For the next 12 weeks, you'll help earn Idle Champions branded D6s for the High Rollers players to use in their campaign. At the same time, you'll earn some sweet loot for yourself.
Every time you complete an adventure, or complete a free play above area 50 (the threshold increases as you continue to complete free plays) you'll earn points that will fuel both your own rewards and the on-stream rewards in the form of Idle Champions branded D6s!

The High Rollers crew will be able to use those D6s to replace any saving throw or ability check, using as many (or as few) as they want to replace their D20 roll. The more dice we earn for them, the more wacky rolls they'll be able to make!
Additionally, while you're earning D6s for the streamers, you'll be unlocking your own rewards. Gold Chests, Time Gate Fragments, Potions of Polish, even an exclusive Golden Epic card for Minsc!

Log into the game now to learn more, and start unlocking your personal rewards!