attacking with her Twin Kukri Strike and instead rely on her Primal Savagery to bite and claw at enemies! When there aren't enemies around to fight, she'll become distracted, heading off to Find a Feast and causing a few enemies to spawn and follow her back to her companions.

    For more information on Tatyana and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • Adventure Variant 1: I'm HUNGRY! — Tatyana starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed from the formation. Quest requirements are doubled. Enemies spawned by Tatyana's Find a Feast ability count for 5x quest progress. Tatyana's Find a Feast ability starts out unlocked.
      Complete Area 75.
    • Getting to know Tatyana: When Tatyana hasn't been attacked in a while, she'll run off screen to find snacks (and more enemies to fight).

    • Adventure Variant 2: Exclusive Friend Club — Tatyana starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed from the formation. In area 51 and beyond, only Tatyana and the Champions affected by Tatyana's Faithful Friend can deal damage.
      Complete Area 125.
    • Getting to know Tatyana: Tatyana buffs a random slot with her Faithful Friend ability. Use her specializations to increase the number of slots affected.

    • Adventure Variant 3: Tanks a Lot! — Every 5 seconds, each Champion takes damage which increases the further you get in the adventure.
      Complete Area 175.
    • Getting to know Tatyana: Tanks like Tatyana often protect your Champions by granting additional health. Include them to offset the constant damage!

    New DLC

    Dungeons & Dragons Shadowfell Tatyana

    Also launching with Tatyana is the Shadowfell Tatyana Theme Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Tatyana, the new Shadowfell Tatyana Skin, the Twinkle, the Faerie Dragon familiar, Tatyana's Epic Entertainer Feat, which increases Tatyana's Charisma Score by +2, 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter, and 16 Gold Tatyana Chests with 2 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Cards.

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Festival of Fools 4 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    April 14th, 2021
    Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand Synopsis 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Find the full synopsis and links to each episode below! Warning, here be spoilers!

    Our Champions have concluded their Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand adventure. If you're looking for a quick recap of the adventure with links to each episode, look no further!

    Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand starring B Dave Walters as the Dungeon Master and Freely, Krystina Arielle as Orisha, Erin M Evans as Havilar , Mark Meer as Baeloth Barrityl Jen Kretchmer as Alyndra Saarbarand, and Adam Bradford as Briv Steelmarrow. Our adventure saw the Champions starting in the village of Hornfirth during the Festival of Fools.

    We are proud to present Fool's Errand encounter, written by Scott Fitzgerald Grey for you to download and play here.

    Find the full synopsis and links to each episode below! Warning, here be spoilers!

    Idle Champions Presents: The Unfair Seas B Dave Walters Erin M Evans Krystina Arielle Mark Meer Jen Kretchmer Adam Bradford

    Episode 1

    Disembarking from their Drow submarine ride are Freely, Orisha, Baeloth, and Havilar. They’ve arrived in the village of Hornfirth during the colorful Festival of Fools, and Orisha is once again overcome with a cryptic vision and warning that she imparts to the group. Revelry with the party and the bar patrons ensues.

    A sudden ruckus nearby, including the sounds of Freely calling out in distress, cause the group to dash outside. In a nearby alley, they find the halfling protecting a red panda from a pack of wild dogs. No one wants to hurt the dogs, and between some illusions, fire, and snacks they are able to convince the dogs to run away. Freely is happy to see his old friends, and introduces the red panda as Cinnamon.

    Another cry of terror rings out, and running back out of the alley the heroes find a tipsy conjurer using a spell scroll to summon fiends! Spined devils, quasits, and a nightmare appear as well as a drunken group of angry party goers who want to join the fight. Our heroes are quick to dispatch the spined devils and quasits, convince the intoxicated revelers to stand down, and persuade the nightmare to a truce. The fake Halister Blackcloak is killed, and several scrolls are found on his body. Briv makes a connection with the nightmare, who agrees to come four times when he calls, before disappearing.

    Link to the full episode here

    Episode 2

    Just as one problem is solved another commotion starts up from Heiley, a distraught festival reveler crying for help. Her husband Beirn and his friends have gone into the mountains to play a prank on the frost giant Wrerdor and his ogre servants. Normally the frost giant is a good neighbor, but the townsfolk are terrified that Wrerdor will be infuriated and attack the village. Iris the friendly beholder shows up to offer some advice on the situation and agrees to help with any plans the heroes come up with, as well as offer a new title for both Alyndra and Briv.

    The group head up the mountain to try and find the pranksters before they can strike. Their way is blocked and their trip is hampered by a Sneeze Breeze trap and then a pack of angry owlbears. The creatures are quickly killed, but Orisha’s deva rewinds time to save the owlbear’s life. After casting speak with animals they discover she’s just protecting her cubs hiding in a nearby tree, so Briv casts revivify to bring the other back to life. Continuing up the mountainside, they are distracted by the sight of a flaming mountain with a massive creature flying over it that brings Havilar infernal vibes. But it’s too far away to do much about.

    Eventually, they find a tunnel entrance with a sign indicating it leads to Wrerdor, and running out of the cave is a screaming woman - a member of Beirn’s crew. She relays the group put itching powder in Wrerdor’s underclothing, but the giant did not appreciate the prank and attacked. After a stern talking about the stupidity of their actions, she is sent out into the cold to head back to town while the group head into the caves to try and rescue the other eight townsfolk. After getting lost for a while they finally find the cavern with ice mephits tormenting the captured townsfolk. They defeat the creatures and free the prisoners but are informed that Wrerdor and his ogres are heading for the town to extract revenge!

    Link to the full episode here

    Episode 3

    Beirn informs everyone that he knows a quick way to get back to town, so after a few healing words they rush off. He leads them to a log flume that can be used to get down the mountain quickly as long as they can put together a raft. Havilar’s strength and Briv’s liquid metal are put to good use in crafting the raft, Alyndra oversees the building, and Baeloth and Orisha terrify and inspire the townsfolk to help. The heroes jump on the raft and head down the flume, narrowly avoiding several potential disasters including an otter dam they manage to dodge while saving the otters. With a frantic leap, they manage to exit the raft just before hitting the lake, taking a variety of cuts and scrapes but no major injuries. While the trip was dangerous, it did manage to get them in front of Wrerdor!

    Bubbles the Hollyphant appears and offers to help them scare off the giant, transforming them all into were-red pandas before disappearing again. The group prepares to try and stop Wrerdor and his three ogres, putting up a wall of fire and preparing a massive pond full of bubbles. The ogres charge into battle, but some persuasive words from Havilar and Orisha, a joke from Briv, and a command to parlay from Alyndra convinces Wrerdor to talk first. The giant admits that he’s not mad, he’s just upset he was left out of the festivities. After some discussion and calming down, Wrerdor is convinced to throw his own party! They’re going to have a foam party, with drinks and snacks, and Baeloth agrees to sing for entertainment. Orisha coordinates the decorations, Briv takes over food prep, Alyndra leads some on some calming meditation, and Freely gathers up the townsfolk to join the festivities.

    The party is a success! The Festival of Fools is finished with a fantastic festival of foam!

    Link to the full episode here

    March 17th, 2021
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 4 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 4 runs until Monday, March 29th, 2021 at 12:00pm PST, introduces Alyndra Sarrbarand, Divination Wizard and Cleric of Oghma and brings back Briv Steelmarrow, Half-Orc Paladin (Oath of Heroism), and Rosie Beestinger.

    For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

    Alyndra Sarrbarand

      Alyndra Alexandria Garanahil Sarrbarand is known by many names: Lorekeeper of Rime Spiro, Kinscribe of Clan Monkeymouse, Daughter of Oblivion, Fate Changer, Knight of Wonder and Captivation...and apologetic offspring of Avren & Sofieus.

    Alyndra is a Support Champion whose powerful portents increase the damage of those adjacent to her. Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

    II. Alyndra's Stats

    Race: Elf Alignment: True Neutral
    Class: Wizard/Cleric Gender: Female
    Age: 168 Affiliation: Heroes of the Planes

    STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 14
    INT: 18 WIS: 14 CHA: 11

    Role: Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich

    Slot: 6, (Asharra)

    Alyndra's Abilities

    Alyndra is a Support Champion whose Portent ability boosts the damage of those adjacent to her. Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents. When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6). Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents. When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

    For more information on Alyndra and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Four Variants

    • Future Sight — Alyndra attempts to peer into the future to determine which bosses are around the next corner. Unfortunately, she causes the future to play out in the present! In each boss area, you will encounter the current boss AND the next boss at once. You'll need to defeat both to progress. Chadwick joins the formation. He mostly observes and tries to figure out what's going on.
    • Reach Area 75.
    • Frost Wave — Additional Frost Giants appear in each area. Each of these additional Frost Giants start with 4 hits-based hit points. Every 25 areas they gain 3 additional hits-based hit points. (For example, in area 1, the Frost Giants have 3 HP, in area 26, they have 6 HP, in area 51, they have 9 HP, and so on). Champion damage is reduced by 99%.
    • Reach Area 125.
    • Knowledge Over Power — Only Champions with INT of 14 or higher can be used. Alyndra starts in your formation. She can be moved or removed.
    • Reach Area 175.

    New DLC

    Also launching today are two theme packs for Festival of Fools and Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand the Pirate Alyndra and Griff Theme Pack and Pirate Briv and Phlo Theme Pack.

    Both Theme packs feature a new skin, feat, and familiar, all with a matching theme. With Idle Champions Presents, the name of the game is pirates, so Alyndra and Briv have dressed to match!

    Additionally, both theme packs come with a new week-long buff potion: The Epic Potion of Gold Hunter. It increases your gold find by 100% across all of your adventuring parties for 1 week. Dungeons & Dragons Pirate Alyndra and Griff Jen Kretchmer

    Dungeons & Dragons Pirate Briv and Phlo Adam Bradford

    Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Festival of Fools 3 blog.
    March 12th, 2021
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Alyndra Sarrbarand 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "I Have Foreseen This Moment..." the serene elf said evaluating the infinite possibilities of all possible futures."Remember my friends, you are blessed."

    Alyndra Sarrbarand joins her companions Avren, Penelope, Freely, and Briv Steelmarrow from D&D Beyond's Silver & Steel & Beyond Heroes, and now Heroes of the Planes, and is delighted to meet the aquaintance of her new companions on the Idle Champions roster, with Festival of Fools 4.

    Working with Jen to bring Alyndra to Idle Champions was an absolute delight to capture the essence of Alyndra and bring the most authentic representation of her to Idle Champions. She is accompanied by her two familiars, Griff and Grant, the Baby Blue Dragon. We are deeply touched that Jen would think of us to honor Grant's legacy and we are privileged to work with her and the Grant Imahara STEAM Foundation.

    It's time for the latest Idle Champion Spotlight.

    I. Lorekeeper of Rime Spiro, Kinscribe of Clan Monkeymouse

      Alyndra Alexandria Garanahil Sarrbarand is known by many names: Lorekeeper of Rime Spiro, Kinscribe of Clan Monkeymouse, Daughter of Oblivion, Fate Changer, Knight of Wonder and Captivation...and apologetic offspring of Avren & Sofieus.

    Alyndra is a Support Champion whose powerful portents increase the damage of those adjacent to her. Her companion Griff judges their enemies, further increasing the damage they take due to her portents. When you want to add Alyndra to your formation, you can swap her with Asharra (Slot 6).

    II. Alyndra's Stats

    Race: Elf Alignment: True Neutral
    Class: Wizard/Cleric Gender: Female
    Age: 168 Affiliation: Heroes of the Planes

    STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 14
    INT: 18 WIS: 14 CHA: 11

    Role: Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich

    Slot: 6, (Asharra)

    III. Alyndra's Design

    We were thrilled to work with Jen Kretchmer, a producer, writer, actor, streamer and disability advocate. You may recognize her from Beyond Heroes, Silver & Steel, and forthcoming Heroes of the Planes, and we are thrilled to announce that not only is Alyndra joining Idle Champions, but Jen Kretchmer will be playing her as a member of the cast of Idle Champions Presents: A Fool's Errand.

    A Divination Wizard, Alyndra buffs adjacent Champions with her Portent ability guiding their attacks and increasing their damage. This ability is heightened when the adjacent Champion is one of Alyndra's adventuring companions of the Heroes of the Planes affiliation. Griff, Alyndra's very judgy owl familiar, is never far from her side and marks unworthy enemies for her when she's unsure if it's a cultural misunderstanding. Her equipment is made up of wonderful ties to her past and future, and the close relationship she shares with her adventuring companions, and of course, Logic and Reason, her sword and spellbook-mace, respectively.

    IV. Alyndra's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Mind Spike — Alyndra reaches into the mind of a random enemy, dealing damage and slowing the enemy by 50% for 3 seconds.

    Formation Abilities

    • Portent — Every 30 seconds, Alyndra randomly chooses (up to) two adjacent Champions and peers into their futures, helping guide their attacks and increasing their damage by 100%.
    • Heroes of the Planes — If Portent is applied to a Champion under the effect of certain Heroes of the Planes Champions' abilities, those effects are increased in power:
      • Avren — Mirror Image effects on the Portented Champion +100%.
      • Freely — Unlucky For Them +100% for each Portented Champion affected by Luck of Yondalla(stacking multiplicatively).
      • Penelope — Chwinga Mask: Tools for the Job Charm +100% for each Portented Champion affected by Chwinga Mask (stacking multiplicatively).
      • Orkira — Orkira will be receiving his Heroes of the Planes buff in a later update.
      • Briv — Briv will be receiving his Heroes of the Planes affiliation and buff in a later update.
    • Brows of Judgement — Griff, Alyndra's owl companion, sits on Alyndra's shoulder and judges enemies as they spawn. They have a 25% chance to judge normal enemies as unworthy, and a 100% chance to judge bosses as unworthy. For each living unworthy normal enemy, Portent's base buff is increased by 100%, stacking additively. Each living boss increases Portent's base buff by 400%. Unworthy enemies have an overlay that counts as a debuff for the purposes of Alyndra's ultimate but has no other effect.


    • Expansive Vision — Portent now applies to 3 random adjacent Champions instead of 2.
    • Extra Judgy — Double Griff's chance to judge enemies as unworthy with Brows of Judgement, and increases the buff by 100% as well.

    Ultimate Ability

    • I Have Foreseen This — Alyndra slips into a trance and foresees the death of all the formation's enemies. For the next 30 seconds, all enemies (regardless of whether or not they spawn after the Ultimate starts) take extra damage equal to the total Portent buff being given (cumulatively).

    V. Alyndra's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Portent
    Slot 4: Heroes of the Planes
    Slot 5: Brows of Judgement
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    We are delighted Alyndra is joining her companions on the Idle Champions roster and we are excited to see how well she fits into the meta. If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!