Crafting is coming to Crusaders of the Lost Idols... but what exactly is it? Keep reading to find out.
Crafting will be a way to get specific gear for your Crusaders without having to get lucky while opening a chest. With the proper recipe and materials, you will be able to craft even the most epic gear. It's easier said than done, though, as gathering the materials and unlocking the recipe for the piece of gear you want isn't a walk in the park.
Gathering Material
Crafting material is obtained by disenchanting duplicate gear. Currently, disenchanted gear turns into Enchantment Points for your Crusaders, which passively increase their DPS. After the Crafting update, you will no longer get EP for duplicate gear. Instead, you'll gain a random amount of crafting material based on the rarity of the disenchanted item.So how do you get EP for your Crusaders? Missions! Missions that award EP will be buffed considerably in terms of award and frequency so that you can still boost the EP of your favorite Crusaders to the same degree -- possibly even more so.
Crafting material drops will not be retroactive, so regardless of how much duplicate equipment you've found in the past, you'll keep the EP you earned from it and will still start your crafting stockpile from scratch just like everybody else.
Crafting Recipes
All players will start with the recipes for the Common and Uncommon gear for the initial 20 Crusaders. Crafting gear outside of that limited set will require you unlock additional recipes. How do you do that? Missions! New missions will appear en-masse to help you learn new recipes. Each successful mission will unlock one or more rare or epic recipes. Event crusader recipe missions will unlock all the common and uncommon recipes for specific crusaders once that crusader is unlocked, giving players a way to deck out their newly recruited event crusaders in basic gear, even outside of the event itself.As with crafting material, recipes will not be awarded retroactively. Everyone will start on even footing when it comes to finding the rarest of recipes.