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November 25th, 2022
BW2: November 25th, 2022 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Black Friday Sale (November 25th, 2022)

- Added a Black Friday pet/mount and Bush Bucks sale

- Added the Picnic Table ranch item to the ranch store after you unlock it from the Amicus store

- Changed the requirements of the "A Guiseppetheory" quest from entering the Shattered Spires to getting 100% on the Brilliant Bog area

- Can no longer find Prismatic Passage quest items outside of the Prismatic Passage

- Renamed one of the Pink Flamingo Hats to Fuchsia Flamingo Hat

- Added the Giant Mushrooms ranch item to the ranch store

- Increased the odds to find Hungry Haversacks while at max trophies for the day

- Fixed being unable to click and move to the bush in the top left of field five in the Bewitched Woodland

- Fixed being able to click the teleporter below field 5 in the Bewitched Woodland while in the field

- The following ranch items are now permitted on the mini golf course: Boo Gravestone, Imitation Mer-Booty, Large Old Bookcase, Spiderweb Trees, Scary Orange Candle, Cornucopia
November 25th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Warduke 
Posted in Idle Champions.

“I speak with the flames and razor-sharp edges of my sword. They beat words to hell.”

No one knows what Warduke looks like under his dread helm. He never removes that helmet to reveal his face to others, only showing his piercing, red, glowing eyes. This Simril he dons that signature helmet again to take his place in the Idle Champions roster!

I. Warduke

    Warduke's services as a remorseless killer-for-hire can be easily bought. The evil swordsman isn't terribly bright, which is why he leaves the plotting and scheming to others. He just likes to hit things with his sword.

This deadly warrior is a Tanking and DPS Champion who grows more powerful the more he swings his sword, all while inverting the positional formation abilities of the other Champions. Once you have unlocked his services, you can swap Warduke with Delina in Slot 8.

II. Warduke's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 39 Class: Fighter

STR: 19 DEX: 11 CON: 17
INT: 9 WIS: 11 CHA: 11

Role: Tanking, DPS

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt & Vajra

Slot: 8 (Delina)

Dungeons & Dragons Warduke Marketing Gif

III. Warduke's Design

Fans of D&D will recognize Warduke from his most recent appearance in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, working for the League of Malevolence as they try to acquire a powerful staff. But this imposing warrior has been in the D&D world for over 40 years, including appearing alongside Dungeon Master in the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon, and becoming an action figure produced in the 1980s! He's even a foe our players have already encountered in Idle Champions, so it's fun to be able to secure his services to help the Champions instead!

Warduke is A Trained Killer who relishes in battle, becoming more powerful every time he attacks or takes damage. He's often seen serving The League of Malevolence, as the odious assemblage of villains provides a convenient arrangement for achieving his goals. As a Bodyguard for the Highest Bidder he'll make sure his employers stay alive long enough to pay him, increasing the health of all Champions in the formation. However if a better offer were to come along, he would have no qualms about changing his allegiances. Those chaotic tendencies affect the rest of the Champions as well. Warduke inspires a Chaotic Inversion of positional formation abilities. This means when Champions in the formation have an ability that only affects certain slots, he will invert it so it affects the opposite slots instead! He's also Drawn to Power as his damage is increased for each positional formation ability affecting him.

This evil swordsman will work for anyone who has the coin, but Specializes in a few specific formations. If Chaos Reigns then Warduke will increase his damage for every fellow chaotic Champion in the formation. Or he can draw power from other evil Champions as if surrounded by the League of Malevolence. But if getting paid is all that matters, this Mercenary for Hire will hit harder the more gold find Champions there are! With his epic sword Nightwind in hand, Warduke is a deadly foe as he leaps forward to slash through multiple enemies. And when it's time to turn up the heat, Nightwind ignites into a Flame Tongue Sword so Warduke can deal the ultimate amount of damage possible!

IV. Warduke's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Nightwind - Warduke moves up to the closest enemy and swings his sword, dealing one hit to all nearby enemies with a melee attack.

Formation Abilities

  • A Trained Killer - Each time Warduke attacks or is damaged, he gains a Remorseless stack. Warduke increases his damage by 100% for each Remorseless stack he has, stacking additively. Stacks are reset when traveling to a new area.
  • Bodyguard for the Highest Bidder - Increase the health of all Champions by 25% of Warduke's max health.
  • Chaotic Inversion - Most positional formation abilities' targets are inverted. Affected abilities will have "(Inverted)" appended to the ability name everywhere it is used.
  • Drawn to Power - Warduke's damage is increased by 100% for each positional formation ability affecting him, stacking multiplicatively. Buffs apply to the pre-stack multiplier.


  • Chaos Reigns - Warduke's damage is increased by 100% for each chaotic Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Mercenary for Hire - Warduke's damage is increased by 300% for each gold find Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • League of Malevolence - Warduke's damage is increased by 500% for each evil Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Flame Tongue Sword - Warduke's sword Nightwind ignites in flames for 30 seconds. For the duration, Warduke deals an additional 1000% damage with his normal attacks and he takes half damage from all sources.

V. Warduke's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Self DPS
Slot 2: A Trained Killer
Slot 3: Drawn to Power
Slot 4: Specializations
Slot 5: Heath Increase
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Are you ready to hire this terrifying swordsman? We think he will be an epic addition to your formation! Let us know how deadly Warduke is in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

November 23rd, 2022
Idle Champions: Wild Beyond the Witchlight, Part 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We left Thither and travelled to Yon, the final of the 3 areas within Zybilna's fey domain. We're on the hunt for the final hag of the Hourglass Coven and the route to the Palace of Heart's desire!

This week's update to The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign brings two new adventures and adventure variants, as well as Tier 4 Blessings! It's time to dive back into the Feywild!

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventures, Best Laid Plans and The Howling Peaks of Yon, in order to access these new Adventures.

The Minions of Endelyn Moongrave

Negotiate a peace between the Korreds and Brigganocks of Yon.
  • Variant: Between a Brigganock and a Hard Place - These peace talks would be easier if we weren't literally between the two groups!
    • A Korred and Brigganock join the formation. Champions next to them deal no damage due to their constant squabbling.
    • Complete area 800

Love Unsoiled

Gain Endelyn's allegiance by performing the epic tragedy: Love Unsoiled!
  • Adventure Variant: The Play's the Thing! - Put your best actors on stage to make this play shine!
    • You may only use Champions with a Charisma of 17 or higher.
    • The damage of all Champions is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a custom costume (aka a skin), stacking additively.
    • Complete area 850

Witchlight Tier 4 Blessings

With the release of Part 7 of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign, the fourth tier of blessings have also been added to the game:
  • Magic Medley - Local: Increases the damage of all Champions by 10% for each magic attacking Champion in the formation.
  • Health Kick - Local: Increase the base health of all Champions by 10%.
  • Recruit Blooshi - Local: Increases the damage of all Champions by 100% and Blooshi by an additional 100%.
  • Reliable Friends - Increase the damage of the non-core evergreen Champions by +400%
You can find all this information, and even more details, in game!

We would love to hear about your experiences in the Feywild on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

November 15th, 2022
BW2: Halloween Haunted Mansion Contest Winners of 2022 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

We've chosen our 2022 Haunted Mansion Decoration Contest Winners! If you weren't aware, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners are picked by the whole Codename Entertainment studio, while Community Choices are voted on by you, the wise Whacker community! Our top three choices earn 250, 200, and 150 Bush Bucks respectively, while the Community Choices take home a cool 50 Bush Bucks.

Without further ado here are your winners:


1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Community Choice

Community Choice 1

Community Choice 2

Community Choice 3

Community Choice 4

Congratulations again to all our winners! Your Bush Buck prizes have been added to your accounts!
November 11th, 2022
BW2: November 11th, 2022 Release Notes 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Thanksgiving Event 2022 Update (November 11th, 2022)

- Updated Thanksgiving Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added a new appliance to collect in Fatima’s quest
- Added 3 new pets available the second weekend of the event
- Added new event mounts in Bush Bucks sale and mount packs, available the first weekend of the event
- Added new parade balloon quest
- Added new harvest festival quest
- Turn-in station goobers are now bundled together past 20 turn-ins to improve performance
- Negdry prevents you from crafting the Thanksgiving and Easter runes if you are at your maximum unsocketed runes
- Added 6 tiers of VIP event rewards

- Adjusted the collision on the three stove ranch items to fit flush against the back wall

- Fixed Bubbles ranch item not staying on the top floor of the ranch

- Fixed collecting excess quest items in the Adhesive Acquisition quest

- Updated area requirement for Wheel of Time from the Brilliant Bog to the Shattered Spires

- Renamed the "Prismatic Tile" found in the Crystalline Cavity to "Glossy Orange Tile"

- Added the "Prismatic Tile" to the ranch store after you unlock it

- Can now summon the Gondola from field 1 dock lamp in the Brilliant Bog in case you took it across but didn't enter field 2 and cannot make it back across

- Added 4 pumpkins to the ranch store if you bought the Pumpkin from the past Thanksgiving store

- Increased the special puzzle piece drop odds in special Power Bushes in the Prismatic Passage
November 11th, 2022
BW2: Thankful Thanksgiving Event 2022 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Thanksgiving Time!

The residents of The Commons are preparing for a massive feast to celebrate the end of harvest season, and of course they need your expertise at finding things in bushes!

Finding a Feast

First and foremost, it's all about helping the chefs fill their food stations to the brim - and beyond. There's three of them for three types of meals, so you'll be collecting Meat, Veggies and of course Desserts to feed the hungry masses of Bushwhackia! Can you make all the Pristine Food? Keep doing turn-ins to achieve it!

On the subject of food - four of the guests have promised they would bring a dish to share, but they've forgotten ingredients.

Turkey Trouble

And then, there's the problem of the Turkeys. Apparently, they need to be rescued in some fashion, so you'll need to get on that. You have the whole event to complete it.

Harvests of the World

Once again we're celebrating other harvest festivals around the world and hosting an inflatable surprise. They'll unlock as the event goes on. And tune later in the event for a parade!


Of course, it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the Black Friday questline introduced in a previous year, and an appliance for all those leftovers!

New for 2022

If you can complete the event with 100%, you'll earn the Thanksgiving Flower Box!

A New Balloon

There's a new balloon in this year's parade! However, the parade organizer will likely need help getting it ready like the others...

A New Festival

Granny Gaia has a ninth harvest festival to teach you about this year! That's a lot of them, so be sure to stay on top of these quests and complete them before the event is over!

A New Stove

Another littering dragon has tossed an appliance, crashing it into the event area. But one dragon's trash is Fatima's treasure! Help her repair this appliance and take it to your ranch!


There are an incredible TWENTY TWO possible Achievements to earn in the Thanksgiving 2022 event:

Returning Achievements

  • Special Order - You helped all of the people prepare their special dishes.
  • Master of the Ways - You have helped cook each dish excellently for the pristine table.
  • Short Order Cook - You've helped prepare one of each dish.
  • Turkey Lover - You saved enough turkeys to guarantee survival. This year.
  • Historical Detective - You helped Bob the Historian investigate the Pilgrims.
  • Family Matters - You brought all of Brock's family together for Thanksgiving.
  • Parade Enthusiast - You watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • Fridge Fix-Up - You helped Fatima fix an old fridge and move it your ranch.
  • Thorough Taste Testing - You helped out Miss Mei enough to try all the different daily side dish samples.
  • Fattened Feathered Friend - Help Nate fatten up his turkey.

New Achievements

  • Thanks Gettings - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2022 items.*

Retired Achievements

We have 11 achievements from previous years' events, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks if a player was not present during the original years:
  • Thankful Decorator - You bought all the house items from the 2012 Thanksgiving Event.
  • Thankful Dresser - You bought all the player items from the 2012 Thanksgiving Event.
  • Thankful Shopper - You bought all the 2013 Turkey Day items.
  • Black Friday - You bought all the 2014 Thanksgiving items.
  • Thanks For The Stuff - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2015 items.
  • Grateful Expenditure - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2016 items.
  • Feastful Frittering - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2017 items.
  • Banquet Blowout - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2018 items.
  • Stuffed Shopper - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2019 items.
  • Harvest Haul - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2020 items.
  • Gainful Gathering - You purchased all the Thanksgiving 2021 items.
* The Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Thanks Gettings achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Grab a new harvest companion!

Mount Packs

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from November 11th to 14th!

The Xolotl mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Cursed Xolotl and Ethereal Xolotl are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Pet Packs

Three new pets can be seen in the event area! You can pick them up September 16th to 19th in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle!

Get Ready!

The event will run until Friday November 25th at Noon PST!
November 11th, 2022
Extra Life 2022! 

The end of the year is a time to celebrate what we have with those that we love, and an opportunity to help others to make their year better. So we are absolutely thrilled to participate in our NINTH year of fundraising for Extra Life!

Welcome Back, Extra Life!

Extra Life is a wonderful program set up to raise donations for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. How do we help raise that money? By doing what our community loves to do already: play awesome games together!

If you would like to learn more about Extra Life, check out their FAQ for a wealth of information.

What's the Plan for 2022?

Starting Friday, November 18th at 9am Pacific, Codename Entertainment is excited to once again put on a 24-hour Extra Life Twitch Stream! We'll have a huge variety of shows and games, featuring our fantastic CNE staff both in front and behind the camera. Streams include:
  • A Q&A with the founders of CNE!
  • Many D&D games, including a return to dinner and some massive battles!
  • Relaxing shows about gardening and drawing.
  • Speedrunning in Dark Souls and Co-op Miami!
  • Exciting slashing in Beat Saber, and building in Minecraft.
  • ...AND MORE!
Check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Page for the full schedule as well as information on how to donate!

How Can We Help?

Along with supporting the 24-hour marathon on our Twitch Stream, we're offering some amazing in game incentives!

You can donate in Bush Whacker 2 by purchasing any of the three different Extra Life package deals! Net proceeds from all purchase of those packs between November 14-20th will be donated to Extra Life! Each pack contains premium Bush Buck currency and Extra Life Elixirs which restore 100% of your max energy. Plus, pick up a Controller sword in the other two packs: The Extra Life TV pack, and the Extra Life Fairy pack! More details will be in the in-game shop!

Everyone can help change kids health to give them a better future, even if you are A PIRATE IN SPACE! Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms players can pick up Flapjack the Pirate Flumph starting November 14th! Net proceeds from all Flapjack sales from the first week of release will be donated to Extra Life. Check the in-game shop on November 14th for details!

November 9th, 2022
Idle Champions: Feast of the Moon 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

During Feast of the Moon, residents of the Sword Coast pay homage to the deeds of legendary heroes by visiting their crypts and graves.

When the Champions arrive at The Crypt of Legends, they find hordes of undead crawling up from the depths. Something is making the dead heroes rise, and the answer will require a descent into the depths to discover the cause...

Feast of the Moon 6 introduces Virgil, the aasimar storm sorcerer and member of the Rivals of Waterdeep. This event also brings back two Heroes of the Planes: Penelope "Half-Pint", the Circle of the Moon Druid/Warlock, and Widdle, the dhampir gnome wizard! Players have until Monday, November 21st at 12PM Pacific to complete your Feast of the Moon 6 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: Virgil

Dungeons & Dragons Virgil Brian

    With unexpected and unwelcome Celestial heritage, Virgil was always trying to get away from both his past and a disapproving family. He put his talents to work on the sea, traveling with crews who he hoped would ask nothing more than that he earn his keep by way of his magic. Eventually he grew tired of wandering and ended up in the quiet lakeside town of Caradoon, thinking he might put down roots. But that all changed when he met and fell for a kindred spirit in the form of a charming and witty Tiefling named Kent. After some over-enthusiastic handling of the local tavern's rat problem, they found themselves on the move again. Fortunately they met Selise Astorio of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and while quickly becoming entangled in the group's adventures they discovered a new family and a new home.

Virgil is a support and speed Champion who is the master of lightning speeds! He makes the attacks of adjacent Champions faster, and speeds up progress if the formation is quickly dispatching enemies. Find out more about him and and his abilities by checking out his full Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

  • Eye of the Storm - Virgil begins in the formation and can't be moved or removed. Only Champions next to Virgil can deal damage.
    Reach Area 75

  • An Inseparable Bond - Virgil begins in the formation and can't be removed, but can be moved. You may only use Champions with a Wisdom of 12 or higher.
    Reach Area 125

  • Freak Weather Conditions - Virgil begins in the formation and can't be removed, but can be moved. Every 5 areas the weather drastically changes. While snowing, all Champions' normal attack cooldown speeds are increased by 5 seconds. While thundering, a bolt of lightning strikes a random Champion every 5 seconds dealing damage equal to 50% of their max health and stunning them for 5 seconds. While foggy, Champions deal no damage with ranged attacks.
    Reach Area 175

  • If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    November 4th, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Virgil 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Storms can be beautiful displays of raw energy, or dangerous heralds of destruction. It takes someone calm, cool, and collected to harness and wield that power.

    Virgil is a friendly, easy going aasimar who is happy to work together and peacefully avoid a fight. But don't be fooled by his calm demeanor, with a snap of his fan he is ready to summon a storm! He joins the rest of the Rivals of Waterdeep in the Champion roster during the Feast of the Moon!

    I. Virgil

    Dungeons & Dragons Virgil Brian

      With unexpected and unwelcome Celestial heritage, Virgil was always trying to get away from both his past and a disapproving family. He put his talents to work on the sea, traveling with crews who he hoped would ask nothing more than that he earn his keep by way of his magic. Eventually he grew tired of wandering and ended up in the quiet lakeside town of Caradoon, thinking he might put down roots. But that all changed when he met and fell for a kindred spirit in the form of a charming and witty Tiefling named Kent. After some over-enthusiastic handling of the local tavern's rat problem, they found themselves on the move again. Fortunately they met Selise Astorio of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and while quickly becoming entangled in the group's adventures they discovered a new family and a new home.

    Virgil is a support and speed Champion who is the master of lightning speeds! He makes the attacks of adjacent Champions faster, and speeds up progress if the formation is quickly dispatching enemies. Once unlocked, Virgil and his storm sorcerer powers can be found with Tyril in Slot 10.

    II. Virgil's Stats

    Race: Aasimar Alignment: Neutral Good
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Class: Sorcerer Age: 32
    Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

    STR: 9 DEX: 13 CON: 14
    INT: 13 WIS: 12 CHA: 18

    Role: Support and Speed
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, and Strahd
    Slot: 10 (Tyril)

    Dungeons & Dragons Virgil

    III. Virgil's Design

    For anyone interested in learning about Brian Gray, their website includes years of wonderful content as a writer and streamer with blogs, reviews, recipes, and more. In the TTRPG community they are well known for their performances on many streams, including as a voice over artist for Into The Mother Lands, and our own Charity One Shot celebrating the release of Disco the Baby Moonstone Dragon familiar! We're extremely excited to bring their Rivals of Waterdeep character to Idle Champions just as their 14th season has begun, and as a bonus can enjoy Virgil striving to save the multiverse in Idle Champions Presents Hunger of the Far Realm!

    As a Storm Sorcerer, Virgil is all about offering lightning quick buffs, causing adjacent Champions to do more damage as well as attack faster. If enemies are being defeated quickly, he'll be impressed by the Rapid Fire and increase the chance that those creatures drop double quest items or count for double quest progress. Virgil also harnesses the energy to Weather Control, increasing Champion damage every time the weather changes. All of these buffs are intended to help keep the formation alive, but if a Champion is knocked out, Virgil has a Surprise Mood: Angry! That anger bleeds into his attacks, making his normal Magic Missiles turn red, and causing any enemy he hits to take a lot more damage! He's especially protective of his partner Kent, and since the two of them are Inseparable, where one goes the other can follow.

    Virgil's mood can be seen in the color of his attacks, and changing his Specialization also changes the power he is focusing on. If his mood is Relaxed, his Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn green as he increases Storm Sorcerer's damage bonus, as well as helping Champions attack even faster. Amber colored attacks means he's Anxious, increasing the number of Magic Missiles he fires and adding a chance to stun an enemy he hits. If there are plenty of other Rivals of Waterdeep Champions in the formation he will feel Determined, and his violet attacks indicate that his Weather Control damage boost is greatly increased.

    If Virgil has had enough of being attacked, the weather will change to thunder as he summons a fearsome bolt of Chain Lightning! This powerful electric discharge forks as it strikes multiple enemies, laying waste to anyone attacking the formation.

    Dungeons & Dragons Spelljammer Virgil

    IV. Virgil's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Magic Missile - Virgil summons 3 magic missiles and fires them at random targets.

    Formation Abilities

    • Storm Sorcerer - Virgil increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by +100%, and decreases their normal attack speed cooldown by 1 second.
    • Weather Control - Virgil gains a Weather stack each time the weather changes when advancing to a new area or when it's changed by an ultimate attack or other ability. Virgil tracks each type of weather in a separate stack. Each stack is multiplied by 10% and then all stacks are multiplied together to get a total value which increases the damage of all Champions. Each stack caps at 500.
    • Rapid Fire - Enemies that are defeated within 2 seconds of being on screen have a 5% chance to drop double quest items or count for double quest progress for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion in the formation, stacking additively.
    • Surprise Mood: Angry - While a Champion in the formation is knocked out, Virgil's magic missile and chain lightning attacks turn red and any enemy he hits with his base attack takes an additional 1000% damage for the next 5 seconds. If an enemy is hit again, the timer is reset but doesn't otherwise stack.
    • Inseparable - If Kent qualifies for an adventure restriction based on his tags, age, ability scores, etc., Virgil may be used as well.


    • Mood: Relaxed - Virgil's Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn green, and he further increases Storm Sorcerer's damage boost by 100% and increases the attack cooldown reduction by a further 1 second.
    • Mood: Anxious - Virgil's Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn amber, he increases the number of Magic Missile's he fires by one, and there is a 25% chance he stuns an enemy struck by a Magic Missile for 5 seconds.
    • Mood: Determined - Virgil's Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn violet, and Virgil increases Weather Control's damage boost by 33% for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Chain Lightning - Virgil attacks a random enemy with a bolt of lightning dealing ultimate damage. Every 0.10 seconds, the lightning bolt attacks another random enemy until 20 enemies are struck or no enemies remain. In addition, the area's weather changes to thunder.

    V. Virgil's Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Storm Sorcerer
    Slot 4: Weather Control
    Slot 5: Rapid Fire
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    It's good to see Virgil joining Kent and the rest of the Rivals of Waterdeep in our formations! Let us know how much you enjoy Virgil and his storm sorcery in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    November 3rd, 2022
    Idle Champions: Season 1 Reward Shop Update 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    As we approach the end of Season 1: Heroes of Aerois, we have an announcement regarding our plans for the Season 1 reward shop.

    Season 1 Image

    Season 1 will officially end on Wednesday, November 23rd at 12 PM Pacific. However, the Season 1 reward shop will remain open for one additional week. While players will not be able to complete quests during this time, it allows players to spend any remaining currency before the Season 1 reward shop closes on Wednesday, November 30th at 12 PM Pacific.

    The following exclusive items from the Season 1 reward shop will become available in Wild Offers six months after the end of Season 1, on May 23, 2023:
    • Season 1 Feats
        Season 1 Feats will also become available for 50,000 Gems each.
    • Season 1 Skins
    • Season 1 Familiar: Tiangong
    • Season 1 Modron Core: Aerois Core
    We want to thank everyone who has been playing through Season 1: Heroes of Aerois in Idle Champions since it launched on September 14th. We also want to give another special shout out to the players who have provided feedback and shared their progress on the Official Idle Champions Discord.