Adventure Variants
This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants across five of our active campaigns - one of which unlocks Wren, our newest Evergreen Champion! Wren has been with the Champions throughout the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign, and after finishing the Twice Through the Great Wheel Adventure Variant you can add her to your formations.
Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants
- The Sibriex Variant 3: Heralds of Evil Follow Bel's instructions and find the Sibriex with your evil Champions.
- You may only use Evil Champions.
- 1-2 Heralds of Dust Remnants spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 600.
- Wrecked Flying Fortress Variant 3: Cake or Death? Explore the flying fortress while under attack by assorted baked goods.
- You may only use Lawful Champions.
- 1-2 Cakers spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Every 3 seconds, a Cake lands on a random Champion, dealing 5% of their total max health. This damage additively increases by 5% for each cake that drops in the current area and is reset when changing areas.
- Complete area 625.

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants
- Reghed Glacier Mysteries Variant 3: A Key Factor Head off in the nautiloid with a crew experienced with ceremorphosis.
- 1-2 Emperor Vecna Cultists spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Male Champions cannot be used.
- Complete area 550.
- The Spire of Iriolarthas Variant 2: Rulebreakers Gain the final clue to enter the Spire of Iriolarthas while being chased by Harmonium Guards.
- You may only use Chaotic Champions.
- 1-2 Harmonium Peacekeepers spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 700.

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants
- The Roots of Loomlurch Variant 3: The Boots of Loomlurch Follow these carefully laid out plans with Champions that understand the importance of good footwear.
- You may only use Speed Champions.
- Complete area 750.
- Best Laid Plans Variant 3: Last But Not Yeast
- You may only use Lawful Champions.
- 1-2 Cakers spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 800.

The Light of Xaryxis Adventure Variants
- Flight of the Kindori Pod Variant 2: Never Tell Me The Odds Join Krux's crew, and navigate an asteroid field with a pair of bickering constructs.
- You may only use Champions in odd bench seats.
- A Tin Soldier and a Modron Slot Machine join the formation.
- Complete area 700.
- The Hunt for the Last Breath Variant 2: The Arcane Hunt for the Last Breath
- You may only use Champions with a magical base attack.
- 1-2 Harmonium Peacekeepers spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 800.

The Turn of Fortune's Wheel Adventure Variants
- Welcome to Sigil Variant 2: Undertakings in Sigil Explore Sigil while your good Champions evade the Heralds of Dust!
- You may only use Good Champions.
- 1-2 Heralds of Dust Remnants spawn with each wave. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
- Complete area 500.
- Titan on the Town Variant 2: Twice Through the Great Wheel The Champions must hunt down Sylvania's moving gate to gain Wren's allegiance! Requires you to have completed variant 1, Clockwise Through the Great Wheel. This variant will not be available for Mirt (due to no champions being available in Lawful/Chaotic Neutral areas)
- For the first 100 areas, you may use Lawful Good champions. Every 100 areas, this restriction changes: Neutral Good for area 101-200, Chaotic Good for area 201-300, and so forth. This restriction is linked to your highest area completed, not your current area.
- Every 100 areas, all Champions in the formation are removed and can't be used for the rest of the adventure.
- Champions can't otherwise be removed from the formation once they've been added.
- Click damage only deals damage (including fire breath effects) for the first 5 areas after every alignment switch.
- Fire breath potions can't be used during the adventure.
- Complete area 950.
- Unlocks Wren (Evergreen Champion)

- Wren woke up in the mortuary with the Champions and, like them, had no memory of who she was. The talking skull, Morte, gave her a name and from there she journeyed with the Champions on a quest to discover who they were. Along the way, disaster struck twice and Wren was killed - but each time she quickly returned in the form of herself from somewhere else in the Multiverse!
Unlock Wren in the Twice Through the Great Wheel Adventure Variant and learn more about her in our Champion Spotlight!
Champion Search
Get ready to level up your formation building with Champion Search! With Champion Search, you will be able to quickly filter through over 140 Champions in the game to perfectly fit your formation needs. Learn more about Champion Search, coming to the game TODAY in our blog post!See the in-game Change Log for more information!
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