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August 27th, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Corazón de Ballena 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Many children dream of running away to become a pirate. Our latest Champion actually did and became a swashbuckling rogue with some magic tricks up his sleeve!

Corazón de Ballena is joining the Idle Champions roster during Brightswords 4! Read on to learn more about this swashbuckling rogue and his appreciation for the Grease spell!

I. Corazón

Dungeons & Dragons Corazon

    The young man who would eventually join the Oxventure Guild originally grew up as the posh Percival Milquetoast, heir to the Milquetoast estate. But the life of an aristocrat under a Father he despised inspired him to leave it all behind for the high seas! As Corazón de Ballena he became a flamboyant pirate and swashbuckler ready to try and one-up any other rogues he meets. But it was Corazón's own actions that caused the crew of his ship, the Joyful Damnation, to fall under a horrific curse. While he was able to flee to safety, Corazón never forgot his former comrades, and now is on a personal quest to lift the curse he caused. Fortunately he has his new friends in the Oxventure Guild, and a few more tricks up his sleeve!

Corazón is a Support Champion who focuses on aiding his fellow Champions with his skills and pirate style. When you want to add him to your formation you can swap him with Delina (Slot 8).

II. Corazón's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Rogue Gender: Male
Age: 30

STR: 13 DEX: 18 CON: 12
INT: 16 WIS: 15 CHA: 18

Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Strahd, Zariel
Slot: 8 (Delina)

Dungeons & Dragons Corazon

III. Corazón's Design

Our second Champion from the Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra brings a tremendously insecure rogue who hides his self-consciousness both figuratively and literally! It was a delight to work with Andy Farrant to bring Corazón's fast talking, sneak attacking, Grease loving rogue to life in our game.

Corazón likes to avoid getting his hands dirty, and prefers to focus on increasing the damage of his fellow Champions rather than having to do all the attacking himself. To make that easier, his Pirate's Code increases the damage of all Neutral (along the good/evil spectrum) Champions, and Honorary Crewmates lets him add the Neutral tag to anyone who is adjacent. The more Neutral Champions in the formation, the more Grease puddles Corazón will create when he attacks, which causes enemies to slow to a crawl. Finally G.O.A.T. Pirate means that every time Corazón attacks he increases the effect of Pirate's Code, making Neutral Champions even more effective!

He has two different Specializations, each focusing on a different objective. Distant Crewmates changes the way Honorary Crewmates works to affect non-adjacent Champions instead of adjacent ones, in case Corazón wants to position himself away from most of the crew. Or he can cast Mage Hand to drop his Grease puddles on the enemy furthest from the formation instead of the ones he attacks. When the field is filled with pools of Grease, Corazón uses his ultimate Fiery Bombardment to call on his ship, the Joyful Damnation, to fire flaming cannonballs from afar! Not only does this do damage to all enemies on screen, but it lights all the existing Grease puddles on fire, giving more proof to Corazón's assertions that Grease is the greatest spell ever!

IV. Corazón's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Shadow Step — Corazón attacks a random enemy from the shadows.

Formation Abilities

  • Pirate's Code — Corazón increases the damage of all Neutral (along the good/evil spectrum) Champions in the formation by 100%.
  • Grease — Whenever Corazón attacks he leaves behind a moderately sized puddle of Grease under the enemy he attacked. Grease puddles do not hinder other Champions, but do slow enemies passing through them by 25%. The maximum number of Grease puddles on the screen at once is equal to the number of Neutral Champions in the formation. The effects of Grease puddles, include the ultimate flaming puddles, stack multiplicatively if an enemy is standing in multiple puddles at once.
  • Honorary Crewmates — All Champions adjacent to Corazón gain the Neutral tag (along the good/evil spectrum). This does not affect their other alignment tags, and doesn't affect whether they are eligible for the adventure, but will make them eligible for the Pirate's Code and any other abilities that affect or are affected by the Neutral tag.
  • G.O.A.T. Pirate — Increase the effect of Pirate's Code by 0.01% each time Corazón attacks, stacking additively and lasting until reset.


  • Distant Crewmates — Honorary Crewmates now affects all non-adjacent Champions instead of adjacent ones.
  • Mage Hand — Grease no longer leaves behind puddles under the enemy Corazón attacks, instead it is dropped on the enemy furthest from the formation through creative use of a Mage Hand spell. The effect of these puddles is increased by 10%, multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Fiery Bombardment — Corazón's ship, the Joyful Damnation, fires flaming cannonballs from afar, damaging all enemies and lighting all existing Grease puddles on fire for 30 seconds. Enemies in the flaming Grease puddles are dealt 1/30th of this ultimate's damage per second and take 100% more damage while the puddle is on fire.

V. Corazón's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Pirate's Code
Slot 4: G.O.A.T. Pirate
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We're excited to have another member of the Oxventure Guild join our Champion roster! Let us know if Corazón has inspired you to enjoy the Grease spell on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

August 25th, 2021
Idle Champions: The Grand Tour, Part 14 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Mantol-Derith is supposed to be a neutral outpost in the underdark, a place where all groups can meet without threat of violence. Unfortunately it didn't take much for all of that peace to fall apart...

We need to make it to Mantol-Derith to uncover more details about the situation, but first we need to solve the problems that are causing this all out inter-faction war!

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Grand Tour Adventures, Lost in the Underdark and Leemooggoogoon Rises, in order to access these new Adventures.

Neutral No More

Head to Mantol-Derith to learn more about the demonic incursion into the Underdark.
  • Variant: Fungal Excitation — On the way to Mantol-Derith the party is attacked by a flood of Spore Servants! These Underdark Spore Servants do not count towards quest progress, nor do they drop gold. Each time you re-encounter an area, the number of Underdark Spore Servants increases!
    Reach Area 425.

Encroaching Madness

Explore Mantol-Derith while you discover the reason behind the inter-faction war.
  • Variant: Watchful Eyes — The Zhentarim are willing to help but are also warry of betrayal, so two Zhentarim spies join the formation for this adventure to keep an eye on things. You'll need to be persuasive to keep these Zhentarim trusting you, so only Champions with CHA of 14 or higher can be used.
    Reach Area 425.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
August 6th, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Prudence 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A powerful, terrifying cry pierces the battlefield, "ELDRITCH BLAST!"

Prudence is the latest Champion to join the Idle Champions roster with Ahghairon's Day! Read on to find out more about this gleefully evil warlock.

I. Prudence

Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Sergeant Knox

    There's nothing more fun than being the bad one, and this tiefling revels in her commitment to violent solutions to any problem! Abandoned as a child, Prudence grew up in a cave under the care of a hermit. But now she appreciates the companionship of her fellow Oxventure Guild members, even if they disagree on tactics and morality. She is a devoted warlock of Cthulhu and enjoys following his dark, if sometimes confusing, instructions. While her powers and abilities may be grim, her demeanor is gleeful as she disintegrates her foes!

Prudence is a DPS Champion who focuses on destroying her enemies with her Eldritch powers. When you want to add her to your formation you can swap her with Calliope (Slot 5).

II. Prudence's Stats

Race: Tiefling Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Warlock Gender: Female
Age: 28

STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 17
INT: 15 WIS: 12 CHA: 18

Role: DPS
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
Slot: 5 (Calliope)

Dungeons & Dragons Prudence

III. Prudence's Design

It's not often we can add such a joyfully evil Champion to our roster, and it was a delight to work with Jane Douglas to bring her bloodthirsty character to life in the game! The Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra have been playing together for several years, which gave us a wonderfully large library of adventures to draw from when creating Prudence in Idle Champions.

Prudence is focused on dealing damage and killing enemies, and the more foes she's felled the happier she becomes! Each time she kills an enemy she gains a stack of Glee, and those stacks further increases her damage. Since she enjoys showing off to both Good and non-Good aligned Champions, her Delight and Resolve abilities increases her damage and maximum number of stacks of Glee. But if her attack is not enough to destroy her target she gains a stack of Frustration, which increases her damage. That way she can make sure the next time she attacks, those Champions adjacent to her don't witness her fail at murder again!

Her Specializations allow you to decrease the cooldown of either her base attack or ultimate attack, so she can get back to the slaughter even faster. And when it's time to unleash death and destruction across the battlefield, her Ultimate Hunger of Hadar is sure to bring Prudence great joy and her enemies unknown horror!

IV. Prudence's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Eldritch Blast — A beam of crackling green shoots towards an enemy, dealing damage.

Formation Abilities

  • Glee — Prudence gains one stack of Glee each time she kills an enemy. For each stack of Glee, her damage is increased by 10%, stacking additively and capping at 10 stacks. Glee has a 25% chance to lose one stack whenever a Champion other than Prudence gets a kill.
  • Delight — Increase the damage bonus of Prudence's Glee ability by 100% for each Good aligned Champion in the formation, stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively.
  • Resolve — Increase the max stacks of Prudence's Glee by 10 for each non-Good Champion in the formation.
  • Frustration — Every time Prudence attacks an enemy but does not kill it she gains a stack of Frustration. Frustration stacks increase her damage by 200%, stacking multiplicatively. The maximum number of Frustration stacks is equal to the number of Champions adjacent to Prudence. Frustration stacks are reduced by 1 each time Prudence gets a kill.


  • Eldritch Torrent — When Prudence attacks, there is a 50% chance that her base attack cooldown will be immediately reset.
  • She Hungers — When Prudence attacks, there is a 5% chance that her ultimate attack cooldown will be immediately reset.

Ultimate Ability

  • Hunger of Hadar — Prudence opens a gateway to the dark between the stars, a region infested with unknown horrors. An area of blackness and bitter cold appears on the ground between melee range and ranged range of enemies. Tentacles erupt out of it, pulling all enemies together.

V. Prudence’s Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Self DPS
Slot 2: Glee
Slot 3: Delight
Slot 4: Frustration
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We hope you enjoy decimating your enemies as much as Prudence does with her Eldritch Blasts of glee! Let us know how excited you are to use Prudence in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

August 4th, 2021
Idle Champions: Icewind Dale, Part 8 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We finally reach the lost Netherese city of Ythryn. Alien and Unknown in almost every way, we are quickly overcome by constructs and living spells. We stumble across an ally who can help us complete the Rite of the Arcane Octad, an ancient ritual needed to access the Ythryn Mythallar, our last hope to help restore Icewind Dale.

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Icewind Dale Adventures, Reghed Glacier Mysteries and Tekeli-li's Hunt, in order to access these new Adventures.

The Rite of the Arcane Octad

Explore the ancient city of Ythryn while the remainder of its defenders try to keep its secrets hidden!
  • Variant: Alien Allies — Explore the ancient city of Ythryn while Aspix the Nothic attempts to assist you.
    • Aspix the Nothic accompanies the formation, quietly 'borrowing' a portion of your loot!
    • Gold find is reduced by 99%.
  • Reach Area 550.

The Netherese Necropolis

Search the city for more Arcane Octad clues while learning more about the destruction of Ythryn.
  • Variant: Ineffectual Intellectuals — Search the city while taking time to try and understand the magical mysteries hidden within.
    • Only Champions with INT of 14 or higher can be used.
    • Champions' normal attack cooldowns are increased by 1 second.
    Reach Area 575.

New Distractions

Keep a close eye out while you are within the city of Ythryn, as chimeric hares and rats are scampering around as new distractions! Chimeric creatures were magical creations that the residents of Ythryn used to keep as pets. During the years of exile within the glacier, the former pets have broken out of their domiciles and now roam freely.

New Familiar

If you've found the new chimeric creatures adorable, then you'll be excited about our new familiar, Starsilk the Chimeric Hare! Purchase Starsilk's Familiar Pack to unlock this charming familiar, 2 epic potions of Speed, 2 epic potions of Giant's Strength, and 2 epic potions of Clairvoyance. Check out the Starsilk the Chimeric Hare Familiar Pack in the in-game store.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!