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March 4th, 2024
Idle Champion Reintroduction Spotlight: Dhadius 
Posted in Idle Champions.

At the beginning of the very first year of Idle Champions, Dhadius the Scarlet joined the Champion roster. Originally from the game Betrayal at Baldur's Gate, this arrogant wizard proudly launched his Chromatic orbs from the formation. But over time he has not been taken as seriously as he thinks he should be, so he now becomes our first Champion to be reworked so he can finally get the respect he craves!

I. Dhadius

    Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and least, in his own mind. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not. Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards, and is determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

Dhadius has been reworked to modernize his kit and give him some additional formation niches that he may be able to slot into. We've buffed up his abilities and altered his equipment so that his powerful magic is better utilized and encourages more experimentation. This glass cannon can be unlocked in seat 5 opposite Calliope.

Check out our Champion Spotlight embedded below for a quick overview of Dhadius' abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Dhadius

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 57 Affiliation: None Class: Wizard

STR: 8 DEX: 12 CON: 10
INT: 18 WIS: 9 CHA: 11

Role: DPS and Support

Eligible for Patrons: Strahd

Seat: 5 (Calliope)

Dungeons & Dragons Dhadius

III. Dhadius' Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Chromatic Orb - Dhadius tosses a Chromatic orb with a random element (acid, frost, or fire) at the nearest enemy.

Formation Abilities

  • Skill Empowerment - Increase Dhadius's damage and the damage of Champions with 14 or more Intelligence within 2 slots of Dhadius by 100% for each Champion in the formation affected by this ability, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Practice Makes Perfect - Enemies hit by a Chromatic Orb are debuffed based on the orb's type (acid, frost, or fire). Each debuff increases the damage of subsequent orbs of the same type by 400%, stacking multiplicatively. Enemies can have up to 5 debuffs of each type; debuffs do not expire.
  • Chromatic Wonder - Dhadius keeps track of the total number of sets of all three orb types he has cast in the current area. Dhadius increases the effect of Skill Empowerment by 100% for each set, stacking multiplicatively and capping at 20 stacks.


Dhadius' first Specialization determines whether or not he works with Magic users or non-magic users:
  • Together In Magic - The effect of Skill Empowerment is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a Magic base attack, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Apart in Magic - The effect of Skill Empowerment is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation that does not have a Magic base attack, stacking multiplicatively.
Dhadius' second Specialization determines what he focuses on:
  • Empowered Orbs - Chromatic Orbs now do AOE damage and deal 400% more damage.
  • Empowered Empowerment - Increase the effect of Skill Empowerment by 200%
  • Use Smaller Words - Dhadius reduces the required Intelligence of Skill Empowerment to 12 and higher.

Ultimate Ability

  • Magic Missile Barrage - Dhadius wildly fires off a large number of magic missiles. The number of magic missiles starts at 10 and increases by 1 for each enemy on the screen. Each missile hits a random enemy, so not necessarily every enemy will be hit.

IV. Dhadius' Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Together In Magic and Apart in Magic
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Skill Empowerment
Slot 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Slot 5: Chromatic Wonder
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

V. Dhadius' Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • Smart Companions - Complete 100 areas while Dhadius is buffing everyone in the formation with Skill Empowerment.

Adventure Variants

Frightful Weather
  • In areas where it is snowing (excluding boss areas), your party will take 1.7% of their max health as unavoidable damage every second.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Light in the Darkness
  • Several slots in the formation are taken up by floating magical torches.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

A Wise Endeavour
  • Only champions with a wisdom score of 13 or more, plus Dhadius, may be used.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

VI. Conclusion

Does new and improved Dhadius live up to his own hype? Let us know what you think:
November 30th, 2022
Idle Champions: Simril 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!

Simril 6 introduces Warduke, the legendary mercenary for hire human fighter! Simril also brings back Yorven Springpaw, the resident murder bunny Harengon Barbarian Druid, and Lucius the High Elf Sorcerer of the High Rollers: Aerois party! Players have until Monday, December 12th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 6 unlocks and objectives.

I. Warduke

    Warduke's services as a remorseless killer-for-hire can be easily bought. The evil swordsman isn't terribly bright, which is why he leaves the plotting and scheming to others. He just likes to hit things with his sword.

This deadly warrior is a Tanking and DPS Champion who grows more powerful the more he swings his sword, all while inverting the positional formation abilities of the other Champions. Once you have unlocked his services, you can swap Warduke with Delina in Slot 8. For more information on Warduke and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight, or watch the quick video overview linked below!

Year Six Variants

  • A Figure of Action - Simril is ruined! Someone has pilfered the food supplies and the lack of calories is making everyone attack slowly! Warduke joins the formation, and can't be moved or removed. Warduke's normal attack speed cooldown is reduced by 1 seconds while all other Champions have their normal attack speed cooldown increased by 3 seconds!
    Complete Area 75

  • Yield! - Strongheart thinks you are responsible for the stolen food supplies! Warduke joins the formation, and can't be moved or removed. Only Evil Champions, Chaotic Champions, or Champions with the Gold Find role can be used. Strongheart spawns in each boss area and must additionally be defeated to progress.
    Reach Area 125

  • Strike That, Reverse It - Only specific Champions are able to save Simril now! Warduke joins the formation, and can't be moved or removed. You may only use Warduke and Champions that have positional formation abilities.
    Reach Area 175

  • If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    December 8th, 2021
    Idle Champions: Simril 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!

    Simril 5 introduces Yorven Springpaw, resident murder bunny Harengon Barbarian Druid. Simril also brings back Lucius the High Elf Sorcerer of the High Rollers: Aerois party, and Krull, the Tortle Death Cleric of Tiamat from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. Players have until Monday, December 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 5 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Yorven Springpaw

      When Yorven came across the Witchlight Carnival he managed to convince the owners to bring him on board. When the Witchlight Carnival returned to the Feywild years later, Yorven moved on, seeking his childhood home - and the hags who banished him.

    As a barbarian druid, Yorven has plenty of muscle and power to bring to the Champion roster, and he uses his massive harengon legs to leap into battle with speed and ferocity! He's a DPS and Support Champion covered in magical tattoos and scars and is ready to scrap when you swap him with Tyril (Slot 10) to add him to your formation!

    II. Yorven's Stats

    Race: Harengon Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Class: Barbarian/Druid Gender: Male
    Age: 39

    STR: 20 DEX: 14 CON: 14
    INT: 8 WIS: 13 CHA: 12

    Role: DPS, Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, can become eligible for Zariel with a feat

    Slot: 10, (Tyril)

    III. Yorven's Design

    Our own sweet murder bunny. As the latest CNE Original this dark and dramatic seeker of vengeance has an endless flurry of epic monologues at the ready. When the Harengon became a playable race in Dungeons & Dragons, our Stream Executive Producer Dylan Wilks was inspired by the powerful bonus action jump ability to find out how dangerous he could make a hopping tank. Drawing on some of the newest character-building options available, he crafted a beastial barbarian who could cross entire battlefields in one giant leap! Once the Champion stats and basic backstory were created, our Content Designer Erin M. Evans began crafting the voice of Yorven, giving him his melodramatic flair.

    For more information on Yorven and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • Adventure Variant 1: Raven Swarm — Yorven Springpaw begins in the formation. He can't be moved or removed. Three Ravens appear in each area. The ravens drop no gold, nor do they count towards quest progress. Every 5 areas an additional raven spawns in the swarm.
      Getting to know Yorven: If you choose the Hunger for Blood specialization, once Yorven defeats an enemy, he'll jump to another enemy to attack them as well!
      Complete Area 75.

    • Adventure Variant 2: Fangclaw — In each boss area, a vicious rabbit boss enemy appears. It must also be defeated in order to progress. Gold Find is reduced by 99%. Only Champions with DEX of 14 or higher can be used.
      Complete Area 125.

    • Adventure Variant 3: Raven Queen's Memories — Yorven Springpaw is haunted by his time in the shadowfell. A Wraith escorts the formation, increasing the base attack cooldown of each adjacent Champion by 4 seconds. If Yorven is in the formation, the increase is only 2 seconds instead. Enemies move 200% faster.
      Complete Area 175.

    IV. New DLC

    Dungeons & Dragons Icewind Dale Prudence

    Also launching with Simril is the Icewind Dale Prudence Skin & Feat Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Prudence, the new Icewind Dale Prudence Skin, Prudence's Spell Master Epic Feat, which increases her damage by 120%, and 7 Gold Prudence Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card.

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Simril 4 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    December 2nd, 2020
    Idle Champions: Simril 4 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!

    Simril 4 introduces Lucius the High Elf Sorcerer, and final member of the High Rollers: Aerois party. Simril also brings back Krull, the Tortle Death Cleric of Tiamat from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and Warden, the corrupted Warforged Warlock. Players have until Monday, December 14th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 4 unlocks and objectives.

    For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

    New Champion: Lucius Virion-Elluin Elenasto

    Dungeons & Dragons Lucius Elenasto High Rollers

    Lucius' Bio

      Lucius Virion-Elluin Elenasto was born to high nobility. He thought he knew what he was getting into when he joined the Heroes of Aerois, but then he met his first cow. Dreadful, evil creatures.

      Lucius is slowly coming out of his nobility shell as he continues to learn the true value of comradery, friendship, and a world without barriers.

    II. Lucius' Stats

    Race: Elf Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Class: Sorcerer Gender: Male
    Age: 76 Affiliation: Heroes of Aerois

    STR: 13 DEX: 14 CON: 13
    INT: 11 WIS: 13 CHA: 18

    Role: DPS
    Eligible for Patrons: none Slot: 7, (Minsc)

    Lucius' Abilities

    Lucius is a DPS Champion with a colorful style. As a trained Arcane Chromat, Lucius uses the colors of the world around him to fuel his magical power, focusing on acid and cold spells with alternating Acid Splash and Ray of Frost basic attacks. He causes further damage with Arcane Chromat - Acid and Arcane Chromat - Cold debuffs combining in an explosion with Elemental Adept.

    Lucius is the final piece of the Aerois team, and with Aerois Synergy he is buffed by his teammates. A glass cannon, Lucius's unique fighting style causes area of effect devastation to his enemies, but he falls apart if harmed in combat. A young, sheltered noble, Lucius has a fabulous style, our artists were delighted to work on Lucius' colorful wardrobe and a really gorgeous skin that Aerois fans may recognize!

    For more information on Lucius and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Four Variants

    • No Rest for the Gifted — Only Champions with Charisma of 14 or higher can be used. Quest Goals are doubled.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Udderly Deadly — Lucius starts in the formation and cannot be moved. Lucius is the only Champion that can deal damage. All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active. Lucius' attacks twice as fast as normal and his Ultimate cooldown is reduced to 30 seconds. In each area, a cursed cow appears, if the cursed cow attacks a Champion, that Champion becomes cursed, disabling all of their upgrades until you change areas.
      Reach Area 125.

    • Lucius' Bedtime Stories — Nat, Jenks, and Squiddly join the Champions for their first Simril outside of Waterdeep! They each take up a slot in the formation. Lesser Gibbering Mouthers appear in each area, and move 100% faster (as nightmares do).
      Reach Area 175.
      Unlocks the Fae Lucius Skin.

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Simril 3 blog.

    New Aerois Skins

    The Fae Lucius Skin is unlocked when a player completes the Lucius' Bedtime Stories variant in the Simril event or later through a Time Gate!

    The Sentinel Prime Sentry Skin & Feat Pack unlocks the Sentinel Prime Sentry Skin, the ‘Her Majesty's Rose’ Epic Feat - increases the effect of Sentry's Guardian of Solwynn ability by 80%, and 7 Gold Sentry Chests with 1 guaranteed shiny. It will also unlock the Sentry Champion if you don't already have her.

    The Hadar Qillek Skin & Feat Pack unlocks the Hadar Qillek Skin, the ‘Dark Blessing’ Epic Feat - increases the effect of Qillek's Bless ability by 80%, and 7 Gold Qillek Chests with 1 guaranteed shiny. It will also unlock the Qillek Champion if you don't already have him.

    The Valkyrian Empire Nova Skin is now available in the in-game Gem Shop for 40,000 gems. This skin is only available if you already have Nova V'Ger unlocked.

    Lastly, but certainly not least the Valkyrie Aila Skin & Feat Pack is now discounted for the duration of Simril in the in-game Shop! This DLC unlocks the Valkyrie Aila Skin, ‘Storm Warden’ Epic Feat - increases the effect of Aila's Storm Soul ability by 80%, and 7 Gold Aila Chests. It will also unlock the Aila Champion if you don't already have her.

    November 27th, 2019
    Idle Champions: Simril 3 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Holidays are a time for togetherness; a time to get back together with family and friends and celebrate together. At least, that's what holidays are supposed to be about...

    Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!

    Simril 3 introduces Krull, the Tortle Death Cleric of Tiamat from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and brings back Warden, the corrupted Warforged Warlock, and Dhadius the Scarlet, an arrogant Human Wizard. Players have until Monday, December 9th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 3 unlocks and objectives.

    Dungeons & Dragons Krull

    New Champion: Krull

      Krull is a death-cleric of Tiamat who swore allegiance to Arkhan the Cruel after being bested by him in combat. He's Arkhan's alchemist, his experimenter, his torturer... Always surrounded by the dead, Krull wears a white painted face mask that makes him look undead in an effort to confuse and strike fear in his opponents.
    Krull is a Support and Gold Find Champion, dedicated to serving his master, Arkhan the Cruel. He inflicts plagues on his enemies, debuffing them with various ailments. When you want to add Krull to the formation, you can swap him with Asharra (Slot 6).

    For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Krull dev blog!

    Dungeons & Dragons Warden

    Year 2 Champion: Warden

      Forged to be the jailer for a prison filled with eldritch horrors in a faraway land, Warden became corrupted by the monstrosities they sought to keep locked away. Now they journey at the behest of an otherworldly master, seeking souls for the insatiable Dark Hunger to corrupt and feast upon.
    Warden is a DPS and Support Champion, corrupted by their Hexblade, the source of their otherworldly strength. At the same time, it is also from this Hexblade that the Elder Evils of Realmspace have laid their claim to Warden, infesting their body with eldritch malignancy. They use their Hex ability to curse enemies, debuffing them and causing them to take additional damage for each stack of the Hex curse they are afflicted with.

    When you want to add Warden to your formation, you can swap them with Jamilah (Slot 11).

    For more information about our Warden, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Warden dev blog!

    Dungeons & Dragons Dhadius

    Year 1 Champion: Dhadius the Scarlet

      Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and acclaim (at least, in his own mind), who sees everyone else as intellectual worms. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets, so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not.

      Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards. He joined them only recently and hasn't been taken as seriously by the others as he thinks he should be. He's determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

    Dhadius is an arrogant Wizard and Support Champion. His Skill Empowerment ability increases the damage of nearby Champions - if they are intelligent enough.

    When you want to add Dhadius to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

    Year Three Variants

    • Spoiled Staples — You'll need barrels if you want to cart all this food back to town before it spoils! At the start of the adventure, two barrels on wagons take up slots in the formation.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Master Plaguebringer — Krull begins in the second column of the formation. He can be moved, but can't be removed from the formation. Non-Plagued enemies deal 100% more damage (additive) and move 10% faster (additive) for each enemy on the screen that doesn't have a Plague on them (including themselves).
      Reach Area 125.

    • The Creeping Chill — Every 5 areas, the temperature drops by 5 degrees. For each change in temperature, the enemies get stronger, increasing their health and damage by 100% (additive).
      Reach Area 175.

    Year Two Variants

    • Unlucky Hunters — Local beasts do not take kindly to the Champions trespassing upon their land. Beasts deal increased damage, and their hides are thickened like armor.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Frostbitten — The thickness of the falling snow in outdoor areas increases as the adventure goes on. Champions on the outside of the formation deal less damage the further they go due to the cold weather.
      Reach Area 125.

    • Unspeakable Horrors — Warden begins in your formation. Starting in the first area and continuing every 25 areas after, you lose a formation slot to creeping eldritch horrors. For each tentacle taking up a slot in the formation, Warden's damage is increased.
      Reach Area 175.

    Year One Variants

    • Frightful Weather — In areas where it is snowing (excluding boss areas), the party takes damage every second.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Light in the Darkness — Several slots in the formation are taken up by floating magical torches.
      Reach Area 125.

    • A Wise Endeavour — Only champions with a wisdom score of 13 or higher – and of course, Dhadius – may be used.
      Reach Area 175.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    December 5th, 2018
    Idle Champions: Simril 2 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    A Simril Spoilsport has been pillaging the food stores around the outskirts of Luskan!

    We may be gearing up for the holidays, but the Champions have some work to do first: find and stop this festive food thief and make sure the Luskans have enough provisions for the long, cold Sword Coast winter.

    Simril 2 runs until Monday, December 17th at 12:00pm PST, introduces Warden, the Warforged Hexblade Warlock, and also brings back Dhadius the Scarlet, the Human Wizard!

    New Champion: Warden

      Forged to be the jailer for a prison filled with eldritch horrors in a faraway land, Warden became corrupted by the monstrosities they sought to keep locked away. Now they journey at the behest of an otherworldly master, seeking souls for the insatiable Dark Hunger to corrupt and feast upon.
    Warden is a DPS and Support Champion, corrupted by their Hexblade, the source of their otherworldly strength. At the same time, it is also from this Hexblade that the Elder Evils of Realmspace have laid their claim to Warden, infesting their body with eldritch malignancy. They use their Hex ability to curse enemies, debuffing them and causing them to take additional damage for each stack of the Hex curse they are afflicted with.

    When you want to add Warden to your formation, you can swap them with Jamilah (Slot 11).

    For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Warden dev blog!

    Returning Champion: Dhadius the Scarlet

      Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and acclaim (at least, in his own mind), who sees everyone else as intellectual worms. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets, so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not.

      Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards. He joined them only recently and hasn't been taken as seriously by the others as he thinks he should be. He's determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

    Dhadius is an arrogant Wizard and Support Champion. His Skill Empowerment ability increases the damage of nearby Champions - if they are intelligent enough.

    When you want to add Dhadius to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

    Dhadius Updates

    With this update Dhadius has received the following changes he so rightfully deserves:
    • Dhadius' Magic Missile Barrage ultimate attack now fires an additional 5 magic missiles

    • Skill Empowerment upgrades at level 500 and 610 are now +200% instead of +100%

    • Dhadius now earns a new ability at level 525: Chromatic Specialist. This causes Dhadius' chance to fire the same orb to be higher (33% * 1.5 = 50% chance to repeat the same orb)

    Year Two Variants

    • Unlucky Hunters — Local beasts do not take kindly to the Champions trespassing upon their land. Beasts deal increased damage, and their hides are thickened like armor.

    • Frostbitten — The thickness of the falling snow in outdoor areas increases as the adventure goes on. Champions on the outside of the formation deal less damage the further they go due to the cold weather.

    • Unspeakable Horrors — Warden begins in your formation. Starting in the first area and continuing every 25 areas after, you lose a formation slot to creeping eldritch horrors. For each tentacle taking up a slot in the formation, Warden's damage is increased.

    Year One Variants

    • Frightful Weather — In areas where it is snowing (excluding boss areas), the party takes damage every second.

    • Light in the Darkness — Several slots in the formation are taken up by floating magical torches.

    • A Wise Endeavour — Only champions with a wisdom score of 13 or higher – and of course, Dhadius – may be used.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    December 22nd, 2017
    Idle Champions: Wonderful Winter Weekend 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    We hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! Enjoy these special buffs for Jarlaxle, Asharra, and Dhadius this weekend! Maybe you can use them to power through the new Grand Tour adventures and recruit Drizzt!

    The following Champions will get a buff this weekend starting from today until Noon PST on Monday, December 25th.
    • Jarlaxle – Increases the damage of Jarlaxle by 400%

    • Asharra – Increases the effect of Asharra's Bond: Humans, Bond: Elves and Dwarves, and Bond: Tiefling, Firbolg, and Dragonborn abilities by 200%

    • Dhadius – Increases the effect of Dhadius' Skill Empowerment ability by 200%

    Check out these limited-time Gold Snowy Chests that contain equipment for just the champions above!

    (Note: gear only appears for unlocked Champions. If you do not have Dhadius unlocked, his gear will not appear in the chests)
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