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July 26th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Wren 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"It's nice at least knowing this is me. A form of me at least. I just can't stop thinking about who they were and where they've been. I just hope I'm doing this new form justice."

Getting a second chance at life is usually a rare gift, but what if you have to re-learn who you are every time? Will you make the same decisions, or try something new? Wren was faced with remaking herself again and again, and now uses all of the skills she has gained from coming back to life as a glitched Champion to become a new kind of hero!

I. Wren

Dungeons & Dragons Wren

    Wren woke up in the Mortuary with the Champions and, like them, had no memory of who she was. The talking skull, Morte, gave her a name and from there she journeyed with the Champions on a quest to discover who they were. Along the way, disaster struck twice and Wren was killed - but each time she quickly returned in the form of herself from somewhere else in the Multiverse!
Wren is a glitch Champion where you get to pick her form. Will you choose the Dwarf Monk, focusing on her ability to deal damage? Will you choose the Tabaxi Barbarian, focusing on her ability to protect her allies? Or will you choose the Warforged Sorcerer, where she debuffs her enemies? Whatever form you pick will show up in seat 3 next to Nayeli.

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Wren's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Wren's Stats

Race: Dwarf / Tabaxi / Warforged Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 31 Affiliation: None Class: Monk / Barbarian / Sorcerer

STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 13 CHA: 13

Role: Support / DPS / Tanking / Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 31st, 2027)

Seat: 3 (Nayeli)

III. Wren's Abilities

Basic Attack - Wren has three different base attacks depending on her chosen glitch form. Unarmed Strike is her default first attack.

  • Unarmed Strike (Dwarf Monk melee attack) - Wren attacks the most damaged enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Tabaxi Barbarian melee attack) - Wren attacks the closest enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Warforged Sorcerer magic attack) - Wren blasts the enemy with the most health for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Slightly Glitched - Wren always counts as all her Glitch forms, regardless of the form she has chosen for the current adventure. She can also be used in any Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure or variant, regardless of any restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Hero's Call - Wren increases the damage of all Champions in her column (including herself) and the column behind her by 100%.
  • Instability - All three of Wren's glitch forms yearn to be utilized. For each area completed, all three forms gain a yearning stack, which generally persists between adventures. Wren's chosen form buffs her Hero's Call by 100% for each yearning stack for her chosen form, stacking additively. Yearning stacks for any glitch form she has specialized in during your current adventure are set to zero at the end of the adventure, or if she is swapped into another party.
  • Incarnation's Class - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Monk's Tenacity - Wren increases her damage by 1000%.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Barbarian's Resilience - Wren increases her health by 200% and then further increases her health by 75% (multiplicatively) for every 50 areas completed in the current adventure, up to area 600.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Sorcerer's Flames - Enemies damaged by Wren catch fire and take 100% more damage from subsequent Champion attacks.
  • Glitch Trick - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Flurry of Blows - When Wren defeats an enemy, her base attack cooldown immediately recharges.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Battle Cry - Wren increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Stunning Blast - Wren's base attack Stuns enemies for 5 seconds.
  • Experienced Incarnation - Wren increases the effect of Hero's Call by 25% for each Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure, variant, or patron variant completed, stacking multiplicatively.


  • Glitch Form: Dwarf Monk (DPS) - Wren remains in her dwarf monk form, unlocks the Astral Self Form ultimate, and focuses on her DPS role. She also gains +4 DEX and +4 WIS.
  • Glitch Form: Tabaxi Barbarian (tanking) - Wren takes on the form of a Tabaxi Barbarian. She unlocks the Colossal Rage ultimate, the Battleaxe base attack, gains 20 overwhelm, and focuses on her tanking role. She also gains +4 STR and +4 CON.
  • Glitch Form: Warforged Sorcerer (debuff) - Wren takes on the form of a Warforged Sorcerer. She unlocks the Time Stop ultimate, the Fire Bolt base attack, and focuses on her debuff role. She also gains +4 INT and +4 CHA.

Ultimate Ability - Wren has three different ultimate attacks depending on her chosen glitch form.

  • Astral Self Form (Dwarf Monk melee ultimate) - Wren manifests her astral form for 15 seconds. For the duration, when she attacks, she deals 1 hit to all nearby enemies (including her initial target) for ultimate damage.
  • Colossal Rage (Tabaxi Barbarian melee ultimate) - Wren grows in size for 15 seconds. For the duration, all enemies target her if possible, she takes 50% less damage from all attacks, and her attacks deal ultimate damage.
  • Time Stop (Warforged Sorcerer magic ultimate) - All enemies are frozen in time for 15 seconds. Enemies still spawn, but freeze for the rest of the duration when they finish spawning. Heroes deal 400% more damage to frozen enemies.

IV. Wren's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Hero's Call
Slot 3: Instability
Slot 4: Incarnation's Class
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Wren's Achievement and Unlocking Information


  • It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's... - Trigger Wren's Flurry of Blows 10,000 times, have her grow in size 100 times, and have her light 10,000 enemies on fire.

How To Unlock Wren:

Wren is an Evergreen Champion who is unlocked by playing through the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign. As you proceed through the campaign you will arrive at the adventure Titan on the Town. When you reach this point, follow these steps:
  • Complete the adventure Titan on the Town. This will unlock the first adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel and the second adventure variant will be unlocked, Twice Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Twice Through the Great Wheel and one of the rewards for completion will be the unlock for Wren.

VI. Conclusion

What is your favorite Wren glitch form? Let us know in one of the many places we hang out:
June 28th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Aeon 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Mastery required skill, and skill required patience and training. Whenever she would spend time working on an invention or deceiving folks in the local tavern, she thought of it as praying at the Temple of Knowledge. And she was a frequent attendant.

It's impossible to ignore this grinning goliath with extravagant style. Aeon's performances are dazzling, and her conversations are filled with wit and charm. But her true genius is what she accomplishes behind the scenes, gathering a wealth of knowledge and secrets all while deceiving her patrons with distracting displays!

I. Aeon

Dungeons & Dragons Aeon created by B Dave Walters

    Aeon, a Goliath of exceptional intellect and charm, masterfully intertwines her skills as an Artillerist Artificer and Bard of the College of Whispers. Operating under the guise of a master tinkerer, she is, in truth, a cunning spy and manipulative puppet master. Aeon owns the renowned Greenhow, a unique tavern where patrons are served by her intricate automata, while she sells mechanical devices and curios embedded with Sending Stones and other surveillance tools; her ‘gifts’ have managed to make their way into some of the most powerful homes in the North Ward of Waterdeep. Her strategy is brilliantly deceptive; she portrays herself as a flamboyant performer and entertainer, so vivid and engaging that none suspect her of orchestrating a grand network of espionage, controlling events from the shadows.
Aeon is a Support and Debuff Champion who infiltrates the inner circle of one Patron each week to become eligible for all their adventures. She was created by B. Dave Walters, who the Idle Champions community already knows as the DM for many of our Idle Champions Presents livestreams and the creator behind Freely! He is also a published writer for comic books, graphic novels, and screenplays as well as a lead developer on many major TTRPGs. We're thrilled to bring another one of his characters into our formations!

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Aeon's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Aeon's Stats

Race: Goliath Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 32 Affiliation: None Class: Artificer/Bard

STR: 10 DEX: 10 CON: 12
INT: 20 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

Role: Support, Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 3rd, 2027)

Seat: 10 (Tyril)

Dungeons & Dragons Aeon

III. Aeon's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Cane Wand - Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Network of Espionage - Every week, Aeon targets one Patron for infiltration. Aeon can be used in any Patron adventure or variant for her current Patron target, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Inner Circle - Aeon increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is eligible for the Patron she is infiltrating this week, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Uncover Weakness - Each enemy that Aeon damages gains a Stolen Secrets stack. Enemies with a Stolen Secrets stack take 100% more damage from all sources, stacking multiplicatively up to 5 times.
  • Challenge Accepted - Aeon increases the effect of Inner Circle by 100% for each completed Patron challenge for her current Patron target, stacking multiplicatively.


First Specialization

  • Immediate Infiltration - Increase the effect of Inner Circle by 100% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 10 times per area and resetting when changing areas.
  • Play the Long Game - Increase the effect of Inner Circle by 0.1% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 1,000,000 times and persisting until you reset the adventure.

Second Specialization

  • Artificer's Arsenal - Cane Wand can now pierce through the targeted enemy, dealing one hit to all enemies in a line. Additionally, it deals 5 seconds of BUD-based damage to all enemies it hits.
  • Spy Network - Inner Circle now affects all Champions within two slots of Aeon and its pre-stack effect is increased by 75%.
  • Powerful Patronage - Increase the pre-stack effect of Challenge Accepted by 150% while on a Patron variant for the week's chosen Patron.

Ultimate Ability

  • Deuce - Aeon's mechanical monkey Deuce fires a barrage at all enemies, dealing one ultimate hit to each one and knocking them back a short distance.

IV. Aeon's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Inner Circle
Slot 3: Uncover Weakness
Slot 4: Challenge Accepted
Slot 5: Immediate Infiltration and Play the Long Game
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Aeon's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • Scheming Strategist - Gain 10,000 stacks of Stolen Secrets with Aeon's Uncover Weakness ability. (Accumulates over multiple adventures.)

Adventure Variants:

Mechanical Mayhem - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Aeon!
  • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • 1-2 Iron Defenders spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
  • Only Champions next to Aeon can deal damage.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Spy's Strategy - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Champions that work with a particular Patron.
  • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • You may only use core Champions and/or Champions eligible for Aeon's current Patron.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Discovered Secrets - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with your best debuffers.
    • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only monsters that have a debuff can take damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Has Aeon charmed or manipulated her way into your roster? Tell us what secrets she's found out about your formations:
  • June 27th, 2024
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Umberto Thornheart 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "I have solved more cases than you have years in this world, I have faced more villains than you could dream of, and I am here to find this murderer and stop them before they kill again.”

    When tragedy strikes and a mystery unfolds, there's no better investigator on the Sword Coast than Umberto Thornheart. He finds joy in detecting clues, and is an expert at solving even the most dastardly of puzzles!

    I. Umberto

    Dungeons & Dragons Umberto Created by Gail Somone

      Umberto Thornheart is the orphaned child of two infamous thieves, and saw his parents executed for their crimes. Rather than live on the streets, he was taken in by the very detective who arrested his parents, and eventually became a detective himself, hoping to protect the innocent and (perhaps) reform the guilty.

    Umberto Thornheart is a Tanking, Support, and Debuff Champion who employs his detective prowess to aid his allies. He was created by award-winning writer Gail Simone, who you may recognize from her work for DC, Marvel, WB, and many more! She has an extensive history crafting thrilling and emotional stories for a variety of comics, and we're thrilled to work with her to create this new Champion!

    Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Umberto's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Umberto's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 42 Affiliation: None Class: Druid

    STR: 15 DEX: 9 CON: 16
    INT: 11 WIS: 17 CHA: 14

    Role: Tanking, Support, Debuff

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until July 3rd, 2027)

    Seat: 7 (Minsc)

    Dungeons & Dragons Umberto

    III. Umberto's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Umberto has two attacks. A magic attack when he is in human form, and a Bear melee attack when he is in his ultimate Bear form.

    • Swarmstaff - Umberto magically unleashes a small swarm of angry bees at the nearest foe, dealing 1 hit. If Beehive Barrage is unlocked, this adds one swarming bee to the enemy after Umberto's damage is applied.
    • Bear Claw - Umberto moves up to the nearest foe and slashes them, dealing 1 ultimate hit.

    Formation Abilities

    • Detective's Entourage - Umberto increases the damage of all Champions in the two columns behind him by 100%.
    • Beehive Barrage - Every second, Umberto's staff spawns a swarming bee, which buzzes around the staff, up to a maximum of 10 swarming bees. When an enemy attacks Umberto, he unleashes a swarming bee from the staff (if one exists) onto that enemy. When an enemy with one or more swarming bees is hit by any Champion, all their bees stings them, dealing 1 second of BUD-based damage for each bee. A maximum of 5 swarming bees can swarm a single enemy. Bees persist until the enemy is defeated, or until Umberto is removed from the formation.
    • Ongoing Investigation - Pick an Investigation to pursue. Umberto gains stacks of Clue, and can start another Investigation after the Investigation concludes. Each Clue stack increases Detective's Entourage by 50%, stacking multiplicatively. Caps at 100 stacks. Once you are capped, additional Investigations are not offered. Clue stacks persist between areas and reset when the adventure ends.
      • Rapid Reconnaissance: 2 hour duration, 10 stacks are awarded right away, but all but 1 are removed when the investigation ends (1 total)
      • Steadfast Search: 8 hour duration, 1 stack awarded after every 2 hours, plus 2 stacks when the investigation ends (6 total)
      • Thorough Inquiry: 24 hour duration, 1 stack awarded after every 3 hours, plus 16 stacks when the investigation ends (24 total)
    • Protective Presence - Umberto increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.


    First Specialization

    • Law's Alliance - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 125% for each Lawful Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Family of Orphans - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 100% for each unaffiliated Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Call of the Wardens - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 300% for each Ranger or Druid Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Second Specialization

    • More Bees - Umberto's Beehive Barrage increases the number of swarming bees spawned each second by 400% (to 5/sec), and when an enemy hits Umberto the maximum number of bees (if available) are unleashed. Finally, the damage per bee is increased by 100%.
    • More Clues - Umberto increases the maximum number of Ongoing Investigation's Clue stacks by 50%.
    • More Damage - Increase the effect of Detective's Entourage by 200%.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Brown Bear Bash - Umberto transforms into a bear for 15 seconds, resetting the base attack cooldown of all Champions in the formation. For the duration, Umberto's base attack changes to Bear Claw and the attack cooldown of all Champions in the formation is reduced by 2 seconds, causing them to attack more often.

    IV. Umberto's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Increase Health
    Slot 3: Detective's Entourage
    Slot 4: Ongoing Investigation
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    V. Umberto's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • Not The Bees! - Have Umberto unleash 10,000 bees with his Beehive Barrage ability.

    Adventure Variants:

    Guardian of the Wilds - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Umberto!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Umberto and Champions in the two columns behind him can deal damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Investigation Time - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with a detailed investigation!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • His assistant bees, Sherlock Combs and Dr. Buzz Watson, take up two slots in the formation, and assist Umberto with his investigations.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Umberto's Friends - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Umberto's friends!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • You may only use Lawful, Unaffiliated, Druid, and/or Ranger Champions.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    How has Umberto helped you solve the mystery of the most difficult formations? Let us know how this detective has helped:
    May 30th, 2024
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Ezmerelda d'Avenir  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Those that have played through the Grand Tour adventures based in Barovia have already been introduced to Ezmerelda d'Avenir. This renowned monster hunter has been helping battle the creatures of the night since Year 4, and after a few more years of experience she's learned some new tactics. She is ready to show off her improved skillset in this reintroduction, as well as bring the new Debuff role to the formation!

    I. Ezmerelda

    Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

      A prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia. Ezmerelda has joined the Champions to try and rid this new realm from evil. She brings a wealth of knowledge from Barovia to assist the Champions.

    Ezmerelda is a Support Champion who teaches other Champions how to spot the vulnerable points of their enemies. She increases her debuffs as the Champions defeat more undead, which are her favored foe. Once unlocked she'll be in Seat 1 opposite Bruenor, ready to jump into the formation and start training!

    II. Ezmerelda's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 27 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter/Wizard

    STR: 14 DEX: 19 CON: 16
    INT: 16 WIS: 11 CHA: 17

    Role: Support, Debuff

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until June 5th 2027)

    Seat: 1 (Bruenor)

    Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

    III. Ezmerelda's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Fire Bolt - Ezmerelda hurls a mote of fire at a random enemy.

    Formation Abilities

    • Training Montage - Ezmerelda marks enemies that she attacks, training other Champions to spot their vulnerable points. Marked enemies take 50% more damage from all Champions for each Debuff Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Preparation - Every time a debuff is applied to an enemy, the effect of Training Montage is increased by 10%, stacking multiplicatively, up to 100 times and resetting when changing areas.
    • Threat Tracking - Undead are Ezmerelda's favored foes. Ezmerelda tracks the favored foes that any Champion kills while she is in the formation, increasing the base effect of Training Montage by 0.025% for each favored foe killed (additively then multiplicatively). These stacks persist for the entire adventure, resetting when you complete it. Caps at 100,000 favored foe kills.
    • Enemies In The Mist - While Ezmerelda is in the formation, 0-2 "Mist" enemies can spawn with each wave. When a "Mist" enemy is defeated, an enemy whose type matches one of Ezmerelda's favored foe appears from the mist, and all nearby enemies gain the Training Montage debuff.


    • We've Trained For This - All champions deal 100% more damage against enemies with armor-based health, increasing their chance of breaking an armor piece. Additionally, if a hits-based or armor-based enemy is affected by Training Montage, successful hits against them remove an additional hit or armor piece.
    • Vampire Hunter - The effect of Training Montage is increased by 400% on enemies who are one of Ezmerelda's favored foes, and Threat Tracking counts each favored foe killed twice.
    • The Devil You Know - Increase the effect of Training Montage by 100%. The effect is doubled during Strahd patron variants.

    Ultimate Ability

    • My Signal - Ezmerelda reveals a magical sun dagger and launches it at the enemy with the highest health (randomly if tied). The dagger lands in the target dealing ultimate damage, and then remains there as it begins to glow with a burst of radiant energy, creating a new debuff that lasts 10 seconds. The debuff increases the damage done to the enemy by 25% for each stack of Preparation currently active, stacking multiplicatively.

    IV. Ezmerelda's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Training Montage
    Slot 4: Preparation
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    V. Ezmerelda's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • You Are Adequately Prepared - Use Ezmerelda's ultimate ability with a cumulative total of 2,500 active Preparation stacks. This count persists through adventures.

    Adventure Variants:

    The Devil's Scourge - Strahd von Zarovich sent his Zombies to follow Ezmerelda from Barovia.
    • Strahd Zombies appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    The Devil Knocks - The mists of Ravenloft encroach upon us, making it harder for the Champions to see.
    • Enemies move 100% faster and drop 99% less gold.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    The Devil You Know - This time Strahd sent his vampire spawn to follow Ezmerelda.
    • Vampire Spawn appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • Ezmerelda starts in the formation and cannot be moved. Only Champions in Ezmerelda's column can deal damage. All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active.
    • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Strahd and his undead don't stand a chance against Ezmerelda's debuffs! Let us know about your triumphs in the mist:
    April 3rd, 2024
    Idle Champions: Greengrass 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    A great cosmic conflict has spilled out upon the prime material plane.

    While celebrations to mark the start of spring begin in the quaint Sword Coast town of Triboar, a Githyanki raiding party descents from above, raining destruction.

    It's up to the Champions to defend the innocent and figure out what has drawn the attention of the Gith and their Endless War. It's time for Greengrass 7!

    Greengrass 7 has arrived! It introduces Gale, the Human Wizard from the 2023 Game of the Year - Baldur's Gate 3. This Support Champion brings the might of Mystra to the Absolute Adversaries and your formations! It also reintroduces Penelope "Half-Pint", the Halfling Druid from the Heroes of the Planes. You can learn more about the rework to Penelope below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Greengrass 7!

    As a reminder: Adventure Variant information can now be found in the corresponding Champion's Spotlight. This change is being made so that all information about a Champion and their adventures can be found in one place.

    Table of Contents


    Dungeons & Dragons Gale

      Gale of Waterdeep was a prodigious archmage, his talents earning him the attention of Mystra, the goddess of magic. At her side, he learned all that mortals might accomplish with the Weave, in time earning his place as her lover, and her Chosen. And yet, he was not satisfied. In an attempt to prove he was ready for even greater power, he accidentally unleashed 'the orb' - a highly volatile fragment of pure Weave, corrupted by Netherese magic, which buried itself in his chest. Cast out by Mystra, humbled by his downfall, he does all he can to prevent the orb's cataclysmic detonation, watching for his chance to get back everything he lost, and more.

    Gale is a support champion that buffs Champions in the two columns ahead of him and debuffs monsters the first time he attacks them. Gale will have access to all of Elminster's Patron adventures and variants, and is ready to be unlocked in the first seat opposite Bruenor.

    Learn more about Gale in our Champion Spotlight!


    Dungeons & Dragons Penelope Half-Pint

      Penelope "Half-Pint" is a halfling who just wants to be everyone's best friend, even if they are evil, or a plant, or a rock. With friends that already include a treant named Neverember and a clan of chwinga that have adopted her, Penelope is ready for anything! She has the heart of a true hero and will always stand by her friends...until she goes into shrub mode of course.

    Penelope is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who focuses on crowd control by slowing and debuffing enemies. She'll have her insect friends ready for when you swap her with Arkhan in seat 12.

    Learn more about the changes coming to Penelope in our Reintroduction Spotlight!

    Flex Champions

    Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

    • Orkira (Seat 1)
    • Spurt (Seat 3)
    • Antrius (Seat 4)
    • Gazrick (Seat 7)

    • Catti-brie (Seat 7)
    • Nrakk (Seat 8)
    • Aila (Seat 9)
    • Melf (Seat 12)

    New Patron: Elminster

    Dungeons & Dragons Elminster

    The Sage of Shadowdale himself, Elminster Aumar, is the newest Patron in Idle Champions! Elminster joins Zariel, Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, and Count Strahd von Zarovich as the fifth Patron. To unlock Elminster you'll first need to complete 250 Adventure Variants and unlock 100 Champions. Once you've done that it will cost 100,000 Gems and 10,000 Currency from the first four Patrons.

    Elminster has agreed to be the Champion's patron, but only for the newest Champions! A Champion must have been released or reworked in an event in the last 3 years (including evergreens) to be used.

    Elminster Patron Shop

    With a new Patron, comes a slew of new shop items! In addition to the normal Patron shop items, Elminster's shop will contain feats and skins for the 3 Champions who are always eligible for his variants: Gale, The Dark Urge, and Dungeon Master, a new exclusive familiar, and a GE Potion! Dungeons & Dragons Patron Store

    Elminster Feat Details

    Dungeon Master:
  • Rare Feat to increase the age of his Patience Young Ones! ability by 5 years.
  • Epic Feat to increase his Disappearing Act ability by 80%

  • The Dark Urge:
  • Rare Feat to increase his Embrace/Resist the Urge specializations by 40%
  • Epic Feat to increase his damage by 120%

  • Gale:
  • Rare Feat to increase his An Experienced Sage ability by 40%
  • Epic Feat to change Gale's alignment to Neutral Good

  • Events 2.0

    Event Changes

    Events 2.0 is a significant update to the events system in Idle Champions. Because players will now be able to unlock more Champions, content, and rewards through Events 2.0, we are increasing the duration of events from 12 days to 21 days. Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month and run for three weeks. Content updates for Idle Champions will occur on the Wednesdays outside events.

    Along with the Event duration change we are reducing the number of annual events, shifting from 17 annual events down to 12. Long term, we plan to retire the Midwinter, Greengrass, The Running, Midsummer, and Brightswords events. However, as we transition over to the new Event 2.0 schedule, there will be a Greengrass event in April 2024.

    Quality of Life Updates

    As part of the Events 2.0 update, we are also making several quality of life updates:
    • Bounty Contracts used outside of events will award Event Tokens for the next event.
    • Event adventures, variants, and free plays no longer cost Event Tokens to start.
    • Event Tokens are now only used to purchase Event Chests directly (free plays no longer need to be grinded to obtain extra chests).
    • Event Tokens left over once an event ends will automatically be converted to Champion chests.
    • Retired Champions may come out of retirement.
    • Event Boons are granted to players who purchase specially marked event-related DLC during an event. There are four tiers of Event Boons that offer buffs to Champion Damage, Gold Find, Champion Health, Click Damage, and Speed. These buffs increase with each tier of Event Boon. Additionally, the first purchase that grants an Event Boon will also unlock the Supporter Slot.

    To learn more about what is changing with Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post! Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
    March 6th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 7 is our first Events 2.0! It introduces The Dark Urge, the Dragonborn Sorcerer from the 2023 Game of the Year - Baldur's Gate 3. This DPS Champion is ready to spread evil across the Forgotten Realms with the rest of the Absolute Adversaries. It also reintroduces Dhadius, the Human Wizard from the Betrayal at Baldur's Gate board game. You can learn more about the rework to Dhadius below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Festival of Fools 7!

    Note: Going forward, Adventure Variants information will now be found in the corresponding Champion's Spotlight. This change is being made so that all information about a Champion and their adventures can be found in one place.

    Table of Contents

    The Dark Urge

      The Dark Urge remembers nothing but a path paved with blood. Unimaginable cruelty whispers from within. Can he escape it? Would he even want to?

    The Dark Urge is a DPS Champion who counts the number of enemies he has slain. Like the other Absolute Adversaries, he has a mind flayer tadpole in his head, and his damage increases as more Champions with tadpoles are added to the formation. Will you choose to embrace his murderous urges, or fight against them? That choice will be made once you unlock them in seat 11 opposite Jamiliah.

    Learn more about The Dark Urge in our Champion Spotlight!


    Dungeons & Dragons Dhadius

      Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and least, in his own mind. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not. Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards, and is determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

    Dhadius has been reworked to modernize his kit and give him some additional formation niches that he may be able to slot into. We've buffed up his abilities and altered his equipment so that his powerful magic is better utilized and encourages more experimentation. This glass cannon can be unlocked in seat 5 opposite Calliope.

    Learn more about the changes coming to Dhadius in our Reintroduction Spotlight!

    Flex Champions

    Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This events Flex Slot pool includes:

    • K'thriss (Seat 1)
    • Regis (Seat 2)
    • Briv (Seat 5)
    • Alyndra (Seat 6)

    • Tatyana (Seat 8)
    • Rosie (Seat 10)
    • Strix (Seat 11)
    • Miria (Seat 12)

    Events 2.0

    Event Changes

    Events 2.0 is a significant update to the events system in Idle Champions. Because players will now be able to unlock more Champions, content, and rewards through Events 2.0, we are increasing the duration of events from 12 days to 21 days. Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month and run for three weeks. Content updates for Idle Champions will occur on the Wednesdays outside events.

    Along with the Event duration change we are reducing the number of annual events, shifting from 17 annual events down to 12. Long term, we plan to retire the Midwinter, Greengrass, The Running, Midsummer, and Brightswords events. However, as we transition over to the new Event 2.0 schedule, there will be a Greengrass event in April 2024.

    Quality of Life Updates

    As part of the Events 2.0 update, we are also making several quality of life updates:
    • Bounty Contracts used outside of events will award Event Tokens for the next event.
    • Event adventures, variants, and free plays no longer cost Event Tokens to start.
    • Event Tokens are now only used to purchase Event Chests directly (free plays no longer need to be grinded to obtain extra chests).
    • Event Tokens left over once an event ends will automatically be converted to Champion chests.
    • Retired Champions may come out of retirement.
    • Event Boons are granted to players who purchase specially marked event-related DLC during an event. There are four tiers of Event Boons that offer buffs to Champion Damage, Gold Find, Champion Health, Click Damage, and Speed. These buffs increase with each tier of Event Boon. Additionally, the first purchase that grants an Event Boon will also unlock the Supporter Slot.

    To learn more about what is changing with Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post! Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
    February 21st, 2024
    Idle Champions: Fleetswake 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    You've been recruited by a merchant guild in Waterdeep to look into a number of mysterious missing ships over the past year. The Fair Seas Festival is a good time to look into this as people are quite open about the dangers of the sea, the fury of Umberlee, and so forth.

    Many people blame Umberlee for the missing ships, but the merchant guild isn't so sure...

    Fleetswake 7 introduces Dynaheir, the Wychlaran wizard from Baldur's Gate 2! Also returning is Solaak, the kalashtar ranger, and Desmond, the werewolf ranger! Players have until Monday, March 4th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Fleetswake 7 unlocks and objectives.


      Dynaheir is a Wychlaran Invoker hailing from the distant land of Rashemen, who travels with her stalwart bodyguard, Minsc. She carries a deep-seated animosity toward the Red Wizards of Thay, and the mere mention of these hated adversaries sparks a fiery determination in her eyes and a steely edge to her voice.
    Dynaheir the Invoker is a Support and Speed Champion who buffs hardy Champions while helping increase quest progress. This human wizard can be found in Seat 3 opposite of Nayeli once she is unlocked.

    For more information on Dynaheir and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Seven Variants

    The Wychlaran of Rashemen - Search for some missing ships during Fleetswake in Waterdeep with Dynaheir!
    • Dynaheir joins the formation. She can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a CON of 15 or higher.
    • Getting to know Dynaheir: Dynaheir increases the damage of resilient heroes. Use as many as you can to get the most from her abilities!
    • Reach Area 75.

    Thayan Threat - Search for some missing ships during Fleetswake in Waterdeep while fighting Red Wizards!
    • Dynaheir joins the formation. She can be moved, but not removed.
    • Quest requirements are increased by 25% in non-boss areas.
    • A Red Wizard spawns with every wave in non-boss areas.
    • Getting to know Dynaheir: Humanoids (and therefore Red Wizards) are Dynaheir's favored foe, and her favored foes have a chance to drop double quest progress when defeated!
    • Reach Area 125.

    Minsc's Dajemma - Search for some missing ships while helping Minsc with his journeys.
    • Dynaheir and Minsc join the formation. They can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may not use Tanking Champions.
    • Getting to know Dynaheir: Minsc is Dynaheir's bodyguard. Use Dynaheir's specialization choice to turn him into a durable defender!
    • Reach Area 175.

    We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    February 8th, 2024
    Idle Champions: 2024 State of the Game 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Table of Contents


    Hello! I'm Chris Dupuis, the Executive Producer for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. In my role, I plan the release schedule and coordinate with our incredibly talented team throughout the various stages of production, from initial concept to final release. It's a genuine pleasure to finally be able to share the exciting updates our team has been tirelessly working on over the past few months.

    2023 was a fantastic year for Idle Champions, and I want to thank our dedicated community for joining us on this adventure! We have a small team here at Codename, but we all work together towards the same goal of releasing fun and exciting content for you, our players. Last year:
    • We launched 18 new Adventure & Variant updates, 17 Events & Champions, four Seasons, and four Celebration Events.
    • We introduced and released four Emergence Events, starting with the Red Wizard Emergence around the release of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
    • We featured two Idle Champions Presents in-game events and Dungeons & Dragons 5E actual play campaigns with our community of incredibly talented content creators, introducing everyone to new original Champions: Miria, Solaak, Thellora, and Jang Sao.
    • The Idle Champions community came together to raise over $30,000 for some amazing charities, including One Tree Planted, Lambert House, Take This, and Extra Life.
    • Last but certainly not least, we worked with many fantastic partners last year including Deerstalker Pictures, Penny Arcade, and Cryptic Studios/Gearbox Software. We'd also like to give an extra special shout out to Larian Studios, who helped us to bring characters from the award-winning Baldur's Gate 3 to Idle Champions!
    2024 is shaping up to be another big year for the game. We'll celebrate the 7th anniversary of Idle Champions this September, but before we get there we've got some big updates planned. We've got a lot to discuss, so let's get started!

    Pausing Seasons for Core System Updates

    We introduced Seasons to Idle Champions in September of 2022. Since then, we've rolled out seven Seasons featuring 35 Champions. However, Seasons are very resource-intensive to design and develop, and even though we have been able to keep up a steady stream of Season content, the time we've had available to work on other major system updates has been minimal. With that in mind, we put Seasons development on pause following the release of Season 7: The Rivals so that we could shift resources towards two major core system updates that we are very excited to finally be able to share with you now.

    Without further ado, I'll let designers Peter Lee and Justin Stocks introduce you to Collections & Guide Quests, and Events 2.0.

    Collections & Guide Quests

    I’m Peter Lee, System Designer for Idle Champions. You may best know my work from my career at Wizards of the Coast, where I worked on the development of the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons and on board games like Lords of Waterdeep. I’ve been at Codename Entertainment since October 2021, where you’ve seen my hand in Champion designs and Adventure Variants. I've endeavored to make each new Champion feature an ability that makes them stand apart from the others, like Dungeon Master's Special Guest Star and Karlach's ties to the Zariel Patron. Today, I’m here to talk about Collections and Guide Quests.

    Our revisions to Collections and the introduction of Guide Quests have two goals:
    1. Help players to more effectively track their progress within Idle Champions.
    2. Guide players (especially new or returning players) through the vast and ever-growing content of Idle Champions.
    To start things off, we’re greatly increasing the usefulness of the Collections dialog. The current implementation shows the Champions and Equipment you have collected, but there is a lot more to the game than that! The updated dialog will feature Familiars, Skins, Campaign progress, Patrons, and so much more. There will be progress bars to show your overall completion, filtering to make it easy to search your Collections, and requirements to unlock major features like Trials, Campaigns, and Patrons.

    It can be daunting to know what to do next in Idle Champions, especially for newer players. Guide Quests help players to determine what they should do next. These will work similarly to how Quests worked with Seasons, however, Guide Quests do not expire, and you can complete them at your leisure! As you complete these Quests, you’ll unlock additional, more difficult quests which will continue showing your potential paths through the game.

    Each time you complete a Guide Quest you will earn rewards. In many cases it will be Corrupted Gems, but you’ll also find various Gold Chests and even some Scales of Tiamat. For our experienced players, there will be a button that lets you claim all the rewards at once, so you won’t have to click through hundreds of completed quests when they go live.

    We’ll periodically add additional Quests as new content goes live, and I’m excited to see how this helps players progress through the game!

    Events 2.0

    Hello, my name is Justin Stocks and I am the Lead Designer for Idle Champions. You can interact with me and my co-founder David Whittaker on our Dev Insights stream every Thursday at 2PM PT at I am here to talk about the next major system update for Idle Champions: Events 2.0.

    The event system was the first system we added to Idle Champions after we released the game in September 2017, and aside from some small tweaks, events have remained mostly unchanged. Events 2.0 is an evolution of this system, using everything we have learned over the past six and a half years.

    Our goals with Events 2.0 are three-fold:
    1. Give players more choice over which Champions appear in events.
    2. Increase the depth of events with additional goals and rewards.
    3. Give more opportunities to update Champions outside of seasons.
    So how did we approach each of these goals? Well, let me tell you.

    Our first objective is to give players more choice over what Champions they recruit and gear up in events. This has become an increasingly important design task over the past couple of years, and even more so now that the number of unique Champions in the game has surpassed 100. Gearing up all of those old Champions is a daunting, time-consuming task! In Events 2.0, players will have the opportunity to customize their event by picking from a list of Champions associated with the event. There will be two Featured Champions in each event that everyone has access to, along with three other "flex slots" that allow players to customize the event to their liking. Flex slot Champions will include previously-retired Champions, going all the way back to year one superstars like Gromma, Strix, and Zorbu. This, combined with the ability to get more Gold Chests by completing the higher event tiers, should make it much easier to fully equip your entire roster of Champions.

    Let's talk about goals and rewards next. In Events 2.0, after you finish all three variants, that Champion's event will upgrade to the next tier up. This allows you to replay the variants, each with a higher area requirement and another gold chest reward. Additionally, each completed tier will award a powerful buff for that Champion that will last during the event and continue for a period of time after the event ends. Finally, the highest tiers will award unique Feats and special consumable items. These tiers will reward players who have built powerful formations and geared up their Champions to meet the game's hardest challenges. If you don't quite have the power to beat them yet, don't worry! The next time you pick that same Champion in a future event, you'll be able to start from where you left off the last time and push for those high-tier rewards!

    We mentioned that there will be two Featured Champions in each event, and this is related to our third objective. Not all Featured Champions will be new Champions -- some will be reworks of existing Champions! Most events will have one new Champion and one reworked Champion, but some could have two new Champions or even two reworked Champions, depending on what cool designs we've been cooking up.

    Now, you might be thinking that having five event Champions to recruit and gear up in just 12 days is a bit much. You'd be right, but we are adjusting the cadence and length of events to account for this! Events in this new system will typically start on the first Wednesday of each month and last for three weeks. Time gate weekends and content releases will occur during the weeks between events. This will reduce the number of events per year from 17 to 12, but it will increase the number of Champions you can recruit and gear up during events from 51 to 60.

    To cap this section, here's a quick summary of the changes from Legacy Events to Events 2.0:

    Legacy Events
    Events 2.0
    Recruit and gear up to three Champions per event (51 Champions per year)
    Recruit and gear up to FIVE Champions per event (60 Champions per year)
    Three set Champions per event (no player choice)
    TWO set Champions, then up to THREE additional player-picked Champions per event
    One new Champion per event
    TWO new or reworked Champions per event
    Up to three Gold Chests from variants (per Champion)
    Up to 12 Gold Chests from variants (per Champion)
    Max variant area requirement of 175 (not scaling based on progression)
    Max variant area starts at 175 and increases alongside event tier (scaling based on progression)
    Generally no unique rewards (ie. feats/skins/buffs)
    Cool unique rewards for the new/reworked Champions, and buffs for all Champions
    One event every three weeks (on average, but with confusing exceptions)
    One event per month (predictably starting on the first Wednesday)
    Events last 12 days
    Events last 21 days

    What's Next?

    Hey, it's Chris Dupuis again! Right now we're working to polish up both systems for their releases on February 28th (Collections & Guide Quests) and March 6th (Events 2.0). However, I'm sure you have a bunch of questions! Tune into Dev Insights over the coming weeks with your questions about Collections & Guide Quests and Events 2.0. We also plan to roll out dedicated preview blogs for each system before their release – here’s what to expect over the coming weeks:
    • Collections & Guide Quests Rollout:
      • Collections & Guide Quests Preview Blog on Friday, February 23rd
      • Collections & Guide Quests LIVE on Wednesday, February 28th

    • Events 2.0 Rollout:
      • Events 2.0 Preview Blog on Friday, March 1st
      • Champion Spotlights for [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] on Monday, March 4th & Tuesday, March 5th
      • Events 2.0 LIVE on Wednesday, March 6
    Before we sign off, I want to share a heartfelt thank you to all of our players from our team here at Codename Entertainment. Thank you for reading through this blog, playing, and joining us on this fantastic adventure. We look forward to hearing your questions in the coming weeks, as well as your thoughts and feedback once we release these updates in the coming months!

    December 20th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Wintershield 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Wintershield sees a celebration of maps in the Realms, symbolizing our paths through the new year. As part of this year's tradition, the Champions have purchased a map from a Waterdeep street vendor. Then it started talking...

    Wintershield 7 introduces Wyll, the Human Warlock from Baldur's Gate 3, and brings back two Heroes of Baldur's Gate-aligned Champions: Imoen the Human Rogue/Wizard, and the Viconia DeVir the Drow Cleric of Shar! Players have until Monday, January 1st, 2023 at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Wintershield 7 unlocks and objectives.


      From a scion of a famed Baldurian house to a life of adventure on the road, Wyll’s life as the monster hunter called the Blade of Frontiers has made him one of the beating hearts of the Sword Coast. While he has done great deeds for the Coast’s people, the source of his power remains secret. The cambion Mizora drew Wyll into a warlock’s pact in a moment with many lives at stake, and cursed him with the duty of hunting her enemies. Mizora only asks Wyll to sacrifice devilish creatures to her, but a cambion’s ambitions are ever fickle, and Wyll wishes to escape the pact before its price grows cruel.

    Wyll is a Support Champion ready to help whoever he can, so he supports all heroes from the most represented race, class, or affiliation in the formation. He is also cursed with a mind flayer's tadpole, providing further boosts with all of the Absolute Adversaries. This Human Warlock can be found in Seat 12 opposite Arkhan. You can find out more in the Wyll Champion Spotlight.

    Year Seven Variants

    Defender of the Innocent - Help a poor map find its way home for the holidays with Wyll!
    • Wyll joins the formation (Slot 5). He can be moved, but not removed.
    • Only Champions from the most represented races, classes, and affiliations in the formation may deal damage.
    • Getting to know Wyll: Wyll's support abilities target the most represented race, class, or affiliation in the formation. Which trait are you going to build around?
    • Reach Area 75.

    The Infernal and the Demonic - Help a poor map find its way home for the holidays as Wyll teaches Tiefling children how to fight!
    • Wyll joins the formation (Slot 5). He can be moved, but not removed.
    • Squiddy also joins the formation to be taught how to fight by the Blade of Frontiers!
    • Each wave spawns an additional fiend. These foes don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
    • Getting to know Wyll: Wyll's favored foes are Fiends, so the formation deals more damage against them when Wyll is in the formation.
    • Reach Area 125.

    Reading the Fine Print - Help a poor map find its way home with advice for Wyll's Pact boon!
    • Wyll joins the formation (Slot 5) He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a melee or magic attack. And Astarion, 'cause he's special.
    • Only Wyll and Champions with a familiar assigned to level them up can deal damage.
    • Getting to know Wyll: Wyll's favored foes are Fiends, so the formation deals more damage against them when Wyll is in the formation.
    • Reach Area 175.

    We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    November 29th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Simril 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!

    Simril 7 introduces Shadowheart, the half-elf Cleric of Shar from Baldur's Gate 3! Simril also brings back Warduke, the legendary mercenary for hire human fighter, and Yorven Springpaw, the resident murder bunny Harengon Barbarian Druid! Players have until Monday, December 11th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 7 unlocks and objectives.


      A devoted cleric of Shar, Shadowheart agreed to have her memories wiped as part of a holy mission. Now its sole survivor, she must deliver a powerful relic back to her kin in order to win Shar's love and have her memories restored – but all the while, she is tormented by strange, painful magic that she struggles to understand.

    Shadowheart is a Support and Healing Champion who joins her fellow Baldur's Gate 3 companions in fighting the transformation into a Mind Flayer. Once unlocked, you can find this Half-Elf Cleric in seat 6 opposite Asharra. Learn more about Shadowheart in her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Seven Variants

    Witness Our Adoration - Simril is ruined! Shadowheart is mad that someone has pilfered the food supplies!
    • Shadowheart joins the formation (Slot 4). She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Shadowheart and Champions within two slots of her can deal damage.
    • Getting to know Shadowheart: Shadowheart increases the damage of all Champions within two slots of her. Place your damage dealing Champions to take advantage of this!
    • Reach Area 75.

    Childhood Fears - Simril is ruined! A wolf has pilfered the food supplies!
    • Shadowheart joins the formation (Slot 4). She can be moved, but not removed.
    • A wolf also joins the formation. It's so scary that Champions next to it deal no damage with their normal attacks.
    • Every 5 seconds, the wolf bites a Champion directly in front of it, dealing damage equal to 20% of the Champion's total health.
    • Getting to know Shadowheart: Shadowheart heals Champions in the two columns ahead of her. Place her to protect your tanks and anyone else that might be getting hurt!
    • Reach Area 125.

    Duplicity without Duplicates - Simril is ruined! Someone has requests all the Champions have unique Dexterity scores!
    • Shadowheart joins the formation (Slot 4). She can be moved, but not removed.
    • Each Champion in the formation must have a unique DEX score.
    • Getting to know Shadowheart: Shadowheart summons an Illusionary Duplicate in the same slot as the Champion with the highest DEX. The Duplicate buffs and heals nearby Champions similar to Shadowheart herself.
    • Reach Area 175.

    We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

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