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February 5th
Idle Champions: Grand Revel 8  
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for another day of dancing in Chult!

Grand Revel runs until February 26th. Featured Champions for this year's event include a new Thri-Kreen Ranger and a returning Kobold Fighter - and together, they seek to empower non-human formations like never before!

In the Forgotten Realms, Grand Revel is a day of dancing, music, and the eating of sweet treats of all sorts, from chocolate to red "firemint" candies. But even during such an unparalleled day of joy, there are quests to be done and adventures to be had. One such adventure revolves around a missing caravan on Chult -- and the Templar of the Order of the Gauntlet who desperately wants it found...

Featured Champions


    By wood, river, cavern, and vale, nomads of the Shaar spread the tale of Kalix the Exile. Gifted in combat from a young age, this thri-kreen warrior amassed a collection of trophies, garnering acclaim from the others of his tribe—the Krakk't. However, the hunter was never satisfied. He dreamed of quarry none would dare. At the Hill of Memories, during the yearly gathering, Kalix attacked the emissaries of the other tribes. None could deny his prowess. For this act, he was banished and forced to wander the world, searching for purpose. Now Kalix offers his services to all who promise a worthy hunt and woe unto any foe he marks as his prey.

Kalix is a Support Champion who excels in formations featuring unorthodox species. This Thri-kreen harnesses his telepathic abilities to boost the damage of Champions that aren't next to him, and he's skilled at tracking down his favored foe: humanoids. Kalix also increases the damage of your active party when he is positioned in the front column of a formation, making him an invaluable resource once you have access to multiple adventuring parties.

Learn more about Kalix in his Champion Spotlight.


    Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone that'll listen to her.

It's been a long time since Ishi joined Idle Champions, and on February 12, 2025, she will be the lucky recipient of a new Rework set to make her a powerful component of non-human formations.

Learn more about Ishi in her Champion Spotlight coming this Friday, February 7th!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:
Hew Maan
Brother Uriah

Event Augments

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

  • Augment 2: Auto-Equip (Returning Augment)
    Description: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better.

  • Augment 3: Auto Blacksmith (Returning Augment)
    Description: Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!

  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Ishi will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

Elegant Spring Celebration

Our next Celebration is here! The Elegant Spring Celebration starts today and runs until Noon PT on February 12th. Each day, you'll be able to unlock a free Chest full of goodies hand-picked by the CNE crew to help supercharge your progress. If you collect 4 of the 7 daily reward Chests, you'll also be able to collect A Champion unlock for Minthara (seat 3), a Myrkul's Chosen Skin, and a Taunt feat for her along with 3 Gold Minthara Chests! Log in and start collecting your daily chests now!

Grand Revel Feedback Wanted

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Kalix? Are you excited to learn more about Ishi's rework on Friday?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

January 30th
Idle Champions: February Augment Preview  
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to the Event Augment preview for Grand Revel!

Our second 2025 Event launches on Wednesday, February 5th, and brings back four Event Augments. For more info on which Event Augments have returned for Grand Revel 8, read on!

Grand Revel Year 8 Event Augments

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

  • Augment 2: Auto-Equip (Returning Augment)
    Description: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better.

  • Augment 3: Auto Blacksmith (Returning Augment)
    Description: Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!

  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Ishi will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

Note: Similar to our rollouts in December and January, the spotlight blogs for the two Featured Champions next month will also be spread out, with Kalix tomorrow, January 31st, and Ishi's releasing next Friday, February 7th.

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments! Please tell us about your experiences with Augments in Idle Champions. The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
January 24th
BW2: January 24th, 2025 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Burns Supper Limited-Time Quest (January 24th, 2025)

- Updated the Burns Supper limited-time quest with a new unique reward

- Added a Prismatic Bundle for Bush Bucks to the General Store and Halflight Haven store after you enter the Prismatic Passage; Contains the Prisma Mishipeshu mount, Prisma Tunic shirt, and Quiver Rack ranch item

- Added the Prismatic Deciduous Trees, Prismatic Coniferous Trees, and Plate of Gingerbread Men to the ranch store after they're unlocked

- Can now toggle critter movement on your ranch via a new toggle button in Build Mode (Thanks, Ty!)

- Fixed drinking a second costume drink before the first has expired overriding your original outfit

- Fixed the puzzle image in the Tunnels sometimes not loading and preventing you from solving it and moving on to the next depth

- Fixed a minor typo in the Prismatic Passage quest hub (Thanks , A.b. Catrill!)

- Removed the Windows installer option from the downloads page. The Windows Zip is now the only download option for Windows. (The installer doesn't work for many windows users anymore)
January 10th
BW2: January 10th, 2025 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Nate's Birthday Event Update (January 10th, 2025)

- Updated Nate's Birthday Event:
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Updated 2 of the VIP event rewards
- Added new event mounts in Bush Bucks sale and mount packs, available the first weekend of the event
- Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
- New Cursed Cubes quest sequel

- Fixed being able to start the Catching a Cactus quest at the Cenote Site while working on another hub

- Can now put an equipped mount/pet into a pen (it unequips it), and vise-versa, to make it slightly less annoying to use Mount Feeds on a mount in a training pen (Thanks, Ty!)

- Wall items can now be placed on the mini golf course (Thanks, Ty!)
January 10th
BW2: Celebrate Nate's Birthday Event 2025! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy Birthday Nate!

It's that time of year again! Help celebrate Nate Dragon's birthday by decorating the Commons for him....because no one else will.

Safety First

First and foremost, whenever Nate is involved, safety becomes a priority. Find Safety Coins in the bushes and bring them to the stations in the Commons to stock up on protective gear. Turn in 10 coins at each station 50 times for an achievement. You can see the number of turn-ins you've completed at a station when you turn in a set of coins. The Kevlar Pad station is there on the first day of the event, and the Fire Extinguisher and Band Aid stations will unlock as the event goes on.

Party Preparation

Then it seems Nate needs decorations and activities to set up in the Commons. Go out daily and find things for his party. Have fun trying out the activity stations as many times as you want!

Dragon Costuming

If you're trying to get Tiny Little Arms or Just Like Nate achievements, or if you just want to have a little fun, you need to be wearing all pieces of the Dragon gear or the Nate outfit (available from the vendor's Bush Bucks store if it's your first time playing this event) while completing the 4 party Stations: Dynamite Activity, Campfire Activity, Digging Activity and the Training Whacking Activity.

Fire! Fire!

If you've built the Town Hall, you can expect an fiery visitor to the party as well!

New for 2025

This year's update includes:

- a new cursed cubes quest, with a new companion to collect!
- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new ribbons and 100% reward!
- Updated 2 of the VIP event rewards

Holiday Plushies!

As this is the first event of 2025, we're introducing a new 100% reward set - Holiday Plushies! Collect them all!

Nate's Generous Uncle

New year, new gift from Nate's uncle! He seems apologetic enough, so maybe this one won't be cursed...


There are a total TWENTY THREE possible Achievements to earn in this event:

Returning Achievements

Safety First - You completed a turn-in at each of the Safety Stations.
Safety Inspector - You completed 50 turn-ins at each of the Safety Stations.
Without a Hitch - You helped Nate with all of his Birthday quests!
Neverending Supply - You completed all 4 of the Birthday event daily quests 3 times.
Firefighter - You put out a fire and saved a building in the Commons! [Requires the Town Hall built]
Dragon Slayer - You scared off a dragon and saved the Commons!
Surprise Explosions! - You helped organize a surprise party for Nate.
A Heroic Gift - Help Natalie make Nate look like a hero for his birthday.
Cursed Cubes! - You removed the cube curse!

New Achievements

Loot Deluge - You bought all the 2025 Nate's Birthday event items!

Retired Achievements

We have 13 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial year:

Nate's Fortune - You bought all the 2024 Nate's Birthday event items! Nate's Novelties - You bought all the 2023 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate-tional Treasure - You bought all the 2022 Nate's Birthday event items!
Birthday Spoils - You bought all the 2021 Nate's Birthday event items!
Birthday Blowout - You bought all the 2020 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate-Nacs - You bought all the 2019 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Treasures - You bought all the 2018 Nate's Birthday event items!
Birthday Souvenirs - You bought all the 2017 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Finer Things - You bought all the 2016 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Stash - You bought all the 2015 Nate's Birthday event items!
Tiny Little Arms - You bungled each activity station while dressed like a Dragon
Nate's Inventory - You bought all the 2014 Nate's Birthday event items!
Just Like Nate! - You bungled each activity station while dressed like Nate.

*The mini-golf piece is not included in the Nate's Fortune achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Grab a new bombastic partner!

Mount Packs

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from Jan 10th to 13th!

The Drake mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Fire Drake and Frost Drake are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Pet Packs

Three new pets, the Nate Kitty, Nate Robot, and Pointy Dragon, can be seen in the event area later on. You can pick them up January 17th to 20th in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle!

Many other pets and ranch items available from previous years via "Nate's Olde Mischief Market". Talk to the event store clerk to view this store!

This event runs until Friday January 24th, 2025 @ Noon PST (8pm UTC).

See the full Release Notes!

Post your thoughts and feedback here!
January 3rd
BW2: Endangered Species Mini Event VIII! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Endangered Species - Eighth Encounter

Habitats are changing, and it's endangering many different animal species. Carson Tiva has found that three different endangered species can currently be found in Bushwhackia, as they search for new places to live.

Three Endangered Species

Przewalskis Horse - An endangered horse at risk from hunting, and harsh winters.

Golden Mole - A critically endangered mole which is also known as the shark of the dunes!

Pink Fairy Armadillo - A super rare and endangered armadillo and is the smallest armadillo species in the world!

Collect Conservation Data

Like you did during Carson's last visit, apply your bush whacking skills to help them collect Conservation Data on these unique animals for the limited time they're here. To gather data, you just have to give them a whack with your sword or other whacking implement. With said data, Carson Tiva can use it to try and help what's left of these unique animals.

Which species you encounter in the fields will be random, so if you fall behind in finding one of the three animals, you can start one of Carson Tiva's pursuit quests. You can do one pursuit quest every 20 hours.

Earn Rewards

Your efforts will not go unrewarded! Carson Tiva will trade you for this data in their store, plus you'll earn a unique plaque for your contributions! Like event ribbons, this plaque will increase your maximum energy based on your performance.

Collect data, complete the achievements, and earn rewards!

In addition to a new set of species, Bush Buck Bundle, and energy boosting plaque, you can earn a new Elephant Gnome ranch item reward!

Limited Time Only

Go to the event area of the Commons to get started, and gather as much data as you can before noon on Tuesday January 7th, Pacific Time!

January 1st
Idle Champions: Wintershield 8 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's considered lucky to possess and examine a map on Wintershield, so put on your most durable boots and head out into the streets of Waterdeep to claim one for yourself!

Wintershield 8 runs from January 1–22 and introduces Eric the Cavalier, whom some of you may recognize from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. Our first Featured Champion, Eric is a Support, Tanking, and Gold Find Champion with knockback capabilities. Eric can be unlocked starting today.

Our second Featured Champion is none other than Verthisathurgiesh Mehen, dragonborn mercenary and adoptive father of twin tiefling daughters. Mehen is the latest Champion to receive a significant rework, and he will become available to unlock starting next week on January 8.

For more details on Wintershield, read on!

Featured Champions

Eric the Cavalier

    Eric is the Cavalier of the group of friends trapped in the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. Known for his sarcasm and frequent cowardice, he's often the butt of jokes. Yet, when danger strikes, Eric's bravery emerges, and he uses his magical shield to protect his friends. Despite his complaints and fears, his loyalty and courage make him an essential part of the group's quest to find their way home.

Learn more about Eric in his Champion Spotlight.

Verthisathurgiesh Mehen

    Mehen is a tall, powerful dragonborn with dull-ocher scales and a blunt attitude. With strong opinions on the right course of action, he is just as comfortable yelling orders on the battlefield as he is fiercely protecting his daughters. Despite a life thrown into turmoil after being exiled from his clan and attempting to raise twin tieflings, Farideh & Havilar, Mehen remains resilient in his sense of self and his abilities with a falchion.

Learn more about Mehen when his spotlight goes live on January 3rd!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

Event Augments

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: The power of most event boon buffs is increased by up to eight times.
Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Global DPS
100% > 200%
300% > 900%
500% > 2500%
900% > 7200%
Gold Find
100% > 200%
200% > 600%
300% > 1500%
400% > 3200%
50% > 100%
100% > 300%
200% > 1000%
300% > 2400%
Click Damage
60s > 120s
150s > 450s
300s > 1500s
600s > 4800s
Game Speed
1.25 (no change)
1.75 (no change)
2.25 (no change)
2.75 (no change)
  • Augment 2: Empowered Rewards (Returning Augment)
    Description: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards.
  • Augment 3: Improved Weekly Offers (New Augment)
    Description: Weekly Offers will be of at least "Rare" (blue) rarity during this event, with even better odds of the higher rarities.
  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Mehen will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing his tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
You can check out which Augments are active at any time by mousing over the Event Banner.

Wintershield Feedback Wanted

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Eric the Cavalier? Are you excited to see a reworked Mehen?? Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

December 30th, 2024
Idle Champions: January Augment Preview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to our preview for the Wintershield Event Augments!

Our first Event of 2025 launches on Wednesday, January 1st - New Year's Day! For more info on the Event Augments for Wintershield 8, read on!

Wintershield Year 8 Event Augments

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: The power of most event boon buffs is increased by up to eight times.

Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Global DPS
100% > 200%
300% > 900%
500% > 2500%
900% > 7200%
Gold Find
100% > 200%
200% > 600%
300% > 1500%
400% > 3200%
50% > 100%
100% > 300%
200% > 1000%
300% > 2400%
Click Damage
60s > 120s
150s > 450s
300s > 1500s
600s > 4800s
Game Speed
1.25 (no change)
1.75 (no change)
2.25 (no change)
2.75 (no change)
  • Augment 2: Empowered Rewards (Returning Augment)
    Description: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards.

  • Augment 3: Improved Weekly Offers (New Augment)
    Description: Weekly Offers will be of at least "Rare" (blue) rarity during this event, with even better odds of the higher rarities.

  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Mehen will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing his tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments! Please tell us about your experiences with Augments in Idle Champions. The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
December 12th, 2024
BW2: It's Christmas Time 2024! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

'Tis the Season for Giving!

Get into the giving mood of the holiday season by tackling the Bushwhackia Christmas event.

To the North Pole!

You'll want to get started by heading to the event area in the Commons to meet up with the stranded elf and help him fix his teleporter. (It's delicate, OK?) Once you've got it operational, you'll be able to make the journey far to the North Pole where you'll find a bevy of characters who need your special skills to make the holiday celebrations work!

Fueled By Candy Canes!

Your primary task will be helping the elves make presents by bringing them Candy Canes (that you find in bushes), but there is a veritable smorgasbord of holiday related quests to complete as well. All of these quests will unlock over the course of the event, with the last ones unlocking on Christmas Day.


Once you've found reindeer chow for the poor reindeer, then you can help out Santa by delivering a present to a random house daily.

Gingerbread Housing

Gingerbread Men are settling down in the event area and need your help gathering construction materials! Perhaps they'll build you a Gingerbread House of your own?

And much much more!

Presents all Around!!

Here's the event that started the gifting tradition! Once a day, if you have excess tokens, you can send a Present to a friend! These presents will contain a random amount of gold, energy, mana, power and come with some other treats as well. If you want to send more presents in a day, it will cost you a few Bush Bucks. Talk to Sasha in the North Pole to learn more!

Sasha has the power to gift your friends!

New This Year

This year's update includes:
- new pet and costume VIP rewards!
- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new 2024 holiday 100% reward!
- new Christmas tree for your ranch received from completing the Decorate Tree quest
- new Snowman companion from the Build a Snowman quest
- another ranch item for ice fishing
- new item to steal
- new ugly sweater to craft
- new quest-line for Nate

Read the change log for the full list!

Holiday Completion Tree!

Get 100% completion this event to collect the final Holiday Tree of 2024!


There are a total of THIRTY TWO possible Achievements to earn in this event:

Returning Achievements

Apprentice Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least one present!
Journeyman Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 20 presents!
Professional Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 50 presents!
Expert Elf Helper - You've been responsible for at least 50 presents from each Elf!
Santa Man - You've delivered a present to someone's house!
Diverse Santa - You've delivered a present to several houses!
Schoolyard Victor - You won 5 snowball fights!
Reindeer Herder - You've saved the reindeer 5 times!
Yay! Presents - You've opened a present from the Developers!
12 Days of Bushmas - You completed all 12 days of Bushmas!
Christmas Savior - You've helped all the citizens in need at the North Pole!
Snow-ho-ho! - You built yourself a snowman!
Well-arranged Caroling - Find all the special arrangements of famous Christmas carols. Sweater Weather - Buy one of Mrs. Claus' specialty sweater weather.
Grumpy Cocoa - You helped fix Grumpus a hot cocoa!
Kind Krampus - You've delivered a present dressed as Krampus!

New Achievements

Gifts Galore - You bought all the 2024 Christmas event items!*
Freshly Stolen - You stole something from someone's house!

Retired Achievements

We also have 14 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:

Santa Santa - You're practically Santa! (deliver a present while dressed as Santa)
Materialist - You bought all the Christmas 2012 event items!
Reverse Grinch - You've delivered a present dressed as a Grinch!
All The Toys - You bought all the Christmas 2013 event items!
No Returns Allowed! - You bought all theChristmas 2014 event items!
Season of Shopping - You purchased all the Christmas 2015 event items!
Winter Solstice Souvenirs - You purchased all the Christmas 2016 event items!
The Gift of Getting - You purchased all the Christmas 2017 event items!
Boxing Day - You purchased all the Christmas 2018 event items!
Stocking Stocking Stuffers - You bought all the 2019 Christmas event items!
Holiday Haberdashery - You bought all the 2020 Christmas event items!
Under the Tree - You bought all the 2021 Christmas event items!
Tree-sure Trove - You bought all the 2022 Christmas event items!
Accessory Avalanche - You bought all the 2023 Christmas event items!

* The Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Accessory Avalanche achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Note: The achievements Reverse Santa, Reverse Santa 2.0, Napping Nate Nabber, The Gift of Taking, Naughty Nabber, Perks of the Job, Burglar Burglar, Nicked Knicknacks, Pilfered Plushie, Art Thief, and Just Deserts are not available during this event.

Grab a new winter companion!

Mount Packs

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from December 13th to 16th!

The Polar Bear mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Frost Bear and Rudolph Bear mounts are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Pet Packs

Three new pets can be seen in the event area! They are the Santa Robot, Grinch Dog, Candy Cane Giraffe! You can pick them up December 20th to 23rd in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle!

Many other pets and ranch items available from previous years via the "Ye Past Yuletide Store"

Get Ready!

Share the holiday spirit on the forums!

The Christmas event will run until Sunday December 29th at Noon PST (8pm GMT.)
December 4th, 2024
Idle Champions: Simril 8  
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Simril is ruined! Someone or something has been pillaging all the food stores of Luskan, leaving very little leftover for the feast of Simril, let alone the long, cold winter to follow. Your party has been hired to hunt down this ruiner-of-holidays and recover the stolen sustenance.
It is time to celebrate Faerûn's winter solstice once again, this time with the next companion character from Baldur's Gate 3 coming to Idle Champions along with a stunning rework of the first Event Champion we ever released!

Halsin the Archdruid has arrived all the way from the Emerald Grove. Our first Featured Champion is a devout follower of Silvanus who thrives in good-aligned formations. Halsin can be unlocked during Simril from December 4th through 25th.

The second Featured Champion is Stami "Stoki" Gackle, and she has received a significant reworked to focus on Champions who attack quickly. The 2024 Champion Spotlight for Stoki arrives on Friday, December 6th and the reworked Stoki will become available in Simril starting on Wednesday, December 11th.

For details on Simril 8 - and to learn about our Winterfest Celebration - read on!

Featured Champions


Halsin, the esteemed Archdruid of the Emerald Grove, is a wise and powerful elf dedicated to the protection and preservation of nature. After being captured by goblins allied with the Absolute, he escaped and now fights to protect his grove and its inhabitants from this encroaching evil. He channels his deep connection to the natural world to aid his allies in their quests.

Learn more about Halsin in his Champion Spotlight.


Stami Gackle was a fun-loving and reckless youth, but she fled her home when this carefree nature invited tragic loss into her life. She found shelter in Waterdeep with the monks of the Order of the Even-Handed, who gave her a new name and trained her in their ways. Now a capable adventurer, Stoki approaches problems with intense focus and careful consideration, having earned a reputation for being uncommonly stoic. However, Stoki's patient demeanor belies a warrior's ferocity as she unleashes a rapid flurry of masterful blows to any foe who refuses to back down.

Learn more about Stoki's Rebalance when her Champion Spotlight goes live on Friday, December 6th.

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

Event Augments

  • Refreshing Boons: Event boons obtained during this event last for 21 days and don't expire when the event ends. Obtaining another boon at any point during the event refreshes this timer. If your boon persists into the next event, it will stack with that event's boon until it expires. However, it will not unlock the supporter slot.
  • Boon Enhancements: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

    Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
    Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

  • Auto-Blacksmith: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better. Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!
  • Worth the Wait: Rebalanced Champion Stoki releases at the start of week two of this event. Completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
You can check out which Augments are active at any time by mousing over the Event Banner.

Winterfest Celebration

It's finally time for our Winterfest Celebration! Players will be able to unlock daily curated rewards along with exciting participation rewards that include the new Potent Gale Skin and the Chosen of Mystra Feat for everyone's favorite Waterdhavian Wizard, Gale Dekarios. Winterfest comes to a close next Wednesday, December 11th.

Player Feedback

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Halsin? Are you excited to learn more about the changes to Stoki? Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms: