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December 20th, 2024
Idle Champions: Shop Updates 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Well met, Champions!

We have some shop updates to share as we close 2024 and look forward to 2025.

    New Starter Packs: We recently released new Starter Packs featured on the Platinum page of the in-game shop. Packs include the new Scroll of Champion Summoning, which unlocks one event Champion of your choice along with full uncommon gear, 6 Platinum Champion Chests, and a Golden Epic (if you haven’t already purchased a Chest pack for that Champion). Packs also include bonus Platinum and potions to help you explore and progress!
    Platinum Offers Update: On January 10, 2025, the Double Platinum offers on Platinum Packs will be retired and replaced with a new offer: First-time Platinum Pack purchasers will receive an additional 1500 Platinum with their first Platinum Pack purchase. This new offer will be available to all players who install on or after January 10th, 2025.

If you have been waiting to take advantage of the Double Platinum offer, you still have three weeks before they are retired.
December 10th, 2024
Idle Champions: 2024 End of Year Update 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to our 2024 End of Year Update!

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for supporting Idle Champions this year through some very big transitions. We started the year with our seventh season in January, rolled out Guide and Collections Quests in February, introduced Events 2.0 in March, and transitioned to Platinum in October. It has been a very busy year!

In this update, we're addressing some long-running player feedback with multiple QoL changes. We're also fixing some over-tuned Champion scaling issues, with dismantles for affected Champions to compensate. While this update does not address everything players have been asking for, there's a lot to be excited about that will make your Idle Champions experience smoother and more fun, no matter what kind of player you are!

As always, we look forward to reading your feedback on these changes, and we'll see you in 2025!

Table of Contents

Active Tasks

Introducing a new UI feature to help you find your next quest, the Active Tasks Dialog!

We want this to be a one-stop shop when you question what to do next. From here, you can quickly check which Guide and Collection Quests are closest to being completed, your current Event completion progress, Daily Rewards, and more! The Active Task Dialog will now pop up instead of Daily Rewards on initial load, since they are incorporated into this dialog.

You can access this dialog from the exclamation mark button above the bench next to the event button.

UI Changes

Here are all the upcoming changes to the UI you can expect to see!

Champion Search Update

  • The Champion Search feature has been updated with a new feature to help you search based on a Champion's attack speed! This can be found in the Base Attack filter as a sliding bar.

Collections Update

The following changes have been made to the Collections screen:
  • Added Debuff role to the Champion Collection filter
  • Improved performance of scrolling many collections
  • Added Shiny/Golden indication to the Equipment Collection
  • Added Event to source filter for the Feat Collection
  • Guide and Collection quest box indicates how many quests are ready to turn in
  • Collections: Added new color coding system to progress bars:
      Light Green counts towards Progress
    • Gold counts towards Premium Progress
    • Dark Green does not count towards overall progress
  • Collections: Time Gates no longer counts towards overall progress
  • Collections: Campaign progress now includes progress from campaigns you have not yet unlocked

Gameplay Changes

Area Cap Increase

  • We've increased the highest area from 2001 to 2501! Hope your formation is ready to tackle the incredibly powerful monsters in these higher areas!

New Feats

We're adding in some highly requested Feats for 2 Champions: Nrakk and Briv!
  • Heightened Focus: Increases the damage of all Champions by 10% and Nrakk's ultimate now hits once and sets his Ki Points to 15 without any mini-game. This will be added to Nrakk's Feat list!

  • Perfect Focus: Increases the damage of all Champions by 200% and Nrakk's ultimate now hits once and sets his Ki Points to 30 without any mini-game. This can be found in Vajra's Patron shop for 100,000 Symbols of Vajra.
    • If both the Heightened Focus and Perfect Focus Feats are equipped, the 30 ki points will take precedence when using the ultimate

  • Accurate Acrobatics: Briv's Unnatural Haste will always skip the guaranteed number of areas, with no chance to skip an additional one. This can be found in Mirt's Patron shop for 100,000 Ruby Coins.
    • Note: The launch for this Feat has been delayed while we address last-minute bugs discovered in testing. We hope to release it before the end of the year.

Spurt Update

  • We've implemented a cap on Spurt's slot 6 equipment item, Ultimate Cooldown. Its maximum increase is now 5280 seconds while at an item level cap of 21750, without any gilding.
    • We'll be enabling a 1 week full dismantle for Spurt due to this change. All item levels over the cap will be refunded automatically.

Rust Update

We've had to change some of Rust's numbers to help balance him; see the changes below.
  • Rust's base effect of his One Gold Piece ability has been changed from 10% to 5%
  • Rust's effect of his "I Know Those Guys" Feat has been changed from 20% to a 10% increase to the effect of One Gold Piece
  • Rust's effect of his "All I Need" Feat changed from 40% to a 20% increase to the effect of One Gold Piece
    • We'll be enabling a 1 week full dismantle for Rust due to these changes.

Yorven Update

  • We've updated Yorven's Danger Sense ability so that it now targets all Champions in the formation and is no longer positional.

Dungeon Master Update

  • Dungeon Master's Specialization Special Guest Star has been updated to target the full seat of Champions now rather than 1 singular Champion!

Fen Update

  • Fen's Patron Oath has been updated so that as long as she is in a party, her Patron's Oath will affect all parties.

Gem Shop & Store Update

  • Harvestguard Presto will be available for 20,000 gems in the Gem Shop, and the Feat that was available during the Anniversary Celebration (Room to Breathe) is now available for 50,000 gems!
  • Additionally, with this update, we will retire our Starter Packs, replacing them with new ones that include Platinum. You will find them on the Platinum purchase page in the in-game shop.

We Want YOUR Feedback

How do you feel about the changes in this update? Let us know your favorite!

Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

October 10th, 2024
Idle Champions: Introducing Platinum 
Posted in Idle Champions.

On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 we will introduce a new unique currency, Platinum, to Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. Moving forward, Platinum will be the primary way to purchase items from the in-game Shop.

Introducing Platinum will dramatically increase efficiency and flexibility behind the scenes. It allows us to bring in new features like Daily Rewards, where players can claim Platinum and other rewards by playing the game, and Weekly Offers, which will give players more freedom to purchase individual items normally bundled into packs.

With this update we are also introducing Platinum Chests, a new tier of Chests only available through Platinum purchases that grants significantly increased item levels. Platinum Chest Packs also contain double the number of chests compared to Gold Chest Packs. Due to the significance of this change, we will be retroactively crediting additional Platinum Chests to eligible purchases made since September 1, 2024 when this update goes live.

As part of these exciting changes, all of our in-game shop items and platform DLC have had their pricing reviewed and updated. It was important to us that the switch to Platinum did not increase individual item prices - in fact, many items now come in at a slightly lower cost overall than before. For example, Theme Packs and Renown Packs have had their prices reduced 17% and 20%, respectively*. While the switch to Platinum applies to most in-game shop items, a select number of packs will remain as real money purchases on individual platform stores.

Overall, your money will go much further in this new system, and as an added bonus, your first purchase of each Platinum Pack option will reward double Platinum!

For additional information, please read the FAQs for each topic below.

* Prices for Theme Packs and Renown Packs reduced 17% and 20%, respectively when purchasing an equivalent platinum pack as the original $27.99 Theme Packs and $59.99 Renown Packs.

Please note that screenshots in this blog reflect a work in progress version of the Platinum, Daily Rewards, Weekly Offers, and Platinum Chest update. The finalized versions may differ in layout or appearance.

Table of Contents

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Platinum Work In Progress

Platinum FAQ

What is Platinum?

Platinum is a unique currency that can be used to purchase items in the shop.

How do I get Platinum?

Platinum is primarily purchased for real money in the in-game shop, but small amounts can also be earned in-game. You can claim free Platinum every day from your Daily Rewards. Small amounts of Platinum also occasionally appear as a free item in the Weekly Offers shop.

What can I buy for Platinum?

Platinum can be used in the Shop to purchase Chests, Champions, Packs, Wild Offers, and items in the Weekly Offers shop.

What is the Weekly Offers shop?

The Weekly Offers shop offers five unique items each week for a variety of discounts. The items can include Familiars, Golden Epic equipment, Skins, and Epic Feats from retired packages (otherwise known as the wild offer pool), as well as chests, Champions, Potions, Rare Feats, and more. Most items in the Weekly Offers shop cost Platinum, but some cost gems, and some items are even free! If you want to get more offers each week, you can reroll individual offers for a small amount of Platinum. Check back every week to see what items are available for you!

How do Daily Rewards work?

Each day you can claim free Platinum and other items from your Daily Rewards. If you miss a day, you miss those rewards, so make sure to play the game and claim the rewards every day!

What is Daily Boost?

For a small amount of real money, you can unlock Daily Boost. This grants a moderate amount of Platinum upfront and then increases all of the Platinum rewards you claim from Daily Rewards for 30 days.

Why use Platinum instead of real money?

Platinum as an in-game currency offers several key advantages over only using real money:

  • Earn Platinum for Free: This allows us to reward our players in-game with currency that can be used to purchase items in the shop that would otherwise be sold for real money. All you have to do is play the game!
  • More Flexibility: Not only does this allow us to easily align sales across platforms, but with the added Weekly Offers system, it allows more freedom to purchase individual items that are normally bundled together.
  • More Efficiency: This will allow us to reduce the amount of DLC we create on various platform storefronts, saving significant time behind the scenes. Instead, items will go directly into the in-game shop.

Why are there some DLC packs only available for real money?

Some packs are available for real money so that Idle Champions can continue to be included in platform sales events and promotions. These packs and their unique contents will not be available for Platinum until after they are retired and their items enter the Wild Offer pool.

Do items cost more with Platinum than they did with real money?

All existing items are either equal in cost or cheaper than they were previously due to the bonuses you can get by purchasing larger denominations of Platinum at once. There are some cases where, due to the Platinum pack sizes, you may need to buy a pack that contains more Platinum than you currently need in order to make a purchase. However, the leftover Platinum can still be used to purchase additional items - and if it is not enough to purchase something else, it can be saved up and combined with free Platinum from Daily Rewards until it is enough.

Current Cost (USD)
New Platinum Cost
$5.99 Familiar Pack
$11.99 Packs (Familiar, Skin & Feat)
$16.99 Familiar Pack
$27.99 Theme Pack
$59.99 Champions of Renown Pack

What do Platinum Packs cost?

Please see the chart below. Additionally, as a bonus for players dipping their toes into the new Platinum Shop, the first purchase of Platinum at each of the price tiers will reward DOUBLE Platinum!

Platinum Pack Cost (USD)
Platinum Awarded
First Purchase Platinum Awarded

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Daily Rewards Work In Progress

Daily Rewards FAQ

What are Daily Rewards?

Each day, you can claim free Platinum and other items from your Daily Rewards. There are seven days per reward set, and if you miss a day then you miss out on that reward.

What is Daily Boost?

For a small amount of real money, you can unlock Daily Boost. This grants a moderate amount of Platinum up front and then increases all of the Platinum rewards you claim from Daily Rewards for 30 days. You can retroactively claim your additional Platinum on the day you purchase Daily Boost even if you've already claimed that day's rewards.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Weekly Offers Work In Progress

Weekly Offers FAQ

What are Weekly Offers?

Your Weekly Offers shop offers five unique items each week for a variety of discounts. The items can include Familiars, Golden Epic equipment, Skins, and Epic Feats from retired packages (otherwise known as the wild offer pool), as well as Chests, Champions, potions, Rare Feats, and more. Most items in the Weekly Offers shop cost Platinum, but some cost gems, and some items are even free!

What do the rarity colors mean?

The rarity of each offer indicates how big the discount is relative to the largest Weekly Offer discount you could see for that item. Different items have different discount rates, so a rare (blue) discount on one item could be different from a rare discount on another.

How do rerolls work?

If you want to get more offers each week, you can reroll individual offers for a small amount of Platinum. Each reroll will generate a new offer for a random item with a rarity at least as high as the old offer.

What are these "free" offers? What's the catch?

They're free! Enjoy! Be sure to check your offers every week in case there's a free item for you!

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Platinum Chests Work In Progress

Platinum Chests FAQ

What are Platinum Chests?

Platinum Chests refer to Platinum-level Chests, a new more powerful tier of chests above Gold-level chests.

How do I get Platinum Chests?

When you purchase chests with Platinum, you will now, in most cases, receive a pack of Platinum-level chests instead of Gold-level chests. Platinum Chest Packs contain twice as many chests as Gold Chest Packs, so a purchase that used to award 7 Gold-level chests now awards 14 Platinum-level chests. As an example, buying an Artemis Skin & Feat Pack will now award 14 Platinum Artemis Chests, instead of 7 Gold Artemis Chests. Platinum Chests can not currently be obtained without spending Platinum.

What do Platinum Chests contain?

Platinum chests contain the same items at the same odds as Gold chests, and they even share an epic pity timer with Gold-level chests, but they have one important distinction: duplicate equipment found in Platinum Chests awards 30 additional item levels. When combined with the increased number of chests awarded in packs, this means that Platinum Chest Packs increase a Champion's average item level by considerably more than Gold Chest Packs, granting far more power and progression.

Are there chests that do not have a Platinum level?

Yes. Supply Chests, Modron Component Chests, and Glory of Bahamut Chests do not have Platinum-level versions, as they do not contain Champion equipment.

Feedback Wanted

We understand that changes like this can seem scary. We invite you to check out Developer Insights on at 2:00 PM Pacific Time on October 10 where our two co-founders, David and Justin, will be discussing and answering questions related to the changes. Don't forget to check back on October 16th to start collecting Platinum from your Daily Rewards!

Before you go, we want you to know that your feedback is very important to us. We would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

February 23rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Guide and Collection Quests 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Table of Contents


An expansion to Collections has been a long time coming, and is something we've wanted to focus on for several years now. Whereas the original Collections dialog only tracked your Champion's equipment progress, the updated and expanded experience allows you to track your progress across nearly every aspect of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. It's also home to our new Guide and Collection Quest system, which you can read about later in this blog.

Note: Screenshots in this blog reflect a work in progress version of the Guide and Collections Quests systems. The finalized versions may differ in layout or appearance.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Collections

At launch, the updated Collections dialog will track the progress of your Campaigns, Blessings, Patrons, Champions, Skins, Feats, Equipment, Enemies, Familiars, Achievements, Time Gates, and Modron Cores. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg! For example, on the Champions page you can see % of Champions Unlocked, % of Champions with full Epic Equipment, Evergreen Champions Unlocked, Event Champions Unlocked, and % of Champions unlocked by year.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Collections Champions

A few additional highlights of the updated system include:
  • Search and sort options for individual pages. (Search for adventures with specific enemy types when you have quests or challenges to defeat those enemy types as just one example!)
  • Finally re-read the adventure dialog from adventures you've already completed!
  • Preview Champion skins at a high resolution!
  • Use a 'Premium Progress' toggle that includes or excludes progress that can only be made with premium purchases in the game (set to 'Off' by default).
  • And there is even more to discover!

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Collections Enemies

Guide and Collection Quests

Starting Idle Champions can be daunting for newer players. With over one hundred Champions, eight campaigns, twelve annual events, and a plethora of systems to unlock, it isn't always easy to know where to start.

That's where Guide and Collection Quests come in.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Collections Guide Quests

Guide and Collection Quests can be found in the main Collections menu. There are over 300 Guide and Collection Quests, starting with the tutorial adventure and carrying through to every feature unlock and completion in the game. Guide Quests have gold or silver borders and lead to feature unlocks or unique rewards, while Collection Quests have normal borders and mark the individual milestones as you complete your collection.

Progress across both Guide and Collection Quests is retroactive. When you first open the Collections dialog and go into the Guide Quests menu, you will have the option to claim your completed rewards either individually or by clicking the 'Claim All' button to claim them all at once.

As we add additional Adventures, Variants, Champions, Campaigns, and other updates to Idle Champions, the Guide and Collection Quests will continue to be updated as well.


As you complete Guide and Collection Quests you will unlock Silver Chests, Gold Chests, Electrum Chests, Patron Gold Chests, Champion Gold Chests, Corrupted Gems, and Scales of Tiamat.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Collections Guide Quests Rewards

What's Next?

Barring any last-minute issues, Guide and Collection Quests will go live on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. We're eager and excited to receive your feedback and make further improvements to this system based on how you're using it!

January 16th, 2024
Idle Champions Announcements 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Good afternoon,

Today we have two announcements related to Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, which can be found at the links below.

January 16th, 2024
Idle Champions: 2024 Price Changes 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome Champions,

On February 7, 2024 we will be updating prices for various items in Idle Champions. These price adjustments are made based on economic factors including global inflation, currency fluctuations, and associated cost increases. While this means that some items in Idle Champions will increase in price, not every item will see a price increase - and in fact, a few items will see price decreases. Details about these price changes are below.

What is not changing in price:

  • Previously released (non-evergreen) DLC (Familiar Packs, Skin & Feat Packs, Theme Packs, and Founder's Pack VI). These items will
  • remain at their current pricing through their retirement sales.
  • Wild Offers
  • Season Pass, Season Pass Plus, and Season Boost

What is increasing in price:

  • Chest Packs
  • Evergreen DLC (Starter Packs, Renown Packs, Trials Packs, Modron Founder's Pack, Patron Starter Packs, Patron Skin Packs, Soundtracks)
  • Champion Packs (Basic, and Geared Champion)
  • Corrupted Gem Packs
  • All DLC releasing on or after February 7th, 2024

What is decreasing in price or updating contents:

  • The Exceptionally Geared Champion Pack will decrease in cost by $5.
    • We will retroactively credit players who previously purchased those packs with 7 additional Gold Champion Chests and a Shiny Card for those Champions.
  • The Geared Champion Pack will have additional Chests added (Increasing from 7 Gold Chests and 1 Shiny Card to 16 Gold Chests and 2 Shiny Cards).
    • We will retroactively credit players who previously purchased those packs with those additional Chests & Shiny Cards.
  • The Force Grey Bundle Pack is decreasing in price from $44.99 to $43.99.
  • Celeste's Starter ($19.99) & Nayeli's Starter ($29.99) will be replaced with $11.99 versions matching the other Starter Packs.
  • The $2.99 Starter Pack (Steam Only) will be retired.

New prices for updated items:

Old Price (USD)
New Price (USD)

Average Price Increase: 14%

March 20th, 2020
COTLI: New Tier 7 Talents and More! 

Welcome, Crusaders!

We thought that now might be a great time to introduce some additional Talents. Then we thought, "why not introduce Tier 7 Talents?"

Without further ado, here is what you can expect from the New Tier 7 Talents update...

New Tier 7 Talents

These talents require clearing area 2700 to unlock.

3x Passive Tree Talents

  • Legendary Friendship - Increases the DPS of Crusaders for each piece of Legendary gear belonging to Crusaders in the same bench slot, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 25
  • Golden Friendship - Increases the DPS of Crusaders for each piece of Golden gear belonging to other Crusaders in the same bench slot, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 25
  • Friendly Helpers - Increase the Global DPS for each Taskmaster owned, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 50

2 Utility Tree Talents

  • Sprint for the Finish - Increases your maximum level of Sprint. (Must have purchased all levels of the Marathon Sprint Talent to start buying) Max levels: 30.
  • Magical Training - Increases the maximum level of Crusaders by 25 for each level purchased. No maximum level.

Additional Updates

New Tier 1 Talents:

  • Golden Benefits - Increases Global DPS for each Golden item owned. No maximum level.
  • Apprentice Crafter - Increases Global DPS for each Common and Uncommon recipe owned. No maximum level.
  • Level All the Way - Increases Global DPS for each talent level purchased (including levels of this Talent.) Max levels: 50
  • Mission Accomplished - Increases Global DPS for each mission you've completed. No maximum level.

New Tier 4 Talents:

  • Extra Healthy - Increases the health of all Crusaders. Max levels: 50
  • Journeyman Crafter - Increases Global DPS for each Rare recipe owned. No maximum level.

New Tier 5 Talent:

  • Bossing Around - Skip a wave of monsters on a boss area. Max levels: 2

New Tier 6 Talents:

  • Weekend Warrior - Increase the effect of the weekend buffs. Max levels: 25
  • Material Goods - Increase the crafting materials gained from Missions. Max levels: 40
  • Maxed Power! - Increases Global DPS for each Talent that is at max level, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 50
  • Master Crafter - Increases Global DPS for each Epic recipe owned. No maximum level

New Objectives

  • Mutiny on the Ghostbeard's Greed campaign - Reach area 1500 with new leadership and increased difficulty. Awards maximum number increase of e200
  • Deadly Tales on the Grimm's Idle Tales campaign - Reach area 1400 with a pesky witch. Awards Crusaders run faster when changing areas.
December 11th, 2019
COTLI: Holiday Grab Bag Update, Dec 2019 

Come one, come all and gather round to hear some highlights of what this latest update for Crusaders brings!

Saved Formation Changes

You asked, we've answered! We've made some improvements to the Saved Formations system.

  • More Saved Formations - Now you can have up to 5 saved formations on every campaign!

  • Challenge Saved Formations - Now each Challenge has its own set of saved formations, so you won't have to worry about affecting your normal formation for each campaign!

  • Saved Formations on Tricky Objectives - Now you can save formations on objectives with alterations to the normal formations, to help you clear the objective. These saved formations will be cleared on changing objectives.

  • Guidebook Page - We've added a Saved Formations entry to the in-game Guidebook, so you can access information about how they work at any time.

Talent Changes

We've made the following changes to the Talents mentioned below, plus topped everyone back up to 3 respecs!

  • Sprint - We've extended the timer on boss areas to 10 seconds, and clarified how the Talent works on the Talent dialog.

  • 10K Training - We've reduced the cost of the Talent to be more manageable.

  • Montage Training - We've also reduced the cost of this Talent to be more manageable as well.

  • Phase Skip - In this new version of the Talent, each level increases the chance that you will skip an area entirely and it works on any objective.

  • Idolatry - We've increased the bonus each level of the talent gives you.

Improvements to Nargulg Granitehand

With this update, we took the time to revisit Nargulg's design, so he's a more competitive clicker.
  • Trickses - The old version increased Nargulg's personal click damage by 400%.

    The new version increases your click damage by 10% of your DPS.

  • Fellowses - The old version increased Nargulg's personal click damage for each Orc and Dwarf crusader in formation, multiplicatively.

    The new version increases the DPS of all Crusaders for each Orc or Dwarf in formation.

  • Yes, I Cheatses - Still increases Nargulg's personal click damage for every 25 levels.

  • Boo Magicses - The old version increased Nargulg's personal click damage by 50% for every Animal Crusader in formation, and decreased it for every Magical Crusader in formation.

    The new version increases the effect of Trickses by 10% for each non-magical Crusader in formation.

  • Smashdown! - Previously named All the Yardses, the old version increased Nargulg's personal click damage for every 50 areas unlocked.

    The new Smashdown upgrade increases your Critical Chance by 100% on monsters with less than 20% health.

  • Speedy Feetses - The old version increased Nargulg's personal click damage by 50% for every 50% of bonus spawn speed you had.

    The new version increases your global click damage by 50% for every 50% of bonus spawn speed you have.

  • Club Smasheses - The old version increased your global click damage by 10% of your DPS for each Orc Crusader in formation.

    The new version causes Critical Clicks to also deal 25% of their damage to nearby monsters.

We also changed Nargulg's gear, to match his new kit.
  • The Kilts - Previously it had the legendary effect of increasing the DPS of Crusaders adjacent to Nargulg.

    It now increases the DPS of Crusaders who are adjacent to at least one Orc or Dwarf.

  • The Clubs - They previously increased the personal click damage of Nargulg and had a legendary effect of increasing Naruglg's old All the Yardses upgrade.

    They now increase the effect of Nargulg's Club Smashes upgrade and have a legendary effect of increasing your global click damage.

  • The Shields - They previously increased your global DPS and had a legendary effect of increasing your global DPS per Dwarf or Orc in the formation.

    They now buff Nargulg's Smashdown upgrade and have a legendary effect of increasing your critical click damage multiplier.

Other Highlights of Today's Update

We've also done a handful of other cool things today! This is a just a brief list. For full details, check out the in-game change log!
  • New Skins! - We've added 3 new skins to the skin store! One each for Mindy, Eiralon and Baenarall!

  • New Taskmasters! We've added 2 new taskmasters to the in-game stores!

  • Crafting Screen Improvements! Crusaders who have gear that can be upgraded now display an arrow on the crafting screen. You can also filter the list of Crusaders by those with Upgrades available or those just in your formation!

  • Active Ability Improvement! Magnify and Storm Rider can now be cast during area transitions, by you or your taskmasters!

We hope you enjoy this little grab bag of holiday fun!
March 31st, 2017
BW2: Change Log March 31 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Friday, March 31st, 2017

- Girl Guides Charity Promotion raised over $1000! Thanks to all the generous players who participated.

- New Jet Pack Mount promotion (March 20th to March 22nd)
- Puppy Day Pet Sale (March 24th to March 27th), where most of the game’s puppy pets went on sale!
- Fixed 'nothings' bonus not showing up as a bonus to remove from mounts when speaking to Clint.
- Fixed store items having ‘AUTO’ for the description, for reals.
- Fixed the jet pack mount particles piling up offscreen.
- April 1st is no joke here. We’ll be revealing a special update on that day!
- Fixed achievement tier badges in the achievement dialog having stale tooltips.
- Fixed field critters with an idle animation spawning in their walk animation.
- Continued to make progress on the next big content update. Continue hanging in there!
March 17th, 2017
BW2: Change Log March 17 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

March 17th, 2017

- Girl Guides Charity Promotion (Mon March 13th to Wed March 15th.)
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
- Fixed store descriptions for custom items and ranch items only reading “AUTO.”
- Made progress on the next big content update. It’s on it’s way, just hang in there!

- Issued out the free Amicus Compensation Pack (Thurs March 16th to Mon March 20th 12pm PDT), containing 20 Amicus Island Tokens, 2 Sandwiches, and a VIP Voucher. This was to compensate for various problems with Amicus Quests and some other things, due to server issues in the previous week.