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February 25th, 2022
COTLI: Silver and Jeweled Chests Opening Update 

Hail and well met Crusaders!

The normal Silver and Jeweled chests tend to pile up, don't they? Especially if you're doing Sprints for chests. And while we do have up to a x100 button for opening chests, that doesn't make opening hundreds of thousands of chests super easy.

Well, today's update introduces bigger versions of these chests, to help you clean up your chest inventory.

Mega and Ultimate Silver chests

There are two new Silver chest types on offer: the Mega Silver chest and the Ultimate Silver chest.
  • Mega Silver Chest
    • Costs: 1,000 Silver chests.
    • Contains a fixed amount of items, equivalent to opening 1,000 Silver chests: Common to Rare Buff Cards and Trinkets, Gold, and a set amount of Common Crafting Materials, based on your level of the Scrap Hoarder talent at the time of opening the chest.

  • Ultimate Silver Chest
    • Costs: 20,000 Silver chests, or 20 Mega Silver chests.
    • Contains a fixed amount of items, equivalent to opening 20,000 Silver chests: Common to Rare Buff Cards and Trinkets, Gold, and a set amount of Common Crafting Materials, based on your level of the Scrap Hoarder talent at the time of opening the chest.

Mega and Ultimate Jeweled chests

While they are rarer, Jeweled chests can still build up, so there are also two new Jeweled chest types on offer: the Mega Jeweled chest and the Ultimate Jeweled chest.
  • Mega Jeweled Chest
    • Costs 1,000 Jeweled chests.
    • Contains a fixed amount of items, equivalent to opening 1,000 Jeweled chests: Uncommon to Epic Buff Cards, Time Warps and Trinkets, a set amount of Epic Crafting Materials and Legendary Catalysts, and a set amount of Common Crafting Materials, based on your level of the Scrap Hoarder talent at the time of opening the chest.
    • If you're still missing any skins for the base 20 Crusaders, then opening a Mega Jeweled chest will guarantee a skin drop as well, in addition to the rest of the content.

  • Ultimate Jeweled Chest
    • Costs 10,000 Jeweled chests, or 10 Mega Jeweled chests.
    • Contains a fixed amount of items, equivalent to opening 10,000 Jeweled chests: Uncommon to Epic Buff Cards, Time Warps and Trinkets, a set amount of Epic Crafting Materials and Legendary Catalysts, and a set amount of Common Crafting Materials, based on your level of the Scrap Hoarder talent at the time of opening the chest.
    • If you're still missing any skins for the base 20 Crusaders, then opening an Ultimate Jeweled chest will guarantee a skin drop as well, in addition to the rest of the content.

You can find these new chests in the Store dialog. When you go to open them, they also respect the x10, x25 and x100 toggles. As well, there are also achievements for opening all 4 chest types.

Happy spring inventory cleaning!
February 25th, 2022
BW2: February 25th, 2022 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Butterfly Garden Limited Time Quest (February 25th, 2022)

- Rerunning the Butterfly Garden limited time quest

- Selling a new Mingle Mandrake pet whose bonus increases the more Mingle Mandrakes are bought during this weekend

- Chat bubble is now properly offset if speaker/thinker is on a mount

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!

- Worked on the endless flux dungeon update!
February 25th, 2022
BW2: Return of the Butterfly Garden Gathering! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

By Bush Whackers, For Butterflies

The butterflies are out there somewhere, and this weekend's visitor is looking to attract them to the event area! This is their fourth visit, so complete their tasks and get another of their 5 butterfly companions!

Head to the event area in the Commons to get started. Attract different species to the event area in two ways:
1 - Help Harrow in the event area with her quests, unlocking at Noon PST (UTC-8) on Saturday and Sunday. There are 2 species to unlock this way.
2 - Collect Rare Flowers! You can do this after completing Harrow's first quest, available on Friday. There are 3 species to unlock this way, which will be much more challenging to get!

At the end of this colourful quest, you'll get to choose a butterfly companion from the different species you attract.

You have until noon on Monday February 28th to attract as many as you can, and you'll have until noon on Tuesday March 1st to choose one as a companion. Good luck!

Grow the Mandrake Community

While you're there, don't forget to check out the new Mingle Mandrake pet! The more there are, the higher the max level bonus is for everyone who has one! It's only available until Monday February 28th, so grab one and help everyone get the most powerful pet while you can! Talk to the floral visitor in the event area for updates on the bonus.

Read the Release Notes!
February 23rd, 2022
Idle Champions: Fleetswake 5 
Posted in Idle Champions.

You've been recruited by a merchant guild in Waterdeep to look into a number of mysterious missing ships over the past year. The Fair Seas Festival is a good time to look into this as people are quite open about the dangers of the sea, the fury of Umberlee, and so forth.

Many people blame Umberlee for the missing ships, but the merchant guild isn't so sure...

Fleetswake 5 introduces Desmond, the lyncathropic lone wolf human Ranger played by Deejay Knight on The Black Dice Society. Fleetswake also brings back Orisha, an Aasimar Cleric and Bard and Sisaspia, a Yuan-Ti Pureblood Circle of Spores Druid. Players have until Monday, March 7th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Fleetswake 5 unlocks and objectives.

I. Desmond

Dungeons & Dragons Desmond Key Art

    While on the hunt for food as a teenager, Desmond was inflicted with the curse of lycanthropy. After a lot of work and time, he's accepted his new lycanthropic nature and now savors any opportunity to unleash the beast inside if the situation arises. Since his companions travel the dark lands of Ravenloft, there are plenty of occasions to transform!

Desmond is a Support Champion whose noble heart and fearsome bite can aid his allies through even the darkest of adventures. When you want to add him to your formation you can swap him with Jarlaxle in slot 4.

II. Desmond's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Ranger Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 33
Affiliation: Black Dice Society

STR: 16 DEX: 15 CON: 11
INT: 11 WIS: 12 CHA: 13

Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel
Slot: 4 (Jarlaxle)

Dungeons & Dragons Desmond

III. Desmond's Design

The Black Dice Society tells the dark tale of six souls struggling to survive their journeys through the horrific lands of Ravenloft. When he's not giving an outstanding portrayal of a fearsome ranger, Deejay Knight prefers happier moods as a variety streamer focusing on big laughs and positivity both on stream and in his community!

Desmond's lycanthropic transformation may make him incredibly deadly, but he's a Support Champion whose primary goal is to assist his pack. That's why his Noble Heart will always be focused on increasing the damage of adjacent Champions, and when Running With The Pack he'll further increase that bonus for Lycanthropes, Druids, and other Black Dice Society Champions. As the moon waxes and wanes, so does Desmond's power and ability to buff his companions. Should any of his companions fall, Desmond will increase all Champion damage to make up for their fallen comrade.

For more information on Desmond and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Five Variants

  • Adventure Variant 1: Full Moon Madness — Desmond takes up a slot in the formation, he can't be moved or removed from the formation. In Non-Boss areas, each wave creates extra sailors. They do not drop gold, or count towards quest progress.
    Complete Area 75.
  • Getting to know Desmond: Desmond's attack speed speeds up during the full moon can help you cut through hordes of enemies. Use his specialization to make the most of this!

  • Adventure Variant 2: New Moon Nemesis — Desmond takes up a slot in the formation, he can't be moved or removed from the formation. In Non-Boss areas, each wave spawns one additional Armored Crab with 5 armored HP. It does not drop gold or count towards quest progress. Every time a crab spawns, a random Champion is stunned for 10 seconds.
    Complete Area 125.
  • Getting to know Desmond: Desmond's damage boost during the new moon can help you get through heavily armored foes. Use his specialization to make the most of this!

  • Adventure Variant 3: Strength to Persevere — Only Champions with a STR of 16 or higher may be used. A werewolf starts in the formation. An additional werewolf joins the formation every 50 areas.
    Complete Area 175.
  • Getting to know Desmond: Desmond increases the damage of the formation when slots are filled with escorts (or dead Champions). Use him to reduce the sting of missing formation slots!


Dungeons & Dragons Shadowfell Desmond

Also launching with Desmond is the Shadowfell Desmond Theme Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Desmond, the new Shadowfell Desmond Skin, the Frost, the wolf cub familiar, Desmond's Epic The Raven's Call Feat, which increases Noble Heart by 80%, 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter, and 16 Gold Desmond Chests with 2 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Cards.

For information on previous years' variants, check out the Fleetswake 4 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
February 18th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Desmond 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This lone wolf was raised to be the king of his lands, but he lacks the patience for politics, and has found a pack of his own with which to run!

Desmond uses his inspiring actions and speeches to aid his companions from the Black Dice Society, and now brings his longsword and lycanthropy to the entire Idle Champions roster during Fleetswake 5!

I. Desmond

Dungeons & Dragons Desmond

    While on the hunt for food as a teenager, Desmond was inflicted with the curse of lycanthropy. After a lot of work and time, he's accepted his new lycanthropic nature, and now savors any opportunity to unleash the beast inside if the situation arises. Since his companions travel the dark lands of Ravenloft, there are plenty of occasions to transform!

Desmond is a Support Champion whose noble heart and fearsome bite can aid his allies through even the darkest of adventures. When you want to add him to your formation you can swap him with Jarlaxle in slot 4.

II. Desmond's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Ranger Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 33
Affiliation: Black Dice Society

STR: 16 DEX: 15 CON: 11
INT: 11 WIS: 12 CHA: 13

Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel
Slot: 4 (Jarlaxle)

Dungeons & Dragons Desmond Key Art

III. Desmond's Design

The Black Dice Society tells the dark tale of six souls struggling to survive their journeys through the horrific lands of Ravenloft. When he's not giving an outstanding portrayal of a fearsome ranger, Deejay Knight prefers happier moods as a variety streamer focusing on big laughs and positivity both on stream and in his community! He's a US Air Force Veteran with extensive stage and show hosting experience, and showcases his love for the space and sci-fi genre on his Twitch channel.

Desmond's lycanthropic transformation may make him incredibly deadly, but he's a Support Champion whose primary goal it to assist his pack. That's why his Noble Heart will always be focused on increasing the damage of adjacent Champions, and when Running With The Pack he'll further increase that bonus for Lycanthropes, Druids, and other Black Dice Society Champions. As the moon waxes and wanes, so does Desmond's power and ability to buff his companions. His Howl At The Moon ability will increase his base attack speed, as well as those Champions he's adjacent to, depending on how full the moon is at that moment. He also draws power from a Devotion in Dark Times which increases the buff to Noble Heart based on the dark side of the moon. Should any of his companions fall, Desmond will Lament the Lost and increase all Champion damage to make up for their fallen comrade.

The moon continues to play a huge role in Desmond's Specializations. Double Time simply speeds up the Howl at the Moon cycle, while Embrace the Beast and Strength in Numbers will alter and increase the buffs each phase in different ways. Finally his Ultimate Attack will Unleash the Beast as Desmond transforms into his Werewolf form and leaps into battle against the least damaged enemy, all the while increasing his Noble Heart bonus!

IV. Desmond's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Crossbow and Swords — The Normal Attack changes based on if a foe is on the Champion's side of the screen.
    • Crossbow — If no enemy is on the Champion's side of the screen, Desmond shoots the closest enemy with his hand crossbow. This knocks the enemy back a short distance.
    • Twin Attack — If there is an enemy on the Champion's side of the screen, Desmond moves in front of the closest enemy and slashes with both his longsword and his shortsword, dealing 1 hit to all enemies in a small area.

Formation Abilities

  • Noble Heart — Increases the damage of Champions adjacent to Desmond by 100%.
  • Howl at the Moon — Desmond has an overlay of the moon that transitions every 2 minutes from new to full and back again, spending 15 seconds at each step. The light side of the moon increases the base attack speed of Desmond and Champions adjacent to him depending on how full the moon is:
    • New Moon: base attack cooldown is unaffected
    • Waxing Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.125s faster
    • First Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.25s faster
    • Waxing Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.375s faster
    • Full Moon: base attack cooldown is 0.5s faster
    • Waning Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.375s faster
    • Third Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.25s faster
    • Waning Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.125s faster
    Moon phase durations are altered by a specialization, and attack cooldown buffed by a specialization, feats, equipment.
  • Devotion in Dark Times — The dark side of the moon gives
    Noble Heart a further boost dependent on how close the new moon is:
    • New Moon: +100% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Crescent: +75% buff to Noble Heart
    • First Quarter: +50% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Gibbous:+25% buff to Noble Heart
    • Full Moon: Noble Heart is unaffected
    • Waning Gibbous: +25% buff to Noble Heart
    • Third Quarter: +50% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waning Crescent: +75% buff to Noble Heart
  • Running with the Pack — Increase the effect of Noble Heart on Lycanthropes, Druids, and Black Dice Society Champions by +100%.
  • Lament the Lost — Desmond increases the damage of all Champions by 100%, stacking multiplicatively, for each slot in the formation that contains a dead Champion or is taken up by an escort character or object. Buffs to this ability apply to the pre-stack multiplier.


  • Double Time — The moon cycle of Howl at the Moon is twice as fast, recharging Desmond's ultimate attack more often.
  • Embrace the Beast — Desmond and adjacent Champion's base attack cooldowns are an additional 0.5s faster. In addition, the full moon of Howl at the Moon takes 30 seconds, while the new moon and crescent moons only take 10 seconds.
    • New Moon: base attack cooldown is 0.5s faster
    • Waxing Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.625s faster
    • First Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.75s faster
    • Waxing Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.875s faster
    • Full Moon: base attack cooldown is 1s faster
    • Waning Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.875s faster
    • Third Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.75s faster
    • Waning Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.625s faster
  • Strength in Numbers — Devotion in Dark Times gets an +100% additive buff. In addition, the new moon of Howl at the Moon takes 30 seconds, while the full moon and gibbous moons only take 10 seconds.
    • New Moon: +200% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Crescent: +175% buff to Noble Heart
    • First Quarter: +150% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Gibbous:+125% buff to Noble Heart
    • Full Moon: +100% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waning Gibbous: +125% buff to Noble Heart
    • Third Quarter: +150% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waning Crescent: +175% buff to Noble Heart

Ultimate Ability

  • Unleash the Beast — Desmond transforms into his Werewolf form and leaps at the enemy with the most hit points. He swipes with both claws, then bites (3 separate hits), then returns to formation and back to human form. In addition, Noble Heart gets a +300% increase for 30 seconds. Instead of a regular cooldown timer, this attack recharges at the start of the full moon. Things that change the cooldown rate have no effect.

V. Desmond's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Noble Heart
Slot 4: Running with the Pack
Slot 5: Lament the Lost
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Damage


If anyone can help the Champions survive on their missions, it's a member of the Black Dice Society, and we're thrilled to have Desmond join the Idle Champions roster! Tell us how happy you are to have a new member of the Champion pack on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

February 16th, 2022
Idle Champions: Feb 16 2022 Adventure Variants 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Celebrate the launch of Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen with a new set of adventure variants for our active campaigns! Experience these new variants with links to Orcus, the Raven Queen, the Shadowfell, and the Raven Queen’s Shadar-Kai minions.

Adventure Variants

This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants for our 5 active campaigns! Enjoy!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants

  • Backtracking through Barovia: Shadowfell Stalwarts
  • Revisit highlights of Barovia while fighting an incursion of shadar-kai.
    • Each wave spawns shadar-kai warriors. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • Each boss area spawns 1 Shadar-Kai Soul Monger. When the Soul Monger hits a Champion with a melee attack, that Champion is defeated. You must defeat this additional boss to advance.
    • Complete area 325.

  • Excavating History: Birds of a Feather
  • Enter Castle Ravenloft with escorts from the Raven Queen.
    • A raven joins the formation.
    • When a Champion is knocked out, they don’t recover until after defeating a new boss area.
    • Complete area 325.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Variants

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Adventure Variants

  • Fugitives: Twilight Twist
  • Chase the Nimblewright through the streets of Waterdeep with the Raven Queen’s minions.
    • Two Shadar-Kai warriors take up slots in the formation. Champions next to the Shadar-Kai are so filled with existential angst that their base attack cooldown speed is doubled.
    • Orcus has sent his minions to slow you down, Relentless Ghouls appear with every wave.
    • When they are killed, Relentless Ghouls don't disappear. Instead, after 5 seconds, they get back up and start attacking again. They do not drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • Complete area 275.

  • Hopelessly Lost: Servants of the Demon Prince
  • Lost in the Undermountain, it's time to find your way home under assault by Orcus’s minions.
    • In Non-Boss levels, each wave has an extra 1-3 random undead. They do not drop gold, or count towards quest progress.
    • In Boss levels, an additional boss spawns. You must defeat this additional boss to advance.
    • Only Champions with INT of 14 or higher may be used.
    • Complete area 300.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus Variants

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants

  • The Sibriex: A Neutral Party
  • Follow Bel's instructions and find the Sibriex with cawing companions.
    • Two Ravens take up slots in the formation.
    • Only Champions that are part or totally neutral (NG, LN, N, CN, and NE) may be used.
    • Complete area 550.

  • Wrecked Flying Fortress: Rickety Rubble
  • Explore the flying fortress while trying to stay on your feet.
    • Two Rolling Rocks fill two random formation slots. The rocks move to new formation slots after every 50 areas.
    • Only Champions with a DEX of 14 or higher may be used.
    • Complete area 575.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants

  • Ending the Rime Part 1: Shady Sidekicks - Part 1
  • Head off in the nautiloid with a pair of sneaky Shadar-Kai.
    • Two Shadar-Kai warriors join the formation.
    • Only Champions with a WIS of 15 or higher may be used.
    • Complete area 500.

  • Ending the Rime Part 2: Shady Sidekicks - Part 2
  • Continue to hunt for The Codicil of White with the Raven Queen’s minions in tow.
    • Two Shadar-Kai warriors join the formation.
    • Only Champions with a WIS of 15 or higher may be used.
    • Bosses (including all 3 forms of Auril) deal 200% additional damage.
    • Complete area 525.

    Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Wild Beyond the Witchlight Variants

    Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants

    • The Prince of a Thousand Enemies: The Birds
    • Head further into Hither, under assault from the sky.
      • Ravens appear at the start of every non-boss area. They do not drop gold, or count towards quest progress.
      • Only Champions with Melee or Ranged base attacks can be used.
      • Complete area 450.

    • Downfall: Second Third Out
    • Learn the lay of the land in Downfall without another third of your Champions.
      • Only Champions in slots 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 may be used.
      • Two Ravens take up slots in the formation.
      • Complete area 500.

    See the in-game Change Log for more information!
February 15th, 2022
Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen

We are excited to announce the return of Idle Champions Presents, a TRPG live play special event series starting Monday, February 21st. Each episode of Idle Champions Presents will broadcast live from 4PM until 7PM Pacific Time Mondays on the CNEGames Twitch.

Join Dungeon Master B Dave Walters (Black Dice Society, A Darkened Wish, Into the Mother Lands) as he takes a brave party of Champions through an epic level campaign across five episodes, leading them through the Shadowfell for a chance at rescuing some of their dear friends and allies from the Court of the Raven Queen.

Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen, B Dave Walters Erin M Evans Mark Meer Deejay Knight Lauren Urban Shareef Jackson Becca Scott

Vote for the Show You Want to See

Just like with our first Idle Champions Presents, Idle Champions players will be able to influence the characters and events of upcoming Idle Champions Presents episodes through in-game daily votes. Starting on Tuesday, February 15th with the in-game daily reset (12 PM PT), each vote will go live for 24 hours, with the final vote for the week ending on Monday at 12 PM PT.

For Season 3 we've made some changes to how voting works.

  • Voting looks a bit different this time around. What has changed? — To start, there are no more challenges tied to Idle Champions Presents this time around. You get only one vote per day, so make it count! When you vote, you'll gain a reward token you can redeem to immediately collect ANY of the daily rewards that have been revealed. If you collect 3 of the daily rewards within any week, you can collect the super-sweet weekly reward for free (No additional reward token needed)! Important Note: You must log into the game and vote to collect a reward token before the vote closes at 12PM Pacific. Make sure you come back every day so you don't miss a token!
  • What are the rules for reward tokens? — A reward token collected on Week 1: Day 1 is the same as a reward token collected on Week 5: Day 6. You can spend those tokens on ANY of the daily rewards in ANY of the weeks.
  • Do you have to vote to collect a reward token? — Yes.
  • Where are the rewards listed? — You can find the available reward tab on the bottom of the left column for each week. Each week has a unique list of items.
  • When are the other daily/weekly rewards revealed? — On Monday night, at the end of each episode, the next week's first vote will be revealed and the daily/weekly rewards for that week will be revealed.
  • I can't see all the rewards. How can I choose? — Daily rewards each week will be a mix of Chests & other consumables. Each daily reward will be able to be collected with a single reward token. From a weekly reward standpoint: Weeks 1, 3, and 5 will be an exclusive skin and Champion unlock for Baeloth, Orkira, and Shaka. Week 2 will be a Baby Darkmantle Familiar, and Week 4 will be 1,000 Modron Component Pieces to help you upgrade the components in your Modron cores! To collect a weekly reward, you only have to collect 3 of the daily rewards for that week. Collecting a weekly reward will not cost a reward token. Every day you vote allows you to collect an additional reward token!
  • Can I vote for both choices? — No. You can only vote once a day.
  • How many votes can I get each week? — There will be 6 votes each week, and you can vote once for each vote. That means someone who is logging in and voting every day can collect 6 reward tokens each week.
  • How long do I have to redeem a reward token? — Rewards will be available for the duration of the Idle Champions Presents event. The notification will turn off at 11:59 AM Pacific on March 23rd, so we suggest collecting all of your rewards before then. Any remaining reward tokens will go away at the close of the Idle Champions Presents event.

The first vote begins on Tuesday, February 15th at 12 PM PT in-game. You'll want to check in every day if you want the most chances to influence Idle Champions Presents!

Champion Rebalance

We’ve made some adjustments to certain Champions ahead of the premier of Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen.

Selise Astorio will receive the following changes:
  • Updated Divine Sense to increase the buff by an additional 100% for each other Rivals of Waterdeep Champion in the formation, stacking and then applying multiplicatively.
  • Note: Buffs to Divine Sense apply to the base damage buff only, not the Rivals bonus.

Mehen will receive the following changes:
  • Updated the formula for Grumpy to make it easier and more productive to get Mehen in his sweet spot for that ability.
  • Added a visual indication to move Mehen if his stacks are too heavily weighted towards one end of the curve for Grumpy, helping players reposition him.
  • Updated and renamed the 'Exiled' ability to 'Found Family'.
    • Found Family: Increase gold find by 100% for each Tiefling in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the post-stack value.
  • Added a new feat 'Adoptive Father' that lets Mehen count as a Tiefling in addition to a Dragonborn. This feat can be found in Gold Chests.
  • Adding a third specialization. This spec allows Farideh and Havilar to join him in adventures even when the restrictions make them ineligible:
    • Always by your Side — Farideh and Havilar are eligible for this adventure.
Shaka will receive the following changes:
  • Updated Celestial Puzzle to buff the party an additional 20% (stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively) for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion in the formation.
  • Added 6 new options for Celestial Puzzle:
    • Medium Difficulty: Speed or Healing Champions
    • Hard Difficulty: Gnome, Half-Elf, Halfling, and Dragonborn Champions
    • Tags pull from a fixed set of odds, with two being "easy", one "medium", and one "hard". Updated Listing:
      • Easy: male, female (non-binary Champions count in either)
      • Medium: support, dps, gold, speed, healing
      • Hard: human, kobold, elf, dwarf, tiefling, gnome, half-elf, halfling, dragonborn

When does Idle Champions: Court of the Raven Queen Premier?

Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen begins on Monday, February 21st with the first episode broadcasting from 4PM until 7PM Pacific Time on Daily votes for the first episode will begin the week before, starting on Tuesday, February 15th at 12PM Pacific. For a reminder of the exciting conclusion of the Idle Champions Presents: The Trials of Mount Tiamat, check out this video:

While Season Three is related to the arc of the second season, it's not necessary to follow the story. If you want to relive the Idle Champions Presents magic, you can watch Season Two Idle Champions Presents: The Trials of Mount Tiamat on YouTube. Season One, Idle Champions Presents: The Unfair Seas and Idle Champions Presents: A Fool’s Errand on YouTube.

Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen, Brimstone Angels


With the first week of voting going live, we have also released the first of our Idle Champions Presents: Court of the Raven Queen DLC. Shadowfell Skin & Feat Packs for Farideh, Havilar, and Mehen, as well as a bundle of all of them together in the Brimstone Angels Shadowfell Bundle.
  • The Shadowfell Farideh Skin & Feat Pack includes an unlock for Farideh, the new Shadowfell Farideh Skin, an Epic Feat for her (+80% to Pact Family), and 7 Gold Farideh Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card.
  • The Shadowfell Havilar Skin & Feat Pack includes an unlock for Havilar, the new Shadowfell Farideh Skin, an Epic Feat for her (+50% damage to all Champions), and 7 Gold Havilar Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card.
  • The Shadowfell Mehen Skin & Feat Pack includes an unlock for Mehen, the new Shadowfell Mehen Skin, an Epic Feat for him (+80% to Found Family), and 7 Gold Mehen Chests with 1 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Card.

We can't wait to see how this all comes together! We hope you'll join us in discussion about Idle Champions Presents on Twitter using the #ICPRavenQueen hashtag and tagging @IdleChampions.

February 11th, 2022
BW2: February 11th, 2022 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Valentine’s Event 2022 Update (February 11th, 2022)

- Updated Valentine’s Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
- Added new event mounts in Bush Bucks sale and mount packs, available the first weekend of the event
- Increased odds to find rare items in Common Quester’s Satchel. With Quester's Boon VIP power, rare item odds match normal Quester’s Satchel.
- Reduced the number of token and energy goobers that drop when turning in event tokens. You still get the same amount from the turn-in! It just bundles them together into fewer little graphic drops, so you don’t have to wait forever for them all to drop when doing large turn-ins.
- Fixed sometimes being unable to talk to the event organizer depending on where she’s wandered to
- Added sequel quest for Jimmie, where he helps you build your own Bandstand ranch item
- You can now break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend in Sanctuary Village when talking to them during the Valentine’s event. After breaking up, you can date either Burl or Faun by completing their dating quests.

- Fixed sometimes being unable to interact with the Spheroidal Gizmos in Part 4 of the Explorer’s League depending on where they’ve wandered to

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!

- Worked on the endless flux dungeon update!
February 11th, 2022
BW2: Be our Valentine? 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy Valentine’s Day Bushwhackers!

The residents of the Commons are putting on a Valentine’s Day dance, so you know what that means! Helping with the set-up through one-time and daily quests, plus turn-ins!

It’s not Valentine’s without presents! Help stock the stands with Chocolates, Teddy Bears and Roses by turning in Candy Hearts as the stations unlock.

The event organizer seems a bit frazzled. Why don’t you help her out by doing her set-up quests each day? And don’t forget to keep those party supplies topped off!

Once the Valentine's dance has started, you get to look for the partner of your choice to share a moment on the dance floor.

Jim and Sasha's relationship quests are around. If you haven't married them yet, you'll see either their Dating or Proposal quest line. If they are married, you get to help the pair pack for their honeymoon, or celebrate their anniversary.

And who is that mysterious note from this year?

Aaron's bunnies, Cinnamon and Snowball, have run off and are making like, well rabbits! This is a challenging quest that might take you the better part of the event to complete, as you've got to catch not only Cinnamon and Snowball, but their 100 little bunny babies as well! Good luck!

Nate's needs your help setting up a date with his one true love: Adventure! When he returns from his "date", he'll bring you back a Trophy for his sister Natalie. Later on, one of the girls will need some support after her Kindler Date dumps her. Ice Cream daily quests ought to help, until it's time to help them through the 5 stages of grief. All five quests will unlock right after each other and then she will have a new daily quest for you.

New for 2022

Your Own Bandstand!

A band's worth of instruments but no place to put them? We have good news for you! Remember Jimmie the guitar virtuoso? If you completed his lessons last year, he'll help you build a Bandstand for your ranch this year!

Changing Sanctuary Partners!

Also new this year, you can break up with your current partner in Sanctuary Village! Sounds harsh, I know. But we've gotten requests to be able to switch who you're dating, so this is how you do it: Talk to your partner, Burl or Faun, and choose the "I think we should break up" chat option. After which you'll be able to date the other person, or even them again. Note you can only do this during the Valentine's event, and cannot do it during the Gift of Love quest.

Organizer Chatting Bug Fix!

We've also fixed the pesky bug where you sometimes wouldn't be able to talk to the event organizer depending on where she’s wandered to! Finally.

New Ribbons & 100% Reward!

If you can complete the event, you'll earn this awesome 100% reward: the Valentine's Flower Box!

New Mounts!

Follow your passions and tame a Flower Peacock mount during the first weekend of the event!

New Pets!

Starting next Friday, the 3 new Valentine's themed pets for this year will be available to purchase over the weekend! Can they woo your heart?

Event Achievements -- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT

There are a total of 19 possible achievements to earn in the Valentine’s Day 2022 event.

Achievements Returning for 2022

Party Planning Committee - You helped at least once at each Valentines Station.
Party Planning Leader - You helped 50 times at each Valentines station.
Pet Detective - You found each of the lost pets at least once.
Nate's Date - You helped Nate pick a Date.
The Five Stages of Grief - You helped Nate's rejection get through her pain.
Two Left Feet - You danced at the Valentines Dance.
Setup Wizard - You helped the party organizers with all their tasks.
Guitar Training - Follow through with Virtuoso Guitarist Jimmie's lessons.
A Secret Admirer - Find a note from a true secret admirer.

Added/Changed for 2022

Looking Lovely - Purchase all of the 2022 Valentine's Event Item!*

We also have 8 achievements from previous years which may be earnable by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

Customization Lover - You bought all the Valentines things from 2013!
Customize Your Love - You bought all the Valentines things from 2014!
Heart-wearer - You bought all the Valentines things from 2015!
Hearts Hearts Hearts! - You bought all the Valentines things from 2016!
Passionate Purchases - You bought all the Valentines things from 2017!
Romantic Acquisitions - Purchase all of the 2018 Valentine's Event Item!
Winsome Wardrobe - Purchase all of the 2019 Valentine's Event Item!
Smitten Shopper - Purchase all of the 2020 Valentine's Event Item!
Beguiling Garments - Purchase all of the 2021 Valentine's Event Item!

*The Valentine’s mini-golf piece is not included in the Looking Lovely achievement.

This event runs until Friday February 25th @ Noon PST (8pm GMT).

Post your love for the event here!
February 10th, 2022
COTLI: Merci's Mix-Up 7! 

Merci is nothing if not tenacious. After six years of trying to find a match for a Valentine's Day outing, he's still game to try and try again with help from his ever-growing collection of friends.

This year Merci's new friend is Audre DeLarveie!

It's time for Merci's Mix-Up 7!

Merci's Mix-Up 7 runs until Tuesday, February 22nd, introducing Audre DeLarveie and bringing back Rosoideae, Alacrity the Matchmaker, Rocky the Rockstar, Sally the Succubus, Warwick the Warlock, Katie the Cupid, Frankie the Demon Crooner, and Ishtar!

New Tier 7 Crusader: Audre DeLarveie

Tags: Event, Dwarf, Elf, Female, Support, Gold

A long time ago, and just around the corner in a cozy little cottage, a dwarf and an elf loved each other very much and they had a daughter, whom they named Audre. They raised her with love and taught her to be kind and polite, but polite doesn't mean agreeing with everything people ask of her. She also developed a backbone.

One day, you're walking along the street and past the cottage where Audre is sitting outside with a table and a stack of pamphlets.

"Could I talk to you about people's rights?" she asks, holding out a pamphlet to you.

Intrigued, you read the pamphlet a bit. "This is really well-thought-out. What's the catch?"

She grimaces. "What do you mean, catch? Everyone deserves fair treatment, no matter their background or views, but we're not there yet. There's still more work to do."

You think about it for a second. "That makes sense. We could use your spirit," you say. "Wanna come with us? We travel through a lot of universes, you could get your message spread pretty far."

Audre crosses her arms and thinks for a minute, looking at her cottage. "March with pride across the multiverse? Count me in. Hannah, I'm going on an adventure!"

Hannah stepped out of the cottage and walked over to Audre and you. "Of course you are," she said, giving Audre a hug and kiss. "But come back from time to time, all right? I'll miss you."

"A herd of stampeding alien trash pandas couldn't keep me away," Audre smirked. "I'll come back in my downtime." Turning to you, she said, "Let's go!"

Audre has joined the party.

New Tier 7 Objectives

  • Recruit Audre DeLarveie | Audre DeLarveie takes up a slot in the formation. Rocky the Rockstar and Sally the Succubus take up spots in formation and can't be removed. Only 3 Crusaders at a time can do DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Beat area 650.

  • Big Game Meet and Greet | Warwick the Warlock and Katie the Cupid take up spots in formation and can't be removed. Truck occupies a spot in the formation. If there's an equal number of male and female Crusaders in the formation, the formation gets a 2e5% DPS boost. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 750.

  • The Heart's Flames | Frankie the Demon Crooner and Ishtar take up spots in formation and can't be removed. Ishtar's Fire and Rain upgrade starts as purchased. All non-boss area quest requirements are now "Kill 10 of Ishtar's Fire Sprites." Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 800.

  • Chasms of Emotion | Alacrity the Matchmaker takes up a spot in formation and can't be removed. The formation has been changed. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 850.

  • The Road to Self Care | Rosoideae takes up a spot in formation and can't be removed. Taskmasters can't be placed to click monsters. Four self-doubt golems spawn, each with an annoying ability. A life coach occupies a slot in the formation and provides a 100% gold buff for each golem killed, stacking additively. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 900.

  • More info

    You'll have until Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022 at 12:00 PM Pacific Time to complete Merci's Mix-Up 7!

    For more info on previous Merci's Mix-Up Crusaders and objectives check out the Merci's Mix-Up Tier 6 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Valentine's Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, and Tier 7 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.