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September 1st, 2023
Idle Champion Spotlight: Astarion 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"I've no objection to being nice, of course. Once I have the power to bend others to my will."

Most people would be horrified to be infected with a Illithid tadpole, and do everything they could to get it removed. But Astarion finds the powers and benefits it offers irresistible, and is keen to learn how to control the parasite. He's hungry for freedom, and will use his considerable charm and sharp blades to get it!

I. Astarion

    Astarion prowled the night as a vampire spawn for centuries, serving a sadistic master until he was snatched away by the Mind Flayers. Now he can walk in the light and has the chance at a new life, but how long can he keep his past buried?

Astarion is a support and gold find Champion who likes to sink his teeth into tough problems. As a rogue, he knows how to outflank his foes, increasing the damage of Champions on the edge of the formation. If that includes him, he'll help the rest of your formation recharge their ultimates just a bit faster. Once unlocked, you can find this high elf in Slot 10 opposite Tyril.

II. Astarion's Stats

Race: Elf (High) Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 350 Affiliation: Absolute Adversaries Class: Rogue

STR: 8 DEX: 17 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 13 CHA: 10

Role: Support, Gold Find

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd

Slot: 10 (Tyril)

Dungeons & Dragons Astarion Marketing Gif

III. Astarion's Design

Much of the pre-release excitement around Baldur's Gate 3 from Larian Studios has included clips of Astarion. He's charismatic and funny, but also self centered, and that offers a wonderful variety of interactions players can have with him!

Astarion doesn’t run from a fight, but he doesn’t charge straight into the thick of it, either. This rogue thrives when striking enemies from the shadows, appearing behind them for a Sneak Attack. He can Specialize in aiding Champions who also prefer to Outflank enemies, increasing the damage of those either at the top or bottom of each column. The more Champions there are in the formation with a mind flayer tadpole in their brain, the larger his Outflank bonus becomes. And if he's just used his Ultimate attack, that bonus increases even more!

Two hundred years ago, Astarion was a successful, if corrupt, magistrate in Baldur's Gate. He's very familiar with the benefits of Generational Wealth, so the older the Champions are in the party, the greater his gold find increase will become. If he wants to continue to boost the amount of money coming in, he can Specialize in becoming a Thief. If he'd rather go the Arcane Trickster route, he'll increase his Outflank damage for every Wizard, Rogue, or Absolute Adversaries affiliation member in the formation. Or he can focus on his attacks on the battlefield, using his Assassin skills to deal more damage.

When the thirst for blood becomes too great, Astarion can quickly leap to the battlefield and attack the monster with the most health. His vampiric bite will deal Ultimate damage, and he'll fully heal all his wounds. When this Ultimate attack activates, if he's buffed by his own Outflank ability, he'll help the rest of the formation by reducing their active Ultimate cooldowns!

This rogue vampire spawn with a silver tongue is hungry for power, wealth, and freedom. And Astarion will work together with a party of Champions to achieve all three!

IV. Astarion's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Sneak Attack - Astarion disappears and quickly pops in the right side of the screen and throws a dagger at a random enemy dealing 1 hit. If the enemy was attacked in the last 3 seconds, Astarion deals bonus damage equal to 1 second of BUD-based damage.

Passive Abilities

  • Vampire Spawn - Astarion counts as "dead" for the purposes of effects that care about dead Champions, but "alive" for all other purposes.

Formation Abilities

  • Ceremorphosis - Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Astarion's brain. Astarion increases the effect of Outflank by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Generational Wealth - Astarion increases the gold find of the formation by 1% times the total age (in years) of all Champions in the formation.
  • Well Fed - After using his Sanguine Hunger Ultimate, Astarion's Outflank is increased by 400%. This effect can stack (multiplicatively) up to 5 times, with stacks resetting when changing areas.
  • The Ultimate Outflank - If Astarion is buffed by his own Outflank ability, when he uses his Sanguine Hunger Ultimate attack, he reduces the active ultimate cooldown of all other Champions in the formation by 10%.

First Specialization

  • Outflank (Top) - Astarion increases the damage of all Champions at the top of each column by +100%.
  • Outflank (Bottom) - Astarion increases the damage of all Champions at the bottom of each column by +100%.

Second Specialization

  • Thief - Astarion increases the gold find of the party by +100% for each gold find champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Arcane Trickster - Astarion increases the damage bonus of his Outflank specialization by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is a Rogue, Wizard, or Absolute Adversaries affiliation member.
  • Assassin - Increase the bonus BUD-based damage Astarion's Sneak Attack deals (when attacking an enemy who has been attacked in the last 3 seconds) to 5 seconds worth.

Ultimate Ability

  • Sanguine Hunger - Astarion disappears and quickly leaps from the right side and attacks the monster with the most health with a vampiric bite, dealing ultimate damage and he heals all damage.

V. Astarion's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Ceremorphosis
Slot 3: Generational Wealth
Slot 4: Well Fed
Slot 5: Outflank
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

What do you enjoy more, Astarion's words or his bite? You can tell us in a few places:
August 19th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Dob 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This relentlessly upbeat bard is happy to help wherever he can, and never lets a little thing like 'not having a plan' stand in the way of action!

Dob is a traveling entertainer, busking from town to town looking for his lost sister. His travels have lead him to the Oxventurers Guild, and he now joins fellow members Merilwen, Rust on the Harbour, Corazón and Prudence in the Idle Champions roster during Brightswords 5.

I. Dob

Dungeons & Dragons Dob Key Art
    Dob never knew his parents. When he fell ill as a baby, his sister Suzette searched far and wide for a cure. She successfully saved his life, but on the last of her trips out to find medicine, Suzette never returned. So Dob became a self-taught traveling bard, sleeping under the stars and roaming town to town in search of his lost sister. This brought him into contact with the Oxventurers, with whom he shares in many bizarre adventures, including one that did indeed see him reuniting at last with his long-lost sister!

Dob is a Support and Gold Find Champion, increasing the damage of Champions not next to him while boosting gold find based on how many Champions are adjacent. He has the unfortunate habit of dumping all that hard-found gold into a nearby lake to keep it safe, but he'll make sure to make it up to the formation! He can be added to the formation by swapping him out with Arkhan (Slot 12).

II. Dob's Stats

Race: Half-Orc Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Bard Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 28
Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild

STR: 12 DEX: 18 CON: 17
INT: 13 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

Role: Support, Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

III. Dob's Design

Dungeons & Dragons Dob

Most of our community will know Luke Westaway from his work on Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, but he's also the designer behind the sci-fi racing tabletop RPG Gravity RIP. As an accomplished singer/songwriter, it's no surprise he crafted the Half-Orc Bard from the Oxventurers crew. It is a pleasure to work with Luke and have Dob play his hard-rocking lute in our game!

Dob is an energetic music-maker who is enthusiastic about helping his friends fight enemies and keep their earnings safe. This Traveling Entertainer inspires anyone not next to him to be more powerful. If he needs to leap into the action himself, he can cause a Thunderwave by playing a chord on his Lute. Dob also makes sure to keep Busking to increase the formation's gold find, but heavy purses make him nervous. There's a chance he'll run off with the team's money, using his Offshore Accounting to stash the cash in a lake. When he returns from that deposit, he'll make up for it by increasing his damage and gold find bonuses.

As an accomplished and charismatic bard, Dob gets along with a wide variety of people! Depending on who he's hanging out with, he'll increase the Traveling Entertainer attack bonus. Befriend the Magical will focus on Oxventurers Champions or Champions with a magical base attack, Befriend the Friendly is all about those with a high Charisma or Oxventurers Champions, Befriend the Quick focuses on Dexterous or Oxventurers Champions, or if there's a lot of unique races in the formation he can just Befriend Everybody! When things look dire, Dob raises Ethelfrith's Hammer into the air to unleash a horde of skeletons on his enemies, pushing them back behind a wall, and boosting the power of all evil Champions!

IV. Dob's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Thunderwave - Dob leaps out to the closest enemy and plays a chord on his Lute that sends out a magical blast of thunder and lightning, dealing 1 hit to all enemies in the area and pushing them back a short distance.

Formation Abilities

  • Traveling Entertainer - Dob increases the damage of all Champions NOT next to him by 400%.
  • Busking - Dob increases global gold find by 30% for each Champion next to him, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Offshore Accounting - At the transition to each new area, there is a 25% chance that Dob runs off with a wheelbarrow of money, setting the Champion's gold amount to zero as he dumps all the Champions' money into a lake. He gains Deposit stacks equal to the exponent of the lost gold. Dob increases both the damage increase of Traveling Entertainer and the gold find bonus of Busking by 10% for each Deposit stack, stacking additively and applied multiplicatively.


  • Befriend the Magical - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a magical base attack, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Befriend the Friendly - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a Charisma of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Befriend the Quick - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a Dexterity of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Befriend Everybody! - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each unique race in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Ethelfrith's Hammer - Dob raises Ethelfrith's hammer into the air, causing 60 skeletons and one flameskull burst out of the ground. The flameskull oversees the skeletons building a wall of stone, and any enemies in the area where the wall is being built take ultimate damage and are pushed back by the skeletons behind the wall. The wall lasts for 20 seconds and for that time enemies cannot pass it. While the wall is present, Evil Champions deal +1000% damage for reasons best left unsaid.

V. Dob's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Gold Find Increase
Slot 3: Traveling Entertainer
Slot 4: Befriend
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We're excited to listen to Dob busk his way through our adventures, and hope you're just as happy to see him join his friends in the Oxventurers crew! Tell us all about how much you are enjoying having Dob in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

August 27th, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Corazón de Ballena 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Many children dream of running away to become a pirate. Our latest Champion actually did and became a swashbuckling rogue with some magic tricks up his sleeve!

Corazón de Ballena is joining the Idle Champions roster during Brightswords 4! Read on to learn more about this swashbuckling rogue and his appreciation for the Grease spell!

I. Corazón

Dungeons & Dragons Corazon

    The young man who would eventually join the Oxventure Guild originally grew up as the posh Percival Milquetoast, heir to the Milquetoast estate. But the life of an aristocrat under a Father he despised inspired him to leave it all behind for the high seas! As Corazón de Ballena he became a flamboyant pirate and swashbuckler ready to try and one-up any other rogues he meets. But it was Corazón's own actions that caused the crew of his ship, the Joyful Damnation, to fall under a horrific curse. While he was able to flee to safety, Corazón never forgot his former comrades, and now is on a personal quest to lift the curse he caused. Fortunately he has his new friends in the Oxventure Guild, and a few more tricks up his sleeve!

Corazón is a Support Champion who focuses on aiding his fellow Champions with his skills and pirate style. When you want to add him to your formation you can swap him with Delina (Slot 8).

II. Corazón's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Rogue Gender: Male
Age: 30

STR: 13 DEX: 18 CON: 12
INT: 16 WIS: 15 CHA: 18

Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Strahd, Zariel
Slot: 8 (Delina)

Dungeons & Dragons Corazon

III. Corazón's Design

Our second Champion from the Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra brings a tremendously insecure rogue who hides his self-consciousness both figuratively and literally! It was a delight to work with Andy Farrant to bring Corazón's fast talking, sneak attacking, Grease loving rogue to life in our game.

Corazón likes to avoid getting his hands dirty, and prefers to focus on increasing the damage of his fellow Champions rather than having to do all the attacking himself. To make that easier, his Pirate's Code increases the damage of all Neutral (along the good/evil spectrum) Champions, and Honorary Crewmates lets him add the Neutral tag to anyone who is adjacent. The more Neutral Champions in the formation, the more Grease puddles Corazón will create when he attacks, which causes enemies to slow to a crawl. Finally G.O.A.T. Pirate means that every time Corazón attacks he increases the effect of Pirate's Code, making Neutral Champions even more effective!

He has two different Specializations, each focusing on a different objective. Distant Crewmates changes the way Honorary Crewmates works to affect non-adjacent Champions instead of adjacent ones, in case Corazón wants to position himself away from most of the crew. Or he can cast Mage Hand to drop his Grease puddles on the enemy furthest from the formation instead of the ones he attacks. When the field is filled with pools of Grease, Corazón uses his ultimate Fiery Bombardment to call on his ship, the Joyful Damnation, to fire flaming cannonballs from afar! Not only does this do damage to all enemies on screen, but it lights all the existing Grease puddles on fire, giving more proof to Corazón's assertions that Grease is the greatest spell ever!

IV. Corazón's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Shadow Step — Corazón attacks a random enemy from the shadows.

Formation Abilities

  • Pirate's Code — Corazón increases the damage of all Neutral (along the good/evil spectrum) Champions in the formation by 100%.
  • Grease — Whenever Corazón attacks he leaves behind a moderately sized puddle of Grease under the enemy he attacked. Grease puddles do not hinder other Champions, but do slow enemies passing through them by 25%. The maximum number of Grease puddles on the screen at once is equal to the number of Neutral Champions in the formation. The effects of Grease puddles, include the ultimate flaming puddles, stack multiplicatively if an enemy is standing in multiple puddles at once.
  • Honorary Crewmates — All Champions adjacent to Corazón gain the Neutral tag (along the good/evil spectrum). This does not affect their other alignment tags, and doesn't affect whether they are eligible for the adventure, but will make them eligible for the Pirate's Code and any other abilities that affect or are affected by the Neutral tag.
  • G.O.A.T. Pirate — Increase the effect of Pirate's Code by 0.01% each time Corazón attacks, stacking additively and lasting until reset.


  • Distant Crewmates — Honorary Crewmates now affects all non-adjacent Champions instead of adjacent ones.
  • Mage Hand — Grease no longer leaves behind puddles under the enemy Corazón attacks, instead it is dropped on the enemy furthest from the formation through creative use of a Mage Hand spell. The effect of these puddles is increased by 10%, multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Fiery Bombardment — Corazón's ship, the Joyful Damnation, fires flaming cannonballs from afar, damaging all enemies and lighting all existing Grease puddles on fire for 30 seconds. Enemies in the flaming Grease puddles are dealt 1/30th of this ultimate's damage per second and take 100% more damage while the puddle is on fire.

V. Corazón's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Pirate's Code
Slot 4: G.O.A.T. Pirate
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We're excited to have another member of the Oxventure Guild join our Champion roster! Let us know if Corazón has inspired you to enjoy the Grease spell on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

September 2nd, 2020
Idle Champions: Brightswords 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Seeking rest and respite from a year of adventure, the Champions arrive in the tranquil town of Longsaddle - only to find it under siege!

Drow from the Underdark are on the hunt in Longsaddle for a Harpell artifact, and it's a race against time to find it before they do...

Brightswords 3 introduces Lazaapz, the Goblin Armorer Artificer, and brings back returning Champions Turiel, the Aasimar Cleric and Wulfgar, Human Barbarian and member of the Companions of the Hall. Players will have until Monday, September 14th, 2020 at 12:00PM PDT, to complete event objectives!

Year Three Champion: Lazaapz

    Born in The Cogs beneath Sharn's Lower City, Lazaapz's remarkable intellect elevated her to the Tradefair district, where her mechanical genius became highly sought after by the Dragonmarked Houses. Lazaapz's first invention was a functional mechanical arm to replace the one she was born without; now she leads an elite team of engineers in cutting edge research and development.

    Following the discovery of a mysterious Eldritch Machine, Lazaapz was brought in by House Cannith to ascertain the purpose of the device. Shortly after, both Lazaapz and the machine disappeared, never to be seen again.
Lazaapz is a Tank and Support Champion who buffs other small-sized Champions with her Fury of the Small ability. She wears a suit of custom mechanized Power Armor that powers up her abilities and attacks, granting improved bonuses and additional attacks that debilitate enemies while she is under attack. When you want to add Lazaapz to your formation, you can swap her with Makos (Slot 9).

For more information about our Lazaapz, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Lazaapz dev blog!

Year Two Champion: Turiel

    Wherever the aasimar known as Turiel goes, devils and demons know to tread lightly. Acting on orders of their divine patron, Bahamut, Turiel works tirelessly to bring law, order, and justice to Toril. When not busy with inquisitions or crusades, Turiel calls the endless libraries of Candlekeep their home, studying ancient tomes and seeking guidance for their next holy mission.
Turiel Supports from the front of the formation, with his Embodiment of the Law greatly increasing the damage of Champions the further they are behind him. When you want to add Turiel to your formation, you can swap him with Bruenor (Slot 1).

For more information about our Turiel, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Turiel dev blog!

Year One Champion: Wulfgar

    Wulfgar started his life in the north as the flag bearer of the barbarian Tribe of the Elk. He was bested in the assault on Ten-Towns by Bruenor Battlehammer, who decided his punishment would be five years and a day of service. Bruenor grew to love the tall barbarian, eventually seeing him as an adopted son. At the end of his service, Drizzt Do'Urden to taught Wulfgar the ways of combat and Bruenor crafted for him a mighty warhammer, named Aegis-fang. This magical warhammer bears the symbols of three of the Dwarven Gods: Moradin, Clangeddin, and Dumathoin. It is specifically attuned to Wulfgar and magically returns to his hand upon telepathic command.
Wulfgar deals AOE damage that stuns and deals additional damage to armored and stunned enemies. He has additional abilities for each other Companion of the Hall present. When you want to add Wulfgar, Son of Beornegar to your party, you can swap him with Tyril (Slot 10).

For more information about about Wulfgar, check out his Idle Champion Spotlight: Wulfgar dev blog!

Year Three Variants

  • Lolth's Army — Drow Fighters attempt to stop us from thwarting their plan. Whenever you kill any drow enemy, Lolth grows angry and tracks your transgressions. For each drow killed during this adventure, the damage and movement speed of each drow enemy goes up by 0.1% (Additively)
    Reach area 75.

  • I Got This...? — Only Champions with INT 14 or lower can be used can be used.
    Reach area 125.

  • Short Force Leader — A roving band of Ogres have joined the adventure! Let's show 'em what Lazaapz and her crew can do! Lazaapz starts in the formation. She cannot be moved. Champions in the two columns behind Lazaapz count as a small race for the purposes of Lazaapz' Fury of the Small. Everyone's smaller than an ogre, right?!
    Reach area 175.

Year Two Variants

  • Hearty Constitution — Only Champions with a Constitution (CON) score of 14 or higher can be used.
    Reach area 75.

  • Army of Bahamut — Turiel starts out in slot 1 and can't be moved or replaced. Only Lawful or Good Champions can be used.
    Reach area 125.

  • DPS's Day Off — No Champions with the DPS role can be used.
    Reach area 175.

Year One Variants

  • Little Eyes are Lurking — A pair of Quasits have infiltrated your party, taking up two slots in the formation and causing chaos, making it difficult to work as a team. Every 25 areas they switch positions.
    Reach area 75.

  • Father and Son — Wulfgar and Bruenor have set off alone, on an adventure to catch up after some lost time. Only Bruenor and Wulfgar are available, and both start in your formation. Their damage and cooldowns are dramatically improved.
    Reach area 125.

  • Lolth's Domain — All Drow have the blessing of Lolth. Enemies gain armor and bosses gain additional armor.
    Reach area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

August 28th, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Lazaapz 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"Where was this device discovered," Lazaapz whispered, "and how old is it?"

The goblin artificer reached out of her mechanized armor to run her fingers along the surface of the Eldritch Machine, admiring the elegant craftsmanship. It resembled a large metallic sarcophagus, covered in arcane runes written in an ancient language.

"It was unearthed during one of our recent expeditions to Xen'Drik," the surly envoy of House Cannith responded. "Our analysis has confirmed that this device was constructed by the Cul'sir Dominion approximately forty thousand years ago."

"Incredible. THEY WERE SO SMART! I've only seen a handful of other machines they've created. There was the one down in the Cogs but it was broken, and then there was the last one your employers brought..." Lazaapz trailed off as she wandered around the machine, inspecting it from every angle.

"House Cannith trusts that you will keep the results of your testing discrete as per our previous arrangement."

"Did you see this?"

"I'm not sure what you're pointing at." The envoy shifted to get a better view of what Lazaapz was gesturing towards.

"These are symbols associated with Dal Quor. Do you see them? WHOA! If this machine is from over forty thousand years ago, that could mean it has something to do with the Quori. Weren't the Quori corporeal on our plane back then? OH BOY! Do you know what this could mean!?"

"...I'll leave you to it," said the envoy, turning to leave the workshop. Lazaapz didn't notice. She rarely noticed people when her mind was fixated on a mechanical puzzle. AND WHAT A PUZZLE! This will be fun...

I. Goblin Armorer Artificer

Dungeons & Dragons Lazaapz

    Born in The Cogs beneath Sharn's Lower City, Lazaapz's remarkable intellect elevated her to the Tradefair district, where her mechanical genius became highly sought after by the Dragonmarked Houses. Lazaapz's first invention was a functional mechanical arm to replace the one she was born without; now she leads an elite team of engineers in cutting edge research and development.

    Following the discovery of a mysterious Eldritch Machine, Lazaapz was brought in by House Cannith to ascertain the purpose of the device. Shortly after, both Lazaapz and the machine disappeared, never to be seen again.

Lazaapz is a Tank and Support Champion who buffs other small-sized Champions with her Fury of the Small ability. She wears a suit of custom mechanized Power Armor that powers up her abilities and attacks, granting improved bonuses and additional attacks that debilitate enemies while she is under attack. When you want to add Lazaapz to your formation, you can swap her with Makos (Slot 9).

II. Lazaapz's Stats

Race: Goblin Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Artificer (Armorer) Gender: Female
Age: 19 Affiliation: none

STR: 8 DEX: 16 CON: 16
INT: 18 WIS: 10 CHA: 8

Role: Tanking/Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich

Dungeons & Dragons Lazaapz

III. Lazaapz's Design

The story of Lazaapz began with Rizz Dupree.

We receive a lot of feedback and suggestions when it comes to Champions players would like to see, and among the most popular and frequent requests is for us to introduce a Goblin Champion and to introduce some kind of Artificer now that they have been officially introduced to 5E through Eberron: Rising from the Last War.

Other feedback that came to mind:
  • A tank that uses a tower shield.
  • More short/small Champions.
  • More monstrous Champions.
  • More evil Champions.
This had been on our minds for a while, but it took the introduction of the Armorer subclass for Artificers in Unearthed Arcana: Subclasses, Part 3 in late February for it all to come together. We were inspired to create a Goblin Armorer that used a tower shield and their Arcane Propulsion Arm to fight enemies, and Rizz Dupree was born!

Side note: 'Rizz Dupree' was just a name that sounds kind of like 'Chris Dupuis' to start, and it was just part of the initial Champion design pitch. This name quickly became 'Renton' (named after Renton, Washington, where Wizards of the Coast is located) as the design came together before eventually settling on 'Lazaapz' while the design was finalized.

At this point we knew that we wanted this goblin to be an inventor, a mechanical prodigy able to build their own prosthetic arm replacement as a young child. Using their ingenuity, they worked their way up from the lowest depths of Sharn, the Cogs beneath the Lower City, making their way all the way up to the Tradefair District. The equipment cards for Lazaapz speak to this history, as she built and tested her own suit of power armor.

We knew that we wanted to base the design around a suit of Power Armor that charged up and stored power while not in combat, and that used that power to boost abilities and dish out some punishment to enemies while under attack. This suit would build up to a high power threshold while you cleared areas quickly, and once things got tough the suit would kick in and buff the small members of the party and help Lazaapz damage enemies with her Thunder Fist.

Of course, since Lazaapz has an Arcane Propulsion Arm as a prosthetic, we thought that it would be fun if it was also a kind of long range grappling fist in addition to a thunder fist. She could reach across the screen, grab an enemy, and drag them to the front of the formation for a beating. Another Champion that can manipulate enemy placement!

...and isn't it about time we had a Champion that buffed our kobolds, gnomes, halflings, and dwarves? #IshiMeta

We're still really excited about Lazaapz. We hope you are, too!

IV. Lazaapz's Abilities

Basic Attacks

Lazaapz has two basic attacks. She attacks four times with Thunder Gauntlet and then attacks with Grappling Fist, then repeats.
  • Thunder Gauntlet — Lazaapz leaps out and attacks the nearest enemies with her Thunder Gauntlet, damaging them and stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
  • Grappling Fist — Lazaapz fires her Grappling Fist at a random enemy and quickly yanks it to the front of the formation. This attack deals no damage and cannot move static enemies or blockers.

Formation Abilities

  • Fury of the Small — Increase the damage of all small races (dwarves, goblin, halfling, gnome, or kobold) by 100% for each qualifying Champion in the formation. Stacks multiplicatively.
  • Power Armor — Lazaapz has a set of Artificer Power Armor. It gains one stack for every 1 second that Lazaapz is not under attack. This caps at 100 stacks. Lazaapz gains 1% max health for each stack of Power Armor, stacking additively.
  • Tiny Bulwark — When Lazaapz is under attack, she consumes 10 stacks of Power Armor and increases the effect of Fury of the Small by 400% for 10 seconds.
  • Lightning Launcher — When Lazaapz is under attack by at least 5 enemies, she consumes 15 stacks of Power Armor and activates her Lightning Launcher (fired from a large gem located in the middle of her chest plate), targeting one of the enemies attacking her and striking all enemies in a line, causing them to take 200% more damage for 7.5 seconds
  • Shield of Sharn — Lazaapz increases the max health of all other Champions by 25% of her base max health.


  • Stolen Power — Increase the max stacks of Power Armor by 100.
  • Team Player — Abilities that require Lazaapz to be under attack (Tiny Bulwark and Lightning Launcher) will now trigger if any Champion in the formation is attacked.
  • The Zapper — Lightning Launcher will now trigger with only one enemy attacking Lazaapz and its damage buff is increased by 100%.

Ultimate Ability

The ultimate changes based on the number of Power Armor stacks Lazaapz has available. If she has 20 or fewer stacks, her ultimate ability is Recharge. If she has 21 or more stacks, her ultimate ability is Overcharge.
  • Recharge — Lazaapz immediately regains all of her Power Armor stacks and, for the next 30 seconds, does not expend any stacks when triggering Tiny Bulwark or Lightning Launcher.
  • Overcharge — Lazaapz overcharges her Power Armor, preventing it from gaining any more stacks but increasing the effect of Tiny Bulwark and Lightning Launcher by 400% for 30 seconds.

V. Lazaapz's Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Fury of the Small
Slot 4: Power Armor
Slot 5: Tiny Bulwark
Slot 6: Lightning Launcher

VI. Conclusion

What do you think about Lazaapz? If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
September 4th, 2019
Idle Champions: Brightswords 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Seeking rest and respite from a year of adventure, the Champions arrive in the tranquil town of Longsaddle - only to find it under siege!

Drow from the Underdark are on the hunt in Longsaddle for a Harpell artifact, and it's a race against time to find it before they do...

Brightswords 2 introduces Turiel, the Aasimar Cleric. Players will have until Monday, September 16th, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT, to unlock him!

New Champion: Turiel

    Wherever the aasimar known as Turiel goes, devils and demons know to tread lightly. Acting on orders of their divine patron, Bahamut, Turiel works tirelessly to bring law, order, and justice to Toril. When not busy with inquisitions or crusades, Turiel calls the endless libraries of Candlekeep their home, studying ancient tomes and seeking guidance for their next holy mission.
Turiel Supports from the front of the formation, with his Embodiment of the Law greatly increasing the damage of Champions the further they are behind him. When you want to add Turiel to your formation, you can swap him with Bruenor (Slot 1).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Turiel dev blog!

Year One Champion: Wulfgar

    Wulfgar started his life in the north as the flag bearer of the barbarian Tribe of the Elk. He was bested in the assault on Ten-Towns by Bruenor Battlehammer, who decided his punishment would be five years and a day of service. Bruenor grew to love the tall barbarian, eventually seeing him as an adopted son. At the end of his service, Drizzt Do'Urden to taught Wulfgar the ways of combat and Bruenor crafted for him a mighty warhammer, named Aegis-fang. This magical warhammer bears the symbols of three of the Dwarven Gods: Moradin, Clangeddin, and Dumathoin. It is specifically attuned to Wulfgar and magically returns to his hand upon telepathic command.
Wulfgar deals AOE damage that stuns and deals additional damage to armored and stunned enemies. He has additional abilities for each other Companion of the Hall present. When you want to add Wulfgar, Son of Beornegar to your party, you can swap him with Tyril (Slot 10).

For more information about about Wulfgar, check out last year's Idle Champion Spotlight: Wulfgar dev blog!

Year Two Variants

  • Hearty Constitution — Only Champions with a Constitution (CON) score of 14 or higher can be used.
    Reach area 75.

  • Army of Bahamut — Turiel starts out in slot 1 and can't be moved or replaced. Only Lawful or Good Champions can be used.
    Reach area 125.

  • DPS's Day Off — No Champions with the DPS role can be used.
    Reach area 175.

Year One Variants

  • Little Eyes are Lurking — A pair of Quasits have infiltrated your party, taking up two slots in the formation and causing chaos, making it difficult to work as a team. Every 25 areas they switch positions.
    Reach area 75.

  • Father and Son — Wulfgar and Bruenor have set off alone, on an adventure to catch up after some lost time. Only Bruenor and Wulfgar are available, and both start in your formation. Their damage and cooldowns are dramatically improved.
    Reach area 125.

  • Lolth's Domain — All Drow have the blessing of Lolth. Enemies gain armor and bosses gain additional armor.
    Reach area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

September 4th, 2019
Idle Champion Spotlight: Turiel 
Posted in Idle Champions.

If you're going to journey into the depths of the Nine Hells, you'll want the aasimar Turiel on your side.

A Cleric of the Order Domain, Turiel has spent a mortal lifetime in service of the God of Dragons, Bahamut. He has traveled across Toril under the guidance of his patron, hunting fiends from the Abyss and the Nine Hells. He has unearthed and destroyed Cults of the Dragon. And he is relentless in his pursuit of justice.

Now it seems that Turiel's lifetime of battle was merely preparation for a single holy mission: to enter Avernus and prevent the wielder of the Hand of Vecna from breaking Tiamat free...

Are you here for the Turiel Champion Spotlight? Good. Let's dive in, shall we?

I. Turiel's Story

    Wherever the aasimar known as Turiel goes, devils and demons know to tread lightly. Acting on orders of their divine patron, Bahamut, Turiel works tirelessly to bring law, order, and justice to Toril. When not busy with inquisitions or crusades, Turiel calls the endless libraries of Candlekeep their home, studying ancient tomes and seeking guidance for their next holy mission.
Turiel is a front-line Support Champion, best placed alongside your tanks and with your DPS Champion(s) as far behind him as possible. Whenever enemies attempt to attack Turiel, he will redirect them towards the tanks in his column and increase the power of his buffs. He is especially potent when fighting Fiends. When you want to add Turiel to your formation, you can swap him with Bruenor (Slot 1).

II. Turiel's Stats

Class: Cleric (Order Domain) Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Aasimar (Scourge) Gender: Male
Age: 121 Affiliation: none

STR: 9 DEX: 11 CON: 16
INT: 13 WIS: 17 CHA: 12

III. Designing Turiel

We've been wanting to create an aasimar Champion for a long time. At the same time, we've been eyeing the Order Domain Cleric from Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica since it came out last year. It seemed only fitting that as we get closer to descending into Avernus we make sure there is a Champion fitting to lead the charge.

The look of Turiel came before the abilities. An internal conversation about how aasimar manifest their divinity across the subraces led to one artist suggesting we go with a Kintsugi-like approach to Turiel's features, as if his body was cracking apart under the strain of containing so much radiance. Dark skin, brightly-colored hair, and heavily worn and weathered clothes and armor round out his aesthetic. The idea is that he only has time for his mission, and he's always in the thick of battle, leading to drab and damaged attire.

From his very first iteration, Turiel was a Champion that led either from - or near - the front of the formation. Order Domain Clerics are amazing at managing the ebb and flow of battle, with a selection of spells and subclass abilities that really allow their allies to shine. We knew we wanted to incorporate Embodiment of the Law into Turiel's design, but giving allies 'reaction attacks' didn't really translate in a way that we liked, and we were fixated on a Support Champion that could buff Champions behind him in the formation, with the buff becoming even more potent the further back your DPS Champions are.

Order's Demand was born of necessity. When your Support Champion is not a Tank but still needs to be able to join the front row of the formation, what do you do? Well, how about a kind of 'reverse-taunt'? Turiel is able to defer potential attacks on himself towards another Champion in his column, if one is available. Think of what you can make happen with that kind of ability.

Turiel's mission is to destroy all evil on behalf of his patron, Bahamut. Unflinching Hatred buffs Order's Demand whenever Turiel attacks an enemy of the fiend type. Turiel will really start to shine whenever your formation is fighting monsters from the Nine Hells or the Abyss. That might be handy in our next campaign!

With Voice of Authority, Turiel offers your high-constitution Champions some serious buffing. Whenever Turiel attacks, all other Champions deal bonus damage on their next attack based on their individual CON ability scores. It might be time to dust off your Jamilah or Binwin DPS formations.

When it comes to specializations, you can choose Lawful Mission to increase the effect of Embodiment of the Law, or you can choose Hearty Constitution to increase the effect of Voice of Authority. Depending on which type of DPS Champion you're focusing on, one of these may be better than the other for you.

Aasimar have some awesome subclass options in Volo's Guide to Monsters, but truth be told we only ever considered one type: scourge aasimar. There is something compelling about aasimar who feel the need to fight evil with every fiber of their being — aasimar who are so filled with divine radiance it threatens to consume them from the inside, leading them to wear masks. We always knew we wanted to adapt Radiant Consumption as Turiel's ultimate ability. It became Beacon of Light, a powerful AoE knockback and scaling damage buff - with a drawback. While the buff scales up, Turiel cannot attack, and whenever the formation is attacked it halves the buff.

If you're interested in learning more about the details of Turiel's abilities, you can get that information below.

IV. Turiel's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Sacred Flame — Turiel points at a random enemy and flame-like radiance strikes them from above. Random target, 10-second cooldown.

Formation Abilities

  • Embodiment of the Law — Turiel increases the damage of Champions in the columns behind him by 100%, increasing by an additional 100% for each column further back (stacking multiplicatively).
    • 1 column = 100%
    • 2 columns = 300%
    • 3 columns = 700%
    • 4 columns = 1500%
    • etc.
  • Order's Demand — Enemies that attempt to choose Turiel as a target instead choose to attack another Champion, assuming another valid target exists. Each time this occurs, Turiel increases the effect of Embodiment of the Law by 100% for 30 seconds, stacking additively up to 30 times.
    • Note: This only affects single-target attacks that target Turiel directly (for example it does not deflect AOE attacks, multi-target attacks, or other attacks that hit Turiel indirectly).
  • Unflinching Hatred — Turiel has a singular mission: to destroy all evil. After attacking a fiend-type enemy, his Embodiment of the Law ability is increased by 100%. When Order's Demand redirects the attack of a fiend-type enemy, its effect is increased by 100% as well.
    • Note:These effects do not stack, but last for 30 seconds, and their cooldowns restart if they are triggered again.
  • Voice of Authority — After Turiel attacks, all other Champions deal bonus damage on their next attack based on their individual Constitution (CON) ability scores (50% per point of CON starting at >10, stacking multiplicatively).
    • <=10 CON = 0%
    • 11 CON = +50%
    • 12 CON = +125%
    • 13 CON = +238%
    • etc.


  • Lawful Mission — Increase the effect of Embodiment of the Law by 50% for each Lawful Champion in the formation (including Turiel, stacking additively, then applying to Embodiment of the Law multiplicatively like a normal upgrade).
    • +50% (just Turiel) to +500% (10 Lawful), depending on the formation used.
  • Hearty Constitution — Increase the stack size of the Voice of Authority ability by 50% (to 75% per stack).
    • <=10 CON = 0%
    • 11 CON = +75% (+50%)
    • 12 CON = +206% (+65%)
    • 13 CON = +436% (+84%)
    • etc.

Ultimate Ability

  • Beacon Of Light — Unleashing the radiance of his scourge aasimar nature, Turiel becomes a Beacon of Light, pushing back enemies and increasing your party's every second while they are not being attacked. Increases the damage done by the formation by 25% per second, stacking multiplicatively. Each time the formation is attacked by an enemy, the number of stacks are reduced by 50% and the light diminishes. The effect ends after 30 seconds or when it is reduced below 1 stack due to enemy attacks, whichever comes first. During this time, Turiel is immobile and does not attack.

V. Turiel's Equipment

VI. Conclusion

With Turiel we wanted to create a Champion you'd follow into Avernus. We wanted to create a Support who buffs the back row, and who can also buff your CON DPS Champions. We think we've done something really awesome with our latest Champion, and we look forward to seeing how he fits in to your formations!

Feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!
September 12th, 2018
Idle Champions Event: Brightswords 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Our Champions have arrived in the quaint town of Longsaddle amidst the Brightswords festivities, hoping for some much-needed rest after a full year of touring Chult and the Sword Coast. However, they arrive to find Longsaddle under siege!

An army of Drow have come to the surface from the Underdark seeking a long-lost artifact, and it's a race against time for the Champions to discover it first...

Brightswords is our seventeenth limited-time event for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, and the final event of Year One. This event runs until Monday, September 24th at 12:00pm Pacific, and introduces Wulfgar, Human Barbarian and the final member of the Companions of the Hall!

New Champion: Wulfgar

Wulfgar started his life in the north as the flag bearer of the barbarian Tribe of the Elk. He was bested in the assault on Ten-Towns by Bruenor Battlehammer, who decided his punishment would be five years and a day of service. Bruenor grew to love the tall barbarian, eventually seeing him as an adopted son. At the end of his service, Drizzt Do'Urden to taught Wulfgar the ways of combat and Bruenor crafted for him a mighty warhammer, named Aegis-fang. This magical warhammer bears the symbols of three of the Dwarven Gods: Moradin, Clangeddin, and Dumathoin. It is specifically attuned to Wulfgar and magically returns to his hand upon telepathic command.

Wulfgar deals AOE damage that stuns and deals additional damage to armored and stunned enemies. He has additional abilities for each other Companion of the Hall present. When you want to add Wulfgar, Son of Beornegar to your party, you can swap him with Tyril or Barrowin (Slot 10).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Wulfgar dev blog!

Brightswords Variants

  • Little Eyes are Lurking — A pair of Quasits have infiltrated your party, taking up two slots in the formation and causing chaos, making it difficult to work as a team. Every 25 areas they switch positions.

  • Father and Son — Wulfgar and Bruenor have set off alone, on an adventure to catch up after some lost time. Only Bruenor and Wulfgar are available, and both start in your formation. Their damage and cooldowns are dramatically improved.

  • Lolth's Domain — All Drow have the blessing of Lolth. Enemies gain armor and bosses gain additional armor.


  • Added the Brightswords event, our seventeenth limited-time campaign event! The event runs until Monday, September 24th at 12:00pm PDT.
  • Added a new Champion: Wulfgar, the Human Barbarian.
  • Added a new event Divine Favor: Tempus' Favor.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!

September 11th, 2018
Idle Champion Spotlight - Wulfgar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to our latest Champion Spotlight design blog!

Today, we're going to go into detail on our newest Champion: Wulfgar, Son of Beornegar - A Human Barbarian, and a member of the Companions of the Hall!

Wulfgar will be available in our final Year One Event, Brightswords, launching TOMORROW (September 12th)! I hope this blog will give you all you need to know about our latest Champion.

How you can unlock Wulfgar:

Wulfgar is unlocked by playing Brightswords, a limited-time event launching on September 12th and running until September 24th. Once you unlock Wulfgar, he swaps with Tyril or Barrowin.

Who is Wulfgar:

Wulfgar is the final piece to the Companions of the Hall team that started with Bruenor in the base game, and continued with the introduction of Catti-brie and Regis as event champions, and Drizzt as an evergreen champion. With Wulfgar as the final Event Champion of Year One, the Companions of the Hall - made famous through R.A. Salvatore's bestselling Legend of Drizzt series - is now complete!

Wulfgar started his life in the north as the flag bearer of the barbarian Tribe of the Elk. He was bested in the assault on Ten-Towns by Bruenor Battlehammer, who decided his punishment would be five years and a day of service. Bruenor grew to love the tall barbarian, eventually seeing him as an adopted son. At the end of his service, Drizzt Do'Urden taught Wulfgar the ways of combat and Bruenor crafted for him a mighty warhammer, named Aegis-fang. This magical warhammer bears the symbols of three of the Dwarven Gods: Moradin, Clangeddin, and Dumathoin. It is specifically attuned to Wulfgar and magically returns to his hand upon telepathic command.

Wulfgar's Design:

We approached Wulfgar as the final piece of the Companions of the Hall formation. We wanted to make sure that he was strong on his own, but when placed with the Companions, the team shines.

Martial Training: We began by looking at his backstory and how he would want to work with all of the companions. Immediately, we landed on his Martial Training ability - the idea that since Drizzt taught him how to fight, he and Drizzt have been able play off each other and capitalize on their combat strategies. Whenever one of them kills an enemy, both of them increase their damage for 10 seconds. As a note, this is a one-time boost that lasts for 10 seconds. If the bonus is already in place and either of them get another kill, it just resets the countdown to 10 seconds.

Barbarian Smash: Wulfgar's base attack is second to none. He jumps out and smashes the nearest GROUP of enemies with a chance to stun them all for 5 seconds. Stuck at your wall and your tank can't take all the attacks? Bring Wulfgar in to help you clear them out. As we continue to talk about his abilities, you'll notice a lot of them deal with stunned enemies. Wulfgar is your expert at stunning, but his abilities will also work against enemies stunned by other Champions. He's like bringing the Xanathar to a Binwin fight. Oh? Too soon? Sorry. . .

Companion Abilities: Everyone knows that the adventuring party is always strongest when they are together, right? Well, we wanted to hammer that idea home with Wulfgar, who has an ability tied to each Companion. If they are in the formation, the ability is active. If they aren't, it isn't.
  • Bruenor: Increases the effect of Bruenor's Rally ability for each stunned enemy.
  • Regis: Stunned enemies drop more gold if Regis is in the formation.
  • Catti-brie: Increases the chance of Catti-brie's critical hit ability against stunned enemies.
  • Drizzt: Because Martial Training wasn't enough Drizzt/Wulfgar buddy cop fun, we also added an ability that increases Drizzt's damage against stunned enemies.

Smash 'n Grab: Wulfgar wields a GIANT magical warhammer that Bruenor created and called Aegis-fang. Not only does it magically reappear in his hand after he throws it, Wulfgar really loves smashing things with it. With his Smash 'n Grab ability, Wulfgar deals more damage against armored enemies. If he does enough damage with his attack to remove a chunk of the hit-based armor, he also increases the damage of all Champions for 10 seconds. This will hopefully help a few more Champions get in on the armor-breaking fun!

Flag Bearer: Wulfgar's damage is increased against stunned enemies. When he stuns an already stunned enemy, all Companion abilities are buffed for the duration of the stun. Acererak should really have thought twice before coming to this plane.

Wulfgar's Specializations:

As noted above, Wulfgar really wants to smash things. If he can't kill them outright he wants to stun them so the rest of the Companions have something to do. His specializations allow you to choose how he maximizes his abilities depending on the formation you have.
His three specialization choices are based on the deity symbols that adorn his mighty warhammer:
  • Clangeddin's Will: Choosing Clangeddin, the dwarven god of war, will increase Wulfgar's damage by 400%
  • Dumathoin's Will: Choosing Dumathoin, the dwarven god of buried secrets, will increase the chance of Wulfgar's attack stunning ALL enemies in the attack area by 10%
  • Moradin's Will: Choosing Moradin, the dwarven god of creation, will increase the duration of Wulfgar's stuns from his Barbarian Smash basic attack by 2 seconds.
Each of these specializations will help you augment how Wulfgar (and the rest of the Companions function in your formation. Try them all out to see which one works best on any given adventure. Don't forget, you can also change your choice mid-game by using a Potion of Specialization.

Wulfgar's Ultimate Attack:

Aegis-fang is unleashed with Wulfgar's ultimate attack. He throws Aegis-fang at the most distant enemy, dealing damage to and stunning all enemies in that line for 10 seconds.

Wulfgar's Equipment

Slot 1: Warhammer
  • Wulfgar's warhammer increases his damage.
Slot 2: Hair Clip
  • Wulfgar's dwarven hair clip shows the weight of his dwarven upbringing, increasing his damage.
Slot 3: Dagger
  • Wulfgar's Dagger increases the effect of Martial Training ability.
Slot 4: Tribe of the Elk Banner
  • Wulfgar's Tribe of the Elk banner increases the effect of his Smash 'n Grab ability.
Slot 5: Dragon Scales
  • The trinkets Wulfgar collected from his battle against Icingdeath increase the damage of his Ultimate Attack.
Slot 6: Wolf Cloak
  • Wulfgar's Wolf Cloak reduces the cooldown on his Ultimate Attack.

TL;DR- Final Wulfgar Thoughts

Wulfgar is the final piece to the Companions of the Hall puzzle. He focuses on stunning enemies he can't outright kill, and buffs the rest of the Companions of the Hall if he (or anyone else) stuns enemies. We're looking forward to seeing what new formations pop up now that he has been introduced! We'll be watching the discussion online and on discord to see how well he's received, so let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, or on the official Discord!