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December 6th, 2024
2024 Champion Spotlight: Stoki  
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Stami Gackle was a fun-loving and reckless youth, but she fled her home when this carefree nature invited tragic loss into her life. She found shelter in Waterdeep with the monks of the Order of the Even-Handed, who gave her a new name and trained her in their ways. Now a capable adventurer, Stoki approaches problems with intense focus and careful consideration, having earned a reputation for being uncommonly stoic. However, Stoki's patient demeanor belies a warrior's ferocity, as she unleashes a rapid flurry of masterful blows to any foe who refuses to back down.
Stoki has received a significant rework along with a new niche focused on Champions who attack quickly. To support her kit, we are updating the Champion Search starting today as builds roll out to allow players to search by Champions based on their base attack cooldown. Let's talk about all things Stoki!


Lawful Neutral
Support / Gold
Patron Eligibility: Vajra, Strahd, Elminster (until December 11, 2027)


Basic Attack

  • Flurry of Blows (melee) - Stoki leaps out and attacks random enemies with her fists.

Formation Abilities

  • Focused Strike - When Stoki attacks, she gains a Focus Point for each enemy she hits. She increases the damage of all Champions with a base attack cooldown of 4.0s or faster by 10% for each Focus Point she has, stacking multiplicatively. Focus Points cap at 100 and are reduced by 50% (rounded down) when changing areas.
  • Golden Palm - Enemies that have been attacked by Stoki at any point in the current area drop 100% more gold when killed for each Focus Point she has, stacking additively.
  • Building Focus - Stoki keeps track of the total Focus Point she has gained in the current adventure. If Stoki's Focus Points are capped for a given area, she still counts new ones towards this ability. Upon reaching certain milestones, the following effects activate:

    - 100 Focus Points: Encouragement - Champions adjacent to Stoki have their base attack cooldowns lowered by 0.5s.
    - 1000 Focus Points: Flurry of Blows - For every 1000 levels Stoki has, she attacks an additional target with each attack. She prefers to attack different targets but will attack the same target multiple times if she has already attacked everyone.
    - 5000 Focus Points: Leadership - Champions adjacent to Stoki have a 0.45% chance to reset their base attack cooldown after attacking for each Focus Point she currently has. Caps at 90%.
    - 12500 Focus Points: Overflow - When Stoki attacks an enemy that she already attacked, there is a 20% chance the enemy will be stunned for 3 seconds.
    - 25000 Focus Points: Explosion - If Stoki hits the same enemy two or more times with the same base attack, power radiates from the enemy, dealing 5 seconds worth of BUD damage to itself and all other nearby enemies. Triggers with each extra hit.
  • Frenzied Friends - Stoki additively increases the Focus Points cap of Focused Strike by 10 for each Champion in the formation whose base attack cooldown is 4.0s or lower.


  • All Out Assault - Stoki tracks the number of attacks her allies have performed in the past 10 seconds and increases the effect of Focused Strike by 15% for each one, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Bend It Like Birdsong - Stoki counts the number of Champions in the formation with a DEX score of 16 or higher. For each such Champion, her base attack cooldown is decreased by 0.1 seconds, stacking additively, and the effect of Focused Strike is increased by 100%, stacking multiplicatively.
  • A Little Bit Faster Now - Stoki reduces the base attack cooldown of all Champions with a default base attack cooldown of 6.0 seconds or higher to 4.0 seconds so that they qualify for Frenzied Friends. Their damage is increased by 100% for every 0.1 seconds their base attack cooldown is reduced by this ability, stacking multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Quivering Palm (melee) - Stoki leaps out and attacks five random enemies with extremely powerful palm thrusts. Over the next 10 seconds, all affected enemies take massive damage over time.


Global DPS Buff
Global DPS Buff
Golden Palm Buff
Focused Strike Buff
BuffsStoki's All Out Assault, Bend It Like Birdsong, and A Little Bit Faster Now specializations
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Frugal
    Increases all Gold found by 10%.
  • Palm Thrust
    Increases the effect of Stoki's Focused Strike ability by 20%.
  • Touch of Silver
    Increases the effect of Stoki's Golden Palm ability by 20%.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Lucky
    Increases all Gold found by 25%.
  • Dragon Fist
    Increases the effect of Stoki's Focused Strike ability by 40%.
  • Grasp of Gold
    Increases the effect of Stoki's Golden Palm ability by 40%.
  • Monastic Discipline
    Increases the effect of Stoki's All Out Assault, Bend It Like Birdsong, and A Little Bit Faster Now specializations by 40%
  • Lightning Palm
    Increases the attack cooldown reduction of Stoki's Building Focus - Encouragement ability to 1 second.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Mastery of the Self
    Increases the effect of Stoki's All Out Assault, Bend It Like Birdsong, and A Little Bit Faster Now specializations by 80%
    Available for 50,000 Gems or in the Sharran Stoki Theme Pack
  • Entertainer
    Increases the Charisma score of Stoki by 2.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

We Want YOUR Feedback

How do you feel about this update to the first Event Champion? Will you have a use for Stoki? Let us know!

Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

December 4th, 2024
Idle Champions: Simril 8  
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Simril is ruined! Someone or something has been pillaging all the food stores of Luskan, leaving very little leftover for the feast of Simril, let alone the long, cold winter to follow. Your party has been hired to hunt down this ruiner-of-holidays and recover the stolen sustenance.
It is time to celebrate Faerûn's winter solstice once again, this time with the next companion character from Baldur's Gate 3 coming to Idle Champions along with a stunning rework of the first Event Champion we ever released!

Halsin the Archdruid has arrived all the way from the Emerald Grove. Our first Featured Champion is a devout follower of Silvanus who thrives in good-aligned formations. Halsin can be unlocked during Simril from December 4th through 25th.

The second Featured Champion is Stami "Stoki" Gackle, and she has received a significant reworked to focus on Champions who attack quickly. The 2024 Champion Spotlight for Stoki arrives on Friday, December 6th and the reworked Stoki will become available in Simril starting on Wednesday, December 11th.

For details on Simril 8 - and to learn about our Winterfest Celebration - read on!

Featured Champions


Halsin, the esteemed Archdruid of the Emerald Grove, is a wise and powerful elf dedicated to the protection and preservation of nature. After being captured by goblins allied with the Absolute, he escaped and now fights to protect his grove and its inhabitants from this encroaching evil. He channels his deep connection to the natural world to aid his allies in their quests.

Learn more about Halsin in his Champion Spotlight.


Stami Gackle was a fun-loving and reckless youth, but she fled her home when this carefree nature invited tragic loss into her life. She found shelter in Waterdeep with the monks of the Order of the Even-Handed, who gave her a new name and trained her in their ways. Now a capable adventurer, Stoki approaches problems with intense focus and careful consideration, having earned a reputation for being uncommonly stoic. However, Stoki's patient demeanor belies a warrior's ferocity as she unleashes a rapid flurry of masterful blows to any foe who refuses to back down.

Learn more about Stoki's Rebalance when her Champion Spotlight goes live on Friday, December 6th.

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

Event Augments

  • Refreshing Boons: Event boons obtained during this event last for 21 days and don't expire when the event ends. Obtaining another boon at any point during the event refreshes this timer. If your boon persists into the next event, it will stack with that event's boon until it expires. However, it will not unlock the supporter slot.
  • Boon Enhancements: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.

    Buff Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
    Gem Drops 20% 40% 70% 100%

  • Auto-Blacksmith: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better. Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!
  • Worth the Wait: Rebalanced Champion Stoki releases at the start of week two of this event. Completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
You can check out which Augments are active at any time by mousing over the Event Banner.

Winterfest Celebration

It's finally time for our Winterfest Celebration! Players will be able to unlock daily curated rewards along with exciting participation rewards that include the new Potent Gale Skin and the Chosen of Mystra Feat for everyone's favorite Waterdhavian Wizard, Gale Dekarios. Winterfest comes to a close next Wednesday, December 11th.

Player Feedback

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Halsin? Are you excited to learn more about the changes to Stoki? Your participation and feedback are invaluable, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

September 23rd, 2020
Idle Champions: Highharvestide 4 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Savage Frontier of the Sword Coast can be a dangerous place. At the junction of the Long Road and Evermoor Way, the town of Triboar seeks the aid of heroes. Bandits have begun to assail the small town while the citizens are meant to prepare for the Highharvestide Festival...

Highharvestide 4 sees the beginning of Year 4 Events in Idle Champions and the introduction of the savage Minotaur Barbarian bodyguard to Arkhan the Cruel and the third Champion from the Dark Order: Torogar Steelfist!

This event also brings back the loyal Dwarven Battlerager, Thibbledorf Pwent, and the Tiefling Pact of the Fiend Warlock, Farideh. Players have until Monday, October 5th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Highharvestide 4 unlocks and objectives.

For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

New Champion: Torogar Steefist

Torogar's Bio

    There's savage, and then there's Torogar. Few had even survived a head-to-head match with him before he ran into Arkhan the Cruel. He was known worlds over as an unstoppable brute. Now, as a part of the Dark Order, Torogar leads armies and communes with a god, but he's always down for another one-on-one match.

Torogar's Stats

Race: Minotaur Alignment: Lawful Evil
Class: Barbarian Gender: Male
Age: 32 Affiliation: Dark Order

STR: 23 DEX: 17 CON: 14
INT: 8 WIS: 9 CHA: 15

Role: DPS, Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra
Slot: 10 (Tyril)

Torogar's Formation Abilities

Torogar is a support and DPS Champion who powers up Evil Champions. While blood raging, he increases the damage of the formation significantly, with permanent power-ups that unlock the more you use him. His DPS and buffs increase with his devotion to Tiamat through his Zealot stacks, affecting his Markings of a Zealot & Preach abilities. Initially, Torogar only gets a Zealot stack when he or an adjacent Champion kills an enemy, however, his Word of Tiamat specialization extends this power to all evil Champions.

Torogar is a lynchpin for evil formations, doubling down on the boosts they are already receiving from other Dark Order members — Arkhan the Cruel & Krull — and making them stronger as they push further into the adventure.

For more information on Torogar and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Four Variants

  • An Abyssal Mess — Two Abyssal Chickens start in the formation and every 25 areas, ANOTHER Abyssal Chicken joins the fun. The Abyssal Chickens don't do much, they just like hanging out with you..
    Reach Area 75.

  • CONfirmed Sightings — The Resurrected Hero of the Vale appears in area 25 as an additional boss, where you'll need to defeat him. Again. Only Champions with CON of 14 or higher can be used.
    Reach Area 125.

  • The Dark Order Arrives — Torogar & Arkhan start in the formation and cannot be moved. Only members of the Dark Order (Torogar, Arkhan, and Krull) can deal damage. All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active.
    Reach Area 175.

For information on previous years' variants, check out the Highharvestide 3 blog.
September 25th, 2019
Idle Champions: Highharvestide 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

The Savage Frontier of the Sword Coast can be a dangerous place. At the junction of the Long Road and Evermoor Way, the town of Triboar seeks the aid of heroes. Bandits have begun to assail the small town while the citizens are meant to prepare for the Highharvestide Festival...

Highharvestide 3 sees the beginning of Year 3 Events and the introduction of one of the fiercest and most loyal allies to the Companions of the Hall: Thibbledorf Pwent, Dwarven Battlerager! Our first Y3 Event also brings back the Y2 and Y1 Champions to unlock: Stoki, the Rock Gnome Monk, and Farideh, the Tiefling Warlock. For more information about how Y3 Events work, check out our Year 3 Events Dev Blog.

Players have until Monday, October 7th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Highharvestide 3 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: Thibbledorf Pwent

    Despite a reputation as a loud, gruff, and stinky dwarf who hates bathing, Thibbledorf Pwent is a loyal and beloved member of Clan Battlehammer. Known as 'Pwent' to his friends, he leads the Gutbusters of Mithral Hall, a dwarven battlerager squad focused on direct combat with little regard for their own safety. He wears armor completely covered in spikes to help rend the flesh of his enemies, and in the midst of battle Pwent often falls into a bloodrage, doing anything to protect his allies.

    While not an official member of the Companions of the Hall, Pwent will always aid his King when possible — even beyond death...
Thibbledorf Pwent is a Dwarven Battlerager Barbarian and Support Champion. His attacks cause enemies to bleed, he can boost ally damage for adjacent Champions, and he greatly buffs dwarves and Companions of the Hall members in the formation. When you want to add Thibbledorf to your party, you may swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Thibbledorf Pwent dev blog!

Year 2 Champion: Farideh

    Abandoned as an infant and adopted by an outcast dragonborn warrior, Farideh grew to adulthood acutely aware of the drawbacks of being a tiefling. Despite doing everything she could to reassure her neighbors, including keeping her wild twin sister, Havilar, out of trouble, the villagers focused on Farideh as the one who would embrace the dark side of herself. They weren’t wrong.

    When Havilar tried to summon an imp to practice her blade on, she drew the attention of Lorcan, a cambion looking to make warlock pacts with the descendants of one of the first Infernal warlocks, the Brimstone Angel. But Havilar was always meant for the glaive--and Farideh would do anything to keep her sister safe. While Lorcan, Asmodeus, and the Nine Hells do their utmost to corrupt her, Farideh isn’t interested in power so much as defending the world from demons, the undead, and any other villains trying to bring trouble or drag her friends and family into danger. Even being made the Chosen of Asmodeus--something Asmodeus isn’t going to explain to Farideh or anybody else--just means she has more magic to turn against the powers of evil.
Farideh is a DPS Champion with a tank-synergy twist. She attacks using Scorching Ray and will use Hellish Rebuke against enemies who attack either her or adjacent Champions. When you want to add Farideh to your party, you can swap her with Minsc (Slot 7).

For more information about Farideh, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Farideh dev blog!

Year 1 Champion: Stoki

    Born Stami Gackle, she fled her home after a terrible accident at a young age and joined a monastery of the Even Hand to study ki. An adept monk and extremely capable adventurer, her thoughtful approach to problems has earned her a reputation as an uncommonly stoic Rock Gnome.
Stoki is a DPS and Support Champion, able to attack multiple enemies. Furthermore, enemies damaged by Stoki will drop additional gold when killed. When you want to add Stoki to your party, you can swap her with Jarlaxle (Slot 4).

Year Three Variants

  • Underdark Reinforcements — Drow cultists appear alongside the enemies in each area, seeking to further Loth's dominion. Each cultist deals double damage. Additionally, they can only be damaged once they have been bled by Thibbledorf.
    Reach Area 75.

  • The Plague Cometh — Cursed Cows spawn randomly in each area. If any of them reach the formation, the Champion they damage becomes cursed. Cursed Champions deal no damage and have max health halved. After 5 seconds, the curse spreads to adjacent Champions.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Somebody's Poisoned the Well! — The bandits have poisoned the well! Luckily, Thibbledorf has some Gutbuster flasks to help. Champions lose health every time they attack. Thibbledorf is not affected by the poison.
    Reach Area 175.

Year Two Variants

  • Asmodeus is Watching — Cultists of Asmodeus randomly spawn alongside the normal monster waves. They drop no gold when killed.
    Reach Area 75.

  • It's Quite A Puzzle — Only champions with Intelligence/INT score of 12 or higher are allowed in the formation.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Time to Step Up — Asmodeus is testing Farideh. You start with Farideh in your formation, however, she is the only Champion that can deal damage. All other Champions' damage is reduced to 0, but they continue to grant buffs.
    Reach Area 175.

Year One Variants

  • The Farmer's Kids — The Farmer's Daughter and Son block two slots in the formation.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Due Diligence — Quest requirements are doubled.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Wanton Necromancy — Undead enemies randomly spawn alongside the normal monsters. These additional enemies drop no gold.
    Reach Area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

October 3rd, 2018
Idle Champions: Highharvestide 2 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Faerûn's Savage Frontier has no shortage of dangers, but that hasn't stopped the citizens of Triboar from carving out a living in this picturesque stretch of fertile northern farmland.

This year, however, the people of Triboar are in need of aid. As the Highharvestide Festival approaches, bandits have begun causing trouble for farmers attempting to bring in their harvests, and it's up to the Champions to put an end to it!

Highharvestide 2 is our first Year Two Event, which runs until Monday, October 15th at 12:00pm Pacific. Highharvestide 2 also introduces Farideh, the Tiefling Warlock protagonist from the Brimstone Angels novels, and also brings back Stoki, the Rock Gnome Monk!

Our Approach to Highharvestide 2

When we began our approach to Year Two of Highharvestide, the first decision we made was to polish to our work from Year One. We started by playing through the event, pausing to discuss what we would do differently if we had designed the event today with an additional year of tools, monsters, and knowledge.

We approached the event with the following questions:
  • Can the backgrounds be updated, or should we use different ones?
  • We updated the lighting on a few of the backgrounds to better match the text.
  • Are there better monsters we could be using?
  • We added the new Red Wizard Evokers from the Tomb of Annihilation campaign, and we also mixed up the groups of bandits and added wizards that actually attack with fire that matches the text.
  • Should any boss monsters flee or have additional tech added?
  • The Resurrected Hero of the Vale is now hits-based and cleaves the first 2 rows. It seems it is getting cranky about constantly being resurrected.
  • Are all the quest icons and portraits polished?
  • They all were.
  • Are there any location or event-specific distractions we could add?
  • For Highharvestide 2 we didn't, but we look forward to adding pumpkins to Liars' Night!
  • Should we update any text?
  • We fixed a few typos, and we will be updating the dialogue to include more Event Champions in future updates.

You'll be able to play through the updated event during Highharvestide, but also when you go through a Time Gate for Farideh or Stoki in the future!

As you can see above, both Champions have their own track of Adventures and Variants. They both use the same event currency – in this case, Harvest Baskets for Highharvestide. You will earn chests for the corresponding champion by playing through their variants. For example, Stoki Free Plays will grant Stoki Silver and Gold Chests, and Farideh Free Plays will grant Farideh Silver and Gold Chests.

If you didn't complete all of Stoki's variants or achievements last year, you'll be able to pick up right where you left off. If you did complete them, you can still play through her free plays. As an added bonus, all Year One Adventures and Variants have had their cost reduced by 75% for Year Two! We also updated the Free Play costs for both Year One and Year Two events. They will each start at 500 Harvest Baskets. Every time you complete a Free Play within one of the two tracks, the cost of that Free Play will increase by 500, to a maximum of the normal Event Free Play cost of 2500 Event Tokens!

Side note: We appreciate all the feedback we had during the Year 2 Event Q&A last week — thank you :)

As a final update, the new Year Two track of The Bandit Harvest adventure and variants will have a new formation to help keep things fresh! This formation will also remain for future Farideh Time Gate runs.

When you log in and click on the Highharvestide notification, you'll see the two Champions listed. You can select either of them to see their Champion details, as well as see how far you've progressed in their track of The Bandit's Harvest.

We hope you all enjoy the updates we've made to The Bandit's Harvest!

New Champion: Farideh

Abandoned as an infant and adopted by an outcast dragonborn warrior, Farideh grew to adulthood acutely aware of the drawbacks of being a tiefling. Despite doing everything she could to reassure her neighbors, including keeping her wild twin sister, Havilar, out of trouble, the villagers focused on Farideh as the one who would embrace the dark side of herself. They weren’t wrong.

When Havilar tried to summon an imp to practice her blade on, she drew the attention of Lorcan, a cambion looking to make warlock pacts with the descendants of one of the first Infernal warlocks, the Brimstone Angel. But Havilar was always meant for the glaive--and Farideh would do anything to keep her sister safe. While Lorcan, Asmodeus, and the Nine Hells do their utmost to corrupt her, Farideh isn’t interested in power so much as defending the world from demons, the undead, and any other villains trying to bring trouble or drag her friends and family into danger. Even being made the Chosen of Asmodeus--something Asmodeus isn’t going to explain to Farideh or anybody else--just means she has more magic to turn against the powers of evil.

Farideh is a DPS Champion with a tank-synergy twist. She attacks using Scorching Ray and will use Hellish Rebuke against enemies who attack either her or adjacent Champions. When you want to add Farideh to your party, you can swap her with Minsc or Catti-brie (Slot 7).

For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Farideh dev blog!

Returning Champion: Stoki

Born Stami Gackle, she fled her home after a terrible accident at a young age and joined a monastery of the Even Hand to study ki. An adept monk and extremely capable adventurer, her thoughtful approach to problems has earned her a reputation as an uncommonly stoic Rock Gnome.

Stoki is a DPS and Support Champion, able to attack multiple enemies. Furthermore, enemies damaged by Stoki will drop additional gold when killed. When you want to add Stoki to your party, you can swap her with Jarlaxle or Ishi Snaggletooth (Slot 4).

Year Two Variants

  • Asmodeus is Watching — Cultists of Asmodeus randomly spawn alongside the normal monster waves. They drop no gold when killed.

  • It's Quite A Puzzle — Only champions with Intelligence/INT score of 12 or higher are allowed in the formation.

  • Time to Step Up — Asmodeus is testing Farideh. You start with Farideh in your formation, however, she is the only Champion that can deal damage. All other Champions' damage is reduced to 0, but they continue to grant buffs.

Year One Variants

  • The Farmer's Kids — The Farmer's Daughter and Son block two slots in the formation.

  • Due Diligence — Quest requirements are doubled.

  • Wanton Necromancy — Undead enemies randomly spawn alongside the normal monsters. These additional enemies drop no gold.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

September 28th, 2017
Idle Champions Event: Highharvestide! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Welcome to our first ever event for Idle Champions! Today we launch Highharvestide, a new limited-time adventure that will run from today until Noon PDT Tuesday October 10th 2017.

The Champions find themselves called to the aid of innocent citizens of the Sword Coast. Bandits are causing trouble for farmers attempting to bring in their harvests in the fertile lands near Triboar. The party must investigate, traveling from farm to farm to put a stop to it.

Successfully completing the first part of the adventure will unlock a brand new Champion, Stoki. Born Stami Gackle, she fled her home after a terrible accident at a young age and joined a monastery of the Even Hand to study ki. An adept monk and extremely capable adventurer, her thoughtful approach to problems has earned her a reputation as an uncommonly stoic Rock Gnome.

She is a flexible addition to the Champions. Her specializations enable her to either focus on damage or a support role within your preferred formation.

Stoki will introduce you to a new level strategic thinking when it comes to the make-up of your party. She shares the same slot as Jarlaxle and so your first order is to decide whether you use Jarlaxle or Stoki on different adventures.

How do I play the Highharvestide Event?

The Highharvestide Event is a brand new temporary campaign with a single adventure and three variants. You can start the adventures from the Campaign Map just like you would any other adventure, except that you must spend Event Tokens (Harvest Baskets) to start them. The base adventure will unlock a new Champion, and the variants and free play provide chests that can be used to gear up the Champion. When the event ends, you keep the new Champion, any gear you have acquired for them, and a gain a boost to your permanent campaign favor.

How do I get more Event Tokens (Harvest Baskets)?

Event Tokens will drop periodically from monsters in all adventures and campaigns. You will also receive Event Tokens along with your offline gold gains when you load the game after having been offline for a while.

How do I use the new Champion I've unlocked?

Once you complete the event's base adventure, you can swap in the new Champion you've unlocked by clicking on the portrait of whomever they swap with, then clicking the swap button the top-right corner of their portrait on their character sheet. You can only have one Champion from each bench slot in your formation at a time.

How do I gear up the new Champion I've unlocked?

Equipment for event champions appear in event-specific chests. They cannot receive gear from normal silver or gold chests. You can earn event chests by completing event variants, the event free play, or by purchasing them directly for Event Tokens.

Why is the Chauntea's Favor in the event different from the base campaign Divine Favor?

In order to provide a more balanced experience for all players, each event has a different type of Divine Favor, which means everyone starts on relatively even footing. You still have your gear, unlocked Champions, and experience with formations to give you an advantage over newer players. The divine favor for the Highharvestide event is Chauntea's favor.

What happens to my Event Divine Favor after the event ends?

Once the event ends you'll have an opportunity to convert your Event Divine Favor into a different deity's Divine Favor for the campaign of your choice, so your hard earned Event Divine Favor will not go to waste. The more Divine Favor you earn in the event, the bigger the amount you earn for your permanent campaign.

Equipment to upgrade Stoki can be found in the special Stoki Silver and Gold chests. Don't forget you'll have until October 10th at Noon PDT to complete the event and unlock Stoki before the event closes.