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January 9th, 2023
Idle Champions: January 2023 Updates 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Our team saw an opportunity to make some quality of life updates at the beginning of this year, so over the next few weeks we'll be making these changes and adding them to this blog. Read on for details!

Legendary Trials Update: January 25th, 2023

We've made some updates to how Legendary equipment is crafted, and added some new rewards for completing the Trials of Mount Tiamat!

New Champion Skins: The first time you complete a specific adventure during the Trials of Mount Tiamat, you will unlock a specific Champion skin. Now we've added five new skin rewards for completing those adventures a second time! Unlock new Wyrmspeaker Skins for Bruenor, Warden, Celeste, Jamilah, and Delina by challenging Tiamat once again! Unlocking these skins does not unlock the Champion, but those skins will be saved for when you get that Champion.

Changes To Crafting Legendary Equipment: We've made it cheaper to craft and upgrade Legendary Equipment so that you can get more legendries onto more Champions.
  • The initial crafting cost of a piece of Legendary Equipment is now tied to the total pieces of Legendary Equipment equipped to a Champion. This should make it easier to outfit all Champions with Legendary Equipment.
  • An estimated difference in cost has been refunded to players who crafted using the old system.
  • The cost to upgrade a piece of Legendary Equipment has been reduced.
  • A hard cap of 20 has been implemented on each piece of Legendary Equipment. Equipment over the cap has been reduced to the cap. A refund of scales has been credited if this occurred.
  • The cost to reforge a piece of Legendary Equipment is unchanged.
We've put together two tables to give some details to what you can expect:
Dungeons & Dragons Legendary tables We hope these updates bring even more excitement to your next assault on Mount Tiamat!

Feat Update: January 18th, 2023

It's time for an update to Feats! We have added two new Feat slots to all Champions! This doubles the number of Feats that can be equipped to four. Existing feat slots unlock at ~e18 and ~e60, and the new slots will unlock at ~e36 and ~e90. This should be very useful, especially for Champions who have feats that increase ability scores to make them eligible for certain Patrons as well as other restrictions.

Enjoy your new Feat slots!

Patron Challenge Update: January 9th, 2023

Mirt, Vajra, Strahd and Zariel have updated the challenges they request from you every week. It's time to get your formations together and earn some Coins and Symbols for your favorite Patrons!!

Thanks to player feedback, we've made updates to our weekly Patron challenges for all four patrons. In general, our design goal was to allow all challenges to be buffed by Fen, the Champion releasing on Jan 11th, so things that required a certain number of resets now require a certain number of areas cleared. We got rid of some annoying challenges and refreshed others to take into account newer and currently-meta Champions.

Challenge Changes

  • Removed all challenges that were like "Complete X patron free plays in area Y or higher," as those required multiple resets and we want to ensure all challenges are completable in a single run if you're lucky and/or clever.
  • Removed all challenges that were like "Complete X areas WITHOUT any [tag] Champions in your formation in any patron variants or free plays," as they were generally viewed as annoying and forced an uninteresting formation build.
  • Removed all challenges that were like "Reset any patron variant or free play in area X+ with specific Champion as your highest total damage dealing, excluding ultimate," as those were confusing and generally viewed as annoying.
  • Added new challenges like "Complete X areas in patron variants or free plays," which are intended to replace the "Complete X patron free plays in area..." challenges
  • Added new challenges like "Complete X areas in patron variants or free plays with a specific champion as your BUD-setting DPS," which are intended to replace the "Reset in area X+ with specific Champions..." challenges. These encourage builds around certain Champions, but generally include only popular/meta Champions.
  • Updated all the challenges that were like "Complete X areas with three specific champions in your formation in any patron variants or free plays" to new combinations.

New Patron Perk Tiers

All four patrons are getting Tier 8 and 9 local and global perks! These powerful new perks include damage bonuses, gold find increases, and things each patron would be especially interested in.

  • Mirt Local Perks
    • High Interest Loan: Gold Find +4%
    • The Old Wolf: Beast enemies take an additional 50% damage.
  • Mirt Global Perks
    • Rich Friends: Damage +15% for each Gold Find Champion in the formation (additive)
    • Expert Adventurer: Global Damage +10%
  • Vajra Local Perks
    • Irresistible: Damage of Champions with a magic attack +50%
    • We're All Aligned: Damage of Champions with an affiliation +25%
  • Vajra Global Perks
    • Ley Lines: Damage +5% for each Champion in the formation with a magic attack (additive)
    • Champion of Splendors: Global Damage +10%
  • Strahd Local Perks
    • The Flesh Strengthens: Tank Champions Healing Taken +2.5%
    • Fellow Conquerors: Global Damage +25%
  • Strahd Global Perks
    • Strahd's Chosen: Damage of Evil Champions +10%
    • Glory of Ravenloft: Global Damage +10%
  • Zariel Local Perks
    • Friends of my Enemy: Increase the damage done by Champions while at least one Fiend enemy is alive by 100%
    • Endless Descent: Increase the damage of all Champions by 50%
  • Zariel Global Perks
    • Holy Redemption: Increase the healing taken by Good Champions by 5%
    • Veteran of Avernus: Increase the damage of all Champions by 10%
Between these updates and Fen helping you complete challenges quickly, we hope you'll find Patron challenges to be fun, rewarding, and fast! If you are new to Patrons and want to find out more, details can be found in the game or in our Patron Blog.

More To Come

Details about all these updates can be found in the game's Changelog! And make sure you keep an eye out for more January updates that we'll announce here!

As always we would love to hear your feedback! Leave messages on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

September 26th, 2019
COTLI: Missions & Challenges Update (Sept 2019) 

Happy Thursday, Crusaders!

Our latest update will have you test your mettle against new challenges, earn gear for the remaining Tier 4 Crusaders, and complete additional new missions for Enchantment Points and crafting materials.

Today brings:
  • Additional missions to earn gear and/or recruit the four remaining Tier 4 Crusaders: Kebos the Mummy, Langley the Conductor, Euodia the Fencer, and Aphelion the Distant

  • 10 new missions that award Enchantment Points

  • 2 new missions that award crafting materials

  • 2 new Challenges have been added to the challenge rotation (Top to Bottom and The Grail of Power)
See the in-game change log for the QoL changes also added in this update!
January 9th, 2018
COTLI: Introducing Limited Time Challenges! 

Today we're finally ready to unveil a brand new feature in Crusaders of the Lost Idols: Limited Time Challenges!

Limited Time Challenges are customized objectives that you can attempt once a week, between Tuesday at noon and Thursday at noon PST. You'll be awarded Challenge Tokens depending on how far you get, and you can use those Tokens to buy special items in the brand new Challenge Store (coming soon). This week's Challenge has already begun, so get to it! Good luck!

You can check out the Challenge FAQ below for more information, or the Challenge FAQ on the Challenge dialog in-game.

What are Challenges?

Challenges are limited-time objectives which can be attempted once a week to earn Challenge Tokens. Each week, a random objective from a pool of specially designed Challenge objectives will be chosen to be that week's Challenge. The base set of Challenges restricts you to using certain types of Crusaders, however future Challenges will provide more variety.

What are Challenge Tokens?

Challenge Tokens are awarded for taking part in Challenges and are used in the Challenge Token Store to buy all sorts of goodies, such as Jeweled Chests and week-long buffs. More items will be added over time, providing an endless supply of fun rewards to work towards.

How are Challenge Tokens awarded?

Challenge Tokens are awarded when you reset in a Challenge and are based on the highest area you reach during that run. At any time during a Challenge, you can see the amount of tokens you would receive if you reset by looking at the notification on the right, or in the Challenges window, which is accessed from the same panel as Achievements and Statistics. You can reset whenever you'd like during a Challenge, but you can only do one Challenge per week, so you should get as far as you can before you reset!

When can I attempt Challenges?

Challenges run every week from Tuesday at noon to Thursday at noon (PST). A countdown to the next Challenge can be found on the Challenges window. You only get to try a Challenge objective once per week, so once you have started a Challenge, you will not be able to start one again until the next week's Challenge is available.

Will there be a new Objective every week?

You will never see the same Challenge Objective two weeks in a row, but the same Objective can be picked again on a later week. You can start the Objective again and earn tokens again even if you've already done it for a previous Challenge. Try to beat your old scores!

What happens if I run out of time?

If you have not yet started the Challenge, it simply disappears. If you are currently on the Challenge, you will be forced to reset the world. Any progress already made will be counted and you will receive Idols and tokens as normal.

This Challenge is too hard!

If you're not getting anywhere, just go do another Objective. There's always next week! If you've not yet unlocked a Crusader who can reset, you can abandon the challenge like you would normally abandon an objective. You can abandon Challenges without any penalty. You will receive Idols and Challenge Tokens as though you had reset normally, and the cooldown timer for abandoning will not be triggered.
September 23rd, 2014
Autumn Has Arrived in the Egg Breaker Adventure! 

Fall has arrived in the North American Hemisphere! The air is crisp, leaves are changing colours and the Special Event Fairy Monkey wants to celebrate the beginning of the harvest season with a celebration of an Autumn themed Mini Event!

New to Mini Challenge Events? Here's a TL:DR summary:
- Find red challenge eggs with a "!" - break them and start a new challenge.
- Break eggs to find the required number of McGuffins within the allotted time period.
- Trade Mini Event Challenge tokens to the Challenge Mini Event Monkey for prizes & Event Progress!

Got more questions? Check our handy FAQ here!

There are three excellent rare prizes for this mini event:

Rare Challenge Hat: The Squirrel Hat is fuzzy and warm and gives 50% more MB Tokens.

Rare Challenge Hammer: The Autumn Hammer has a small chance to increase Multiplier wins.

Rare Challenge Trophy Room Item: Autumn Tree perpetually sheds crisp, colourful leaves for you to crunch through, build leaf piles from, and picnic under!

Looking for a snazzy new chapeau? Mr. Monkey has two stylish offerings for you to consider!*

The Acorn Hat is a jaunty little cap which perfectly sits on your monkey's shapely head, granting 5 more Buff charges per Buff, and 10% More Crates.

The Autumn Wreath is a celebration of the rich colours and bounty of nature in the fall, and showers you with 10% More Gold Eggs and a small chance of a Bonus Multiplier!

* Hat Packs available for purchase on ArmorGames, Facebook, and Kongregate only, at this time.

This mini event will run until Tuesday September 30, 2014 - Noon PDT.

Crunch through the leaves to the Forums here!
July 15th, 2014
The Challenge Mini Event Monkey is going Camping! 

The Challenge Mini Event Monkey has a hankering to spend a week out under the stars, roast some marshmallows and be one with nature. She needs your help to make sure she's got the perfect set up!

New to Mini Challenge Events? Here's a TL:DR summary:
- Find red challenge eggs with a "!" - break them and start a new challenge.
- Break eggs to find the required number of McGuffins within the allotted time period.
- Trade Mini Event Challenge tokens to the Challenge Mini Event Monkey for prizes!

Got more questions? Check our handy FAQ here!

We have three rare prizes for this mini event:

Rare Challenge Hat: The Fishing Hat grants 10% more star pieces.

Rare Challenge Hammer: The "Marshmallow on a stick" gives slightly more multipliers.

Rare Challenge Trophy Room Item: Camping Tent - just what every outdoorys monkey needs for a night under the stars!

Looking for a stylish new hat? Mr. Monkey has dreamed up two zingers!

The Firepit Hat gives a chance that your last egg broken was free (cost no hammer/star) and gives 10% less nothings!

The Tree Hat grants a small chance for a free (complete) star and increases crates by 10%.

This mini event will run until Tuesday July 22, 2014 - Noon PDT.

Share your favourite campfire stories here!