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January 3rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Season 7 Overview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Season 7: The Rivals

Season 7 focuses on Champions from the Rivals of Waterdeep affiliation! There are six Champions that are a part of this affiliation, and three of them were targeted for reworks: Shaka (Seat 9), Selise (Seat 12), and D'hani (Seat 1). Read below to learn more about these Champions, and the details you need to know about Season 7!

The focus of Season 7's redesigns is to fix some of the most glaring issues with the targeted Champions. These are Champions with solid bones, but each had an issue or issues that prevented them from rising to greatness. Synergies between the Rivals of Waterdeep Champions already existed, so we haven't focused too much on improving those.

Season 7 begins on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024, and to celebrate we're going to have a special day of streaming on our Twitch Channel starting at noon Pacific. The day will be capped off by an extraordinary D&D one shot adventure featuring the return of the Rivals of Waterdeep! We're thrilled to have Jasmine Bhullar as the Dungeon Master and players Tanya DePass as Selise, Masood Haque as Gazrick, Shareef Jackson as Shaka, LaTia Jacquise as D'hani, Eugenio Vargas as Kent, and Brian Gray as Virgil. Join us in your fanciest attire at 4pm Pacific for this one night only special reunion event!

The Rivals one shot

Table of Contents

Season 7 The Rivals

Champion Overview

Shaka (Seat 9)

Shaka's Celestial Puzzle ability is one of the most unique buffs in the game, but it could be confusing to use and the juice wasn't worth the squeeze in many cases. We have added several quality of life changes and buffed the base values to really reward people who take the time and effort to build a unique formation for their Shaka-centric run.

Celestial Puzzle is Shaka's main support ability, which buffs the whole formation. When you unlock it, five slots in the formation are highlighted. Four of these slots have tags assigned to them, while one is hidden and associated with Shaka's specialization. If you place a Champion into a slot that has a tag matching that slot, Celestial Puzzle's buff is increased. Celestial Resistance periodically provides a temporary hit point shield to everyone in the formation, where the size of the shield is buffed by the number of successfully filled Celestial Puzzle slots. If Shaka is adjacent to any of his Celestial Puzzle slots, Feast or Famine further increases the base effect of that buff. Finally, Riddling Rivals increases the base effect of Celestial Puzzle for each other Rival in the formation.

Specializations: Three of Shaka's specializations unlock his previously secret fifth Celestial Puzzle slot, each one with a different target tag (and a small buff to Celestial Puzzle based on how difficult the target tag would be to fulfill). Since you can see which slot is going to be added and what tag it's going to target, you have plenty of information to pick the right choice for the formation you've built. A final specialization increases the effect of Celestial Resistance.

Using Shaka: Place Shaka in your formation and unlock his Celestial Puzzle ability, then find your best Champions for the tag targets in his Celestial Puzzle slots. Build a custom formation that fulfills as many puzzle slots as you can to get the biggest buffs from Shaka. You should also try to make sure Shaka is adjacent to as many of his puzzle slots as you can. When it comes time to pick a specialization, choose the one that fits best into the formation you've been building.

Selise (Seat 12)

Selise's kit was one of the most complex in the game, but it needed some love to make it a little more useful. We have smoothed out her kit by removing her Reflect stance and moving its effects to Wall stance, providing a more clear progression of stances from Aggressive (pushing) to Wall (tanking) to Last Resort (burning down a boss). We've also provided a new quality of life improvement with a feat that prevents roaming familiars from activating her ultimate (and thus changing her stance when you didn't mean it to change).

Selise's Divine Sense increases the damage of Champions in the two columns behind her, plus it has a secondary effect based on Selise's current shield stance. You can change Selise's shield stance by using her ultimate ability, which unlocks at the same time as Divine Sense. Selise's three stances are Aggressive, Wall, and Last Resort. In Aggressive stance, Divine Sense also decreases affected Champion's attack cooldowns. In Wall stance, Divine Sense's effect is increased and Selise and her nearby allies take less damage. Finally, in Last Resort stance, Vow of Vengeance's base effect is increased by a massive amount that reduces over time. Vow of Vengeance, by the way, is another ability that is active in both Wall and Last Resort stance, and increases the effect of Divine Sense each time an enemy attacks Selise, stacking multiplicatively. Shield of Psychomancy causes Selise to debuff hit-based and armor-based enemies to take extra hits when attacked (synergizing with Gazrick), but is only active while in Aggressive stance. Protect The Party increases the health of other Champions in the formation, further increasing the buff based on the number of Rivals of Waterdeep Champions in the formation. Rivalry's Insight also cares about the number of Rivals in the formation, increasing the effect of Divine Sense for each one. Finally, every 180 seconds when Selise switches from Last Resort to Aggressive stance, she casts Thunderous Smite, dealing massive damage to up to six enemies on the field.

Specializations: Selise has two sets of specialization choices. During the first set, you can pick a specialization that buffs a specific shield stance. During the second set, you can pick from one of the two stances that you didn't buff, or extend the range of Divine Sense. The buffs are: Relentless Avenger, increasing the number of bonus hits Shield of Psychomancy can inflict. Reflective Shield, deflecting ranged and magical projectiles back at enemies while in Wall stance. And Mithral Skin, reducing the damage Selise takes while in Last Resort stance.

Using Selise: Place Selise at the front of your formation and switch shield stances based on what your party is doing. While pushing toward your wall in areas you can quickly and easily clear, stay in Aggressive stance to speed up the attacks of Champions near Selise. When you begin to approach your wall (when enemies are surviving long enough to reach your formation), switch into Wall stance to reduce the damage Selise takes while tanking and increase the damage your allies affected by Divine Sense do. If the fight is looking dire, switch into Last Resort stance to provide a big boost of power to your allies, but be sure to switch out of Last Resort once your foes are defeated, as the effect is reduced greatly over time.

D'hani (Seat 1)

D'hani is a DPS Champion who is all about painting. In general, the more paint that she has applied to her enemies in the current area, the more damage she does. Paint Them Red applies up to 3 strokes of red paint to enemies D'hani attacks (one stroke per attack). Splash of Yellow can apply one stroke of yellow paint to each enemy. Enemies affiliated by yellow paint drop additional gold when killed. Stroke of Green applies green paint, which causes D'hani's attacks against them to also damage nearby enemies. Blotch of Blue applies blue paint, which stuns enemies and causes boss enemies to take even more damage.

D'hani's Way of the Brush ability keeps track of the total number of enemies she has painted across all resets, and her damage is further increased based on that number. With Friendly Rivalry, she increases her damage based on the number of Rivals of Waterdeep Champions in the formation.

D'hani will always attack the nearest enemy as well as one random enemy, helping her spread her paints. Her ultimate ability attacks and applies paint to five random enemies, and also removes any weather effects in the current area (potentially triggering a stack of Virgil's Weather Control).

Specializations: D'hani has one specialization for each of her yellow, green, and blue paints. Each specialization increases the effectiveness of that type of paint.

Using D'hani: Place D'hani anywhere in your formation with as many other Rivals of Waterdeep Champions as you can manage. That's it. D'hani will apply paint more quickly if she can attack faster, so try to team her up with support Champions who will decrease her base attack cooldown.

Season 7 The Rivals

Key Season Rewards

As with last season, the marquee rewards are at level 60. After that, you begin to earn Bonus tokens for every level (two tokens per level for Season Pass purchasers). Each token can be redeemed for one of the 15 unique bonus rewards.

Once a reward has been earned, it cannot be earned again until each type of reward has been earned. Once all rewards are earned, your odds reset. Your odds of a specific type of reward when none have been earned are approximately as follows:

  • Champion iLevels: 33%
  • Gems: 13%
  • Modron Component Chest: 13%
  • Season Chest: 13%
  • Blacksmithing Contracts: 6.5%
  • Bounty Contracts: 6.5%
  • Supply Chest: 6.5%
  • Support Pigment: 6.5%

  • This season includes a new Click Damage Skin, a Golden Epic for Shaka, a new Hawk Man familiar, Epic and Rare feats for all the Season Champions, and exclusive skins for those Champions! It also makes Marvelous Tanking Pigments available for the first time since Season 5! Check out the Rewards track in-game for more detail.


    Available to All Players

    • Golden Epic: Shaka Slot 5
    • Click Damage Skin: Rivals Sword
    • Rare Feats: Shaka, D'hani, Kent, Virgil
    • Epic Feat: Selise
    • Item Level Boosts
    • Chests
    • Epic Potions and Scrolls
    • Gems

    Available to Season Passholders

    • Familiar: The Hawk Man
    • Tanking Pigments
    • Week-long Potions
    • Epic Feats: Shaka, Selise, D'hani, Kent, Virgil
    • Waterdhavian Skins: Shaka, Selise, D'hani, Kent, Virgil

    Season 7 Keywords and Key Abilities

    Keywords and Key Abilities

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

    BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
    • On PC UI, this is visible by mousing over the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
    • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
    Event Adventures: Event Adventures are only available in two ways: When the corresponding event is active, or when a time gate for a Champion that was originally available in that event is opened. Event Adventures are home to many unique bosses and creatures, however, some of them can be found outside of their original events in permanent adventures.

    Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
    • On PC UI, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Positional Formation Abilities: Positional Formation Abilities are abilities that trigger based on where a target is in the formation.

    Time Gate Adventures: A Time Gate allows you to unlock Champions from previous events you may have missed and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
    • On PC UI, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Season 7 Key Enemies

    Key Enemies

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

    Beast bosses: Beast bosses appear in almost every adventure in Idle Champions. If you're looking for an early beast boss to grind into a paste, the Unearthed Evil adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign contains a Grizzly Bear boss in area 5!

    Beast enemies: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Devourer: The Devourer appears in all the Midwinter event adventures, so look there first if the event is running. If you want even more Devourer fun, and don't feel like opening a Midwinter time gate, it can be found in many other adventures, including the first adventure of the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign.

    Distractions: Distractions are the clickable items that appear in the background during adventures. Sometimes they also scurry or fly by. Click them before they disappear to gain credit for any quests that call for their destruction! Pro tip: Having six familiars assigned to clicking enemies will also automatically click distractions as soon as they appear!

    Elf bosses: As mentioned above, Astral Elves can be found all throughout the Light of Xaryxis campaign, but you can also find elves in other campaigns, for example there are plenty of Drow in the Underdark portions of the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Elf enemies: You can find an Ice Troll ripe for farming in The Giant's Bane Tavern adventure in the Icewind Dale campaign (the very first adventure of the campaign). If that doesn't float your boat, or if your boat is frozen in the lake, there are several other targets scattered throughout the Forgotten Realms.

    Fiend enemies: Everyone knows you can farm Imps quickly in The Mad Wizard adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign, but did you know that other adventures also exist and contain fiend enemies? Well, we think so, at least. We're all just farming The Mad Wizard too.

    Gibbering Mouther: The Gibbering Mouther appears in area 35 of all the Fleetswake event adventures. If you're looking for them when the event isn't active, the easiest place to search is the Escort to Waterdeep adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Humanoid enemies: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign.

    Monstrosity enemies: Monstrosity enemies can be found all throughout the forgotten realms. Check out areas 34 and 35 in The Cursed Farmer adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign for some Mimics, perhaps the most famous D&D monstrosities!

    Nanny Pu'pu: Nanny Pu'pu is the final boss of all the Grand Revel event adventures. If you miss them during the event, you'll need to open a time gate for Birdsong, Paultin, Havilar, Hew Maan, Vi, or Brother Uriah in order to access a Grand Revel adventure.

    Plant bosses: There are plenty of evil trees that need to be chopped down through the game, but there are a couple in The Mad Wizard adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign that make easy targets. Seek out the Shambling Mound in area 25 or the Treant in area 30.

    Resurrected Hero of the Vale: This poor guy keeps getting resurrected just so you can kill him again. He appears in both the Highharvestide and Feast of the Moon event adventures, as well as several other adventures. If neither event is available, check out The Mists of Ravenloft adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign, or Resolve Amongst Chaos in the Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus campaign.

    Segmented health: Creatures with segmented health are available on many different adventures. Bosses with hit-based or armor-based health will count towards this quest. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie on area 50 of Running of the Saurs in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign is a great early-game example of a segmented health boss!

    Undead bosses: You can cleanse the world of stinky undead in many adventures. Might we suggest the Upright Crawling Claw in The Mad Wizard adv-- wait, no. This one isn't in the Mad Wizard adventure. Instead, load up the Unearthed Evil adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign. It's good to have some variety.

    Undead enemies: Undead monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    November 22nd, 2023
    Idle Champions: The Glitches are Coming!  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Turn of Fortune's Wheel continues! The Champions find themselves in Sigil - the City of Doors - and with the help of Mrs. Fox discover they are Glitches in the Multiverse. Under her advice, the Champions set out into Sigil to find out who they are and why this is happening to them. But other forces are moving in Sigil, and they soon find themselves on the run for their lives!

    Also starting today is the Glitch Emergence Event along with Glitch Skins & Feats for many Champions! Read on to learn more!

    Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, The Beginning is the End and The End Is The Beginning, in order to access these new adventures.

    Welcome to Sigil

    Explore Sigil and learn more about the predicament you find yourself in.
    • Variant: Misaligned in Sigil - Explore Sigil with a diverse set of Champions!
      • All Champion damage is reduced by 99% for each Champion in the formation that shares an exact alignment with another Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
      • Two fools join the formation. They just get in the way.
      • Complete area 400

    Fast Food

    Elude the Harmonium Peacekeepers while you try to stock up on rations and gear.
    • Adventure Variant: Chaos Theory - Elude the Harmonium Peacekeepers with a group of chaotic lawbreakers!
      • You may only use Chaotic Champions.
      • 1-2 additional Harmonium Peacekeepers spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold or count towards quest progress.
      • Complete area 450

    When the Champions were brought to Sigil in the second Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure, they had lost their memory, and they each looked a bit different!

    With the release of Fortune's Wheel 2, we're debuting the first batch of Glitch Skins & Feats! The 5 main speakers from Turn of Fortune's Wheel (Calliope, Freely, Havilar, Nayeli, and Orkira) now have their Glitch Skins & Feats available via Skin & Feat Packs in the in-game shop. Hitch & Sentry also have Glitch Skins and Feats available via the Thayan Enclave (see the Glitch Emergence below).

    Equipping a Glitch Feat will allow a Champion to also count as the race matching their Glitch Skin (whether or not the Skin is active), and also grant a boost based (normally) on the number of Champions of that race in your formation! We hope these Glitch Feats will create new formation options for you to enjoy!

    Glitch Feat
    Nayeli Githyanki Glitch Feat
    • Calliope: Calliope counts as a Harengon. Increases the effect of Calliope's Bardic Inspiration ability by 20% (additively) for each Bard in the formation.
    • Freely: Freely counts as an Aasimar. Increases the effect of Freely's Unlucky for Them Ability by 20% (additively) for each Aasimar in the formation.
    • Havilar: Havilar counts as a Half-Elf. Increases the effect of Havilar's Battlemaster Ability by 20% (additively) for each Half-Elf in the formation.
    • Nayeli: Nayeli counts as a Githyanki. Increases the effect of Nayeli's Aura of Courage ability by 20% (additively) for each unique race in the formation.
    • Orkira: Orkira counts as a Half-Elf. Increases the effect of Elemental Fire by 20% (additively) for each Half-Elf in the formation.
    • Hitch: Hitch counts as a Centaur. Increases the effect of Hitch's Natural Performer Ability by 20% (additively) for each unique race in the formation.
    • Sentry: Sentry counts as a Half-Elf. Increases the effect of Sentry's Guardian of Solwynn ability by 20% (additively) for each Half-Elf in the formation.

    There's a problem in the Multiverse and it's spilling into Faerûn! Glitched versions of multiple Champions are causing all sorts of trouble - it's up to you and your formations to stop them! Protect the Forgotten Realms and unlock exclusive rewards in the Thayan Enclave Shop during the Glitch Emergence Event, which runs from November 22nd at noon Pacific until Friday, December 1st at noon Pacific!

    During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters (in this case Glitched Champions), and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Use the Corrupted Gems in the Thayan Enclave Shop to collect any of the items below and the remaining items from the Mind Flayer Emergence.

    New Items Added to the Thayan Enclave!

  • Two Golden Epics
    • Jang Sao Slot 5 - Lunation (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Sisaspia Slot 5 - Scimitar of Dendar (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Four Feats
    • Hitch - Centaur Glitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Sentry - Half-Elf Glitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Warden - Gibbous Script (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Warden - Specter of Aeons (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Two Skins
    • Centaur Glitch Hitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Half-Elf Glitch Sentry (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 10x Marvelous Support Pigments (7,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Modron Component Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Supply Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • Unlimited Glitch Emergence Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
    • Contains gear for: Jang Sao, Sisaspia, Hitch, Sentry, and Warden

  • You can find all this information, and even more details, in-game!

    We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    November 8th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Season 6 Overview 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Season 6 focuses on five unaffiliated Champions with high DEX scores. In the Season 3 mid-season survey we asked you to vote on what Champions you'd like to see reworked in a future season, and these five Champions were all in the top half of the field. They are: Zorbu (seat 12, voted #1), Warden (seat 11, voted #5), Sisaspia (Seat 1, voted #10), Nrakk (seat 8, voted #11), and Korth (seat 2, voted #14). Read below to learn more about these Champions, and the details you need to know about Season 6!

    The focus of Season 6's redesign was to modernize these five older Champions and add new high-DEX formation options to the game. DEX is one of the highest average stat scores in the game, so there are plenty of other highly dexterous Champions to synergize in your formation alongside these five.

    We're also trying something new with Season 6: we have removed daily quests and shortened the overall length of the season, redistributing Daily Quest XP to the Seasonal and Milestone Quests. This should allow you more flexibility in when and how you go after your season progress, while still giving you access to a similar total amount of experience.

    The changes outlined below are live as of 12:00PM PT on Wednesday, November 8th, when Season 6: Elemental Rebirth kicks off!

    Table of Contents

    Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated

    Champion Overview

    Zorbu (Seat 12)

    Zorbu received the most votes out of any Champion in the season 3 survey, but his kit was actually already pretty solid. Zorbu has begun seeing a trauma counselor regarding his unfortunate past, and thus several of his abilities have received name changes as his rage has subsided. With his kit already being quite powerful, our main goal with Zorbu this season was to ensure you could build the rest of the formation around him, and give him some interesting positional options in high DEX formations.

    Zorbu's is a hunter first and foremost. His first ability, Know Your Enemy, gains stacks as you kill certain types of enemies. These stacks persist between adventure resets, so the more you use Zorbu, the higher they get, increasing his power in a way that is unlike almost every other Champion in the game. Zorbu deals additional damage against specific types of enemies, but also deals more against all enemies thanks to Focused Fury, which increases his damage based on the total number of Know Your Enemy stacks he has. Zorbu's main support ability is Hunter's Pack, which increases the damage of adjacent Champions with a high DEX score. Zorbu himself also benefits from this buff via his new Expert Hunter ability.

    Specializations: Zorbu's specializations offer a choice between farming more stacks of Know Your Enemy, or boosting Zorbu's damage and support to a massive degree. Lead the Pack buffs Hunter's Pack based on your Focused Fury bonus, while Hunting Partners causes Know Your Enemy to stack up faster if Zorbu is adjacent to more high DEX Champions.

    Using Zorbu: Whether you're using Zorbu as a DPS or a Support Champion, you're going to want to position him adjacent to as many high DEX Champions as you can, which is made easier thanks to the season reward feat Wolf Pack, which actually increases the DEX score of adjacent Champions, meaning you can use him with some Champions that wouldn't normally qualify for Hunter's Pack.

    Warden (Seat 11)

    Warden was our next highest voted Champion, and for good reason. This bad-ass Warforged Hexblade Warlock was an exceptionally popular DPS Champion when they debuted in Simril Year 2, but their simple kit had fallen by the wayside in recent years and they were in desperate need of a rework. Their new kit includes an army of accursed spectres that dart around the field providing a visual symphony worthy of this epic Champion.

    Hex is Warden's main dps and support ability. This debuff increases the damage that enemies Warden attacks take from all sources. Initially, Warden can only Hex each enemy once, but level them up enough and you'll unlock Relentless Hex, which allows Hex to stack up to four times on each enemy. Warden's secondary ability is Accursed Specter, which causes a specter to appear whenever an enemy afflicted by Hex is killed. These specters cause nearby enemies to take even more damage, making Warden the undisputed authority of debuff-based damage. Specter Rush allows the specters to move around the battlefield, rushing towards targets that Warden attacks and then slowly drifting past them to increase the damage they take from allied Champions. Master of Hexes allows Hex to spread all by itself when an enemy is killed near an Accursed Specter. Finally, Cloak of Flies causes Warden to do area damage when they attack, based on the highest number of Hexed enemies that have existed in the area.

    Specializations: Warden's specializations all increase the maximum number of Accursed Specters that can be active at once. The Dark Hunger increases it based on the number of Evil Champions in the formation. Shadows In The Night instead increases it based on the number of high DEX Champions in the formation. Finally, if neither of those tickle your fancy, Charm of the Fallen increases the max specter count based on the number of Champions with Charisma as their highest stat score.

    Using Warden: As one of the few Champions without any positional formation abilities, Warden has a lot of flexibility on where they are used. When using them as a DPS, position them so that the rest of your support Champions buff them, and when using them as a Support, position them wherever you have an empty slot that needs filling. Regardless of how you use them, stack your formation with Champions that meet the requirements of your chosen specialization to really benefit from having plenty of Accursed Specters on the field at once.

    Sisaspia (Seat 1)

    Sisaspia has always been one of our favorite Champions, and we were excited to see her in the top half of the votes. She has received several desperately needed quality of life buffs that should bring her power level up to a well-deserved "solid". We did have to fudge her ability scores just a little bit to make her fit in with the high DEX crowd, but, I mean, she's part snake. It makes sense.

    Sisaspia's main mechanic is her Halo of Spores, which swirl around her until enemies approach the formation. She then psychically blasts her spores into enemies, causing them to take more damage over time when hit. Normal enemies can be afflicted by several spores at once, while bosses can have even more infesting their bodies. Sisaspia's positional buff, Symbiotic Infection, buffs Champions near her based on the number of spores she has infected her enemies with in the current area, and Symbiotic Healing heals damaged Champions using the same metric. Her final ability, Dance of the Spores, increases Sisaspia's spore reserve and potentially increases the range of her Halo of Spores ability based on the average DEX score of all Champions in the formation. The higher, the better.

    Specializations: Sisaspia's specializations are useful in a variety of different situations. The most straightforward is Simple Infection, which increases the effect of Symbiotic Infection. Spreading Spores increases the rate at which Halo of Spores creates new spores, and increases the maximum. Finally, Fungal Body greatly increases Symbiotic Infection and Healing, but only after Sisaspia has blasted out a certain number of spores in the current area.

    Using Sisaspia: Position Sisaspia within 2 slots of your main damage dealer to provide excellent support via Symbiotic Infection. Make sure she's also within 2 slots of your tanks if you'd like her to help keep them alive, too. Since she'll heal everyone nearby, she's useful near the center of your formation if you're in an adventure or variant where everyone could take damage at any time.

    Nrakk (Seat 8)

    Nrakk was a special Champion with some unique interactions with some abilities in the game. Unfortunately, some of these unique interactions needed to go in order to simplify both our job (balancing the game) and yours (finding weird ways that Nrakk could break the game). We have tried to compensate for this by updating Nrakk's kit and also giving him the most complicated ultimate ability in the world. We've also removed the dps role from Nrakk's kit, so he's purely a support Champion now.

    Nrakk's Way of the Kensai ability increases the damage of Champions ahead of and behind him. Nrakk can earn Ki Points by using his ultimate ability, Ki Blast. Ki Blast initially grants a few Ki Points and shoots a bolt of energy at a random enemy, but if you reactivate it at the right time it can fire off again and earn you even more Ki Points (and damage). Repeat this process to stack up as many Ki Points as possible, which you'll want to do because Ki Master increases Way of the Kensai based on the highest number of Ki Points you've had at once on the current adventure. Stunning Strike consumes a Ki Point to stun and increases the damage taken by enemies that Nrakk hits, while Kensai Cleave causes every 3rd attack to do a wide cleave. Perfect Self causes Nrakk's ultimate to cool down faster if he's out of Ki Points when he attacks enemies.

    Specializations: Nrakk's two specialization choices are super unique. Githzerai Focus increases the positional formation abilities of adjacent Champions with a high WIS score, while Githzerai Agility does the same for adjacent Champions with a high DEX score.

    Using Nrakk: You're going to want to plop Nrakk in the column directly in front of or behind your formation's main damage dealer. Ideally you're also going to want Nrakk to be adjacent to support Champions with positional formation abilities and stat scores that exceed the requirements of his chosen specialization. The exact right positioning and Champions may be challenging to discover, but when you do it will be worth it!

    Korth (Seat 2)

    Korth was the most challenging Champion of the season for us to rework, as we had inadvertently duplicated many of his abilities on his powerful seat-mate Widdle. Making him stand out was a challenge, but the utility of his updated specialization should make him a good choice for augmenting your high DEX formations with some of the game's less agile Champions.

    Korth's Rapid Training increases the damage and attack speed of all high DEX Champions in the formation, regardless of his positioning relative to them. Lizardfolk Tactics causes him to mark enemies he attacks, increasing the damage they take from all attacks. Whenever a Champion attacks an enemy that Korth has marked, they gain a temporary hitpoint shield thanks to Fighting Spirit, with tanks getting an even bigger shield. Calculated increases the effect of Rapid Training based on the formation's total DEX score, and Group Tactic further buffs the ability based on the number of Marked enemies in the current area. Finally, Strength Before Death causes Korth to make an ultimate attack against enemies who attempt to do a killing blow on him or his allies. This can only occur a few times before it goes on cooldown, but could be the difference between success and failure in a tough area.

    Specializations: Korth's Samurai Training specializations are totally unique and provide a level of customization in your formations that you've never seen before. Depending on the spec you choose, Korth will increase the DEX score of the affected Champions to 16. You can target the two slots directly in front of, directly behind, or directly above and below Korth.

    Using Korth Since Korth's buffs are global, his positioning in your formation should be entirely focused on who you want to affect with his Samurai Training specialization. Place two lower DEX Champions in the targeted slots in order to integrate them into your high DEX formation and potentially make them eligible for other Champions' DEX-based buffs.

    Season 6: Elemental Rebirth

    Key Season Rewards

    As with last season, the marquee rewards are at level 60. After that, you begin to earn Bonus tokens for every level (two tokens per level for Season Pass purchasers). Each token can be redeemed for one of the 15 unique bonus rewards.

    Once a reward has been earned, it cannot be earned again until each type of reward has been earned. Once all rewards are earned, your odds reset. Your odds of a specific type of reward when none have been earned are approximately as follows:

  • Champion iLevels: 33%
  • Gems: 13%
  • Modron Component Chest: 13%
  • Season Chest: 13%
  • Blacksmithing Contracts: 6.5%
  • Bounty Contracts: 6.5%
  • Supply Chest: 6.5%
  • Support Pigment: 6.5%

  • This season includes a new Dexterous Modron Core, a Golden Epic for Nrakk, a new familiar: Bash the Earth Elemental, Epic and Rare feats for all the Season Champions, and exclusive skins for those Champions! It also makes Marvelous DPS Pigments available for the first time since Season 4! Check out the Rewards track in-game for more detail.


    Available to All Players

    • Golden Epic: Nrakk Slot 1
    • Modron Core: Dexterous Modron Core
    • Rare Feats: Zorbu, Warden, Sisaspia, Nrakk, Korth
    • Item Level Boosts
    • Chests
    • Epic Potions and Scrolls
    • Gems

    Available to Passholders

    • Familiar: Bash the Earth Elemental
    • DPS Pigments
    • Week-long Potions
    • Epic Feats: Zorbu, Warden, Sisaspia, Nrakk, Korth
    • Elemental Skins: Zorbu, Warden, Sisaspia, Nrakk, Korth

    Season 6: Elemental Rebirth

    Keywords and Key Abilities

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

    BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
    • On PC UI, this is visible by mousing over the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
    • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
    Event Adventures: Event Adventures are only available in two ways: When the corresponding event is active, or when a time gate for a Champion that was originally available in that event is opened. Event Adventures are home to many unique bosses and creatures, however, some of them can be found outside of their original events in permanent adventures.

    Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
    • On PC UI, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Positional Formation Abilities: Positional Formation Abilities are abilities that trigger based on where a target is in the formation.

    Time Gate Adventures: A Time Gate allows you to unlock Champions from previous events you may have missed and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
    • On PC UI, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Season 6: Elemental Rebirth

    Key Enemies

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

    Abominable Yeti: The Abominable Yeti is the area 50 boss in any of the Simril event adventures, but if that event has ended you can find them as the first boss in the first adventure of the Icewind Dale campaign, The Giant's Bane Tavern. They can be found in several other adventures as well.

    Beasts: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Demon Boss: Demon bosses are common throughout the Forgotten Realms, but the easiest one to farm can be found in The Cursed Farmer adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign. Look for the Gnoll King in area 20.

    Demons: Demon enemies come in many freaky forms, however if you're early in the game you can find some in the The Mad Wizard adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Fey: Fey are fairly common in the Witchlight Carnival campaign, but if you haven't unlocked it yet you can find several groups of Satyrs early on in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign in the Beast Intentions and The Mad Wizard adventures.

    Giant Bosses: You can find an Ice Troll ripe for farming in The Giant's Bane Tavern adventure in the Icewind Dale campaign (the very first adventure of the campaign). If that doesn't float your boat, or if your boat is frozen in the lake, there are several other targets scattered throughout the Forgotten Realms.

    Humanoids: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign.

    Mad Cultist of Cyric: The Mad Cultist of Cyric can only be found in the Feast of the Moon event adventure. If you missed their event, you can open a time gate for a Champion from Feast of the Moon, like Gromma, Sentry, or Jang Sao, and find this boss in any of their adventures.

    Overambitious City Guard: The Overambitious City Guard is a recurring boss. They can be found in the Merry Map Misadventure adventure in the Wintershield event, or if that event is not available then you should be able to find them in the first adventure of the Waterdeep: Dragon Height campaign.

    Plant Bosses: Plant bosses are rare, but not impossible to find. If you're looking for easy prey, you can find a Shambling Mound in The Mad Wizard adventure early on in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign, as well as in many other adventures throughout the game.

    Resurrected Hero of the Vale: If you are looking for a good target to encounter the Resurrected Hero of the Vale, try the Highharvestide adventure: The Bandit's Harvest or the Feast of the Moon adventure: The Crypt of Legends. You can access The Bandit's Harvest by opening a Time Gate to Stoki, Farideh, Pwent, Torogar, D'hani, or Egbert. You can access The Crypt of Legends by opening a Time Gate to Gromma, Sentry, Penelope, Widdle, or Virgil.

    Segmented Health: Bosses with segmented health are available on many different adventures. Bosses with hit-based or armor-based health will count towards this quest. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie on area 50 of Running of the Saurs in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign is a great early-game example of a segmented health boss!

    Wearer of Purple: The Wearer of Purple is a boss from the Wintershield event, so you can easily find them during that event or in a Wintershield time gate. They also appear in the 12th adventure of the Waterdeep: Dragon Height campaign: Waterdeep Under Siege.

    Winter Wolf Alpha: You can find Winter Wolf Alpha bosses in many adventures, especially several in the Icewind Dale campaign (such as the very first adventure, The Giant's Bane Tavern). However, the easiest place to find them is in any Simril event adventure (in area 15).

    Undead: Undead monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    September 26th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Season Bonus Quests 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    As we continue to improve Seasons in Idle Champions and listen to our community feedback one thing has become clear. There needs to be more quests for players to either progress through a season faster, to catch up, or to just unlock additional bonus tokens. That is why starting Wednesday, September 27th, we are adding Bonus Quests to our Idle Champions Seasons.

    Read on to learn more about these additional quests!

    Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated

    Bonus Quest FAQ

  • What Are Bonus Quests?

    Bonus Quests are a new type of Season Quest that appear during Seasons in the Seasons dialog. These extra quests award additional Season XP which can be used to speed up your progress through a season or earn additional Bonus Tokens. The additional Season XP from Bonus Quests is not required to complete the Season Reward Track (aka. reach level 60) and therefore you do not need to do any Bonus Quests to complete a season if you don't want to.

  • When Do Bonus Quests Start?

    Bonus Quests will come to Season 5 during its fifth week starting on September 27th.

  • What Goals Will Bonus Quest Have?

    You can expect to complete these Bonus Quests in the following ways:
    • Completing new Adventures, Variants, and Patron Variants
    • Completing limited time Events
    • Doing deep runs (high area/gold/damage targets)
    • Gearing up Champions
    • Unlocking/Completing the Trials of Mount Tiamat
    • Collecting unique unlocks (Evergreen Champions/Split the Party/etc.)
    The biggest difference between Bonus Quest goals and Core Quest goals is that not all the goals will be necessarily obtainable by all players. Some goals may push players to perform better than they have ever done before, or unlock content they may have not even known existed.

  • Will All Bonus Quests Unlock at the Same Time?

    No, new Bonus Quests will unlock over time throughout the remainder of Season 5.

  • How Long Will Bonus Quests Be Available?

    Each Bonus Quest is available for a fixed amount of time; generally 5-10 days, with some exceptions. All Bonus Quests will end before the end of the season.

  • Will All Bonus Quests Have the Same Goals For All Players?

    No, some Bonus Quests will have different goals depending on what you have completed before. For example, a quest might ask for you to deal a certain amount of damage during an adventure. The first time you complete one of these it might be e50 damage, but the next time it will go up to e100. These types of quests have a number of tiers for players to work through. Players will start at two tiers under the highest tier they have completed. Some Bonus Quests may not be offered to players who have already completed all the applicable content.

  • Where Can I Find Bonus Quest?

    Bonus Quests can be found in the updated Quest Tab (which you can see below). Bonus Quests will fall into categories that best match the goal of the quest. For example, in the image below, there is a Highharvestide category that has all quests that reward seasonal progress connected to that event.

  • Can We Get Any Spoilers?

    Sure. Here is a list of bonus quest categories that will appear in Season 5: Highharvestide, Oooh Shiny, Tiamat Must Die, Adventure Time, Split the Party, Gear Up, Keep Going, Time Gates, Liar's Night, Feats, Mirt the Moneylender, The Road to 100%, Let's Get Epic, Patron Callenges, Let's Get Legendary, Earning Mystra's Favor, Rare Accoutrements, and Expand Your Roaster.

  • We would love to hear about your experiences with Seasons on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    August 30th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Season 5 Overview 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Season 5 focuses on five Champions from the Acquisitions Incorporated affiliation: Omin (Seat 3), Evelyn (Seat 6), Jim (Seat 7), Strix (Seat 11), and Vi(Seat 12). Read below to learn more about these Champions, and the details you need to know about Season 5!

    The focus of Season 5 was to look at the affiliation as a whole and make them work better together, synergizing AI Champions with Gold Find Champions & Polymorph/Transformation based Champions.

    The changes outlined below are live as of Wednesday, August 30th, when Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated kicks off!

    Season 5 officially starts at 12:00PM PT on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

    Table of Contents

    Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated

    Champion Overview

    Omin (Seat 3)

    Omin has received a major rework, with nearly all of his abilities updated or changed. Champion of Tymora is now spread in a simpler way -- by other Acquisitions Incorporated or "C" Team Champions spread throughout the formation. He also now heals and increases your gold find steadily throughout the adventure.

    Omin's main ability is Champion of Tymora, which buffs himself and all adjacent Champions. This can be spread to non-adjacent Champions via his Known Associates ability, which causes Acquisitions Incorporated and "C" Team Champions to become Champions of Tymora and spread the buff to Champions adjacent to them. His Light of Tymora ability causes all Champions of Tymora to be healed each second. Omin's Adventuring Capital ability increases the party's gold find every time any Champion attacks an enemy, with the buff persisting throughout the adventure and with no hard cap. Finally, his Well Funded ability increases the buff of Champion of Tymora based on the amount of gold you've found in the current adventure. Omin and his affiliation allies should be placed so that his Champion of Tymora ability spreads to as many Champions as possible.

    Specializations: Omin's first two specializations increase the buff from Champion of Tymora based on which other Champions are in the formation. His third specialization, intended for long, deep runs, increases the buff based on the number of Adventuring Capital stacks he has obtained.

    Evelyn (Seat 6)

    Evelyn has received a minor rework. Her new ability is an attempt to give her solid utility as a late-game tank.

    Evelyn's main ability is Divine Prayer, which buffs all Champions in the formation behind her. Most of her other abilities buff Divine Prayer. The first is Channel Divinity, which increases the effect when she attacks an enemy. Steadfast Might increases it based on how many enemies Evelyn has tanked in the area. Conduit of the Light also buffs Divine Prayer and triggers whenever an ally heals Evelyn. Her final ability, Lathander's Grace, provides other Champions in the formation a reason to level up beyond their normal soft caps. Evelyn's ultimate ability, Find Steed, stuns any enemies it doesn't kill. Keep Evelyn at the front of your formation and you'll do great.

    Specializations: You can choose between two additional ways to buff Divine Prayer or increase the effect of Lathander's Grace if you're doing a deep run and have enough gold to buy the bonus upgrades.

    Jim (Seat 7)

    Jim has received a moderate rework in order to have his support and DPS abilities both work better (similar to Catti-brie in Season 4). He also has more of a focus on polymorphs and transformation for both thematic and synergistic purposes.

    Jim's Fan Club ability buffs himself and those in the columns immediately in front of and behind him based on the number of Champions affected. Fan Club is buffed by Magical Mystery Tour whenever a Champion, Enemy, or Champion's Item polymorphs or otherwise transforms (for example, when Strix's staff polymorphs via her ultimate ability, or when Walnut polymorphs into a wolf, or when Jim's own Wand of Wonder ability polymorphs an enemy. A full list of triggering abilities can be found below). Jim's final ability is Fashion Week, which increases the effect of Fan Club for each Champion in the formation who has a non-default skin equipped. Jim should be placed in a location that maximizes the number of Champions affected by Fan Club, and he works great with Champions that can polymorph enemies or themselves.

    Specializations: Jim has two different specializations that increase the effect of Fan Club, and a third option that makes Jim work great in formations with lots of other magic attackers.

    Strix (Seat 11)

    Strix has been received a minor rework with the intention of fleshing out her support abilities while maintaining her DPS role.

    Strix has two abilities that increase the damage of her and her allies. Aura of Unclean increases the damage of all Champions that are not adjacent to Strix, while Poor Hygiene increases the damage taken by enemies when they get close to the formation. Death Ward triggers if an ally near Strix takes fatal damage, temporarily preventing their death. Haunted is an ability that increases the party's damage based on the number of times Champions have died on the current run. Finally, The Power of Friendship increases the range of her Poor Hygiene debuff based on the number of affiliated Champions in the formation. Strix's ultimate ability, Polymorphing Staff, temporarily changes her base attack when used. Strix's placement in your formation isn't very important, aside from ensuring she's not next to your main DPS if you're using Strix primarily for her support abilities.

    Specializations: Strix's specializations have you choose to either buff Aura of Unclean, Poor Hygiene, or The Power of Friendship.

    Vi (Seat 12)

    Vi has received a moderate rework with a focus on streamlining her design and giving her a new and unique speed ability.

    Vi buffs neutral-aligned (on the good/evil axis) Champions with her A Good Example ability. Her Catch and Release ability polymorphs enemies into crystal spheres which you can kill for bonus good. I'm Too Old For This #*&! causes enemy waves to spawn more quickly, and interacts with I Can't Get No Sass-isfaction to increase the buff provided by A Good Example. Vi's Arcane Cannon ultimate is special - when triggered it starts dealing damage to the nearest enemy for 30 seconds. When triggered a second time during this phase it deals massive damage to all enemies in an area of effect. To maximize its effectiveness, try to trigger the second phase just before the first phase expires.. Use Vi to make your runs go faster, and remember to always choose the right specialization to target your formation's main damage dealer(s) with A Good Example.

    Specializations: Vi's specializations are all based around A Good Example, with each one either increasing its effect or altering who it can affect.

    Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated

    Adjacent Champion Overview

    We have made a light balance pass on these additional Acquisitions Incorporated / "C"-Team Champions. They are not receiving full rebalances, but we are still interested in potentially revisiting these Champions in a future season! Note: We've left Rosie alone for now as we'd like to completely revisit her kit in the future.

    K'thriss (Seat 1)

    - Added an uncommon Gold Find feat.

    - Added uncommon and rare feats for K'thriss' Hoardsperson ability.

    Donaar (Seat 2)

    - Added the Gold Find role.

    - Added uncommon and rare Gold Find feats.

    Walnut (Seat 8)

    - Added an Epic Taunt feat for Walnut, which will be available for logging in during the Anniversary Celebration starting on Sept 4th!

    Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated

    Key Season Rewards

    As we continue to iterate on Season rewards, we've updated the bonus reward track this season. As with last season, the marquee rewards are at level 60. After that, you begin to earn Bonus tokens for every level (two tokens per level for Season Pass purchasers). Each token can be redeemed for one of the 15 unique bonus rewards.

    Once a reward has been earned, it cannot be earned again until each type of reward has been earned. Once all rewards are earned, your odds reset. Your odds of a specific type of reward when none have been earned are approximately as follows:

  • Champion iLevels: 33%
  • Gems: 13%
  • Modron Component Chest: 13%
  • Season Chest: 13%
  • Blacksmithing Contracts: 6.5%
  • Bounty Contracts: 6.5%
  • Supply Chest: 6.5%
  • Support Pigment: 6.5%

  • Rewards:

    Available to All Players

    • Golden Epic: Vi Slot 2
    • Click Skin: Golden Sparks
    • Rare Feats: Omin, Evelyn, Jim, Strix, Vi
    • Item Level Boosts
    • Chests
    • Epic Potions and Scrolls
    • Gems

    Available to Passholders

    • Familiar: Clone Jim
    • Tanking Pigments
    • Week-long Potions
    • Epic Feats: Omin, Evelyn, Jim, Strix, Vi
    • Venture Casual Skins: Omin, Evelyn, Jim, Strix, Vi

    Season 5: Acquisition Incorporated

    Keywords and Key Abilities

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

    BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
    • On PC UI, this is visible by mousing over the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
    • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
    Event Adventures: Event Adventures are only available in two ways: When the corresponding event is active, or when a time gate for a Champion that was originally available in that event is opened. Event Adventures are home to many unique bosses and creatures, however, some of them can be found outside of their original events in permanent adventures.

    Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
    • On PC UI, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Positional Formation Abilities: Positional Formation Abilities are abilities that trigger based on where a target is in the formation.

    Polymorphs/Transformations: Polymorphs and Transformations are anything that changes the physical form of a creature or item via magical means. This does not include skin changes. For the Acquisitions Incorporated/"C"-Team affiliated Champions, this includes:
    • Strix: Each time her Polymorphing Staff Ultimate is used and ended.
    • Walnut: Each time she turns into a wolf/back into elf form.
    • Jim: Each time the Wand of Wonder polymorphs an enemy.
    • Vi: When an enemy is transformed by Catch and Release.
    Note that there are dozens of other Champions in the game that have polymorphs or transformations. Try out your favorites to see if they trigger Jim's Magical Mystery Tour ability.

    Time Gate Adventures: A Time Gate allows you to unlock Champions from previous events you may have missed and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
    • On PC UI, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Season 5: Acquisitions Incorporated

    Key Enemies

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

    Aberrations: Aberrations can be found in various adventures throughout the forgotten realms, but the earliest place to find them en-masse is The Mad Wizard, one of the first few adventures available in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Angry Flumph: The Angry Flumph is the area 45 boss of Brightswords event adventures, but if you're looking for it outside of Brightswords you can find it in the Alterdeep adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign, or the Heatwave adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Armor Chunks: Bosses with armored health (segmented chunks that will flash a shield over the health chunk when a Champion doesn't deal enough damage to it) are available on many different adventures. In Weeks 9 & 10, you can encounter an armor-based monster in area 50 of The Running adventure: The Grandfather Acorn and its variants. When The Running isn't active, you can access The Grandfather Acorn by opening a Time Gate to Catti-brie, Spurt, Krydle, Shaka, or Dungeon Master. Note: Armor-based monsters are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

    Beasts: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Crazed Owlbear: Crazed Owlbear bosses can be found in many places. If the Liar's Night event is active, you can find one in area 45 of the event adventure (The Trickster's Delight). If the event isn't active or you're out of tokens, check out the Nimble Escape or Hopelessly Lost adventures in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

    Fey: Fey are fairly common in the Witchlight Carnival campaign, but if you haven't unlocked it yet you can find several groups of Satyrs early on in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign in the Beast Intentions and The Mad Wizard adventures.

    Fiends: Fiend monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Fiends, you can find Imps in The Mad Wizard - the second adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign. Turiel's March of the Rakshasa ability also can add the fiend tag to non-boss enemies. Have Turiel in your formation if you are hunting fiends!

    Humanoids: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign.

    Heroine of Longsaddle: The Heroine of Longsaddle can be found in the Brightswords event adventures in area 30, however if the event has ended and you still need a few kills, you can open any time gate for Wulfgar, Turiel, Lazaapz, Corazon, or Dob and do the Brightswords adventure that way. Alternatively, you could wait for the Feast of the Moon event, where she can be found in area 35. That might be cutting it a little close, though.

    Masked Man: The Masked Man can be found multiple times in the Liar's Night event adventure and variants, but if you miss him there you can catch up to him in The Dead Three adventure in the Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus campaign. Alternatively, a time gate for Krond, Donaar, Avren, Brig, or Kent should pave the way to victory.

    Plant Bosses: Plant bosses are rare, but not impossible to find. If you're looking for easy prey, you can find a Shambling Mound in The Mad Wizard adventure early on in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign, as well as in many other adventures throughout the game.

    Resurrected Hero of the Vale: If you are looking for a good target to encounter the Resurrected Hero of the Vale, try the Highharvestide adventure: The Bandit's Harvest or the Feast of the Moon adventure: The Crypt of Legends. You can access The Bandit's Harvest by opening a Time Gate to Stoki, Farideh, Pwent, Torogar, D'hani, or Egbert. You can access The Crypt of Legends by opening a Time Gate to Gromma, Sentry, Penelope, Widdle, or Virgil.

    Segmented Health: Bosses with segmented health are available on many different adventures. Bosses with hit-based or armor-based health will count towards this quest. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie on area 50 of Running of the Saurs in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign is a great early-game example of a segmented health boss!

    Undead: Undead monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    August 18th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Mind Flayer Emergence  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Mind Flayers are descending on Faerûn and are spreading across the realms! Protect the Forgotten Realms and unlock exclusive rewards in the Thayan Enclave Shop during the Mind Flayer Emergence Event, which runs from August 23rd at noon Pacific until September 1st at noon Pacific!

    What is an Emergence Event?

    Emergence Events are limited-time events where specific monsters begin to appear in all Free Play adventures. These additional monsters (and any previous use of them) will drop Corrupted Gems during the Emergence Event.

    What are Corrupted Gems?

    Corrupted Gems are a new currency collected only during Emergence Events. You can spend them in the new Thayan Enclave gem shop.

    Season Pass
    A Corrupted Gem

    How do I collect Corrupted Gems?

    During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters, and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Additionally, some variants can reward Corrupted Gems.

    How many Corrupted Gems can I collect through the Emergence Event?

    The number of Corrupted Gems available in each Emergence Event varies. For the current Emergence Event, you can collect 63,000 Corrupted Gems: 31,500 Corrupted Gems by defeating Mind Flayers during the event, and an additional 31,500 by completing all 9 of the daily quests during the Emergence Event.

    The drop rate of Corrupted Gems is controlled at a rate of 1 Corrupted Gem every 30-40 seconds from the start to approximately 3 hours before the end of the event. A catch-up mechanic is built into the event, so if you have a bunch of Corrupted Gems you haven't collected yet, the designated enemies will drop more than 1 for each you destroy until you reach your threshold. Here are two scenarios as an example: 1. You've collected all the available Corrupted Gems from drops. You will see about one drop every 30-40 seconds or so, assuming you are regularly destroying the designated enemies. 2. You've collected 500 Corrupted Gems from drops, but a total of 3000 have been available since the event started. You will receive accelerated drops (more frequent drops and multiple drops per kill) until you have caught up to the maximum available number of drops.

    Where can I find Mind Flayers?

    The designated enemies for the Emergence Event can be found by playing any Free Play adventures.

    What can I purchase with Corrupted Gems?

    The specific items will vary by Emergence, but include Golden Epic Equipment cards, Feat cards, Skins, Chests, and Marvelous Pigments!

    Thayan Enclave Screen
    Thayan Enclave

    What are Marvelous Pigments?

    Marvelous Pigments are specialized items you can use to upgrade certain equipment items. The Thayan Enclave is currently featuring the Marvelous Support Pigment, which can be used to upgrade any epic or better equipment items on a support Champion to provide a +200% Global Damage buff in addition to their normal effects!

    Season Pass
    Celeste Equipment with Support Pigment Applied

    What happens when the Emergence Event ends?

    When the Emergence Event ends, you will no longer be able to collect Corrupted Gems from the designated enemies and the daily quests. However, the Corrupted Gems available as variant rewards will remain available for anyone who has yet to complete them. Corrupted Gems that you have collected will remain in your inventory.

    When is the next Emergence Event?

    The next Emergence Event will begin on November 22nd, 2023.

    June 9th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Season 4 Overview 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Season 4 focuses on five famous and infamous Champions from the history of Mithral Hall: Regis (Seat 2), Artemis (Seat 3), Pwent (Seat 5), Catti-brie (Seat 7), and Wulfgar (Seat 10).

    The focus of Season 4 is to add synergy with the new Critical Hit system:
    All Champions and monsters now have a chance to critically hit with their attacks, dealing 100% additional damage when they score a Critical Hit. The base chance for a Critical Hit for all Champions & enemies is 2.5%, with some Champions gaining base abilities and/or feats to increase that chance further. Some Champions have formation abilities that trigger when they or other Champions score a Critical Hit. Some Champions have abilities that trigger when an enemy scores a Critical Hit on a Champion.

    In addition to the core Season Champions (Regis, Artemis, Pwent, Catti-brie, and Wulfgar), Bruenor, Drizzt, and Jarlaxle received some minor updates to align with the changes. Read below to learn more about these Champions and the details you need to know about Season 4!

    The changes outlined below will roll out on Wednesday, June 14th, along with the preview for Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall. Season 4 officially begins on June 21st, 2023.

    Table of Contents

    Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

    Champion Overview

    Regis (Seat 2)

    Regis has been moderately reworked and now officially features the Gold Find role. While his core buffing abilities have not been changed, his healing abilities have been enhanced to be more useful during long, drawn-out engagements, and many of his abilities are now triggered by the new Critical Hit system.

    Critical Hit: Regis' base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

    Regis' Ruby Encouragement ability allows him to buff the damage of those in the column ahead or behind him. His Bounty of the Hall ability adds Mithral Hall Stacks to your shared formation pool. It also increases your gold find bonus for each Mithral Hall Stack you have, stacking multiplicatively. His Ruby Healing ability allows Regis to heal the formation whenever he scores a Critical Hit, increasing the heal amount for each Mithral Hall Stack you have.

    Ruby Amplification increases the effect of Ruby Encouragement each time Regis scores a Critical Hit. The effect can stack up to 10 times (multiplicatively) and resets when changing areas. Ruby Invigoration stores a charge whenever an enemy scores a Critical Hit against a Champion. This charge increases Regis' chance to score a Critical Hit on his next attack!

    • Ruby Encouragement: Choose which column's Champions get their damage increased (ahead or behind Regis)
    • Ruby Weakness: Choose which damage type deals increased damage to enemies (Melee, Ranged, Magic)

    Artemis (Seat 3)

    Don't worry, Artemis has not been adjusted except to have some new feats added for the reward shop & a default uncommon feat to increase his crit chance.

    Critical Hit: Artemis' base chance to score a Critical Hit is 2.5%.

    Artemis is already a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His entry in Season 5 allows him to gain new critical hit feats to further increase his damage!

    Artemis' key ability is Observance. He observes and copies the positional formation abilities applied to other DPS Champions in the formation and gains a copy of those abilities on himself at an increased effect, even if he's already receiving that effect! His Jeweled Power ability allows his damage to be increased by 100% (multiplicatively) whenever Artemis kills an enemy. With each trigger of this ability, there's also a 10% chance that Artemis' next attack deals 300% more damage!

    • Observance: Friend: Observance's effect is increased by 10% for each positional formation observed and copied from Champions adjacent to Artemis
    • Observance: Foe: Observance's effect is increased 25% for each positional formation ability observed and copied from Drizzt Do'Urden or Catti-brie.

    Pwent (Seat 5)

    Pwent has been moderately reworked (mostly simplified) and now has several abilities that complement the new Critical Hit system.

    Critical Hit: Pwent's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 2.5%.

    Pwent has a new passive ability that is always active: Bleed. When Pwent attacks, he causes all enemies he damages to bleed, taking a half second of BUD damage every second for the next 20 seconds. While an enemy is bleeding, attacks that target them have a 20% higher chance to critically hit! Can You SMELL That? increases the damage of Champions not adjacent to Pwent. His Battlerager ability grants a chance to reset his attack cooldown when he attacks an enemy already affected by his bleed effect. Gutbuster Recruits increases the effect of Can You SMELL That? each time a Champion adjacent to Pwent scores a Critical Hit. Bruenor, Me King! grants one Mithral Hall Stack to your shared formation pool, and increases the damage bonus of Can You SMELL That? for each Mithral Hall Stack you have.

    Combining all of this with Pwent's Round 'Em Up! Ultimate, where he stuns, damages and causes a bleed effect against multiple enemies will make Pwent a potent support for you Season 4 adventures!

    • Recruiting Drive: Gutbuster Recruits is now triggered when non-adjacent Champions score Critical Hits instead of adjacent Champions.
    • Scents of Mithral Hall: Increases the effect of Can You SMELL That? by 200% for each Dwarf Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and including himself.
    • Critical Wound: Attacks targeting enemies that Pwent has caused to bleed have a 40% additive chance to be a Critical Hit, up from 20%.

    Catti-brie (Seat 7)

    Catti-brie has been heavily reworked and now functions more smoothly as a Support or DPS Champion, instead of being a weird mash-up of the two. Since her Critical Hit ability has been expanded to all Champions, her abilities have been revised to synergize well with Champions who are better at Critical Hits, which is mainly Companions Of The Hall at this point. We revisited her abilities, specializations, and even equipment to make her work well as a support option.

    Critical Hit: Catti-brie's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

    Catti-brie's Powerful Draw ability deals additional damage to enemies the farther away they are from the formation. Mark for Death causes enemies hit by Catti-brie's arrows to take additional damage equal to Catti-brie's critical hit damage bonus. Grievous Wounds causes enemies that are marked by Mark for Death to be stunned and take even more damage when a Champion hits them with a Critical Hit. Push Forward increases the damage of herself and all Champions in front of her whenever she scores a Critical Hit. Mark of the Hall grants one Mithral Hall Stack to your shared formation pool and increases the damage bonus of Mark for Death for each Mithral Hall Stack you have.

    • Piercing Arrow: Catti-brie's damage is increased by 400% and her arrows hit all enemies on their way to their target. Each enemy hit has a separate chance of being a Critical Hit.
    • Big Push: Increases the base effect of Push Forward to 60% per stack and Catti-brie only loses half of her existing stacks when changing areas instead of all of them.
    • Critical Family: Additively increases the critical hit chance of all Companions of the Hall Champions by 20%.

    Wulfgar (Seat 10)

    Wulfgar has been heavily reworked and now has several abilities that complement the new Critical Hit system.

    Critical Hit: Wulfgar's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

    Wulfgar has a new passive ability that is always active: He can be used in any Icewind Dale campaign adventure or variant, even if the restrictions would not normally allow him.

    King of the Elk Tribe increases the Health of all other Champions by 25% of Wulfgar's Max Health. Clangeddin's Will increases the damage of all Champions in the formation whenever an enemy is stunned. Dumathoin's Will allows Wulfgar to gain Temporary Hit Points based on the boss's remaining health whenever he stuns that boss. Hammer of the Hall grants one Mithral Hall Stack to your shared formation pool. Wulfgar increases the damage bonus of Clangeddin's Will for each Mithral Hall Stack you have. Wulfgar's Smash 'n Grab ability allows the party to increase their damage up to 5 times in an area whenever Wulfgar attacks an armor-based enemy but doesn't remove a piece of the armor.

    • Heavy Blows: Additively increases all Champions' critical hit chances by 10%.
    • Flag Bearer: Increases the effect of Clangeddin's Will by 100%, and only 50% of the stacks are lost on area change.
    • Moradin's Will: Increases the damage of Companions of the Hall Champions by 100%, and all of the Companions of the Hall are available to be used if Icewind Dale is the current campaign, even if they do not currently qualify based on variant or patron restrictions.

    Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

    Adjacent Champion Overview

    Bruenor (Seat 1)

    Bruenor has been slightly tweaked so that his Companions' synergy ability works with the new system and has a new name (King of the Hall).

    Critical Hit: Bruenor's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 2.5%.

    Bruenor now has a new uncommon feat that buffs his Rally ability. He's also gained a new feat at rare, which increases the number of Mithral Hall Stacks Bruenor provides to your shared formation pool.

    Jarlaxle (Seat 4)

    Jarlaxle has been slightly tweaked to act as an introduction to Critical Hits for newer players.

    Critical Hit: Jarlaxle's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

    Jarlaxle has new feats that buff his critical hit chance and damage. He also has a new feat at rare, increasing his CON by 1, allowing him to qualify for Vajra patron adventures.

    Drizzt (Seat 9)

    Drizzt has been slightly reworked so that his Companions' synergy ability and specializations work with the new system, and his damage can keep up.

    Critical Hit: Drizzt's base chance to score a Critical Hit is 20%.

    Drizzt's Leader of the Companions specialization now increases his damage for each Companions of the Hall Champion in the formation. His Drow Stalker Specialization now increases his damage for each Drow in the formation. New feats have been added which buff his Icingdeath ability. He's also gained a new feat at rare, which increases the number of Mithral Hall Stacks Drizzt provides to your shared formation pool. Drizzt has also had a balance pass, and several of his abilities and upgrades have been buffed.

    Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

    Key Season Rewards

    This season includes a significant change to the rewards track. The goal is to simplify the process and respond to feedback on the past reward system. There is no longer Season Currency. Instead, Season rewards are unlocked simply by reaching the required season level. At each level (up to level 60), there is a reward for all players and an additional reward for players who have purchased the Season Pass.

    There is an additional track of rewards after completion of level 60, with EVEN MORE rewards!

    This season introduces a Click Damage skin in the form of Guenhwyvar's Paw, a new Guenwhyvar familiar, DPS Pigments, Epic, and Rare feats for all the Season Champions, exclusive skins for those Champions, AND MORE! Check out the Rewards track in-game for more detail.

    Available to All Players

    • Click Damage Skin: Guenhwyvar's Paw
    • Golden Epic: Pwent Slot 4
    • Rare Feats to increase Mithral Hall Stacks:
      • Regis
      • Pwent
      • Catti-brie
      • Wulfgar
    • Rare Feat to increase chance to critical hit:
      • Artemis

    Available to Passholders

    • Familiar: Mythic Guenhwyvar
    • DPS Pigment: +400% damage
    • Epic Feats to increase Mithral Hall Stacks:
      • Regis
      • Pwent
      • Catti-brie
      • Wulfgar
    • Epic Vicious Damage Feat:
      • Artemis
    • Mythic Skins for all 5 Season 4 Champions

    Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

    Keywords and Key Abilities

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

    BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
    • On PC UI, this is visible by mousing over the DPS number on the upper left UI, or the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
    • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
    Critical Hit: All Champions and monsters now have a chance to critically hit with their attacks, dealing 100% additional damage on a crit. The base chance for a Critical Hit is 2.5%. Critical Hits are visualized as a color change from red damage numbers to yellow with a burst symbol on each side of the number. Some Champions have formation abilities that trigger when they or other Champions score a Critical Hit. Some Champions have abilities that trigger when an enemy scores a Critical Hit on a Champion.

    Companions of the Hall: The Companions of the Hall is an affiliation within Idle Champions comprising the core group of characters from R. A. Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt book series: Bruenor Battlehammer (Seat 1), Regis (Seat 2), Catti-brie (Seat 7), Drizzt Do'Urden (Seat 9), and Wulfgar (Seat 10).

    Distractions: Distractions are the birds, bugs, rats, snakes, and other pests which often appear in the background of any adventure. You can earn gold for clicking on distractions while they are on screen.

    Drizzt Do'Urden: The Champion Drizzt Do'Urden is a Companions of the Hall member and is available to unlock in Idle Champions! You can unlock Drizzt through play by completing the first variant of the Underdeep Cartography adventure (Overdue Rendezvous) on the Waterdeep node of the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Mithral Hall Stacks: Mithral Hall Stacks are gained by having Companions of the Hall Champions in the formation. You can increase those stacks further by equipping their specialized feats. Mithral Hall Stacks are a shared formation pool referenced in multiple Companions of the Hall Champion abilities.

    Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
    • On PC UI, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Time Gate Adventures: A Time Gate allows you to unlock Champions from previous events you may have missed and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
    • On PC UI, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Season 4: Legends of Mithral Hall

    Key Enemies

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

    Armor-based Enemies: Bosses with armored health (segmented chunks that will flash a shield over the health chunk when a Champion doesn't deal enough damage to it) are available on many different adventures. In Week 7, you can encounter an armor-based monster in area 50 of the Midsummer Adventure: The Missing Lord and its variants. When Midsummer isn't active, you can access The Missing Lord by opening a Time Gate to Shandie, Xander, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick, or Valentine. Note: Armor-based monsters are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

    Arvaiss the Red: Arvaiss the Red is the Red Dragon boss in area 50 of the Midsummer Adventure: The Missing Lord and its variants. When Midsummer isn't active, you can access The Missing Lord by opening a Time Gate to Shandie, Xander Cesso, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick Tumblestrum, or Valentine.

    Beasts: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Dinosaur: Dinosaur enemies can be found throughout the Tomb of Annihilation campaign once you get to the peninsula of Chult.

    Eye of Gruumsh: The Eye of Gruumsh is the boss in area 50 of the Ahghairon's Day adventure: Reclaiming the Past and its variants. When Ahghairon's Day isn't active, you can access Reclaiming the Past by opening a Time Gate to Ishi Snaggletooth, Jim Darkmagic, Omin Dran, Prudence, or Voronika.

    Fiends: Fiend monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Fiends, you can find Imps in The Mad Wizard - the second adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Flying or Floating Bosses: Flying or Floating bosses are bosses who don't touch the ground. If you are looking for a good target to encounter flying creatures, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Gnoll: Gnolls can be found in the Midsummer Adventure: The Missing Lord and its variants. When Midsummer isn't active, you can access The Missing Lord by opening a Time Gate to Shandie, Xander Cesso, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick Tumblestrum, or Valentine. Note: gnolls are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

    Humanoids: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Campaign.

    Lycanthrope:Lycanthropes come in many forms (werewolf, wererat, werebear, etc.) and can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter lycanthrope bosses, try Beast Intentions - the third non-tutorial adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Minotaur Skeleton: If you are looking for a good target to encounter the fearsome Minotaur Skeleton, try Underdeep Cartography - the second adventure on the Waterdeep node in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Resurrected Hero of the Vale: If you are looking for a good target to encounter the Resurrected Hero of the Vale, try the Highharvestide adventure: The Bandit's Harvest or the Feast of the Moon adventure: The Crypt of Legends. You can access The Bandit's Harvest by opening a Time Gate to Stoki, Farideh, Pwent, Torogar, D'hani, or Egbert. You can access The Crypt of Legends by opening a Time Gate to Gromma, Sentry, Penelope, Widdle, or Virgil.

    Undead: Undead monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Zariel: In week 2, you can encounter this armor-based boss monster in area 50 of the Founders' Day adventure: Party Crashers and its variants. When Founders' Day isn't active, you can access Party Crashers by opening a Time Gate to Deekin, Walnut, Freely, Sgt. Knox, or Nahara.

    May 19th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Modron Emergence  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Modrons have broken away from the Great Modron March and are spreading across the realms! Protect the Forgotten Realms and unlock exclusive rewards in the Thayan Enclave Shop during the Modron Emergence Event, which runs from May 24th at Noon Pacific until June 7th at noon Pacific!

    What is an Emergence Event?

    Emergence Events are limited-time events where specific monsters begin to appear in all Free Play adventures. These additional monsters (and any previous use of them) will drop Corrupted Gems during the Emergence Event.

    What are Corrupted Gems?

    Corrupted Gems are a new currency collected only during Emergence Events. You can spend them in the new Thayan Enclave gem shop.

    Season Pass
    A Corrupted Gem

    How do I collect Corrupted Gems?

    During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters, and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Additionally, some variants can reward Corrupted Gems.

    How many Corrupted Gems can I collect through the Emergence Event?

    The number of Corrupted Gems available in each Emergence Event varies. For the current Emergence Event, you can collect 70,000 Corrupted Gems: 35,000 Corrupted Gems by defeating Modrons during the event, and an additional 35,000 by completing all 14 of the daily quests during the Emergence Event.

    The drop rate of Corrupted Gems is controlled at a rate of 1 Corrupted Gem every 30-40 seconds from the start to approximately 3 hours before the end of the event. A catch-up mechanic is built into the event, so if you have a bunch of Corrupted Gems you haven't collected yet, the designated enemies will drop more than 1 for each you destroy until you reach your threshold. Here are two scenarios as an example: 1. You've collected all the available Corrupted Gems from drops. You will see about one drop every 30-40 seconds or so, assuming you are regularly destroying the designated enemies. 2. You've collected 500 Corrupted Gems from drops, but a total of 3000 have been available since the event started. You will receive accelerated drops (more frequent drops and multiple drops per kill) until you have caught up to the maximum available number of drops.

    Where can I find Modrons?

    The designated enemies for the Emergence Event can be found by playing any Free Play adventures. They can also be found in the adventures and variants of the active event: The Great Modron March!

    What can I purchase with Corrupted Gems?

    The specific items will vary by Emergence, but include Golden Epic Equipment cards, Feat cards, Skins, Chests, and Marvelous Pigments!

    Thayan Enclave Screen
    Thayan Enclave

    What are Marvelous Pigments?

    Marvelous Pigments are specialized items you can use to upgrade certain equipment items. The Thayan Enclave is currently featuring the Marvelous Support Pigment, which can be used to upgrade any epic or better equipment items on a support Champion to provide a +200% Global Damage buff in addition to their normal effects!

    Season Pass
    Celeste Equipment with Support Pigment Applied

    What happens when the Emergence Event ends?

    When the Emergence Event ends, you will no longer be able to collect Corrupted Gems from the designated enemies and the daily quests. However, the Corrupted Gems available as variant rewards will remain available for anyone who has yet to complete them. Corrupted Gems that you have collected will remain in your inventory.

    When is the next Emergence Event?

    The next Emergence Event will begin on August 30th, 2023.

    March 27th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Emergence Events 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Red Wizards are coming to Idle Champions! Fight back against the infamous Red Wizards of Thay and unlock exclusive rewards in the new Thayan Enclave Shop during the Red Wizard Emergence Event, which runs from March 29 at Noon Pacific until April 7!

    What is an Emergence Event?

    Emergence Events are limited-time events where specific monsters begin to appear in all Free Play adventures. These additional monsters (and any previous use of them) will drop Corrupted Gems during the Emergence Event.

    What are Corrupted Gems?

    Corrupted Gems are a new currency collected only during Emergence Events. You can spend them in the new Thayan Enclave gem shop.

    Season Pass
    A Corrupted Gem

    How do I collect Corrupted Gems?

    During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters (Red Wizards for the Red Wizard Emergence) and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Additionally, some variants can reward Corrupted Gems. The 10 variants releasing on both March 29 and April 5 each reward an additional 1,250 Corrupted Gems upon completion.

    How many Corrupted Gems can I collect through the Emergence Event?

    The number of Corrupted Gems available in each Emergence Event varies. During the inaugural Red Wizard Emergence Event you can collect up to 18,000 Corrupted Gems by defeating Red Wizards in adventures and an additional 18,000 by completing all of the daily quests. Finally, by completing the variants being released on March 29th and April 5th, you can collect another 25,000 Corrupted Gems.

    The drop rate of Corrupted Gems is controlled at a rate of 1 Corrupted Gem every 40 seconds from the start to the end of the event, for a 9-day total of 18,000 Corrupted Gems. A catch-up mechanic is built into the event, so if you have a bunch of Corrupted Gems you haven't collected yet, Red Wizards will drop more than 1 for each kill until you reach your threshold.

    Here are two scenarios as an example:

    1. You've collected all the available Corrupted Gems from drops. You will see about 1 drop every 40 seconds or so, assuming you are regularly killing Red Wizards.

    2. You've collected 500 Corrupted Gems from drops, but a total of 2500 have been available since the event started. You will receive accelerated drops (more frequent drops and multiple drops per kill) until you have caught up to the maximum available number of drops.

    Where can I find Red Wizards?

    Extra Red Wizards can be found by playing any Free Play adventures. You can also find Red Wizards in multiple adventures and variants within the Tomb of Annihilation campaign.

    What can I purchase with Corrupted Gems?

    The new Thayan Enclave gem shop has a variety of items that are newly available with this emergence event! Notably: a Golden Epic for Miria, Feats for Fen, Hew Maan, and Hitch, and Red Wizard Skins for Widdle and Calliope. There is also a limited supply of Modron Chests and Supply Chests, and a new chest that provides gear for Calliope, Fen, Hew Maan, Hitch, Miria, and Widdle. Finally, the Thayan Enclave is currently the exclusive home of Marvelous Pigments.

    Thayan Enclave Screen
    Thayan Enclave

    What are Marvelous Pigments?

    Marvelous Pigments are specialized items you can use to upgrade certain equipment items. The Thayan Enclave is currently featuring the Marvelous Support Pigment, which can be used to upgrade any epic or better equipment items on a support Champion to provide a +200% Global Damage buff in addition to their normal effects!

    Season Pass
    Celeste Equipment with Support Pigment Applied

    What happens when the Emergence Event ends?

    When the Red Wizard Emergence Event ends on April 7th you will no longer be able to collect Corrupted Gems from Red Wizards and the daily quest. However, the Corrupted Gems available as variant rewards will remain available for anyone who has yet to complete them. Items in the Thayan Enclave gem shop will remain available through the next Emergence Event.

    When is the next Emergence Event?

    The next Emergence Event will begin on May 24.

    How long will the items remain in the Thayan Enclave gem shop?

    Items added to the Thayan Enclave gem shop for an Emergence Event will remain available in that shop through the end of the following Emergence Event. So the items we've just added will remain in the shop until the next Emergence Event (scheduled to start May 24th) ends.

    March 3rd, 2023
    Idle Champions: Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers Overview 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Season 3 focuses on 5 Champions that are both lawful and unaffiliated: Turiel, Spurt, Hew Maan, Birdsong, and Barrowin. Read below to learn more about these Champions, and the details you need to know about Season 3!

    The changes outlined below will roll out on Wednesday, March 8th, along with the preview for Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers. Season 3 officially begins on March 15th, 2023.

    Table of Contents

    Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

    Champion Overview

    Turiel (Seat 1)

    Turiel has been moderately reworked. We focused on adding new synergies and increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of his abilities. Keep Turiel tanking in the front row (hopefully with others) to maximize his buff!

    Turiel's main ability is Embodiment of the Law, which increases the damage of Champions by 100% for each column they are behind him. His Order's Demand ability forces enemies to choose another Champion in his row, provided there is another Champion in his row, to attack instead of him, increasing the effect of Embodiment of the Law each time that happens. Lawful Mission further buffs Embodiment of the Law for each Lawful Champion in the formation. Finally, March of the Rakshasa allows Turiel to add the fiend tag to some enemies, which further buffs Embodiment of Law since Fiend enemies are his Favored Foe per his Unflinching Hatred ability.

    Specializations: You can choose between increasing the damage of the party based on their CON or CHA scores!

    Spurt (Seat 3)

    Spurt has been slightly reworked. His Wa-spiration ability has seen the largest changes, mainly focused on sustainability and ease of use. Keep Spurt surrounded by allies, and trigger his ultimate attack whenever possible, as many of his abilities are buffed when he is in his spirit form.

    Spurt's main ability is Heroic Sacrifice. When his ultimate attack is on cooldown, he is replaced by his spirit form and increases the damage of all Champions. His Centipede Net ability increases the damage of adjacent Champions. Wa-spiration allows Spurt to invent random effects every time he attacks (or when an adjacent Champion attacks when he's in his spirit form). Pack Tactics increases the damage of all Champions based on the number of Kobolds in the formation.

    Specializations: You can choose between buffing Pack Tactics, increasing the targets for Centipede Net, or allowing unaffiliated non-Kobold Champions to count as Kobolds for the purposes of Pack Tactics!

    Hew Maan (Seat 8)

    Hew Maan has received a small number of synergy-based changes to improve their usage as a support Champion when they are done speeding you to your wall. They provide different buffs based on where they are in your formation. Think carefully about what situation you're in, because they've got the tools to help!

    Hew Maan's main ability is Teamwork which provides different buffs (and changes the top Kobold of the stack) based on which columns of the formation they are in:
    • Front (Zrang - purple): Enemies have a chance to count twice for quest progress.
    • Middle (Kleeb - red): Increases the damage of Champions VS boss enemies, and if they have segmented health, successful attacks destroy twice as many segments.
    • Back (Yassa - yellow): Increases the damage of Champions within 2 columns of Hew Maan.
    Hello, Fellow Humans increases the effect of Kleeb & Yassa's Teamwork abilities based on the number of Humans in your formation. Carefully Balanced increases the effect of Zrang's Teamwork ability for each Champion adjacent to them. Please Stand By allows for secondary buffs based on the Kobolds that are not on top of the Hew Maan stack:
    • Zrang: Boss enemies move 25% slower
    • Kleeb: Segmented health enemies and blockers have a chance of spawning with a quarter of their segments already removed.
    • Yassa: Reduces the base attack cooldown of Champions adjacent to them by .5s.
    Specializations: You can choose to change what group Hello, Fellow Humans counts instead of Humans:
    • 1: The most populous race in your formation
    • 2: Lawful Champions
    • 3: Unaffiliated Champions

    Birdsong (Seat 9)

    Birdsong has been heavily reworked with a focus on sustainability and synergy with the following Champion types: Lawful Champions, Unaffiliated Champions, Female Champions, and Bard Champions.

    Birdsong's main ability is Song of Battle, which increases the damage of herself and Champions within 2 slots of her. Chorus of the Lost increases Song of Battle for each positional formation ability from unaffiliated Champions that affects her. Crescendo increases Song of Battle whenever a Champion affected by that ability destroys an enemy. Impressive Bladework allows Birdsong to get a bonus attack against a Boss enemy.

    You can choose which types of Champions get a buff to the effect of Song of Battle:
    • Good Champions
    • Neutral Champions (along the Good/Evil axis)
    • Evil Champions
    You can also choose which groups give Birdsong automatic Crescendo stacks based on the number of them in your formation when entering an area:
    • Lawful Champions
    • Female Champions
    • Bard Champions

    Barrowin (Seat 10)

    Barrowin has been moderately reworked and is now fully embracing her front-line synergy; she has gained the Tanking role along with several new tanking abilities. Keep her in front of the formation with Lawful and/or Dwarf Champions watching her back.

    Barrowin's main ability is Blessed Hammer, which increases the damage of Champions behind her for each Champion in the formation who has an equal or higher base attack cooldown than her (those that attack slower than her). Lawful Vigilance increases her health based on the number of Lawful or Dwarf Champions in your formation. Healing Word allows her to heal Champions in her column. Even Temper allows her to attack faster for each Champion counted in Lawful Vigilance. Hammer Time increases Blessed Hammer based on the maximum number of enemies she's had attacking her at once in this area.

    Specializations: You can choose whether to buff Blessed Hammer by a static amount, Healing Word, or Blessed Hammer based on the number of Champions counted in Lawful Vigilance.

    Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

    Key Season Rewards

    Available to All Players

    • Unaffiliated Modron Core
    • Unaffiliated Modron Core XP
    • Rare Feat: Turiel
    • Rare Feat: Spurt
    • Rare Feat: Hew Maan
    • Rare Feat: Birdsong
    • Rare Feat: Barrowin
    • Time Gate Pieces
    • Supply Chests
    • Season Chests

    Available to Passholders

    • Familiar: Valenar Pup
    • Epic Feat: Turiel
    • Epic Feat: Spurt
    • Epic Feat: Hew Maan
    • Epic Feat: Birdsong
    • Epic Feat: Barrowin
    • Skin: Ancient Turiel
    • Skin: Lawbringer Spurt
    • Skin: Law Maan
    • Skin: Lawbringer Birdsong
    • Skin: Ancient Barrowin

    Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

    Keywords and Key Abilities

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

    BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
    • On PC, this is visible by mousing over the DPS number on the upper left UI, or the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
    • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
    Lawful Champions: Lawful Champions are those noted as 'Lawful' (along the lawful/chaotic axis) in the Alignment section of their character sheet.

    Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
    • On PC, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Positional Formation Abilities: Positional Formation Abilities are abilities that trigger based on where a target is in the formation.

    Time Gate Adventures: Time Gates allow you to unlock Champions from previous events that you may have missed, and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they do open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
    • On PC, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Unaffiliated Champions: Unaffiliated Champions are those with 'none' listed in the Affiliations section of their character sheet. Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

    Key Enemies

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

    Bailiearyl Tavebent: During Weeks 8 & 9, Bailiearyl Tavebent can be encountered on area 50 of The Running adventure: The Grandfather Acorn and its variants. When The Running isn't active, you can access The Grandfather Acorn by opening a Time Gate to Catti-brie, Spurt, Krydle, Shaka, or Dungeon Master.

    Beasts: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Bosses with Armor Chunks: Bosses with armored health (segmented chunks that will flash a shield over the health chunk when a Champion doesn't deal enough damage to it) are available on many different adventures. In Weeks 9 & 10, you can encounter an armor-based monster on area 50 of The Running adventure: The Grandfather Acorn and it's variants. When The Running isn't active, you can access The Grandfather Acorn by opening a Time Gate to Catti-brie, Spurt, Krydle, Shaka, or Dungeon Master. Note: Armor-based monsters are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

    Bosses with Segmented Health: Bosses with segmented health are available on many different adventures. Bosses with hit-based or armor-based health will count toward this quest. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie on area 50 of Running of the Saurs, the third adventure in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign, is a great early-game example of a segmented health boss!

    Elder Brain: During Weeks 5 & 6, an Elder Brain can be encountered on area 50 of the Greengrass adventure: The Endless War and its variants. When Greengrass isn't active, you can access The Endless War by opening a Time Gate to Nrakk, Aila, Melf, Orkira, or Gazrick. You can also encounter an Elder Brain in The Alien Underdark adventure on the Underdark map of the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Fiends: Fiend monsters are available in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Fiends, you can find Imps in The Mad Wizard - the second adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign. Turiel's March of the Rakshasa ability also can add the fiend tag to non-boss enemies. Have Turiel in your formation if you are hunting fiends!

    Frost Giants: During Week 1 & Week 2, a Frost Giant boss can be encountered on area 50 of the Festival of Fools adventure: A Fools Errand and its variants. When Festival of Fools isn't active, you can access A Fools Errand adventures by opening a Time Gate to Strix, Rosie, Briv, Alyndra, or Tatyana. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Frost Giants outside of that event, try Giant's Bane Tavern - the first adventure in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign.

    Humanoids: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Campaign.

    Monstrosities: Monstrosity monsters are available in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter monstrosities, you can find Harpies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

    Owlbear: Owlbear bosses can be encountered on many adventures, and Snowy Owlbears can be encountered in Icewind Dale. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Owlbears, try Giant's Bane Tavern - the first adventure in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign.

    Undead: Undead monsters are available in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.