New Features, Content Update, and Daily Rewards, oh my! It's time for our Third Anniversary Celebration!
If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with this week's update, you've come to the right place...
Table of Contents
Third Anniversary Celebration
It's been quite the year for Idle Champions! In our third year we've rolled out quite a few features and systems, including the Patron system, Offline Progress, Modron Automation & Multi-Party Play, and reworked Time Gates! We also released two Evergreen Champions, started a new campaign, launched on Nintendo Switch, and left Early Access! Check out our
Year 3 Retrospective Dev Blog for details! All that certainly deserves a celebration, right?
Daily Rewards
Every day during the Third Anniversary Celebration you can log in and open a new Anniversary chest, but each chest is only available for 24 hours! Each chest contains four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.
Once you have claimed at least four daily Anniversary chests, you unlock the following additional rewards!
- Exclusive Icewind Dale Tyril Skin
- Exclusive Snow Click Damage
- 5 Gold Chests
New Features
We're thrilled to announce the debut of the New Gem Store with our Third Anniversary Celebration! This week's update includes the addition of two new gem skins, a new Evergreen Golden Epic in each patron's shop, and some new DLC. More on those below!
Gem Store
The Gem Store is a new tab in the in-game Shop that features items you can only purchase with gems! Curious how much your next gem familiar costs? Want to see what new skins are available for Champions? Go to the Gem Store! This also includes the hugely popular community request of purchasing multiple Gold Chests with gems at once! Check out our
Gem Store Dev Blog for full details!
New Familiars
New Familiars have appeared in the Shop! We've added five new Familiars to the shop:
Arctic Fox, Wartsworth the Toad, Sylgar; the Xanathar's Goldfish, Yeti Tyke, & Hedgehog Familiar (as part of the Founder's Pack III DLC).
New Patron Evergreen Golden Epics
Champions who find themselves in service of Mirt the Moneylender will have access to Ulkoria Stonemarrow's
Watchful Order Staff (Slot 1) Golden Epic , those in the service of Vajra Safar may access Azaka Stormfang's
Volo's Guide to Chult Pullout Map (Slot 5) Golden Epic and those in the service of Strahd von Zarovich will have access to
Dragonbait's Shield (Slot 2) Golden Epic through the Patron Shop.
New DLC Packs
New DLC Packs are now available!
Founder's Pack III includes 42 Gold Chests, with 5 guaranteed Shiny loot cards,
Exclusive Hedgehog Familiar,
Exclusive Pirate Jarlaxle Skin, 5000 Gems, an Exclusive 50% Gem Buff, and an assortment of Epic potions.

Icewind Dale Skin & Feat Pack Bundle Inspired by the art of Max Dunbar, each of the Companions of the Hall has bundled up for their next blizzard-filled trip to Ten-Towns! This Bundle will unlock Catti-brie, Regis & Wulfgar if you don't already have them, and includes
Bruenor's Icewind Dale Skin & his
King of Mithral Hall Feat,
Catti-brie's Icewind Dale Skin & her
Trained in the North Feat,
Regis' Icewind Dale Skin & his
Ruby Reflection Feat,
Wulfgar's Icewind Dale Skin & his
Dwarven Raised Feat.
The Bundle also includes 7 Gold Supply Chests, 7 Catti-brie Gold Chests, 7 Regis Gold Chests, 7 Wulfgar Gold Chest, and an assortment of Epic potions, and a Potion of Polish. Each Champion's Skin & Feat Combination may also be purchased separately.
Descent into Avernus, Part 6
This week's content update brings Descent into Avernus, Part 6. We meet Red Ruth and she sends us to Uldrak, who may have a new solution to his problems in Avernus... Check out the full
Descent into Avernus, Part 6 blog post for details about the new adventures and variants.
Feedback Wanted!
These changes are scheduled to go live later today. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the
Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the
Steam forums, or on the
Official Idle Champions Discord!